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//: NA starcraft II tournamanet

Pandaman said:
aww, i was betting on escapingjails avatar for the win. ;_;

gg's. ^^

and since kmills is now on vacation without hearing from him [he opted to give up his spot], i will be advancing orangepeel on to the next round.

which means all third round games are now set!
hehe I advanced two rounds with only 1 game :D

I guess I'm destined to fall victim to panda though...


OptimoPeach said:
I got owned


You could have won the second game if you pushed harder at a certain point after you won a fight, or if you macro'ed better. You had so much mineral saved up that, if it were marines and marauders, you would have easily just overwhelmed him.


It should be tonight, but there appears to be a de facto extension.

The original timeline was supposed to be...

Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Round 4:

29th~ whenever

... but I think it works out better if each round everlaps some weekdays and at least one weekend day. It's a lot easier to find some commonality in schedules if that is the case, so something like a 6~7 day time-frame instead.
Yaweee said:
You could have won the second game if you pushed harder at a certain point after you won a fight, or if you macro'ed better. You had so much mineral saved up that, if it were marines and marauders, you would have easily just overwhelmed him.
Yeah, I know I had a chance. I had a nice advantage at the start and I blew it. I should have slapped down a bunch of rax and pumped marauders. No excuses, though


GG to Alumnus. He's a much better player than I. Best Protoss I've played against. I'll let him post the replays.

(check your PMs)


Everything is moe to me
yea, we're sortof in a funny place as far as timeline is concerned. >_>

anyways, orange are you free tommorow?


valenti said:
Not talking bout random, but your skill.

It doesn't really matter, or it is hard to separate skill from experience with any given match-up. Playing Random left me with far less experience for each of the nine matches. I can't even remember the last time I played ZvP.

EDIT: Oh, the first round two weeks ago. Maybe once or twice since then?


valenti said:
You weren't forced to choose random..=_=

I know I wasn't, but I don't have any particular race that is my best, and I knew the matches were likely going to be the last games I played before I took a break from SC2. Just picking a race wouldn't have really changed anything; regardless of which match-up it was, Alumnus simple outclassed me. It isn't about which race is my best and which is my worst, it is that I'm not familiar enough with any of the three anti-Protoss match-ups.


Yaweee said:
I know I wasn't, but I don't have any particular race that is my best, and I knew the matches were likely going to be the last games I played before I took a break from SC2. Just picking a race wouldn't have really changed anything; regardless of which match-up it was, Alumnus simple outclassed me. It isn't about which race is my best and which is my worst, it is that I'm not familiar enough with any of the three anti-Protoss match-ups.
That's what the gaf 1v1 round robins are for :p


valenti said:
That's what the gaf 1v1 round robins are for :p

Yup. I really need to just practice more to be competitive. Playing on ladder isn't nearly focused enough to improve my weaknesses.

When I return, I'll try to play more with you guys. But for now I need to focus on other things in my life, and it isn't worth the frustration that SC2 is giving me.


valenti said:
chicken maybe you should post them i dont think alumnus is gonna :p


The game is uninstalled from this computer, but I still have it installed on my "work" laptop. Are the most recent games I played accessible regardless of the computer?

EDIT: Nope! Ah, but it looks like they are in the directory here. I'll upload them now. Please tell me if they're the wrong ones. I have no other basis except that they're the four most recent ones.



Thoughts on each game:

Game 1:
Korean 4 Warpgate Rush is pretty much what ladder games have come down to for PvP. It is what makes it such a BS and un-fun matchup.

Game 2:
2 Gate zealots are the only thing that counters Korean 4 Warpgate Rush regularly =(

My only experience with the build was three games against Very Hard AI yesterday afternoon, so I really had no idea what the fuck to do when I saw the second gateway at his choke except that I was probably going to get fucked in the ass hard.

Game 3:
I had watched Almunus' replays from the previous round so I knew where to scan for his tech buildings, but it still wasn't enough. If I hadn't supply blocked myself over, and over, and over, perhaps I could have repelled his attack and pushed back coupled with Viking harassment of his minerals for the win. But I didn't. It's been a long time since I've seen phoenixes used that effectively against Terran.

Game 4:
I didn't saturate my minerals nearly enough, and I anticipated Phoenixes that never came, wasting too much economy. I'm not entirely sure what I would have done against that unit composition regardless; ZvP is one of my least played matchups over the last week or so. Mutas are normally my go-to strategy, but it didn't work here.

Casting game 1 is the only way to not make me look bad. Hey, at least I got one win against Alumnus. I feel that the games were at least closer than the games I watched of his from previous rounds (no offense to his previous opponents).

Like I said earlier, I'm done with 1v1 until the next patch likely, but I might be on for team games with some friends. I have to decide on a race to play as and I don't feel like jumping for the current "best" race due to the imbalance. It feels cheap and temporary.
I think you mixed up a couple of our games. I only did a two-gate in our PvZ match up. Guess I'll post my thoughts on the games as well.

Game 1
I had never actually encountered the 4-Warp Gate rush in PvP before. I wasn't quite sure how to deal with it. I was tripping on my micro, and ended up sending out my units when all of yours had arrived. I wasn't able to keep a block on my choke or anything, which I think would have given me a slightly better chance of dealing with the push.

Game 2
I wasn't sure if you were going to be doing the same thing. But when I saw an incredibly similar pattern in play, I knew it was going to be more of the same. As I said before, I don't have any experience in dealing with the 4-Warp Gate push, but I figured that the best option would be to knock you down as quickly as possible. Glad it worked.

Game 3
When a person picks an air-superiority map like Scrap Station, I figure they're doing something air oriented. I assumed it might be Banshees, Mutalisks or Voidrays, if anything, and thought Pheonixes would be a good way to deal with any air. In the event that air wasn't coming, Pheonixes always provide good harass potential and support to your army. When I saw the Vikings, I knew something strange was going on. You were investing so much in Vikings that I stopped making Pheonixes, and invested in a ground army instead. When you came to harass my base with the Vikings, I knew it was my key moment to attack, as the Vikings were keeping me from winning a fight against your army.

Game 4
This is the reason I would never suggest basing someone's play off of previous games. I never had any intention of going Pheonixes against you if you were Zerg. But since you had the idea in your head, you seemed to have wasted quite a few minerals in Spore Crawlers. I was wondering why you had built those. On my part, I have actually little to no experience doing 2-Gate rushes, so all of my timings were a bit iffy on my end. Luckily my transitions worked out nicely for me.

Admittedly, I was a bit disappointed in my macro/micro, but in all honesty it was probably because of the pressure you were placing on me. The first game really had me shaken up. GG's, see you around man.


Ah, from the second PvP I remember seeing a second gate right next to your first near your ramp. I guess you placed it after the Cyber started, I guess.

My Terran macro needs a lot of work. Do people tend to chain build Supply Depots, or have multiple building at the same time?

One my biggest problems with Zerg is over-investment in defensive structures. I'm just scared of how easy it is for a group of just 3 or 4 Phoenixes to completely shut down a Zerg that doesn't have a Hydralisk force yet.


Everything is moe to me
if your worried about phoenix as zerg, you might aswell just hydra/ling, hydras are decent versus protos ground and at t2 you have the time to respec muta if you see coll.


That last game was just appallingly bad for me. I played pretty well early on, but I basically made a bunch of very bad decisions after the first attack and my first counter push. Too many spore crawlers without justification, bad spine crawler placement, not nearly enough drones, no spire; I had the advantage for a while and just blew it.

Alumnus is a great player. Rewatching the replays, he doesn't really make any significant mistakes.


Yaweee said:
You could have won the second game if you pushed harder at a certain point after you won a fight, or if you macro'ed better. You had so much mineral saved up that, if it were marines and marauders, you would have easily just overwhelmed him.
Trying to figure out at what point he would have overwhelmed me..


Maybe "overwhelmed" is the wrong word, but he was ahead in army size for a good frame after one of the early battles. He just never spent his money fast enough after that, though, so his army size was about 40 or 50 supply below what it should have been.

EDIT: I rewatched the replay, and you're right, he wasn't as far ahead as I thought he was. By the end, even his accumulated money didn't matter; you were vastly out mining him and outproducing him.


Yaweee said:
SO what happened to this thing? Were no games of any match played over the weekend?


Orangepeel has been a no show, so panda hasn't been able to get his games in vs him. He's probably gonna be disqualified today if he doesn't show up and play. Don't know what's up with the Valenti vs Alumnus games.


Everything is moe to me
Vaporak said:
Orangepeel has been a no show, so panda hasn't been able to get his games in vs him. He's probably gonna be disqualified today if he doesn't show up and play. Don't know what's up with the Valenti vs Alumnus games.
he showed up! we just finished our games. apparently he had a nasty virus :(

i 3-0'd him, so ill be playing you in the semi's vapo.

replays to follow.


the last game he played was 2 days ago, well i hope he just shows up. i may work tonight though but we'll see


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Pandaman said:
whoever makes the next na tourney, remember to rig it so i can eliminate zealous again >_>

Note to self: Be the organizer of the next na tourney.


Congratulations on the win, Valenti. Both of you thoroughly outclassed me in our games =(

Has the other half of the semi-finals been played yet? Should wrap this tournament up and start planning the next-- it looks like there would be a lot more interest than in this tournament, probably room for 64~128 people. I think it should be extended to accommodate as many people as want in rather than going for an even 2^n.
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