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Nancy Pelosi Calls Steve Bannon A White Supremecist, Twice

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this is good.

The Dem also has to learn from the lose and start to voice their policies and ideas to appeal ALL the people. Not "elect me because I am not them" again.


Pardon the ignorance, but are there any verified quotes or anything, any other "proof" that this guy is a white supremacist? I'm not doubting it, I just don't know anything other than his connection to Breitbart. However, in the 15 minutes of Breitbart browsing I could tolerate before throwing up in my crotch I didn't notice anything overtly racist.

Other than the horrible Breitbart headlines and the fact it has a "black crime" category:

In a conversation that actually makes Trump sound reasonable, he tells Bannon that he's concerned about foreign Ivy League students, highly skilled and otherwise capable of working for or starting their own tech companies, graduating and then returning to their home countries. ”When someone is going to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Penn, Stanford, all the greats" and then graduate, ”we throw them out of the country, and they can't get back in," he said. ”We have to be careful of that, Steve. You know, we have to keep our talented people in this country." To which Bannon replied: ”Um." Trump tried to get Bannon to agree with him, but to no avail. Instead, Bannon suggested there were already too many Asian tech C.E.O.s. in Silicon Valley. ”When two-thirds or three-quarters of the C.E.O.s in Silicon Valley are from South Asia or from Asia, I think . . . " Bannon said, trailing off. ”A country is more than an economy. We're a civic society."

”I believe we've come partly offtrack in the years since the fall of the Soviet Union and we're starting now in the 21st century, which I believe, strongly, is a crisis both of our church, a crisis of our faith, a crisis of the West, a crisis of capitalism."


"The biggest problem he had with Archer is the number of Jews that attend," Piccard said in her statement signed on June 27, 2007. ”He said that he doesn't like the way they raise their kids to be 'whiny brats' and that he didn't want the girls going to school with Jews."


In dozens of hours of audio recordings reviewed by USA TODAY of his Breitbart News Daily radio show in 2015 and 2016, Bannon told his listeners that the United States and the Western world are engaged in a ”global existential war," and he entertained claims that a ”fifth column" of Islamist sympathizers had infiltrated the U.S. government and news media. Those recordings, preserved online, offer an often unfiltered window into the thinking of Trump's interview-averse senior adviser.

Zinke: Well, I think we need to do three things. One is we need to put a stop on refugees until we vet. We've been through these briefings—

Bannon: Why stop until we vet? I don't understand. Why not just stop? Why're you going through all this thing on vetting—

Zinke: Well, vetting's important because we don't know—

Bannon: Commander [sic, Congressman?], you only vet unless you let ‘em in. Why even let em in?
Good, enough soft language, we've gone beyond the threshold for that too long ago. And enough of the word "falsehoods." Trump doesn't tell "falsehoods," he fucking lies.


So we should expect Trump supporters to be pleased with Pelosi because she tells it like it is, right? RIGHT?


Finally. Hope most democrats (and hell, republicans, his shit is not okay), and the media follow suit and keep it up. We've been "nice" long enough.
First off, good. Everyone needs to start being vocal about these things and not dancing around it when doing so.

Secondly, this could be a great way of getting mainstream media and social media to use the words Bannon, White House, Trump, and white supremacist together.

If Trump has proved anything is that getting the media and people taking about things is extremely powerful, and he did it with distorted facts and lies. The Left needs to drop the we go high in cases like this. It is not going low to call a spade a spade. You have facts on your side.


Junior Member
First off, good. Everyone needs to start being vocal about these things and not dancing around it when doing so.

Secondly, this could be a great way of getting mainstream media and social media to use the words Bannon, White House, Trump, and white supremacist together.

If Trump has proved anything is that getting the media and people taking about things is extremely powerful, and he did it with distorted facts and lies. The Left needs to drop the we go high in cases like this. It is not going low to call a spade a spade. You have facts on your side.

Exactly this.

I have always been perplexed by the lack of willingness on the Dems part to tell it like it is.

Sugar coating everything and being unnecessarily considerate of inconsiderate drivel coming from the other side isn't going high, it's just stupid.
Other than the horrible Breitbart headlines and the fact it has a "black crime" category:






OK, thanks. I get it. But while I agree that this guy clearly holds some of those ideals, he hasn't publicly said anything indicating an unveiled belief in racial superiority.

Before I get shit on, I'm not trying to defend him. I'm just trying to find out how far he's actually gone in public.


OK, thanks. I get it. But while I agree that this guy clearly holds some of those ideals, he hasn't publicly said anything indicating an unveiled belief in racial superiority.

Before I get shit on, I'm not trying to defend him. I'm just trying to find out how far he's actually gone in public.

Far enough.


OK, thanks. I get it. But while I agree that this guy clearly holds some of those ideals, he hasn't publicly said anything indicating an unveiled belief in racial superiority.

Before I get shit on, I'm not trying to defend him. I'm just trying to find out how far he's actually gone in public.

I don't want to shit on you or anything, but this is, in my opinion, part of what's wrong with things nowadays. We think things like racism have to be so ridiculously explicit that we hand wave real racism and allow it to exist as long as they're not basically yelling about it. I swear people (again, not trying to single you out) think that the cops have to be yelling the N word at people while they're shooting for it to be racist, for example.

So, yes, I don't think Bannon has come out and explicitly said "I think white people are superior," but why would he? This is the new version of that ideology. He can accomplish the same shit without saying that specifically.


Well she's right.. but does Bannon give a shit? Dude is probably proud that someone is recognizing him as such.

He does, because he prefers to hang back in the shadows, manipulating things quietly, and also avoiding getting branded with terms like white supremacist because they're entirely negative (even if true).


I think you guys are missing the point.

Hear me out. This is just a theory.

I think Bannon is playing a bigger game here than anybody in the room. I don't know what his end game is. He is a self described Darth Vader type character. You know what? I'm going to take him at his word on that. He has set himself up to be able to get stronger with negativity. (red slime Ghostbuster 2).

Pelosi calls him a white supremacist? So what? More than likely Bannon invites these types of accusations...He has found a way to leverage media in a way where what is seemingly "negative" he can use for his own purposes.

Applying a simple label to Bannon is not going to do shit. As a matter of fact, if folks are content with calling him a White Supremacist or any other terrible thing we can think of, then he has already won and we simply following his plan of media manipulation.

Labels do not apply to Bannon or Trump. Didn't work in the election and wont work now. We must DEMAND answers from out media and Hill Democrats about who this guy is...what is he involved in and specifically what policies he is implementing that are destructive to America.

That and couple it with Bannon is more powerful than Trump...Keep that narrative going...and Trump will eventually fire Bannon.

Truly...(and in this crazy backwards ass political time we live in), Bannon should be the one held up as the powerful thoughtful one.

Its just a theory...but hearing some speeches he has given, reading the talk he gave to some Vatican folks...Bannon is the more complex character of the story.

He is the spider.

Just a theory.


Unconfirmed Member
I forgot who, someone called Steve Bannon a white supremacist on his show and Cooper kept saying there's no proof Bannon is a white supremacist.

Oh then fuck off, Cooper. I hate shit like this. He wants to act appalled NOW that someone called Bannon a white supremacist, despite all of the evidence from Brietbart and the current administration that says otherwise.

Some of these fucking journalists. They pretend to have a backbone but clearly they're uncomfortable broaching certain topics.


Oh then fuck off, Cooper. I hate shit like this. He wants to act appalled NOW that someone called Bannon a white supremacist, despite all of the evidence from Brietbart and the current administration that says otherwise.

Some of these fucking journalists. They pretend to have a backbone but clearly they're uncomfortable broaching certain topics.

CNN shouldn't really be afraid of shit anymore. What's Trump going to do, black ball them some more? They already got shit for something they didn't even fucking do when they equivocated Buzzfeed to CNN.

This pretty much applies to any media now. Why even try to bootlick when you could get attacked anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
CNN shouldn't really be afraid of shit anymore. What's Trump going to do, black ball them some more? They already got shit for something they didn't even fucking do when they equivocated Buzzfeed to CNN.

This pretty much applies to any media now. Why even try to bootlick when you could get attacked anyway.

Exactly. Pretty soon the only press to be invited to the White House will be Brietbart, Stormfront, Trump's Twitter handle and Fox News, so who gives a fuck.

Stop playing softball with this administration. You people will get enormous ratings whether you're invited to that deplorable house or not. You will most likely even get more ratings if you start going against the grain as a reputable news outlet and begin hammering away that this administration is absolute shit.

Stop veiling your damn language and beating around the bush. Ratings should not be a concern because you'll get it regardless, in addition to tons of more respect.


Every news story about him should refer to him as "White supremacist, Steve Bannon "
"White supremacist, wife beater, and 45th president of the United States, Steve Bannon"

donnie should be introduced as "hapless lackey and alleged child rapist."
"Infamously small-handed serial liar"
"Spray-tanned obese champion of the fearful"

AYF 001

I think you guys are missing the point.

Hear me out. This is just a theory.

I think Bannon is playing a bigger game here than anybody in the room. I don't know what his end game is. He is a self described Darth Vader type character. You know what? I'm going to take him at his word on that. He has set himself up to be able to get stronger with negativity. (red slime Ghostbuster 2).

Pelosi calls him a white supremacist? So what? More than likely Bannon invites these types of accusations...He has found a way to leverage media in a way where what is seemingly "negative" he can use for his own purposes.

Applying a simple label to Bannon is not going to do shit. As a matter of fact, if folks are content with calling him a White Supremacist or any other terrible thing we can think of, then he has already won and we simply following his plan of media manipulation.

Labels do not apply to Bannon or Trump. Didn't work in the election and wont work now. We must DEMAND answers from out media and Hill Democrats about who this guy is...what is he involved in and specifically what policies he is implementing that are destructive to America.

That and couple it with Bannon is more powerful than Trump...Keep that narrative going...and Trump will eventually fire Bannon.

Truly...(and in this crazy backwards ass political time we live in), Bannon should be the one held up as the powerful thoughtful one.

Its just a theory...but hearing some speeches he has given, reading the talk he gave to some Vatican folks...Bannon is the more complex character of the story.

He is the spider.

Just a theory.
I thought you were gonna say since calling him actual negative things only empowers his base, we should play reverse psychology and say things only his supporters would find negative. If they believe anything without even bothering to verify, say that his plans will actually benefit immigrants and all those other groups they hate. And if we're no longer taking the high road, why not use his tabloid tactics against him?


I thought you were gonna say since calling him actual negative things only empowers his base, we should play reverse psychology and say things only his supporters would find negative. If they believe anything without even bothering to verify, say that his plans will actually benefit immigrants and all those other groups they hate. And if we're no longer taking the high road, why not use his tabloid tactics against him?

I thought about saying that...but sometimes this board can be a tad fast on the trigger with stuff like that.

But yes...essentially that's kinda my point...Only kinda because you can't get too cute with the reverse psychology stuff.

TLDR version is: Bannon is an exceedingly complex character who can thrive in negativity, conventional weapons are of no use (labels of any kind don't really matter). We need to dig deeper into the ethos of Bannon...He is the one using Trump for his own ends. We honestly don't know what ends they are right now.

People like Bannon use people like Trump everyday.
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