Problem with Oda is that his world is far FAR more interesting than the story he's trying to tell.
I call bullshit on this, especially in regards of the timeskip in One Piece making things worse considering I could make a pretty damn good argument why Dressrosa thus-far has been the best arc in the entire series.
The problem with One Piece isn't necessarily the storytelling, but rather the lack of continuity when it comes to the core characters. By this I mean you have a group of Strawhats who get TONS of development, but it only exists in the arcs that focus on them. Sometimes you'll get rare breaks from this formula like Usopp in CP9 arc for example, but that's outside the norm.
Oda makes these fantastic, heart-felt stories but it's all self-contained in a single arc. Some are better than others, but all are linked together in one big setting. One could argue Oda is making some type of mega-manga kind of like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, cause obviously the arcs in One Piece are long enough to be the content of an entire manga series at times.
In Naruto, everything follows in a linear path. Character development is carried over from each arc and is actively touched upon on the core characters (well, when they aren't forgotten about at least...). The only real break here that was plainly obvious was the transition between Part 1 and Part 2. One Piece has many of these transitions on an arc-by-arc basis which makes it clear what story it's telling for the most part.
However this storytelling was also a part of Naruto's downfall. Because of it's structure, people EXPECTED to see characters like Rock Lee to remain relevant. When they didn't, people backlash. Not only that, because Naruto likes to spend time on intricate details about chakra, I think sometimes Kishimoto forgets some things which leads to little retcons and alterations to the storytelling which again pisses fans off.
This is also the weakness Kishimoto has: Consistency in his world building. One second Madara is the mastermind, and another second it's Kaguya. Kishimoto puts stacks upon stacks of information that really in the end was never all that significant to anything even though it was an attempt to make Sasuke and Naruto more important with the reincarnation plotline. Cause you know, them clashing with each other wouldn't have made sense otherwise...even though Sasuke betrayed Naruto and they should still be pissed off at each other without that plotline.
He also left a lot of unanswered questions up in the air in the midst of all this, which again it's stuff that Kishimoto should've never put in the first place. Naruto is just going to end up like Dragonball where people talk about it years afterwards pointing out all the plotholes and flaws with it, but maybe Kishimoto designed it that way to keep the series relevant in the future. Regardless, flaws are in no way a good thing and this is still an issue. Even in other mediums plotholes are an issue, though they don't necessarily bring the entire product down.