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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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I have pairing wars, but I couldn't resits. Let's think about this for a second:

* Let's assume chapter 700 is set after the movie
* Also, considering the movie seems to be answering a pairing question, let's assume that Naruto does end up with someone at the end of the series.

So, The Last is used to explain why he picked someone over another, or something along these lines, because otherwise they will need to add this romantic subplot to the chapters 699-700, and then the purpose of the movie would be dull.

We all know that the movie is giving a focus on Naruto and Hinata (to the point we got no material whatsoever in the movie about Naruto and Sakura). So, we can assume two things: Either the movie addresses why Naruto picked Hinata, or why he didn't pick her, but has no weight whatsoever on Naruto and Sakura's relationship from what we have seen.

So, we have the following: a movie addressing why Naruto would pick/not pick Hinata, and nothing extra to build on Naruto and Sakura. I can only assume if Naruto and Sakura get together, it would need some time to be explained in the 699/700 chapters, and it would kinda render the movie useless since Naruto would theoretically explain his feelings for Sakura (so why do a movie about Hinata? To completely block NTR?).

Given all this, I'm having a hard time imagining Naruto and Sakura being together. I'm not saying this confirms Naruto and Hinata because Naruto could easily reject her and end up living alone, but given all this above I think there's move evidence pointing towards a Naruto/Hinata pairing than anything.

I'm curious on your position regarding this. Not to pile up on you or anything, but if you do have more points regarding what I've exposed, feel free to say em since you are the more outspoken one about Naruto/Sakura.

Thats assuming the movie takes place between 699 and 700... which I seriously doubt.
If chapter 700 showed NAruhina being endgame, the movie would also be redundant?

Also its kinda strange, as you said, we havent seen any narusaku moments from the movie... what I mean is that its almost TOO obvious the trailers are showing naruhina... there could be a twist that the trailer is not showing.


What's NTR?

Btw good post. Let's say NS happens next week, then why make this NH movie? That doesn't make any sense and would be rude towards the fandom. So, I think NS isn't happening. Though as you said this doesn't necessarily mean NH will happen either. Maybe both the manga and the movie will end open ended. Though seeing as how one of the basis for the movie is a retcon and the whole silly setup, why would Kishi and SP go this far, only to make it show NH isn't happening? This is a ridiculously contrived setup just to resolve Hinata's feelings negatively. Kishi could have done that with Infinite Tsukuyomi (she wakes up and has an epiphany) or just have NS happen and she moves on.

From what we know of the movie so far and the manga before its end, Kishi couldn't write x falling for y, so he's using this movie to show that. Though it's still weird that for 2 years after the war ended nothing happened in the romance department and that the movie talks about secret feelings when Hinata confessed to Naruto already and Sakura knows she loves Naruto. So, after all the yapping about how she'll be by his side she regressed to her old self and didn't approach him at all? And then haven't even mentioned Naruto's feelings for Sakura. If he still loves her, why didn't he confess for 2 years after keeping his promise? Or maybe he got over her after all. Though, has Kishi really resolved the protagonists' feelings of this very heavy-handed and explicit shonen silently? Or in the following 2 chapters something happens between the two to give it closure, even though I don't know how he could fit that in? I mean from what I saw NS shippers expect stuff like the poal coming up (possible) and Naruto confessing, but I don't know. 2 chapters, 1 supposedly/hopefully a timeskip epilogue. Ehhh.

So, given this NH movie, the manga either ends open ended, or Naruto already got over Sakura, or will get over her next week. This is going to be ugly either way.

Netorare, or "cuckhold".

Thats assuming the movie takes place between 699 and 700... which I seriously doubt.
If chapter 700 showed NAruhina being endgame, the movie would also be redundant?

Also its kinda strange, as you said, we havent seen any narusaku moments from the movie... what I mean is that its almost TOO obvious the trailers are showing naruhina... there could be a twist that the trailer is not showing.

The movie is advertised as "filling the blank era" or something, which implies there's a timeskip. But yes, we have to assume Chapter 700 is a timeskip.

And what you said is right, but I'm not sure about it. Only seeing it to know, I guess.
Thats assuming the movie takes place between 699 and 700... which I seriously doubt.
If chapter 700 showed NAruhina being endgame, the movie would also be redundant?

Also its kinda strange, as you said, we havent seen any narusaku moments from the movie... what I mean is that its almost TOO obvious the trailers are showing naruhina... there could be a twist that the trailer is not showing.

It wouldn't be really redundant, because it would show how they got together.
I find it so weird how the fandom cares so much about pairings when the author doesnt give two shits either way. Its sort of how fandom try to make sakura and hinata more interesting than they actually are.
Maybe because i only read the manga and maybe fillers in the anime spent more time on those two characters because in the manga they are just so lame.

Are most of you pairing fanatics anime watchers?


I find it so weird how the fandom cares so much about pairings when the author doesnt give two shits either way. Its sort of how fandom try to make sakura and hinata more interesting than they actually are.
Maybe because i only read the manga and maybe fillers in the anime spent more time on those two characters because in the manga they are just so lame.

Are most of you pairing fanatics anime watchers?

The pairings are more interesting than what Naruto has become.
I find it so weird how the fandom cares so much about pairings when the author doesnt give two shits either way. Its sort of how fandom try to make sakura and hinata more interesting than they actually are.
Maybe because i only read the manga and maybe fillers in the anime spent more time on those two characters because in the manga they are just so lame.

Are most of you pairing fanatics anime watchers?

People have been invested in them for years, they want to reap their rewards. Then there's all the heated debates. People want to be proven right. The anime certainly had a role in it too. Part 1 was full of Hinata fillers for ex and it helped establish her and her pairing's popularity a lot. At this point shippers definitely care more about them, then the plot. Naruto saving Sasuke and the world was a given anyway. Basically this is the only mystery left in the manga lol


Oh god



Remember when in Ch.238, during the Akatsuki meeting, it's mentioned that Orochimaru had left the organization seven years before? We know that he left Akatsuki after trying to steal Itachi's eyes... so that would have made Itachi 11. And we know he joined Akatsuki after he was 13.

I'm sad to say it because it's one of my favorite manga, but Naruto's timeline is an incoherent mess.

(I was just rereading Volume 5 this morning where Kurenai doesn't know who Ibiki is, then you see them being classmates at the Academy hundreds of chapters later. Naruto is plagued by inconsistencies :( )

Yeah the timeline is seriously messed up. When we see Orochimaru trying to steal Itachi's eyes Itachi looks exactly the same as he does now lol.


Why would post that picture? Why? Someone already posted that up a few pages back. I don't want to be traumatized!
Looks nice though I'm more curious about the one in pink all the way in the back. Why is she standing up? Why does it look like she has a beard?* Is she even a she?

Yes, I know. Shadows and all. It's joke post.
Looks nice though I'm more curious about the one in pink all the way in the back. Why is she standing up? Why does it look like she has a beard? Is she even a she?

You can see people facing her. That's another stage (or whatever they call it in english for models).

edit: ^ aha


I have pairing wars, but I couldn't resits. Let's think about this for a second:

* Let's assume chapter 700 is set after the movie
* Also, considering the movie seems to be answering a pairing question, let's assume that Naruto does end up with someone at the end of the series.

So, The Last is used to explain why he picked someone over another, or something along these lines, because otherwise they will need to add this romantic subplot to the chapters 699-700, and then the purpose of the movie would be dull.

We all know that the movie is giving a focus on Naruto and Hinata (to the point we got no material whatsoever in the movie about Naruto and Sakura). So, we can assume two things: Either the movie addresses why Naruto picked Hinata, or why he didn't pick her, but has no weight whatsoever on Naruto and Sakura's relationship from what we have seen.

So, we have the following: a movie addressing why Naruto would pick/not pick Hinata, and nothing extra to build on Naruto and Sakura. I can only assume if Naruto and Sakura get together, it would need some time to be explained in the 699/700 chapters, and it would kinda render the movie useless since Naruto would theoretically explain his feelings for Sakura (so why do a movie about Hinata? To completely block NTR?).

Given all this, I'm having a hard time imagining Naruto and Sakura being together. I'm not saying this confirms Naruto and Hinata because Naruto could easily reject her and end up living alone, but given all this above I think there's move evidence pointing towards a Naruto/Hinata pairing than anything.

I'm curious on your position regarding this. Not to pile up on you or anything, but if you do have more points regarding what I've exposed, feel free to say em since you are the more outspoken one about Naruto/Sakura.

I've replied to this type of post quite a lot over the past few pages so I can't be arsed to go over it again in detail, so I'll try keep it short as to why I think it's far too early presume NaruHina will be canon.

We don't know what Hinata's role in this movie will be. We know she will be relevant to the plot given her sister has been kidnapped and we know that the movie will address her love for Naruto. We know there theme song has a theme song depicting, from the looks of it, an unhappy Naruto and Hinata. While others took this as confirmation of canonisation of NaruHina and ran with it, they seem to ignore the fact the is song described to be about friendship and bonds. I've also listened to it. It's a sad song. Ask yourself why this movie would be pushing an melancholic tune that isn't about love to promote NaruHina.

The trailers show us next to nothing. We have Hinata call Naruto's name. Ditto for Sakura and Gaara. Naruto is seen looking at Naruto with a look of surprise while she is despondent; there are hardly any romantic overtones there unless you're looking for it. We have the scarf, which rips in the trailer, apparently, and we have a retconned flashback that explains Hinata has always wanted to give Naruto a scarf but never had the courage.

The trailer briefly shows us Hinata, once again looking sad and blushing like she's embarrassed whilst being encouraged by Sakura. The manga has already shown us that Sakura isn't exactly happy with the thought of Naruto and Hinata together, so why would she supporting Hinata in her pursuit now? Granted, Kishimoto is not above inconsistent writing, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this since he's always had a penchant for trolling shippers.

Speaking of Sakura. Despite having seen very little of her outside of promotional artwork material, she gets second billing on the official website for the movie, right after Naruto. I find that curious. Especially considering the following
1. the narrator in the initial trailer that aired in Japan teased Sakura would have some kind of effect on Naruto; watch it here, about 30 seconds in
2. I'm not sure if you can still do so, but the official website allowed you to unlock stuff by visiting and getting chakra points; one of the unlocks was this specific quote from Yamato to Sakura from 297, which is suspect imo.
3. Naruto and Sakura, aside from having first and second billing respectively, are only seen together in promotional releases like this

I think it's safe to presume Sakura will be more important Studio Pierrot is letting on, even if this the focus is supposed to be on Hinata.

One last thing about trailer. Studio Pierrot has been historically misleading with their trailers for Naruto Shippūden movies. The first movie trailers showed us Naruto's apparent death, which was obviously not going to happen. The second one, however, heavily advertised Sasuke in it, and that sure as shit didn't happen. For the third movie was actually straight up. The fourth, however, gave the impression Minato would have a huge role in it, which wasn't the case. The fifth movie marketing effort was like the first, with an obvious red herring of Naruto apparently being a criminal. The sixth film, Road to Ninja, was one of the worst offenders of misleading marketing though. They went the extra mile with extra merchandise for RTN Sasuke (I think they even had perfumes lol) and, I suppose to a lesser extent (can't quite remember), Hinata - ultimately neither were significant in the movie.

It's obvious Hinata will actually have a significant role in this film, but

Most importantly, even if we disregard all the blatant set up prior to the war, the manga has not been very kind to NaruHna since the hand-holding in 615. By this time the endgame pairing must have been decided and the movie in production, so, surely, if Kishimoto was going to end it with NaruHina, then the manga would have reflected that. Surely, he wouldn't have made the majority of Sakura's panel time concerning Naruto. He wouldn't have had Minato draw the comparison between his wife and Kushina ±130 chapters after that whole "find someone like your mother" thing with Kushina became a thing. Oedipus complex nonsense aside, that was such an obvious clue in my eyes.

Even if that was just to fuck with fans, even if he didn't decide the endgame pairing later into the movie's production, why go the extra mile with the CPR scene in 663, why the not-so-subtle parallel of Sakura/Naruto/Obito and Karin/Sasuke/Kabuto when they were back on their feet in 672? Why was Obito inferring Sakura wanted to help Naruto while she fell silent, just like when Yamato implied she had more than just platonic feelings for Naruto in 297? Perhaps the biggest sign, why bring back the promise Naruto made when it was seemingly made irrelevant ±250 chapters ago? All of these things, on their own, could easily be dismissed, but when when it all adds up like this, I don't buy for a second it all means nothing.

You ask why they would make a film with a focus on Hinata's love for Naruto if she's not going to end up with him. My guess is that it's one last hurrah to make money of the Hinata > Naruto > Sakura love triangle and to provide closure on that front since I doubt the manga will address it. Now I have a question. Why would Kishimoto disregard 15 years of developing Naruto and Sakura, giving us hints, confessions, drama and parallels, and heavily hinting at the possibility of the war arc whilst giving NaruHina peanuts by comparison - why would he do all this only to make NaruHina canon in a film? Sure, money, but Hinata is popular, especially in the west, and if his intention was merely to tease, then why the huge disparity in panel time? It's not like he's had problems with ignoring Sakura for long periods of time. And if he wanted to feature her so badly, why have almost everything she did concern Naruto in one way or another? Why not give Hinata more panel time, it's not like he couldn't have balanced it all out more evenly.

I don't think I've even covered everything, but this should suffice as a response. I think it's far too early to declare NaruHina canon. If the manga doesn't end with NaruSaku, then I might be willing to concede, but for now, nope. I'm still confident it's going to be NaruSaku in the end. If I'm wrong, then that's too bad.

Yeah, okay, this ending being much longer than I thought it would be.



Both sides see every event as some sort of "proof" of their side and they see the other sides "proof" as meaningless or delusions.

At the end of the day, though far more people see the Naruto-Hinata side of things. I really don't think Kishimoto would go out of the way to piss off the majority of fans. There's no point in arguing with you though, there's only a week left to see who's right.


To be honest, I'd prefer that Sakura didn't end up with Naruto or Sasuke. Not because I hate on Sakura, but the opposite, I'm mad at Kishimoto for writing her so bad in part 2.


I don't think his claim is that far fetched. A lot of people hate Sakura and Hinata is a busty, shy girl with no real purpose other than garnering the MC's attention.. She's the quintessential waifu.


I don't think his claim is that far fetched. A lot of people hate Sakura and Hinata is a busty, shy girl with no real purpose other than garnering the MC's attention.. She's the quintessential waifu.

If she were the heroine, she'd get as much hate as Orihime from Bleach.

I've noticed people usually hate on Sakura for the most hypocritical, ignorant and downright silly reasons at times. It's one the things I definitely won't miss when it comes to this fandom.
I still feel sad and grossed out that we're seemingly not getting a proper ending for financial/business reasons and are instead being served what appears to be the setup for a phase three deal that was clearly never intended. Damn you economics of publishing!


I still feel sad and grossed that we're seemingly not getting a proper manga ending for financial/business reasons and are instead being served what appears to be the setup for a phase three deal that was clearly never intended. Damn you economics of publishing!

I have faith we'll get an epilogue at least in 700.


Hinata could've been an awesome character if Kishi kept developing her after the Chūnin Exams but in Part II she's been pretty much only there to feed the pairing wars.

I don't dislike her at all though.


Half of these post in the thread have been about pairing.

It's the last remaining area of contention.

If there's something else you'd like to discuss, go for it.

I'm tired people complaining what we're talking about without even trying to change the subject.


It's the last remaining area of contention.

If there's something else you'd like to discuss, go for it.

I'm tired people complaining what we're talking about without even trying to change the subject.
But it is not, the whole "war" was once the trailer came out. I'm also tried of people talking about pairing since was never a big plot point.


Hinata should have died instead of Neji, big confession, lots of emotion.

Considering she nearly died after her confession, I don't know if this would have the desired impact. It would definitely have been shocking though.

But it is not, the whole "war" was once the trailer came out. I'm also tried of people talking about pairing since was never a big plot point.

Try changing the subject or stop complaining. It's really that simple.



He looks like a handyman.
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