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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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so they will make it up for the lack of naruXhina in the manga with this movie?

thou I more of a sasuXhina person
don't ask me why since I don't really know
I wouldn't mind, it's like something bound to happen
and Hinata dying would mean that it's just a thing in the family
Konohamaru x Hanabi

Because Hinata and Naruto is looking canon they could be real bro's.

Imagine the final chapter be a timeskip, where we see Naruto as Hokage with Sakura(!!), but Hinata is nowhere to be seen. We watch The Last build up NaruHina only to have her get killed in the finale. Trollimoto closes the final chapter in this book as Japan burns to the ground in riots.


Imagine the final chapter be a timeskip, where we see Naruto as Hokage with Hinata(!!), but Sakura is nowhere to be seen. We watch The Last build up NaruHina and have Sakura get killed in the finale. Trollimoto closes the final chapter in this book as Japan burns to the ground in celebration.

Fixed for maximum troll.
Holy hell! This weeks episode of Naruto was epic on all counts. Loved seeing 9 tails with Susano armor, seeing Naruto's friend with his cloak, and the tug of war! It's everything I imagined it to be when I read it in the manga.

Just saw the trailer for the movie and man I can't wait to see it. Looks so awesome. So I guess Kakashi becomes Hokage? I wonder what happened to Tsunade. Did she die or step down? Or is it like a presidency and they have to leave every 4 years?


Considering the shinobi world's track record at history keeping (The village system is like 50 years old and yet look at how many legends and myths there are surrounding the various jutsus, traditions, and figures like Hashirama), 1000 years might as well be 100,000 years by real-world history standards.
Question being, is it really because they still aren't very good at recording history, or just because of Kishimoto's writing being fairly inconsistent (see how Sasuke apparently didn't know about Madara, whereas Jiraiya was claiming everybody knew the guy, for example)...
I wish the databook would finally explain what the heck happened to the Senju clan after Konoha was formed. A clan that big and powerful just disappearing in 50 years while every other clan is still around is insane, even the clan symbol is nowhere to be seen.


I wish the databook would finally explain what the heck happened to the Senju clan after Konoha was formed. A clan that big and powerful just disappearing in 50 years while every other clan is still around is insane, even the clan symbol is nowhere to be seen.

Maybe they died in war? That's what happened to the Kaguya clan.

Got you covered bro

Maybe they died in war? That's what happened to the Kaguya clan.

Blame Tobirama and Tsunade for not getting families and staying single
Maybe they died in war? That's what happened to the Kaguya clan.
Kaguya clan loved battle so much they practically committed suicide when they attacked a great nation(The Mist) by themselves.

The Senju, strongest clan in history all up and died in war while Nara, Sarutobi, etc, etc, all somehow made it through? They didn't even leave any children behind, no infants, nothing?

I'm not buying it.


Dunno what the writings means, but I found this on tumblr.
Hinata - 愛 Love (also affection, care, attachment, desire or craving)
Shikamaru - 志 Will (also intention, plan, resolve, motive or hopes)
Kakashi - 忍 Endurance (also patience and self restraint or ninja)
Sasuke - 道 Path (also journey, course, moral or teachings)
Sai - 絆 Bonds (also relationships, emotional ties/links between people)
Sakura - 命 Fate (also destiny, command and life)


Well this is interesting.
The preview says “The taped (=settled) Naruto and Sasuke, !! What lies ahead of them!?”
The part about Sakura and Hinata is a comment from one of the characters in the picture "Is it Sakura? Is it Hinata? For whom it will unleash those feelings…? I can’t wait to find out"
Naruto becomes the Seventh Hokage in chapter 700.

Hot damn.
I want to see him as hokage for a while. I really hope we do get a lot of extended epilogue stuff. I like the idea of 700 being a big time skip, then the movie filling in the blanks. Maybe do another movie after that or a short epilogue series in manga form of naruto as hokage and where everyone else is in life and what's going on.

Just don't want it to end lol. I want one last moment with everybody.
nah my Kakashi fascination aside

I think saw that too in a storm game.... I think with one of those collectable cards

Plus Naruto has his normal hair there
nah my Kakashi fascination aside

I think saw that too in a storm game.... I think with one of those collectable cards

Plus Naruto has his normal hair there
if naruto did become hokage we know it won't be until after kakashi so who knows what his hair would look like after that many years!


Naruto looked awesome with short hair in the sketches.

In the actual movie footage? Terrible. And just as disappointing, he reverted to his Part I colour scheme for his hoodie outfit.
h̶i̶s̶ ̶f̶a̶c̶e̶ ̶l̶o̶o̶k̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶

b̶u̶t̶ ̶w̶h̶o̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶s̶ ̶:̶/̶

Just Kidding it is from Storm 2


''And that, kids, is how I met your mother''

Is the only thing I think of when I see this gif,cant wait for this movie.The salt from the NaruxSaku shippers is enough to keep me hyped.

''And that, kids, is how I met your mother''

Is the only thing I think of when I see this gif,cant wait for this movie.The salt from the NaruxSaku shippers is enough to keep me hyped.
people from tumblr have been dissecting that saying it's not possible that the two are looking at each other.
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