Sakura did
Naruto is a terrible person than, according to Kishimoto
Sakura did
the movie description said Naruto's love for Sakura was merely a crush
a fickle in the autumn breeze
Naruto ditching Sakura was one of the best growing up aspects he had as a character
When did he ditch her?
She was useless in that arc and thought that fake hug at the end was kosher. Naruto was like ''Where were you when I was out here fighting Pein,at least Hinata was trying to put it down instead crying on the sideline''.Well according to Kishi's assistant since the end of the Pain arc
from then till now he just slowly matured
For me it was around the time she made that fake confession and thought shit was all gravy lol.When did he ditch her?
Well according to Kishi's assistant since the end of the Pain arc
from then till now he just slowly matured
Honestly, I wouldn't mind a series with team Taka or that team. They are all pretty likable, even Karin with her nonsense can be pretty funny at times.
It's funny that a team that was pushed on by his editors ended up being the most well written team in the series...which is either sad or hilarious
Naruto is a terrible person than, according to Kishimoto
They didn't do a very good job of making that apparent if that is indeed the case. I see now why they needed to make this Last Movie.
They didn't do a very good job of making that apparent if that is indeed the case. I see now why they needed to make this Last Movie.
So, are we finally coming to terms with the parings or nah?
Why did Itachi have to kill all of the women and kids again?
Couldn't he just kill the leaders of the rebellion?
Not in the slightest. Kishimoto said he planned NH for a while and thought maybe NS but thought it would make Sakura a horrible person and she loved sasuke too much anyway.So, are we finally coming to terms with the parings or nah?
slowly... it is a slow processSo, are we finally coming to terms with the parings or nah?
For me this was the last nail in the coffin for any NaruSaku fans.... I mean seriously if you can't see the forest for the trees of all the things that show you it wasn't meant to be then I can't help you anymore
Why did Itachi have to kill all of the women and kids again?
Couldn't he just kill the leaders of the rebellion?
He was forced to make difficult choices and saw most of them through the end and did it like a boss.I don't know In all honesty don't see the love Itachi gets from fans. IMO a lot shit happen because of him that could of been avoided
Oh, absolutely.I don't know In all honesty don't see the love Itachi gets from fans. IMO a lot shit happen because of him that could of been avoided
At least he owned up to it. Sasuke didn't own up to shit till his fight with Naruto.Oh, absolutely.
Uses Tsukuyomi on his own brother -> "Man, I never expected Sasuke would go psycho!"
This is how Uchihas show their love brah
Bolt is in for one weird ass relationship
Wat?The movie leak details still support the fact that Salad is Karin's kid that Sakura is raising by herself.
Not in the slightest. Kishimoto said he planned NH for a while and thought maybe NS but thought it would make Sakura a horrible person and she loved sasuke too much anyway.
So kishimoto just made another shitstorm.
slowly... it is a slow process
not sure about Frog Though.... he is usually quite when stuff like this happens
For me this was the last nail in the coffin for any NaruSaku fans.... I mean seriously if you can't see the forest for the trees of all the things that show you it wasn't meant to be then I can't help you anymore
I mean everyone who matters isn't on your side
Kishi.... his assistants... the anime studio.... the game studio
He was joking
you know since there were those Fans saying Bolt is Sakura/Naruto's kid
Salada is Karins kid and Himawara is Hinata/Lees
Plus there were fake spoilers a few pages back that adds some fuel to the whole Karin Glasses thing
And hima has FUCKING WHISKERS AND BRIGHT BLUE EYES!!!!But... he's wearing a hyuga jacket...
Hiashi stay winning.
Himawara is Hinata/Lees
Most of it comes from the the manner in which the author portrays the way he uses his abilities, rather than his deeds. Itachi used to be one of my favorite characters, before the truth of the Uchiha massacre was revealed.I don't know In all honesty don't see the love Itachi gets from fans. IMO a lot shit happen because of him that could of been avoided
But... he's wearing a hyuga jacket...
i dunno what to say here
But... he's wearing a hyuga jacket...
Hey I am not the one who made this shit up
I guess they think her rectangular hair ends are like Lees :/
Naruto is in depression mode hence why he drinks "booze" apparently
"This is not me" is their tagline for Naruto
The studio pierrot art for all the characters. In it bolt has his jacket zipped up and he has that little flame symbol hinata had on his right breast.where does it show him wearing a hyuuga jacket?
The studio pierrot art for all the characters. In it bolt has his jacket zipped up and he has that little flame symbol hinata had on his right breast.
Hiashi stay winning.
He was joking
you know since there were those Fans saying Bolt is Sakura/Naruto's kid
Salada is Karins kid and Himawara is Hinata/Lees
Plus there were fake spoilers a few pages back that adds some fuel to the whole Karin Glasses thing
Awesome thanks.
He was joking
you know since there were those Fans saying Bolt is Sakura/Naruto's kid
Salada is Karins kid and Himawara is Hinata/Lees
Plus there were fake spoilers a few pages back that adds some fuel to the whole Karin Glasses thing
Interviewer:: Saishu hanashi de ha, hinata tono ma ni 2 hito no kodomo ga iru koto ga shisasaremashita ga, hinata to naruto ga kekkon suru mirai ha itsugoro katamatta no deshou ka?
Kishimoto::かなり前からヒナタで決めていました。サクラにしようかと迷った時期もあったのですが、ここへ来てサクラがナルトに心変わりしたら、さすがにサクラはひどい女過ぎでしょう(笑う)。 それに、実際サクラはなんだかんだでサスケに対して一途なんだと思います
Kishimoto:: KANARI mae kara hinata de kimeteimashita. sakura ni shiyouka to MAYOTTA jiki mo atta no desuga, koko he kite sakura ga naruto ni kokoro kawarishitara, sasuga ni sakura ha hidoi
sugi deshou(laugh). SORE NI, JISSAI SAKURA ha NANDAKANDA de sasuke ni taishite ichizu NANDA to OMOIMASU.
You had the NaruHina person translated it as such….
"I decided quite a while ago to go with Hinata.
There was a time when I was on the fence about going with Sakura, but after coming this far and just having Sakura switch over to loving Naruto would make her kind of a terrible woman.
Anyway, Sakura really has always just been wholeheartedly about Sasuke.”
I translate it as such. You have to really take it in context.
Interviewer:: In the last story, there is a part where small kid hinata and naruto being suggested(or hinted out in a trailer). May I know WHEN WAS IT THAT YOU FIRM, FIRM MAKE the decision that hinata marry naruto in the future?
Kishimoto:: Well, QUITE SOME TIME AGO, I have decided (Naruto to marry) with Hinata. Even though, Sakura had HER MOMENTS OF WAVERING(confused, hearts divided), (not Kishimoto were thinking twice about it, whether to put Hinata or Sakura as Naruto’s wife), for Sakura to come to that part (of marrying Naruto), she would have to change her heart and that would make her a VERY, VERY cruel woman, no? Besides/moreover, THE PRACTICAL SAKURA has been always CONSIDERATE (been thinking, if you must) to Sasuke, IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.
Now….do I think my translation is correct?
Kishimoto NEVER SAID that he had considered FOR A VERY LONG TIME AGO.
b) MAYOTTA is the past tense for Mayou, 迷う, and Mayou means, ‘TO HAVE TWO HEARTS, TO BE DIVIDED’迷う&eng=&dict=edict&romaji=on
My opinion,…..Kishimoto said, ‘To Come To This Stage’, Kishimoto was referring to ‘To come to the stage of Sakura marrying Naruto, like how the question was referring to Hinata marrying Naruto’, Kishimoto think that Sakura would be a very cruel woman if she decided to change her heart and go after Naruto. Kishimoto was referring not to Sakura giving a chance to herself and Naruto as being a very cruel woman, Kishimoto was referring the fact that if Sakura were to decide to change her hearts towards Naruto, Sakura would be very cruel to Hinata and to some extend Naruto. That’s why Kishimoto said Sakura must get Sasuke.
Sore ni, means ‘MoreOver, Besides’.
JISSAI SAKURA…..jissai refers to ‘practical, come to reality’. So, with JISSAI Sakura, it means Sakura is a practical girl.
…..Has Always Been Thinking Of Sasuke.
Now, there is no words of ‘love Sasuke’ in Sakura’s term. Kishimoto used the term ‘to omoimasu’ which means ‘to think’, but given in context NANDAKANDA and NANDA TO OMOIMASU, it appears to me that what Kishimoto was saying, that the ‘Practical Sakura has always been in ‘ONE WAY OR ANOTHER’ give consideration to Sasuke’s plight.なんだ/
So…..consider this, how can you say ‘practical Sakura’ and 'loving Sasuke since genin days' goes hand in hand?
Stop being mean to Kishimoto okay? Just be glad that what you(NaruSaku fans) had suspected was confirmed by Kishimoto’s answer. Even the interviewer asked in such a way that he knew NaruSaku could stand a chance(eh, when did you actually firm, firm the NaruHina decision.)
Now, you can go back to the same excuse…..’OMG, KISHIMOTO IS MILKING NARUTO SO MUCH, that’s why he’s giving Naruto to Hinata and Sakura to Sasuke.’
ps: btw, I’m pretty amused by the NaruHina marketing picture’s ‘title’ words. I’m like, I see what you are trying to do, Studio Pierrot, but I won’t say anything until the movie comes out..
Some of these trolls are goodDarren Wilson ST. LOUIS, MO 19 minutes ago Liked 0
This ending really ruined my year. I haven't been able to leave the house since.
Someone else gave it a shot at translating.
If this is a correction translation, it somewhat mitigates Kishimoto's words, but it's overall still very shit.