I enjoyed last nights segment, but that sort of bugged me. It reminds of when kids, and adults used to call all consoles "Nintendo's".Charlotte's referring to all wrestling as WWE kinda sorta gets on my nerves. Tonight/last night was the second time I can remember her doing it.
Kevin Kelly has confirmed that, unsurprisingly, he and Matt Striker will return to call Wrestle Kingdom 10 exclusively for NJPW World.
By the way, it's a month out, but I am taking suggestions on what the OT should be.
NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 10 in Tokyo Dome [OT]: The King, The Gun, The Ace, The Sword.
NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 10 in Tokyo Dome [OT]: The best wrestling show you will see this year
keep it straightforward for the OT kids
They aren't even better than the first three Earthworm Jim games.Today I learned there are people who legitimately think the first three Sonic games are better than the first three Mario games.
Today I learned there are people who legitimately think the first three Sonic games are better than the first three Mario games.
Wrestle Kingdom 10 |OT| So You Watch This Shit Every Month, Boots?
what if Nakamura vs Styles ends up being the new Goldberg vs Lesnar?
Today I learned there are people who legitimately think the first three Sonic games are better than the first three Mario games.
Hey, ECW's still important enough to get mentioned in headlines.On the Yahoo home page right now:
Do you want me to shoot on you?
Coming around? People have known Sonic was garbage since Sonic '06.Glad more,people are coming around to the idea that sonic was never good
Glad more,people are coming around to the idea that sonic was never good
Have they explained why the Usos,wear garbage bag pants?
Sonic is a fundamentally flawed franchise, Sonic Adventure 1 was ok at the time but that's it
fuck Sonic
it was always about edgy ant-nintendo fanboys
15 years from now people will realize how stupid Uncharted was too for the same reasons
Glad more,people are coming around to the idea that sonic was never good
it was always about edgy ant-nintendo fanboys
15 years from now people will realize how stupid Uncharted was too for the same reasons
Glad more,people are coming around to the idea that sonic was never good
Kevin Kelly has confirmed that, unsurprisingly, he and Matt Striker will return to call Wrestle Kingdom 10 exclusively for NJPW World..
we're only talking sonic 1 2 and 3 vs. mario 1 2 and 3
obviously mario as a whole completely takes a dump on sonic
but those first three sanic games are pretty fucking good
Mario 1-3 > SNES Donkey Kong Country series > Earthworm Jim games > Rayman > Sonic goes here I guess
we're only talking sonic 1 2 and 3 vs. mario 1 2 and 3
obviously mario as a whole completely takes a dump on sonic
but those first three sanic games are pretty fucking good
>implying the "sonic was never good" people aren't just nintendo kids that grew up and got their feelings hurt by the cool kids with a genesis and sonic
the reality is that all 6 games are great. but every has to pick a side because video games.
Tetris Attack over Chrono Trigger and FF3/FF6?
Honestly I don't think there's a better SNES game than Super Mario World. Stands the test of time better than all others. Content rich and very playable.
Honestly I don't think there's a better SNES game than Super Mario World. Stands the test of time better than all others. Content rich and very playable.
Wrestle Kingdom 10 |OT| So You Watch This Shit Every Month, Boots?
british wrestling....
Best SNES game ever?
Turtles in Time