SecondedCan we agree as a WrassleGAF Universe to keep NXT spoilers from tonight's taping in this thread spoiler marked please?
Of course notCan we agree as a WrassleGAF Universe to keep NXT spoilers from tonight's taping in this thread spoiler marked please?
I don't think I'll be able to contain my enthusiasm when Eva wins the title, avengers23.
Her nails need doing.
I don't know if I could work for a company that demanded I use my dead family member in a story then say I have to take the blame.
Does it just seem to me that WWE is using NXT to pick up the talented performers from TNA?
That's it. Lol
Better be.I hope that her toes have been did!!!!!!!
Not...really? I mean, they've got Samoa Joe and James Storm but mostly it seems like they're there to provide someone for the younger Indie guys they're signing to bounce off of and to sell some merch.
NXT's really gotten big over the last year, I'm expecting a lot of cameos in the Rumble this year. I think we had like 1 guy last year and the year before that, but with the popularity of guys like Zayn, Balor, Crews, etc. seems like they could feasibly put a bunch of them in to make the Rumble a little more exciting and a less of an obvious jobber fest.
On Twitter Becky says she is not taking any time off
Not...really? I mean, they've got Samoa Joe and James Storm but mostly it seems like they're there to provide someone for the younger Indie guys they're signing to bounce off of and to sell some merch.
NXT's really gotten big over the last year, I'm expecting a lot of cameos in the Rumble this year. I think we had like 1 guy last year and the year before that, but with the popularity of guys like Zayn, Balor, Crews, etc. seems like they could feasibly put a bunch of them in to make the Rumble a little more exciting and a less of an obvious jobber fest.
The Divas Revolution is so dead, Chris Benoit's bible was found near its body.
The Divas Revolution is so dead, Chris Benoit's bible was found near its body.
Well said.We should be clear that this scandal doesn't matter at all. It amounts to, WWE making the Flairs sad for 5 minutes - but Ric'll be back on the air soon enough and they're all lifers.
We're just shoveling shit around different corners of the same room.
I will say this- Whoever was in charge of this "revolution" has failed at almost every single decision that was made. This has been bungled form day one. It as if the same person who handled any big story line in the last decade was in charge.
I will say this- Whoever was in charge of this "revolution" has failed at almost every single decision that was made. This has been bungled form day one. It as if the same person who handled any big story line in the last decade was in charge.
I will say this- Whoever was in charge of this "revolution" has failed at almost every single decision that was made. This has been bungled form day one. It as if the same person who handled any big story line in the last decade was in charge.
Well not just for ex-TNA talent but for those that showed obvious talent down there to actually showcase their talents in front of an actual audience and not in Universal.
Can we agree as a WrassleGAF Universe to keep NXT spoilers from tonight's taping in this thread spoiler marked please?
But what if OT posts local news about the biggest school riot in Florida history because of the #Redlady ?
Think very carefully now: NXT's women division is praised while WWE's women division is criticized despite having those same NXT wrestlers. Why is this?This is one of those things where people are gonna accuse me of just being a contrarian but what they actually did was basically just double the amount of time the women get, replace the women who can't wrestle with women who actually can wrestle, and demote the people who can't wrestle into full-time jobbers. The only thing they did "wrong" as far as I see it is give themselves like eight hundred pats on the back for doing it. And be sucky at plotting, but they have the same shit plotlines as the men now. Lest we forget Alberto Del Rio is running around with a half US/half Mexican flag calling people haters for not supporting his imaginary country for reasons.
If you straight-up replaced Charlotte with Sasha, I think people would feel completely differently, but that's because Sasha is more over with the smark crowds. But I don't think it was the wrong move: the Women's Division has been criticized for years for having nothing but catty bitches and Charlotte is a full-on babyface.
Think very carefully now: NXT's women division is praised while WWE's women division is criticized despite having those same NXT wrestlers. Why is this?
Think very carefully now: NXT's women division is praised while WWE's women division is criticized despite having those same NXT wrestlers. Why is this?
Think very carefully now: NXT's women division is praised while WWE's women division is criticized despite having those same NXT wrestlers. Why is this?
One is show, the other is tell.
NXT spoiler, everything's already ruined
Cole's the new boss
All I know about the women's main roster stuff is that I am back to skipping all of it or at least most of it. They haven't made me care about a single person, heel or babyface.
Fire all the writers.
YES!NXT spoiler
Cole's the new boss
What the shit, why?NXT spoiler, everything's already ruined
Cole's the new boss
Los Ingobernables
they clearly changed plans to appease smarks. It's the roman reigns situation all over again
they clearly changed plans to appease smarks. It's the roman reigns situation all over again