Insane Metal
I agree.
I agree with his take. There is a balance to it and it helps when the brands let you have a little fun in how you use them.
Fuck yes! I've seen both versions! I was wondering if I hadn't been universe skipping! He also says,"God knows I could go for a slice," instead of,"God knows I could go for a taco," or something like that. I couldn't believe what I was watching!WRONG! Pizza Hut won!
One I was saying the other day. People seem to want the same boring nonsense. I'm glad to see some new stuff for once.I can tell you that the people at Naughty Dog are the exact kind of people I want making games.
They're doing something the Duffer brothers did well with Stranger Things mashing together lots of 80s horror tropes/themes with 80s music.
A lot of people would on the surface accuse ND of doubling down on Stranger Things or worse comparing this to guardians of the galaxy (you know these people are under the age of 30).
But the 80s music which is a peak era of music combined with the love letter to anime and sci fi... You can tell we're going to get references to Cowboy Bebop, Akira, City Hunter e.t.c. All things where you would find product placement or faux product placement.
Kojima was heavily influenced by Escape from NY/LA, The Rock, Bond movies, Die Hard,
Just as the Last of Us was inspired by On the road, Children of Men, and 28 days later. Just as Uncharted was inspired by Indiana Jones, National Treasure, and Tintin.
It's only bad when people you don't like are doing it...
It's actually kind of weird that such things aren't more often taken advantage of in narratives. I suppose it's likely cause of how slippery the slope can be.
He's not wrong. Done correctly you wouldn't even notice it.
If you have ever seen an 80s Sci-Fi movie you would know it doesn't clash at all which is why I said you don't get the game.Is this game a comedy, like Back to the Future?
The "profound" tone Neil is suggesting clashes with these retro references and the Pet Shop Boys song, another wrong decision.
You don't get the game.Why everyone at ND are retarded?
There's a dozen reasons why you would want the player to notice it.
Your homework for the weekend is to re-watch Back to the Future.
Well since I know the movies front to back, not only can I name the couple of big ones that everyone knows, but I can name probably 30-40 of the ones people wouldn't notice unless they were watching the movie specifically trying to point out brands.
Miller Lite, Miller Genuine Draft, Ibanez Guitars, Sony, Black and Decker, Adidas, Apple, Sanyo, Casio, Cocoa Crispies, Tab, Frisbee, Toyota, Goodyear, Texaco, Burger King, GE, etc.
Not all product placement has to be in your face to add to a world you're creating.
Indeed, I was a kid in the eighties and I totally relate with all the product placement in the game. I think that the main character is a fan of the eighties such as myself. And even I am not from the us, here in Mexico we watched a lot of USA shows. Like magnum pi, Miami vice and the like and the music was a big influence on the radio. I agree with the notion that Naughty Dog haters are running rampant. They want to see them fall.There's a dozen reasons why you would want the player to notice it.
Your homework for the weekend is to re-watch Back to the Future.
If you have ever seen an 80s Sci-Fi movie you would know it doesn't clash at all which is why I said you don't get the game.
You don't get the game.
He's not wrong. Done correctly you wouldn't even notice it though.
There's a dozen reasons why you would want the player to notice it.
Your homework for the weekend is to re-watch Back to the Future.
If you have ever seen an 80s Sci-Fi movie you would know it doesn't clash at all which is why I said you don't get the game.
You don't get the game.