No, you literally haven't.Of course it's the case, I proven to you that they got rid of all their male characters and are tokenizing
It's an Asian woman in an anthology series set in Japan. Would have you have an issue if they used a different male character instead?Bullshit, just an excuse to tokenize more the protagonist because he was still male and heterosexual.
It had nothing to do with that, why are you playing stupid?They got rid of another protagonist that was white, male and heterosexual.
It's not the first time Sony sells any of its IPs as we've seen with The Tomortow Children in the past.As I remember it's the first time Sony sels a AAA gaming IP. It wasn't a huge seller so I highly doubt a lot of money would be paid for it. Pretty likely Sony wanted to get rid of the IP and Kojima prefered to buy it and demand to make the sequel to continue working with them.
They most likely sold it because the IP is nothing without Kojima and he's one of the few guys with as big of a closeness with the company that could get them to sell him an IP of such scale.
Is this all speculation? Yes, but it's inherently less retarded than your "THEY WANTED TO GET RID OF IT BECAUSE MUH CIS WHITE MALES" claim.
"hurr durr let's see" Fuck off.And well, let's see if he continues being the protagonist in the game or if he gets replaced by a female during the game.
It's sad that you think like this of a female animal from the funny cartoony platformers aimed at children.Yes, they have the need to tokenize even furries. I agree it's dumb.
Then why is Sony publishing LSA if getting rid of male cis protagonists was their alleged mission?We were talking about Sony tokenizing all their protagonists because they want to get rid of white, male, heterosexual (and attractive) characters because they consider that is negative to have them and have the need of replacing them due to wokism. As also happens in many other companies not only from gaming.
Jin Sakai is uglier than Atsu, sorry. In fact, Jin was particularly praised for being ugly, I remember Toshihiro Nagoshi saying something along those lines.They don't need to be white, male or heterosexual: they have to be great iconic characters liked by their fans and custormers instead of being ugly, unlikable and uncharismatic crappy replacements of their iconic protagonists because these woke activists hate people of certain gender, skin color, or sexual preference and don't want to make appealing stuff for these groups, who happen to be by far the largest group of customers. They should be respectful with their IPs, characters, fans and customers.
Yes, the same Sony that went on its way to go after Shift Up and offer them production and publishing services for their already-announced Project Eve game.In fact, go to see who was voted by the PSN players their favorite character of the year (spoiler: it wasn't an ugly androginous manly non-white lesbian Mary Sue from Concord). She's an Asian female (but femenine, likable and attractive, something that pretty likely caused issues to get it greenlighted at Sony and maybe is the reason of why Yoshida is leaving Sony).
Not sure what Forspoken has to do with Sony, but I don't really know if "wokeness" is what killed all those projects in the first place.Many of us are getting tired of this woke bullshit and are stopping to support these games, as seen in Concord, Forspoken or Destruction AllStars. Let's hope they stop it before it's to late because you know... go woke go broke.