I really don't understand those people arguments. Who cares about realistic when we can design characters the way we want? WHY should I design an average character just because most of the population is average?
You don't even need to go very far to find literally thousands of games with drop-dead gorgeous women.
In the same way that you're not obligated to make "realistic" character designs in a post-apocalyptic society, Naughty Dog are free to make a mixture of gorgeous, average looking or even masculine looking women.
If they want to create some women characters that look how you'd expect them to look in a broken down society where its survival of the fittest, then they should be able to do so.
Why would a woman try to fight and risk their life when they have better chances at surviving if they let them a man do it for them?
Its a post-apocalyptic society, where laws and customs have broken down. You don't think women would consider it advantageous to be able to fend of a litany of potential rapists.
You would think that if you could create a character you would create them attractive.
Tell that to Brienne of Tarth, or Tyrion Lannister. Sometimes its more interesting to have ugly characters. Some would argue that if everyone was unilaterally beautiful, then it would be a bit boring.
And as I've said, there are probably thousands of games that do exactly this.
Please don't come with the virgin argument again, you are probably the first ones fapping to hentai/porn/instagram models for hours and try to shut down these arguments putting yourself on a fake pedestal.
I can probably spot 3/4 stunning girls(even more in these months) in a day of walking around my city with big bouncing boobs, yes they are slim too, they exist.
There are tonnes of beautiful women everywhere. I do not doubt it. Go to any average Gym or even your average corporate office, and everyone looks great. But there are also plenty of women around who aren't what you'd describe as conventionally attractive.
I love gorgeous women as much as the next guy, however, just as you want it to be okay for there to be unlimited sexy women in games, it should be okay for people to design butch women characters.
I really don't understand why this is such a contentious issue.
Abby is ugly. Okay. Why is that a problem?
You don't need to be a Victoria's Secret model to have fucking big boobs. Just genetics. It's a thing.
Genetics are also responsible for small boobs and muscular women.