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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

"You're free to proceed as you see fit, but do not underestimate the value in presenting yourselves as emissaries of the gods," the Raven Queen cautions. "And while Ciel has proven himself adept at disguise and deception, I have serious doubts that Fleshbane's presence will fit the narrative of your proposed cover story without some fine-tuning."

She looks at Ozzan'gac. "Faerun is home to a panoply of varied races and unusual creatures. Water elementals number among them. You may receive odd stares and questions from naive children, but you are unlikely to instill fear from your appearance alone."


((Viss was gonna point out the same thing. I not sure when I have time to write it down, but she will have a fun idea to deal with this problem.))
"So I have little to fear standing out so much from my peers?" He asks rhetorically.

When Fleshbane is brought up, that brings cause for concern, "Even if the humans cannot die, wouldn't it seem... rude.. if Fleshbane was allowed to try to kill them?"

<Meanwhile in OOC land I'm planning a painting of a rhino dressed as a Fire Fighter about to take on a Fire Elemental summoned from a stove top sir fry gone wrong, and I'm brainstorming what the fire elemental should look like.>

Mike M

Nick N
"I do not see a point in subterfuge," Fleshbane says. "We should present ourselves forthrightly and demand his surrender. If he resists, we demonstrate the extent of the displeasure he is currently engendering. I cannot imagine anything will pry the means to undo the secret of eternal life from his lips more quickly than the wish for death to end his suffering.

"Pray he resists."


I do not think that we can hope to take on an entire continent that seems united in worship of its god leader. If water elementals are not unheard of then wouldn't iron golems be able to pass without comment? Not that I am calling you a golem of course Fleshbane, just seeking to understand how close we can get to our target without raising alarm.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"I do not see a point in subterfuge," Fleshbane says. "We should present ourselves forthrightly and demand his surrender. If he resists, we demonstrate the extent of the displeasure he is currently engendering. I cannot imagine anything will pry the means to undo the secret of eternal life from his lips more quickly than the wish for death to end his suffering.

"Pray he resists."

"You have a point in being straight forward. But no, demanding his surrender immediately will not aid our cause. But I do believe the Queen's words have changed my perspective. Perhaps presenting as emissaries of the gods will allow us more purchase than a band of mercenaries. It also appeals to their national pride and sense of ego, given that they are important enough to warrant our attention."

Sybil looks to Ciel and Fleshbane as she speaks the next words."What kind of attention they receive from us will depend on how they respond to our questions. Allow us an attempt at a neutral approach at the very least."
Ciel looks to Ozzang'ac and says "You'll be an elemental on the material plane. Unless you give people reason to think otherwise, they'll believe one of us summoned you as a servant. The golem bit could also work for Fleshbane."

Turning his gaze to Fleshbane, he says "I like the idea of ending the lack of death by killing a bunch of people if he doesn't immediately surrender. That said, setting ourselves up for a fight of seven versus hundreds of thousands isn't exactly the most prudent option. If we go the bloody route, there are better ways than a full frontal assault."

In regards to Sybil's proposal and the Raven Queen's opinion, he says "Keeping an element of divine status is probably the best bet. Being a band of mercenaries would require us to keep a unified lie and set things up in a light serviceable to those we talk to. That may have proved problematic for some of you; it's simpler this way."

Ciel returns Sybil's look. "I have no problem with that as a starting point. However, I don't think we should put all of our eggs in one basket. It would be best to have a more forceful contingency plan in place should you be unable to make him reinvite death into his kingdom out of the goodness of his heart and his sense of balance. We should also test the nature of this deathlessness before speaking to him. If people can't even be killed, that's something we need to know before any meeting. Speaking of contingencies," Ciel turns back to Fleshbane. "Do you have a means for detonating my poison bombs remotely? I think I have an idea for coercing him if you can manage that."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil's brow furrows as she notes Ciel's confidence in suggesting a course of action to Fleshbane. Part of the balancing act she had taken for granted was the dread construct's apathy for the assassin. It was clear the dynamic had changed since the paladin's gaze left the chess board.

"Yes...I am confident you and Fleshbane will have the "kill anything that moves" contengency plan fully mapped out. But this time we are dealing with a powerful nation whose king has conquered death itself. It will not be as simple as dispatching an emotional concubine and outlasting a chaotic demon of the Abyss."

Wincing slightly at the memory of the Balor, Sybil unsheathes her sword. She wipes a cloth over the blade thoughtfully before returning it to its scabbard.

"And while I agree it is pertinent to our knowledge, testing the immortality of these people is not something we should attempt lightly. But if we all heed your wise appeal for discretion, I believe we shall have greater success in uncovering the true mystery of Evrai's undying population."
In response to Sybil's furrowed brow and apparent agitation, Ciel leans back further in his chair, tilting back at almost 90 degrees.

"Why stop at anything that moves? Killing immobile, helpless victims is far easier and less likely to raise alarm, not to mention it's just good old fashioned fun. I do agree that there's no need to rush into a fight immediately though. We can have our discretion and test the limits of the deathlessness. The two aren't mutually exclusive."
"It will be best if you heed Sybil's direction," Ozzang'ac suggests, "we'll require your methods when we feel it is the best approah, but until then we cannot be hindered."
"Whoa now, projecting much?" Ciel says without leaning up. "What conversation were you listening to? We're merely debating whether or not it's prudent to establish a knowledge over whether not dying means people in Faerun can't be killed and you jump in talking about us hindering each other. The whole point of this is to come up with a game plan, and while you may unconditionally agree with Sybil, I see no harm in weighing the merits of multiple approaches. Perhaps we acquire that knowledge, perhaps we don't. No need to jump the gun into open antagonism. That's just not civil."
"Forgive me if I didn't fully grasp the conversation, but regardless we don't even know if threat of violence will even be necessary for this task. We only need to disable the immortality, after all."

"Plus, my own kingdom did not tolerate acts of trechary against it. I expect the same of this one."
Ciel sighs and speaks slowly, as if talking to a child. "Yes Ozzang'ac, that's why it's called a contingency. If he listens to civil pleas, I don't play my cards, the threats go unspoken, and the bombs are never activated. If they're ever found, they'll be dormant pellets seen when we're long-gone. If he doesn't answer to nice speech after all, then you thank me for giving us a plan B afterwards."

"You seem to have the wrong idea of what testing the deathlessness entails. We don't need to charge in killing guards or important people. During the night, while everyone rests and we're staying at an inn or something, some nobody in an alley disappears, and we have our answer. No hindering each other involved, no effect on the talks with Cecil."

Ciel is content to leave it at that for a moment, but finds himself adding to it. "And before you ask or comment, yes, your kingdom probably didn't tolerate the murder of random citizens and neither will this one. That's what the whole stealthily kill a nobody part is for."


When the Raven Queen's call reaches her, Viss quickly makes her way to the conference room. She has spent the entire time up to this point meditating and trying to come up with ideas how to improve the atmosphere in the team. Even though her ideas had been sparse at best, just trying to come up with anything had been a good exercise and combined with Ciel's arrow training it had helped to calm her down enough, so that she didn't run out the room when she spotted Scraw standing behind Sybil. Her resolve is further tested when he smiles at her upon leaving and Viss hopes that none of the others have seen her blush.

She sits back for a while as the Raven Queen gives them their new assignment and sighs inwardly as the expected quarreling among her "comrades" breaks out. This is ridiculous, what a bunch of... She gets struck by an idea.

"You know Sybil has a point that it would be good to have some sort of cover story that lets us move about the country a bit more freely so we can get a closer look at what is really going on there.
"I know that our goal should be this Cecil character but he clearly has some support of his people and it would be wise to get a feel for what the general atmosphere is. The problem is that we as a group will doubtlessly be met with a certain degree of suspicion. We are after all outsiders and strange ones at that. People don't like talking to strange outsiders unless..."
She pauses for a moment.
"Unless it makes perfect sense for us to be strange and foreign looking." She shrugs. " I say we disguise as a traveling carnival."
Before any of the others can voice their protest she quickly continues. “Look, way back in the beginning of my career I used to travel with a carnival for a few months. They needed someone to look after the animals and I needed the money. What I learned in those few month is that people are basically willing to tell you everything if you entertain them.”
She starts imitating the voice of a young girl. “Wow, those horses are beautiful, can I pet them? I wish I had a horse on my own. You know, that boy that I like, he has a horse. I hope he asks for my hand soon. I used to worry that my beauty will fade before I get married, but now King Cecil feeds us baby livers every full moon, so I don't have to worry anymore.”

She looks at each of her team mates only ignoring Fleshbane. “And truth be told, between the seven of us I think we can put on quite the show. Mako can sing and dance. I can summon up every damn animal you can imagine and have it do some tricks for me. Ciel... well I guess Ciel, could do a knife throwing number, some slight of hand tricks, or even juggle.” She smiles at the assassin. “Just stay away from the rabbit number, we don't want any children scared for life.”
She continues, “Even this thing won't be a problem.” She points at Fleshbane without sparing him a glance. “We just put it in a cage and label it 'The Terror from Below' or something like this and people will actually pay us money to look at and be threatened by it.”
“As for the rest I think that we will find something fitting for everyone. I think Menek will actually be best in the role of the manager. His look with the owl on the shoulder is certainly iconic enough and it gives him ample time to run around freely and gather information. I'm sure that we can sell Ozz with his sea life analogies as some kind of oracle and Sybil... Are you any good on a high wire? And we might also need someone that Ciel can throw knives at...
“The thing is that if we do a good job, we might see ourselves be invited to perform for more important people, which means more important information. To hope that we might get an invitation to perform at court might be somewhat of a long-shot, but still. I think it beats most alternatives, we have.”
She finally breaks of, waiting for the others to dismiss her plan.

((Feel free to dismiss Viss' idea. I just thought it might be fun to put our characters in a less serious environment for a while. Maybe it would help to smooth things over, if everyone travels together and build camaraderie and such.))
<I feel like I need to clarify something OOCly.

I'm not against the idea of disguising ourselves while travelling through the city.

In fact I should've had Ozzang'ac suggest that we shouldn't visit the castle and confront Cecil directly (I only didn't because it seemed like Sybil already came up with a plan that implies that course of action)- but that is exactly why I was suddenly so eager to try and discourage the evil characters not to be so, well, evil, because I honestly don't want to piss off the entirety of Faerun because I feel like we are going to be dealing with more common people this time around.>


The cover of a traveling carnival would allow us to move somewhat freely about and investigate what is actually going on in that place Menek muses But does not give us the gravitas of a divine delegation...

Menek ponders for a second and then continues.

Why not do both? First as Viss suggests we go in as a traveling carnival and move maybe from one of the smaller cities of Faerun towards the Holy city. This will allow us to move about the land and discreetly learn what actually is happening. Maybe make contact with people who hold on to the faith of Heironeous or to druids or the like that recognize that the balance of nature has been broken. Then when we get to the Holy City, if we have learned enough that we are not completely blind to the true reality of the situation we can abandon the pretense of a small carnival beneath anyone's notice and present ourselves as a delegation from the gods.
The Raven Queen listens patiently to the back- and-forth. When Viss starts talking about her carnival idea, it looks like she's holding back laughter. "Forgive me for interrupting," she says, "But before you are all dismissed to iron out your plan, Menek asked for an audience with Heironeous."

A man appears next to The Raven Queen. He is wearing battle-ready full plate armor, which makes it obvious by the contrast that Cecil's own suit (or at least the one projected atop the table) is more ceremonial than functional. He has short, well-kept golden hair and a goatee to match, and he is brimming with divine energy; in fact, of all the gods encountered thus far, his aura feels the most powerful.

"Greetings and salutations. I am Heironeous, god of noble causes and vanquisher of blights. I wish to thank thee for thine invitation to this Observatory," he says. "Truly, it is an honour."

He bows courteously. On his way back up, he shoots brief skeptical glances at Ciel and Fleshbane, but doesn't make a big deal out of it. "The Raven Queen suggested that you had inquiries regarding the kingdom of Evrai?"

((I'll get to Menek's knowledge rolls about all of those gods a little bit later))


"Why is it that we need this divine gravitas? Can someone please explain that to me? I thought our job was to stop people from messing with souls. No matter how?
(( That was supposed to go directly under Azih's post...))


**To Viss before Heironeous comes in**

It would help us get access to the halls of power Viss if that is where we need to go. There are some who would be impressed and flattered by out status and that always helps to get information out of them

**To Herioneous**

Menek stands and bows towards Heironeous. A little lower than the god's gesture of courtesy but not as low as he would to Arozora.

Yes lord. The Kingdom of Evrai and Cecil Fairhaven who we are to understand was one of your devoted followers but has since... strayed


((Wait, is this halls of power stuff something that has up come earlier and that I have completely forgotten about? Am I overlooking something? Just want to make sure that is cleared before I have Viss react... Also, the Raven Queen laughing at her idea, will definetly not be good for her self esteem.))
<At least it's not the Lady of Pain laughing at your idea. That would be very unpleasant.

If it makes you feel better it's not a bad idea.>
He is wearing battle-ready full plate armor, which makes it obvious by the contrast that Cecil's own suit (or at least the one projected atop the table) is more ceremonial than functional. He has short, well-kept golden hair and a goatee to match, and he is brimming with divine energy; in fact, of all the gods encountered thus far, his aura feels the most powerful.
<Since no picture, I was bored and provided based on this description.

The irony of him glowing like a sunbro is not lost.>

As Menek and Viss discuss their ideas, Ozzang'ac chimes in, "I do agree that it would be better to work from the outside in from here on out to better understand the people we are to confront. I... also agree to any plan that will... help me be more accepted among land dwellers."

When the god Heironeous enters, Ozzang'ac remains quiet while Menek inquires matters to the holy warrior deity.
((Yeah, I like the carnival concept too. This endorsement might hurt her plan more than it helps, but that can't be helped. :) ))

Ciel takes notice of Viss's blushing at Sybil's servant, but chooses to not say anything about it. It's a curiosity he may ask about later, if he remembers.
When Viss is done speaking, Ciel rocks the chair back into a normal position to look her way, returning her smile. "Hmm, I like that idea. Well, mostly anyway; I'm not too sure about putting Fleshbane away in a cage, and as Menek said, we'll probably need something with more oomph once we reach the main city, but as a starting point? I've yet to hear anything better." He then shifts to more of a pout. "Are you sure about no rabbit tricks during an after dark special or something though? I feel like there could be a limited but passionate audience for that."
Ciel is mildly surprised by Heironeous's appearance, but not overly so. Asmodeus has already established the precedent that gods can suddenly appear in the main meeting room. If the others besides Menek make showings of courtesy as well, he'll add a small bow so as to not draw too much attention to himself. Beyond that, he'll go quiet and let the goodly people probe his mind for information.
((There's no good way to convey this in-game, but the laughing was actually due to the mental image it conjured. The description of everyone's role in a carnival made me laugh, so I transferred that to the Raven Queen))

"Indeed," Heironeous says, nodding to Menek. "Cecil Fairhaven. I know him well; the man was a devout follower of mine from a very young age. He spent his days as a young man rising quickly through the ranks. He singlehandedly united several hamlets under a single banner, and rapidly consolidated power. He underwent a crusade to extinguish undead from his continent, and was tremendously successful.

"As his kingdom grew, so did my gospel, and my followers grew in number. I was quite happy with him and his deeds until some years ago, when suddenly he forsook my teachings. His people were so enamoured with him that they began to worship him as their god, and it was not long before I was left with almost no followers in that land. The few that remain have been outcast by the citizens of the kingdom, and live in small pockets of civilization on the edges of the continent. Should you seek my devout, look to the hamlet of Kaku, in the east. I will see to it that you are properly welcomed and given aid in your quest.

"I also wish to make it known that, although this be your duty as members of SAED, I still consider this mission a personal favor to me. Should you be successful, you'll all be rewarded as though you've performed above and beyond the call of duty - even those whose ideology conflicts with mine."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I really love that carnival idea both in character and out of character. It sounds too much fun to pass up.))

Sybil beams as Viss shares her carnival idea. "I too traveled with a group of performers in my youth, though they were gypsies and more focused on arts of prediction and soothsayer spells. But I understand the special connection between entertainers and their audience, and think it is a wonderful idea." The ranger had impressed her greatly, and combined with the report Scraw had given her earlier, the paladin makes a mental note to dine with her soon.

Sybil stands at attention and salutes the battle-ready God as Heronieous makes his presence known. "And we are honored by your presence as well." She defers to the witch scholar, confident he will ask the pertinent questions.


Menek nods respectfully as Heironeous answers

Were there any warning signs before Fairhaven made his abrupt about face, my lord? Perhaps some prayers or entreaties to you that would have been unexpected coming from him? As well is it possible for us to interview a soul that was close to him in life and came into your grace soon before Cecil Fairhaven's change of heart? Perhaps they might know something
"By all accounts, Fairhaven simply bought into his own hype. He decided that he no longer needed my guidance to prosper in life, and discarded my blessings like a snake sheds its skin. He makes no secret of it; I'm told that he publicly renounced his faith in me, and asked his citizens to believe in whatever they truly believe in. Surprise, surprise; they ended up 'believing' in him."


Hrm.. hopefully in this case arrogance will come before a fall. I think you for answering our questions, Lord Heironeous

Menek bows again as low as before. Much remains mysterious most importantly how Fairhaven has vanquished Death, but that was a question that SAED was supposed to answer.
Listening to the Paladin's plight, the need for caution quickly fills Ozzang'ac's voice once more. His mind filled with what Asmodeus had done before, the elemental is swift to respond to the holy warrior, "Your holiness.. We will be diligent in finding a solution to Cecil's scheme. However; as a team we should be slow to make any promise that your former followers will wish to return, or that we will even have the power to convince them to return to your guidance."
Mako has a good laugh at the carnival idea and says she absolutely loves the idea.

((i am having trouble coming up with something to actually add to the conversation right now... oh well.))
Heironeous smiles politely at Ozzan'gac. "Of course; proselytization is not a part of your duties and would compromise your neutrality. I am most concerned with putting a stop to Cecil's antics and bringing this crisis to a close."

He tugs slughtly on his armor and nods. "I must be on my way. Even a god can only split his attention so many different ways at a time. I wish you all good tidings and a rapid, safe resolution. Farewell." A small flash of holy light accompanies his departure.

"I believe this meeting has run its course," says the Raven Queen. "Make your preparations, and when you are ready, Bungo is waiting for you in the Phoenix Maelstrom.

"One more word of caution: Remember that you are now creatures of the Astral Sea. There may be unexpected consequences to your presence on the Material Realm, the nature of which will be unpredictable. Remain vigilant and do not exhibit recklessness. You are dismissed."


Viss beams with pride as, one after another, her comrades agree to her plan. Ciel's rabbit suggestion earns him a grin with a shake of the head but she is suprised by his concern for the metal creature. "Standing around and spouting nonsense about the inferiority of biological beings seems to be what it does best. And the cage would be mostly for show anyway, I guess."

Further conversation is cut short by the appearance of Heironeous. Viss only listens with one ear, she does not find if very surprising that a person who manages to defeat death might decide to turn away from his God. Things like this had a tendency to boost people's arrogance.

When the Raven Queen dissmisses them Viss stands up and turns to the others.
"Ok, we still have quite some planning to do. Shall we start right away, or shall we meet up in, let's say an hour?"

((I don't remember if there is something like a community room in the observatory. If not you can just assume that Viss invited everyone into her domain. Ciel can enter other domains if he is directly invited, right?))


If you wish though I do not know if you would want to put them in harm's way. I will go to the library and dig up what I can on this Faerun if anyone wishes to join me.
((FYI, this week I'm not going to be very good at posts that require a lot of thought or planning. I have three more final exams over the next three days, and then graduation will be an all-day affair on Friday.

There can be a common area for everyone to hang out. Right now Ciel and Fleshbane are banned from entering anyone else's houses at all, even if invited. Since this was the Raven Queen's decree, though, you can always ask her to relax the restriction... though since there is a common area, that might not even come up. Actually Viss probably wouldn't even know about the restriction, and might be wondering why Ciel hasn't come to help her train lately.

That's just an idea to potentially fill up space over the next few real-life days while I take care of my end-of-semester things))

Mike M

Nick N
"I will not be put into a cage," Fleshbane protests, eyeing Viss pointedly as he emphasizes the last syllable with the squeal of grinding gears in his voice. "I can reorder the shape of spacetime at a whim, there is no construction that can restrain me. I will not feign weakness to spare the psyches of pitiful fleshbrains."

He looks up at the others as he continues speaking. "We possess an airship. Why must we even bother with the trip there on foot or cart? We should make directly for the capital and make our demands known. If necessary, we can abscond with him to the Phoenix Maelstrom and subject him to enhanced interrogation at our leisure."
((Yup, a good luck on finals from me as well! I'll also be wrapping up the semester until late Friday, so no rush.))

Ciel nods approvingly. "Yes, a fair point. I am admittedly quite partial to the carnival idea, but that's a fun sounding method of attack. How about this: we visit the former Heironeous worshipers, and put on the carnival for a bit to get a feel for what we're up against, what kind of power this Cecil has and an idea of how the deathlessness works. Once we're satisfied with what we know, we hop back in the Phoenix Maelstrom, come crashing into his throne room, subdue or slay him as a team, and then get out before the whole continent descends on us? The best of both worlds, as they say."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil gives a curt nod in response to the screeching chords of the concerned construct. "Yes, Fleshbane, we all know you are very mighty and uncontainable." To Ciel, she will adopt an even more matronly tone. "Perhaps. But we shouldn't commit to anything yet. We'll have to see how things go. If you and Fleshbane can behave for our investigation then perhaps there will be opportunity for such a plan of attack should other options prove futile."


Viss doesn't even bother to acknowledge any of Flehbane's ramblings.
"I see you are already in character, perfect."
Not one to lose a battle of tones, Ciel sees Sybil's matronly speech and raises her the tone of a usually-gruff sailor fawning over a puppy.

"Aww, we're just talkin' in what-ifs and hypotheticals instead of what's probably happening on the ground? Now we're on the same page, you! In that case, I propose that if the investigation goes smoothly and it seems there's not alternative to putting down that mean old paladin, we decapitate his family and launch ourselves out of the Phoenix Maelstrom riding on the backs of burning Unicorns and throw the severed heads at him once we breach the throne room! Perhaps it is unagreeable and futile as a plan, but hey, we're just talking about how things could go, right?"

Ciel stops afterwards to massage his throat for a few moments.

"Whew, that's a particularly rough voice right there. I hope you appreciated the effort."
<I want to bring Jonna along just to use him to present the carnival attractions, kind of like a ring leader.

It would get me use out of a NPC that would otherwise get unused and make him more distinct from my two other servants.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Yay, congrats on the vacation. Where are you going?))

Sybil narrows her eyes before letting out a quiet sigh of exasperation. She had forgotten how quick Ciel was to pick up on even the subtlest hint of tone or behavior and respond in kind.

"You've made your point. Outside of the Accords none of us have any guarantee of compliance even if we do come to a unified decision. The carnival idea seems to have struck a chord with the majority..." The paladin eyes Ultron Fleshbane before continuing.

"Therefore I believe we are agreed that is our starting point. We all want to see this mission completed successfully. As I doubt we will come to agreement on the exact proceedings from there, the methods after investigation are likely to be a work in progress."

Sybil smiles as she recalls a recent conversation with the inner circle of her domain.

"Sometimes a painter does not know what she shall paint until she puts brush to canvas. I think much the same of your purpose here, Ciel. A color that may yet have its purpose in creation even before the full picture is known."

"And of course Fleshbane is here to remind us how futile and unimpressive our art is, thus inspiring us to further heights. He is certainly the most creative soul among us."

She stands up and straightens her cloak, re-fastening onto the shoulders of her gleaming mythril breastplate.

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