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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Mike M

Nick N
"You are all patently ridiculous," says Fleshbane. "Must we wait for you to develop and practice your routines for this carnival of idiocy, or can we at least board the Phoenix Maelstrom and depart so that we might end this nonsense sooner?"


"Yes, some practice would be good. We also need wagons and customs. I guess the Archons can provide us with those, but the more precise their instructions are the better. For one thing the stuff can't look all sparkling new. It should seem as if we have been on the road for quite some time."
"Ah, a good point, and that happens to fall within my realm of expertise. Give me a little time with what we make and I can make it look as old and worn as you want to the year. Of course, I suppose that's something the archons are perfectly capable of doing, so time's not a huge factor their either way."


"On a different note I've been thinking about what the Raven Queen meant when she said that we are now beings of the Astral Plane. I'm wondering, all off us have at least died once by now, does that mean that we are actually kind of undead now? At least when we enter the material realm I mean.
"Because that might indeed pose a problem if we go against someone who made it big in the world by rotting out all undead creatures. What if he has alarm systems in place that react to undead creatures? There is a chance, that we would activate something like this as well..."
"Perhaps, though undead tend to have a set of qualities I'm not sure we entirely meet, even now. I figured she meant we would assume the qualities of one who's not native to the plane. Both could potentially be a hindrance in the wrong circumstances, so it could be worth clearing up."
"Sometimes a painter does not know what she shall paint until she puts brush to canvas.
<I did this yesterday. Ended up being a bird flying over some clouds and water and mountain sides. It was a crappy painting but I painted it on a pizza box so I got to hang it on my wall.>

A half-orc arrives from Ozzang'ac's branch that leads to his quarters, calling for the elemental's attention before he can escape into being occupied with acquiring knowledge with Menek, and says, "Sir! We're trying to decide what kind of lighting to use for the tanks. Would you prefer high visibility or something with a bit more mood?" Being stopped, the elemental allows Menek to go ahead while he attends to his servant, "Lighting? What do you mean?" The half-orc motions over an archon, "Ah, that's right, you were always a part of the ocean. Allow me show you what I mean."

Two terminals screens hover in the immediate space, displaying two different ways that the ocean tanks light up. With a hrm, Ozzang'ac gives a quick, "Both of these are beautiful in their own ways.. it never occurred to me how different light can change how something can be beautiful. Since I hope to show this to the others, maybe it might be best to ask what they prefer." After a moment's pause, he gives further suggestion, "Also.. we are coming up with a plan to become a part of a place called Faerun. I think we're going to be some kind of travelling band of performers. Can you ask the others what kind of equipment Hugh may need to get ready for them?" A toothy beam between curved tusks spreads across the half-orc's face, "Faerun!? Oh, the endless stories that are told of the place and the history that it has!"
"You know of it?" the elemental quizzes
"Well, I've never visited Faerun, but many of the Raven Queen's finest emissaries over the years were adventurers, scholars, and figures from that realm.*"
"I see. Even a simple land would be a brand new experience for me. I must be going. I wish to join Menek in acquiring information from the library."
With a bow the half-orc allows Ozzang'ac to leave to his own tasks.

Once he recalls his duties, Jonna approaches the others, "Hello. I take it you are the group that master Ozzang'ac works with? He tells me of some kind of plan you have to form a travelling band?"

<*If this isn't canon, feel free to retcon it, though with so many D&D computer games based in Faerun I felt it wasn't a huge stretch>
((Okay I'm back and the celebrations have calmed down a little bit.

I'm ready to proceed, so if everyone can either do whatever RP scenes they have left, or let me know that you're ready to go, we'll get moving again. No rush though.

Zerome is a highly advanced artificial lifeform, crafted of both technology and magic. It absorbs other forms of life (and constructs), adding their knowledge to its own. Its ultimate goal is to absorb everything and acquire all knowledge, resulting in a singular, omniscient being. Its alignment is Lawful Neutral.

Asmodeus is the ruler of the Nine Hells, and he lords over them with an iron fist. He is a plotter and a master manipulator, and enjoys swindling mortals out of their souls. His most prominent enemies are Gruumsh and Baphomet; he carries a disdain for Good-aligned gods, but does not view them as significant threats due to their predictable nature. His alignment is Lawful Evil.

Erastil is the god of hunt and of community. He severely dislikes any technology more advanced than simple farming tools and weapons. He highly values familial bonds and a closely-knit community. He often appears in the form of a stag.

Mystra is the goddess of magic, which means that she is highly influential in dictating the terms of what, exactly, magic spells do. Her name is an inherited part of her title. She is highly reclusive and tends to take her followers for granted. Her alignment is Lawful Neutral.

Melora is the goddess of nature and of the sea. She values the natural order of things, and she is wary of civilization but does not consider it inherently evil. She likes plants and animals of all kinds. Her alignment is Neutral.

Odin is the most powerful god in the land of Asgard. He presides over a council of lesser gods, and is the only representative in the Pantheon within that council. He values tradition, war, victory, and just causes. He has two sons, Thor and Loki, each of whom also have a seat at the Council. Freya is another lesser goddess on his council. Odin's alignment is Lawful Good.


((Woo, graduation for Thlunarian abd vacation for me. Good times all around. Won't be able to contribute much for the next six days or so. Please roll inspired kn geo hist local and nature for Faerun for Menek research at bonus 19, 18,17,19. Inspired die is 1d8. Plus whatever bonus the library can provide. Also I guess know nobility for former structure of Faerun at 16 bonus. Menek is in particular looking for a good cover story for traveling carnival))


((Congrats ThLunarian! I'm also ready to move forward. After the meeting, Viss will join Ciel to watch over the creation of the probs and wagons, since she does not think that he knows enough about the needs of certain animals. I honestly don't think we need an explicit scene for that, unless someone else wants to join the two of us and thinks different.
I kind of want to write a little piece about Shirox and Pilari but won't have time today. If we haven't moved on by tomorrow, I'll post it, otherwise I'll fit in what I have planned for them later.))
((While I'm thinking about it, Ciel's going to start thinking of a cover story of his own to compare and contrast with what Menek comes up with, though he'll just be bluffing something up. Something along the lines of them being a group of former adventurers and mercenaries who have retired from that life and taken on a less brutal method of travelling the world for assorted reasons.))


((Spent most of the day literally hugging my toilet, so I didn't manage to write what I wanted. Basically Shirox has decided to have an eye on Viss during the next mission. He sneaks onto the Phoenix Maelstrom as a stowaway. Pilari tries to stop him but they manage to get themselves locked into a storage room or something. I'm not yet sure how to handle them being discovered.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Sorry to hear it Nezumi, I've been there before. Though mostly from my own doing as opposed to legitimate sickness...In character, if we're including NPCs on this journey, at least for the circus part, then I'll have Scraw come along. KM insisted it.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Fleshbane will either hang out in the Phoenix or just hoof it. He has no inclination to come up with a carnival act.))
then I'll have Scraw come along. KM insisted it.))

<I imagine Jonna as like a carnival ring leader, but what he actually does depends on what kind of opening thLunarian allows and what I end up having to work with.>


(( I'll have Scraw come along. KM insisted it.))

((Just when I had hoped I might be able to play Viss a little more level headed... Prepare for her acting like a flustered teenager whenever he's around. I also should probably do some research regarding riddles...))
((Ok it sounds like everyone is good to go. We'll gently nudge Menek into the background until Azih returns from vacation. Azih, I'll just post the results of your knowledge roll when you get back))

Over the next day or two, everyone in the party trickles onto the Phoenix Maelstrom. Bungo can easily be found in the Captain's Quarters, lounging about and reading; archons are milling about, performing maintenance as required.

When all seven members of SAED are on board (along with a few guests and stowaways, some of whom probably thought they were being stealthy, when the reality is that anyone who happened to see them, didn't react to their presence), Bungo moves to the cockpit and makes one of his ship-wide, magically amplified announcements. "Alrighty folks, this is gonna be a much shorter trip than last time. All's we have to do is plane-hop to Faerun, and from there it's just a hop, skip, and a jump to the Evrai province, formerly known as Tethyr. It'll be less than a day 'fore we get to where we're goin' - the Material Realms're a whole lot smaller than the Astral Sea. I hear we'll be headin' to Kaku first, so I'll land th'ship about a mile due east from there.

"Just so y'know, this ship'll be in stealth mode as long as we're in the Material Realm. You'll all be able t'see it just fine, but it'll be invisible t'any mortals out there. So, no bringin' guests back with ya. No need to hunker down as much as last time. Plane-hopping is a pretty smooth ride."

The engines of the Phoenix Maelstrom hum to life, and the impulse engines carry it to a safe distance from the observatory. When it stops moving, anyone who is watching outside can see that space seems to be folding in over itself; the 3D environment is folding into 2D triangles, each of which are flipping and overtaking each other. Watching it happen for too long results in a disorienting effect.

The space-folding stops short of hitting the actual ship, instead heaping itself all around an invisible bubble that surrounds the ship. For a few short seconds, the air pressure becomes heavy enough to pop everyone's ears, and then the mass of folded-over space silently shatters and dissipates.

Blue skies and an azure ocean stretch in all directions, and a short trip on deck finds you crisp, fresh air and a warm bath of sunlight. A brisk breeze whistles through your hair, and all at once you remember why anyone would want to be on the Material Realm in the first place.

((There isn't going to be much of anything between now and when you land, so I'll let Nezumi handle the stowaways, and possibly Scraw, either during the trip or after landing. Same goes for anyone else who wants to do a scene))
((I'm thinking of a scene where Ciel follows up on what he saw in the meeting and gauges Viss's reaction by shamelessly flirting with Scrawl, but I'll wait for Nezumi and Jackben to post first before doing anything :p ))
Jonna stands at the bridge, fancying himself to dress in a gaudy two toned suit of red shirt and white pants against polished black boots, the back length of the jacket split and reaching to his knees, but not reaching around his waist. Trailing around his shoulders and chest area are thick strings threaded together with yellowed string, adding additional color to his attire. Resting atop this figure is the half-orc's green face, contrasting harmoniously with the red tone.

Once everyone is aboard the ship, the half-orc brings out a briefcase and sets it nearby. He takes it upon himself to describe the contents to the party and explain what it is, "I asked Hugh to come up with something that will help this little charade while we are in Faerun. He told me that running a carnival was a business, and that we will need finances to support this undertaking.. therefore, he managed to arrange to have ourselves a small budget to work with." Opening the briefcase reveals several ingots, "I'm sure we already have everything we need from the archons, but Hugh said that money can still be useful to fall back on when the need arises- and he also told me that it will help give the impression of a successful enterprise if any wishes to doubt."

<I couldn't think of anything to buy for Ozzang'ac, so I'm gonna use his 25,000 GP or whatever to back the carnival and also add to its complete image.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
A muted Observatory conversation:

"What good is a sentry guardian that is not there? I chose you for a very specific purpose, and our history should have prepared you to accept the..."

"...no you don't get to use that now! And turn your eyes away unless I address you, that look doesn't work on me. Ridiculous. I should have never...."

"...I suppose Eckhart can mind the realm and the soul warriors will keep an eye on the Ascendants. You're certain the seal was still secure and the dais remains unlit? All right...but they will hear my fury in Valhalla if you make me regret this."

- - -

Sybil circles briefly before landing aboard the Phoenix Maelstrom. As she checks the straps on her bag, she rolls her eyes at a cloaked figure shuffling onto the deck. After Bungo sets the ship into motion, she watches the dazzle of space folding for a moment before shading her eyes against the dizzying light. She shouts above the din of the engines, "Mako, Viss, may I have a word?", and makes her way below deck. "We should discuss what acts we want to include and the details of our circus if we are to be successful."

- - -

Scraw half hides behind a barrel atop the deck while also fixedly staring at the spectacle of space being folded. Just before his instincts tear him away from being dazzled, he feels a rush of air. Little snippets of text spark around the youth's head as spreads out and lays his body across the deck, soaking in the elements of the mortal realm. 'Gust: crisp, bold. Water: spray, salty. Sunlight: warm, lifting. And all is real!'

Caught in a reverie of happy feelings, he springs up into a somersault and the jumps up onto the oak railing next to the 'Very captain-like, green sailor man' studying his efforts opening a briefcase of 'sparkling shiny rocks. Currency? Yes, yes I bet' his green symbol text accompanying each tilt of head.


((OK, so I'm gonna pretend that Sybil called Mako and Viss over before Jonah started showing the money around, which means that Viss has not seen Scraw as of yet and can act normal. I'll also "borrow" Bungo for a couple of sentences if that is alright.))

Busy with the preparation for the carnival, Viss hadn't returned to her domain once when the time for departure arrived.
Half expecting to get thrown around like the last time she is glad to hear Bungo announce a more gentle journey. Though her relief quickly vanishes as space starts folding itself all around her and she quickly averts her eyes from the spectacle as not to throw up.

And then suddenly something has changed. Viss can feel it pumping through her like a sense that has been suppressed. Life! She is surrounded by life. The sea beneath her, the air around her. Everything is brimming with it. And for the first time since she has awakened in Melora's meadow, the realization of how much she had really lost on that day she had entered that dark cave hit her with all its might.

Her grief is cut short when Sybil's voice pulls her out her thoughts, turning away from the view, Viss walks over to the Paladin. She is just about to open her mouth when once again the voice of Bungo can be heard all over the deck.

"It appears that we have a little vermin problem in storage unit E74. If our resident catlady would be so nice as to take care of it before we land, that would be swell."

Viss frowns at the announcement. "Is that supposed to be a joke?" She raises her voice addressing no one in particular. "Just so you know, I don't eat mice. Nor rats." A little less loud she adds. "At least not if I can avoid it."

"Just do it." Bungo's answer sounds over the ship.

Still frowning Viss shrugs. "Fine, I'll take a look." She shakes her head. "You would think we had the Archons for this kind of stuff."

She turns to Sybil. "You wanted to go over the details of the carnival?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil's eyebrows furrow. "Vermin? But that doesn't make any sense. The Observatory is devoid of life besides the Archons and what souls we allow to populate our domains."

Dismissing the thought for now, the paladin nods, opening the door to leading to the kitchen and dining area for Viss to step through. "Yes we should decide on what specific acts we want, what roles we all will play, and how we want to proceed." Looking furtively behind her as the door closes, the paladin's tempered voice of command momentarily slips into a hushed whisper of excitement.

"Truth be told I think this will be more of a fun opportunity to travel through mortal lands than a necessary disguise. But I don't see why we shouldn't do it up the best we can regardless of necessity. It is refreshing to be back on a mortal plane!"
Once the transformation of the world that exists around the ship is completed, Jonna stands forth to welcome the party back to the material realm, pleased with the weather that he can see out of the window before them. Spreading his arms, he cheers, "Behold! A pale blue sky!*

<*nobody will get this reference>

Immediately celebration is abruptly cut to a Bungo on the intercom informing of a rodent problem, turning his arms to place his knuckles at his waist, Jonna comments, "Hugh never did get along with that lad- you would be right, it is odd that we have a rodent, could it have somehow appeared when we transported to the material plane?" He frees one of his arms to rub his chin, showing clear doubt, "But then how would it have been so high in the sky?"

He clasps his hands, "Say, if you do catch a rodent if you don't want it, can you save it for our little kobold back in the observatory?"


Meanwhile, as others confide in each other in the hull, a form of water makes its way onto the deck of the ship. As the water moves out from the shadows, a light begins to glisten brilliantly, highlighting and sparkling his features, and the breeze ripples his surface gently causing the light shining on him to take on a dotting pattern. The elemental known as Ozzang'ac gazes over the railing in awe as he discovers that the sky is as deep and vast as the sea itself, and that he is looking at what he believes is Faerun from so far away.


Viss can't help but grin at Sybil's conspiratory tone but she is more than willing to agree with the palladin.

"Yes, I'm planning to savor as much of this trip as possible. And who knows, s little honest travel and work might actually improve the atmosphere in this little "troupe" of ours."
She considers Sybil's other question for a moment. "I'm not gonna lie, I have not really given a lot of thought into my act. I'm still baffeled you all agreed to go through with this plan at all." She let's out a laugh. "Honestly, when I proposed the idea I was just really fed up with everyone fighting." Another pause. "But joking aside. I AM good at working with animals. As a matter of fact I had the Archons prepare a couple of cages. The are empty now, but I thought maybe if we come upon some local wildlife we could include it..." Her voice trails of and for a few moments she seems to stare into the distant.
When she continues there is a hint of childish excitement in her voice. "I mean most likely I'll just summon the animals I'll use for my act, but in my experience it is not quite the same as training a real one. Of course things like this take some time even for me, but I thought maybe if an opportunity presents itself..." She breaks of a little emberassed of her blabbering. "So what have you planned? Those wings of yours aren't explained easily."
"Unless you have some trick up your sleeve, I don't think summoning an animal for a minute will make for a good show. But if you need help finding some animals, I can help. Its been a while since I talked to one other then Aiden and they always have such interesting things to say..."


((Oops! Just realized how short the duration of Summon Nature's Alley is ... I thought it waa minutes per level not rounds...))

"True that, I had to change animals a lot this way..." She thinks for a moment. "Well, we could always have me turn into an animal and do the tricks while another pretents to direct me. But I guess some animals should be easy to come by. Horses, dogs, stuff like that. If we want something with a bit more oomph we could work with Tessa. I had planned on having her out of this, but if we have no other choice... She can be a bit stubborn though...



Menek spent most of the last 20 days holed up in the library learning as much as he could about the gods with represetnatives in SAED and then details on Faerun. He had other reasons for avoiding his home but he wanted to give himself some time before dealing with them.

Now he stands on the deck of their ship and considers the Material Plane once more.

I do not know about the rest of you but the Material Plane now feels... different than I remember from life. The sense of gritty earth bound reality was once just normal but now gives a sense of... constraint. We are fully creatures of the Astral Sea now I think.
Out on the deck as well, Ozzang'ac is able to hear Menek's words, "This is still as different to me from my home as the astral plane is for everyone else.. and yet.. I have always a creature that was never meant to depart the seas. Everywhere I have been in Astral Plane, I feel more constrained than I am when I am in water. Even with Mystra's given flight, it just isn't the same."
((I'm not sure if I'm inadvertently holding things up because I mentioned Ciel making moves on Scraw earlier, so I'll go ahead and post that. Feel free to ignore it for now if others are still conversing, or completely if it's just not a scene anyone involved wants to mess with.))

Viss's reaction to the odd man accompanying Sybil at the meeting still has Ciel curious. It's almost as if she has a crush on the kid. He knows one way to figure out whether or not she does for sure.

Ciel bides his time for an opportunity where Scraw is in Viss's line of sight and walks along with a glass of red juice. An opportunely placed slip spills the juice on whatever Scraw is wearing. Ciel wastes no time stepping in, trying to dry him off a little too thoroughly with cloths he just happened to have for that very purpose.. "Oh my! Sorry about that, I'm usually not clumsy. I don't know what came over me. Here, I'll have your clothes dry in no time." Almost as soon as it started, the drying turns into rubbing his stained clothes, and he slips into a seductive voice. "I must say, I didn't expect Sybil to have a companion so... ravishing. How did a fellow like you come to know her?"

Whether Scraw is into it or horrified is of little concern to Ciel. He does not take his eyes of Scraw, but makes note of Viss's reaction following the spectacle.

Mike M

Nick N
((Fleshbane doesn't really have anything constructive to offer at the moment beyond grinding his gears about biological life, yada yada yada.))
((I didn't mean to rush people; I thought I was behind when I made my last post, but now that I've caught up, it seems like I'm not the only one, so you guys feel free to finish your scenes. There's some good stuff going on here and I didn't mean to get in the way of it :)

This is actually fine for me because I have my hands full between adjusting to a new schedule, looking for full-time employment, and studying for the CPA exam.

I'll get to Menek's most recent knowledge rolls when I make a proper post))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Scraw isn't hidden actually and I meant to have an interaction with your other npc KM but I think I flubbed the execution. Here is the part I'm talking about:))

Caught in a reverie of happy feelings, he springs up into a somersault and the jumps up onto the oak railing next to the 'Very captain-like, green sailor man' studying his efforts opening a briefcase of 'sparkling shiny rocks. Currency? Yes, yes I bet' his green symbol text accompanying each tilt of head.
- - - - -

((We can say this next part happens sometime before the party disembarks))
Viss's reaction to the odd man accompanying Sybil at the meeting still has Ciel curious. It's almost as if she has a crush on the kid. He knows one way to figure out whether or not she does for sure.

Ciel bides his time for an opportunity where Scraw is in Viss's line of sight and walks along with a glass of red juice. An opportunely placed slip spills the juice on whatever Scraw is wearing. Ciel wastes no time stepping in, trying to dry him off a little too thoroughly with cloths he just happened to have for that very purpose.. "Oh my! Sorry about that, I'm usually not clumsy. I don't know what came over me. Here, I'll have your clothes dry in no time." Almost as soon as it started, the drying turns into rubbing his stained clothes, and he slips into a seductive voice. "I must say, I didn't expect Sybil to have a companion so... ravishing. How did a fellow like you come to know her?"

Whether Scraw is into it or horrified is of little concern to Ciel. He does not take his eyes of Scraw, but makes note of Viss's reaction following the spectacle.

The hairs all over Scraws neck stand on end when Ciel spills his wine. He takes a few steps back and looks scandalized before the pale one makes it clear he is attempting to help clean. Scraw helps in his own way by tearing off part of the sleeve of his cloak so only the non-crimson portion remains.

Settled by the compliments, Scraw manages to scribble out a few short reply symbols into the air.

'Yes, I am great. I do not wish to be painted with your drink. I met Lady Sybil when she was a Green Knight. The green ones served Baron Kail. I served in Kail's court as sorcerer.'
<That explains it. Scrawl's dialogue was in italics so I thought those were thoughts or whispers about his observations of others.>

Caught in a reverie of happy feelings, he springs up into a somersault and the jumps up onto the oak railing next to the 'Very captain-like, green sailor man' studying his efforts opening a briefcase of 'sparkling shiny rocks. Currency? Yes, yes I bet' his green symbol text accompanying each tilt of head.
Jonna lets out a hearty laugh soon after the other man leaps onto him playfully, "Captain! That has a wonderful ring to it, but I hope to be a kind of ring leader, at least if I'm allowed to- telling others about our attractions and some such."

When asked about the currency, Jonna promptly closes the briefcase containing Marcellus Wallace's soul, "Quite. A kind of tool for us, so to speak."


bitch I'm taking calls.
<That explains it. Scrawl's dialogue was in italics so I thought those were thoughts or whispers about his observations of others.>"
((that's my bad. Usually that would be the case but because Scraw communicates via a cantrip I put them in italics. Maybe I should bold them? Also nice pulp reference))

Scraw smiles at Jonna and introduces himself to him and anyone else in the general location.

I am called Scraw, and I would like to help. I can do many things, but I like performing and memorizing the most.
<Nah. I just wasn't aware of that. I just responded with what I would have at that time anyway, just pretend it happened before Ciel's post (or concurrently)>

Jonna re-widens his smile at Scraw's introduction, "Well met. I don't believe we've actually figured out what our performances will be. If you would like to visit Viss, Sybil, and Mako in the other room to discuss your talents with them, I'm sure they won't mind."

Also nice pulp reference))
<I wanted to describe the briefcase's contents as having just a faint glow without actually describing the currency but I felt like I'd just confuse everyone without nailing the reference>
((Looks like we've got simultaneous conversations now. Well, kind of with them being at different times. I can slow down if that becomes an issue.))

Scraw strikes Ciel as kind of oblivious, but the ripping off of the stained patch of clothing and friendly response suggest that he's still got it. At least, he thinks it's a friendly response, Scraw's method of communication is odd, to say the least. Still, he might as well see how far he can run with this. Keeping a hint of a flirty tone in his voice, he continues the conversation.

"My, that all sounds so exotic. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the green knights or that baron, we must have lived in distant lands in life. Sorcery though? I must say I'm a little jealous. I'm guessing that's how you're channeling your text-based communication. That's an interesting trick, I've never seen anyone carry on a conversation that way before."

"As for me, I've gone by many names over the years, but I mostly answer to Ciel. Unfortunately, I don't have the means to spell it out in gorgeous text. Speaking of which, I don't believe I've heard- well, read- your name yet."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Scraw introduces himself by painting his name in the air between them in a black, sketchy style different from the regular shimmering green text he uses to comminicate.


He eyes Ciel intently a while, tilting his head at each of the assassin's flowery statements. He stands on one leg for a while, allowing himself to tilt dangerously while always somehow retaining his balance.

Distant lands, yes. We are in a stranger land still. Glad it is to be a mortal one.

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