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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


((It's odd. The way I figured the infiltration would go would end up with Menek no wiser because of Ciel's absurd stealth bonuses and allow for some good character development for Zeilos through Ciel's conversation with him. I was really enjoying mini DM time actually.

((Fleshbane's dramatic entrance obviously put him and Menek on a collision course that I did not anticipate. There's really no reasonable way for Menek to forgive that is the reason I'm struggling. Then Ciel rolling a 4 vs Menek's rolling a 24 (!) means Ciel was caught as well. And then even after getting caught the stakes just kept escalating which makes it hard for Menek to move on as well.

((It also has the effect of weakening the 'Accord' that is supposed to govern the interactions between the party members as it doesn't seem to restrict actions much at all (since the purpose of the Accord is really to ensure the game goes smoothly with every character) which in the reality of the game world Menek would find incredibly odd (wait home invasions are okay?).

((How about this as ways out. For Fleshsbane... nobody in the game universe seems to like Zerome. The idea that only Ciel would help FB with destroying him is not well founded I think. A sub plot of SAED, with all the gods surreptitiously helping to get around the accord, trying to destroy the upstart god would be a cool subplot and get everyone working together to that end. Up to you as it's your thread.

((Ciel, I think you said that if Menek and Ciel talked then it would clear the air enough for Ciel to maybe recognize that Menek is constrained by acting on behalf of Arozora who obviously wouldn't want Asmodeus' position to improve unless the prime directive of SAED didn't demand it. (Same for all the other members as well) Arozora's directive to Menek was to maintain balance after all.))
((Yeah, that is some of what could come from it. My main thinking was for Menek to see that the inverse is also true, that Ciel and Fleshbane are around and seemingly hard to get rid of because the Accords are written in such a way that no god can expect to get their way, good or bad (I'm not sure if that's actually the case, but it seemed like a good out for Menek accepting that team evil is staying and possibly can be made to work for the central goals of their missions). ))

Mike M

Nick N
((I’m down for whatever it takes to smooth things over (short of killing the game or characters unless everyone *really* wants me to get rid of Fleshbane, in which case I could come back with my Master Summoner/Bard concept : D). I realize that playing things in character has kind of taken me in directions I wouldn’t normally go, and that the FB/Ciel feedback loop is kind of driving things of the rails. Like I said, I’ve been trying to bend FB’s motivation and actions more toward serving his ultimate goal of freeing himself from Zerome’s control on the matter of principal rather than just so he can kill for its own sake. We may be able to play off the fact that Menek and Mako can’t abide participating with Fleshbane and have a confrontation where it comes to light that he’s being such a dick because he’s operating under the assumption that no one but Ceil would be willing to help him in his predicament?

I feel super bad for sidelining Jackben and Nezumi in all this especially…))


((Damn those times zones that always have me wake up and realize a shitload has happened while I was sleeping.

Please don't nuke the game.

I personally like the idea of having everyone work together and free fleshbane from Zerome, but Viss will hate it. She might get along with Ciel surprisingly well but she has not a drop of sympathy for fleshbane. His very existence goes against her believes and the thought of him being freed terrifies her. But I guess I could find ways to get her along.
((After thinking it over, I am liking Jackben's idea more and more. Any true confrontations between PCs should be planned ahead of time through PMs and not be entered into spontaneously. They should probably also figure out the outcome of the confrontation ahead of time as well (although agreeing to leave it up to the dice would also be acceptable).

This won't solve the problem that Ciel and Fleshbane aren't interested in working in the team's best interests. That's going to be a tougher nut to crack and could take longer to smooth out. But reducing animosity between PCs will go a long way toward mitigating the issues we're having.

The idea to band together against Zerome is an interesting one, and if you guys want to go that route then we can, but it will be entirely up to the group to initiate it. You certainly won't get put on assignment to do it by the Raven Queen. It'll be sort of a 'going rogue' type of operation.

Okay, it looks like we have a plan in place on how to fix things.


Time In.

I think all we really need to do for now is finish Viss and Sybil's scene, and I need to answer questions about the Accord. I'll do that in a separate post. Then you guys will have the option to set up a planned confrontation with Fleshbane, where he would spill the beans about Zerome.

Whenever everyone is done having scenes amongst themselves, you'll get your next actual assignment))
Once back in the entrance to Fleshbane's home, which at this point more closely resembles the dwellings of the strange beings that inhabit the area, Ozzang'ac says to the three, "Perhaps someday I might return to seek more knowledge about your kind. For now I feel I must tend to my own personal area after my lengthy absence."


"As you head past the altar, noting a small staircase forming a back exit, you descend from the campfire behind the shrine. You see before you a graveyard of tombstones packed along the mountain side. Off hand you might notice a few bones scattered here and there, with a few blades and shields here, like the aftermath of a fight." the voice of Hugh narrates, his tone foreboding and attempting to instill suspense. The little Pepa the kobold begins to shiver and chatter in protest, while Jonna confidently crosses his arms and boldly proclaims, "Rufio will check the equipment on the ground. Does he find anything magical or anything of use?"

A roll of a dice clatters behind a wooden blind, hinged together to form a three way fold to cover the front and side angles. "As you approach, the bones suddenly begin to gravitate.. almost pull towards a center.. you can see the bones connect and the weapons fly into their bony hands and-" halting his narration, their little storytelling game is interrupted. A fourth voice breaks into the activity, proclaiming, "Perhaps there is more I wish to do with this place after all. You three will become much busier from this point forward." It is Ozzang'ac, and he has returned.

Ozzang'ac's part of the observatory has started to become taken over by the lounging of the three servants. Various floating toys lay still on the surface of the pool, and various tables and chairs have been added, often carrying bottles of greatly varying volume as well as things that have scattered onto the marble floor. Alarmed, the halfling immediately drops everything he is doing, "We-we'll get to cleaning up right away, sir!" The half-orc with him seems disappointed and wearied by the news and the kobold terrified for a different reason now.

The elemental instructs, "Yes, please get to tidying up my abode. You'll have plenty of time to finish while I have the archons construct an extension to my pool. I was inspired by Menek's home and felt that I also want a large container to keep a bit of the ocean in. After the archons construct the small ocean I will arrange to see if fish can be brought from other places to be kept here. It will be your job to take care of the sea life and ensure their cycle of life is in order. This will not be an easy task, but it'll be one that will instill pride." Once the elemental departs to speak with the archon, the three let out a groan in unison. Jonna is the first to say something, frowning, "The parties were fun while it lasted.."


((With all the hate and animosity flying around I figure it might be time for some love in this thread :) ))

When the hood slides of the cloaked figure's head Viss suddenly finds herself looking at the most beautiful creature she has ever encountered. Transfixed by the blue of his eyes she just stares at him for a what felt like a wonderful eternity almost not noticing the questions addressed at her in that strange way of communication.

"Scraw? What a beautiful name. Makes me think of a raven's call on a peaceful winter evening. And yes I do know quite some riddles. You like riddles? I love them." Somewhere in the back of her head Viss realizes how stupid her blabbering must sound and she can feel her face turn hot. She quickly turns away, embarrassed, as they started walking down the dirt path.

((Gonna wait and see how Scraw reacts to Viss making a fool of herself before answering his second question.))


((I'd like to say that I love playing with you guys as well and this campaign.))

After his researches into the accords with Mako are done. Menek sits alone in his sitting room for a while. He's tempted to go back to the tome but to do so soon after his last communication with Arozora feels like a failure. Their actual work as SAED agents had gone well, it was everything outside of it that hadn't.

Something had to be done.

Nodding to himself. Menek stands up. But which one to go to first?

Menek walks out past the archons as they finish replacing the door shattered by Fleshbane and knocks on Ciel's door.

I wish an audience with your master he says to whoever answers the door.
((Yup! Same here. I'll also take this time to say that like Sybil, Ciel's abode is open to invasion if anyone up and decides they're going down that road. I'll also say it's trapped ten ways to hell and back. :)

Hoo boy, this scene should be interesting. I'll try and help ensure we hit all the points we discussed, but Ciel's still the biggest asshole in the world, so getting there might be a little bumpy. XD))

A surly looking dwarf answers the door, expecting to see Fleshbane or Viss. Upon seeing that it's one of the others, a look of surprise comes over him for a moment before he regains himself. The dwarf speaks with a flowing, sophisticated accent. "Oh, come in! Come in! We've got such sights to show you." There, perfect. Delivered just as Ciel requested.

Arlen hands Menek an amulet. "So the traps will ignore you," he says. He then begins leading him down a long, twisting hallway. It is dimly lit, with torches providing the only light. As they pass the first door, Menek will hear what is a combination of screaming and gurgling. "My master has given guests free roam of his domain. To a point, anyway." As if to emphasize this, they soon pass a door with no fewer than ten locks on it. "If you wish to be taken straight to Ciel, that can be done, but by all means, take your time."
"Ah, my apologies. You may call me Arlen. You are Menek, if I'm not mistaken? Our living conditions have improved substantially since you contributed to Dyliah's removal, and for that, you have our gratitude. It would be best if you didn't tell Ciel that, though." To Menek's skilled senses, it is obvious that Arlen's entire personality here is fabricated. He is merely hamming up the roll of a high-class servent. Arlen continues to guide Menek along until they eventually come to a large double-door. Arlen pushes it open, and they step inside.

Menek is standing in a brightly lit room, with a red velvet carpet rolling from the entrance to a throne up some short steps. On the throne is Ciel, sitting with one leg crossed over the other. He's resting his elbow on one of the throne's arms, and leaning his chin on his fist. It's almost as if he's been holding a pose of pretentious boredom for the moment Menek walked in.

Arlen leads Menek up to the throne and sees himself out. "A surprise to see you so soon. I can speculate as to why you're here, but instead of playing guessing games, go ahead and tell me."


I realize this may go against every instinct you have, assassin, but if you have a problem with me then tell me what it is straight to my face rather than conspire behind my back. There was more than ample opportunity for you to do so on our week long trip back but if you're not going to initiate the discussion then I will. What could possibly drive you to risk getting kicked out of here? Is harming me that important to you?
The history of the accord, how, when and why did it come about?
It came about because before it was created, there was no real guidance about what to do if souls were being diverted to a particular god's realm. Since the ruler of the realm has absolute authority over it, no other god would be able to intervene. The Accord was created after a convention of the Pantheon of Gods on what to do about this issue. The Raven Queen is the one who actually instigated it, but she was able to garner enough support to successfully get it drafted.

Who has signed on to the accord. If there's a huge list then I guess a summary of the more important ones.

A three-quarters majority of the major gods in the Pantheon signed on to it, which means it was passed into law. This has almost never happened in all of recorded history, even though the procedures to do so have in place for millennia.

Any significant beings who have refused to sign

All Chaotic Evil gods refused to participate in the proceedings, as is standard for Chaotic gods because of the whole Chaos thing. Because it still passed into transdimensional law, they are still held accountable if they violate the law, and there are consequences for doing so.

Rough overview of the terms and agreements between the deities

Basically what you already know: If there is an unusual and significant diversion of souls (there are no hard numbers here; it's a matter of judgment), then the Raven Queen is charged with providing evidence to the pantheon. If there are no valid objections, then the Raven Queen sends SAED out to investigate. You already know the rest.

What would constitute breaking the terms of the accord by a deity or a SAED member.

A god that took action against SAED while they are on a sanctioned mission, would face severe sanctions by the rest of the pantheon, up to and including a waging of war by the rest of the pantheon. SAED members who violate the Accords (which would result from interfering with the laws of whatever realm they're in when their actions were not relevant to the mission at hand) are to be expelled from the team, and remanded to the custody of their patron. The patron of the responsible member may not have representation in the Department for three hundred years after such an incident.

What happens if a deity or SAED member that does break the terms.

See above.

Ciel said:
1. How do the gods observe and listen to the SAED members? Is there a way to overcome this temporarily, i.e. would getting an audience with one god block out the others?

The Raven Queen has a constant divine connection with SAED members while they are in the Observatory and while they are on a mission. She is strongly discouraged from watching the actions of members who are not presently on a mission and not in the Observatory, but there are provisions to allow for her to do so if there are extenuating circumstances (which are not defined).

The patron of any given representative is able to observe them at will, through a similar bond, although certain domains are more difficult to see into than others. There is no way for SAED members to know whether they are being watched at any given time, without outside help.

2. What is the official definition of domain, and what's the threshold for altering a domain's status quo?

There are clearly delineated borders on the map of the Astral Sea. The 'water' portion of it is generally unclaimed, but almost all land is claimed by one god or another (even if it's a minor god). The threshold for interfering with, or altering, the status quo of a domain is very vaguely defined and open to interpretation.

3. Is there anything in the Accords that forbids the killing of another SAED member's still living relatives? If so, is there a loophole, i.e. paying someone to do it, paying someone to pay yet another person to do it, etc.?

I am DM-nuking this as an option, even though you already said you wouldn't do it. With that said, it's not addressed in the document.

4. What circumstances, if any, authorize lethal force against a fellow SAED member?

This isn't addressed in the Accords directly, but it does fall under the domain of issues over which the Raven Queen has significant discretion on outlining and changing as she sees fit.

5. Is Ciel and Fleshbane's campaign to kill a god permissible? If so, are any lesser gods off limits?

Definitely not while on a mission. In their own free time, while they are not acting on behalf of SAED, the answer is less clear. This might also fall under the umbrella of issues over which the Raven Queen has discretion.... although this is almost certainly a loophole that no one has thought to close yet.

"And here I was hoping you came by to apologize." Ciel continues to sit there smugly, staring at the investigator. "Consider things from my perspective. I go out into the field with all of you, thinking we're a loosely knit team with different ideals, yet a general willingness to back each other as required. I serve Baphomet to you all on a golden platter, lure away most of his guards, and then you and the others not only refuse to help, you support the fucking demon lord. Don't give me any of that 'but the mission!' bullshit, you know as well as I do now he was no more dangerous than the Balor and killing him would have lead to a success, just through a different road."

Ciel's smirk begins to turn into a glare. "But let's not stop there. After we get back to the ship and complete the mission, you try and kill me with healing magic. A mistake I can let slide by itself as you didn't know, but still something that doesn't help. I can even waive the inordinately personal inquiries by that same line."

By now, Ciel looks angrier than Menek. "Oh, but that's only two strikes, isn't it, detective? There has to be a third to justify such hate! But you've got it covered in spades! It wasn't enough for you to just sabotage my attempts to do the improbable and produce an outcome that could satisfy the Raven Queen and Asmodeus, was it? Oh no, you had to actively TRY AND GET ME EXPELLED AT THE MEETING!" Around the time he starts shouting, he throws a nearby wine glass at the wall and overturns the small table besides his throne. "YOU CONTINUE TO PRESS AND PRESS AND PRESS AGAINST ME AND WONDER WHY I RETALIATE!? SOMEONE AS SMART AS YOU WONDERS WHY HORNETS WOULD TRY AND STING HIM AFTER REPEATEDLY KICKING THEIR NEST!? YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT YOU'VE BROUGHT ON YOURSELF, 'DETECTIVE,' AND FOR ALL YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE ACCORDS, IT IS ONLY BECAUSE OF THEM THAT I HAVEN'T KILLED YOU IN YOUR SLEEP! WHY DO I MOVE AGAINST YOU MENEK? WHY IN THE FACE OF ALL YOU HAVE DONE!? BECAUSE FUCK YOU, THAT'S WHY!!!!"

Ciel's shouting fills the halls of his quarters. Arlen finds himself cringing as he goes about some mundane task. Brick, still recovering from his self-inflicted fall down the stairs, stirs in his sleep.

Having shouted himself out, Ciel lets silence hang in the air for a short time. "I believe I have explained why I feel justified in my actions quite well. With that aired out, I would like to propose a... let's call it a mutual acknowledgement of futility. Something has struck me as odd in the occasions you've undone my actions. You are skilled, yes, but there was more to it than that. From the way Baphomet immediately backed down and focused solely on me to your detecting me- a nearly impossible task in and of itelf- while Fleshbane was in your face, I believe you are protected by a supernatural degree of luck. So long as such luck protects you, anything I do is doomed to failure, and will only dig me deeper and deeper with the Raven Queen, with nothing to show for it. To that end, I propose that we not fuck with each other in the tower, and keep the antagonism to what is necessary to the spirit of the Accords when on the field."

"You probably figured out what I'm talking about before I discovered it, but I will explain what I mean just in case. Consider the nature of the task Asmodeus gave me, and how the personalities throughout the party aligned to actively antagonize and hinder that directive. Next, consider that even after the lengths I went to to force you all in line, in conjunction with the little invasion Fleshbane and I pulled, we are still here, with only relatively light punishments to show for it. How do those two things connect? It should be quite evident."

"I propose a simple yet radical notion: the Accords were made so that no god can have their way. Having a representative placed in the acting group certainly gives the appearance of being able to influence things, but that unravels quickly in the face of opposing agents. Our squabble in the Ivory Labyrinth was not by defect, but by design. The task he gave me was doomed to failure before he gave it, as will be the tasks anyone else receives. That is simply how this is set up, and the sooner we realize that and act accordingly, the sooner we can show some semblance of tolerating each other."

Ciel stops and laughs for a moment. "Or, perhaps you will be unable to set aside your wrath following my single retaliatory action. I welcome the conflict, but if those gray hairs I think I see are any indication, you would prefer to end this with some modicum of mutual understanding. So, you're the academic here. Does my theory make any sense to you? Were you thinking something similar, or do you consider it gobbledygook from a deranged killer?"


Menek refrains from rolling his eyes as Ciel repeats his earlier points. The arguments for and against attacking Baphomet had been hashed out repeatedly and it would not do anybody any good to resurrect that debate

We will have to... agree to disagree.. on whether the tactics you followed would have led to success at all.

But you are right. Asmodeus requested Baphomet be killed. None of the other other gods that we answer to would be pleased if the balance of power in the Astral Sea titled in his favour through this without the justification of Baphomet actually being responsible for the soul thefts. Further we are all strong willed individuals that do not appreciate being manipulated. Given those facts everything that has happened since seems almost.. inevitable.

The only solid thread that binds us is the primary directive from all of our patrons that the Raven's Queen's objective to stop the diversion of souls be accomplished. If we focus on that above all else then perhaps we will avoid this level of conflict in the future.

If any of us are given tasks outside of what the Raven Queen requires of us then we debate it among ourselves and decide in what circumstances we are willing to go along with it. If there is no consensus then the members with the additional task will have to accept that they may be opposed if they try to accomplish it regardless.

Honestly Ciel, if Baphomet had been responsible for the soul abductions then I would have gone along with your attempt to slay him even if he hadn't attacked us instead of attempting to broker a diplomatic solution as would have been my instinct. But he wasn't and so I didn't. And if we had been clear on that right from the outset then a lot of the subsequent... misunderstandings.. would not have occurred.

We will never be friends Ciel, but I do not see why we cannot maintain the bare civility required to be colleagues.
((That made me imagine Ciel going dynamite fishing in a giant pool, or fishing by electrocuting the water))

Ciel stifles a yawn as Menek talks, finding all of his conversation about quorum and unity to be dull and unappealing. He simply accepts that it sounds like a cease-fire is on the table.

"I'm going to interpret that as at least a limited agreement with my theory. I think we have an arrangement then. I won't fuck with you unless you fuck with me, and vice versa. Anything else?"


That is all. As a peace offering I will ask Mako not to speak of what happened in my home. Ozzang'ac, Sybil, and Viss do not need to know.

Menek nods to Ciel and walks away.


Menek hands Ciel's amulet over to Arlen as he exits. Good look to you Arlen. We are certainly all in need of it.

The grim expression on Menek's face as he makes his way towards Fleshbane's doors is a victory. He had thought it far more likely that it would be one of despair as failure in diplomacy would have led to him either quitting or trying to force Ciel out of the team. Neither of which option would have endeared to him to either Arozora or The Raven Queen.

Hoping for similar results Menek takes a deep breath and knocks on Fleshbane's door.

Mike M

Nick N
((As a quick aside, what's Menek got on deck to contend with poison gas and strong winds full of glass shards? Purely for the purposes of where to stage the conversation/determine if Cu turns down the murderstat to something less lethal.))


((Poison's not a problem. Shards might be. Menek can raise his AC up a fair bit and might get through that way. How do they work mechanically? An Iron Skin Buff on Menek might be appropriate RP wise to boot.))
((Don't get bogged down in the mechanics of what amounts to flavor text. Either Menek will fluff up his witching powers to flavorfully render the hazards inert, or Fleshbane's people will tone it down. No need to get all technical since I'm 99% sure a real fight isn't about to break out))

Mike M

Nick N
Cu answers Menek's knock on the door. "Master Menek!" he exclaims, stepping aside to allow the investigator into the small yet stately antechamber of Fleshbane domain. "My, but isn't today simply full of unexpected visitors! It does my being well to find that Master Fleshbane's steps toward being more social are bearing fruit so quickly."


He has shown a quite unexpected knack for forming alliances. Menek agrees drily with the metallic being that opened the door. May I know who I am speaking with?

Mike M

Nick N
"I am called Cu," the gleaming elemental replies. "I am the master's advisor on protocol and etiquette. Shall I announce your arrival, or is he expecting you?"

Mike M

Nick N
Cu strides to the door leading into the inner chamber and pauses. "You may wish to remain outside," he cautions. "Master Fleshbane's preferences for his living conditions are... Not conducive to living a long and healthy life."

The doors open, revealing a chamber full of choking chlorine gas, particles of glass floating gently through the air like sparkling ice crystals. Cu marches on ahead.


Menek sighs and drinks a portion of Iron Skin and waves to create a Hex of Aura of Purity around him.

I will be fine to meet with him wherever he wishes he says.

Mike M

Nick N
Cu leads the way through the cavernous chamber, his tread steady and sure as he walks through the glass shards that have accumulated like drifts of sand on the floor. As they approach the center, the monstrous construct stands in conference with his iron elemental scholar.

“It is… A dense document,” Fe says, delicately turning pages of his own copy of the Accords with his misshapen fingers. “The legal affairs of mortals are knotty and labyrinthine enough on their own, you might imagine the impenetrable heights that gods elevate such practices to. It will take me some time to absorb it fully.”

“Then do so,” Fleshbane, a strange reverberation in his voice. “If a loophole exists, I must find it. This is your primary task unless otherwise assigned.”

Fe’s craggy features fall into the approximation of a frown. “And just when I had been growing accustomed to the workload in your service,” he says. “Though if I may be so bold, I would remind you that Asmodeus seems to have played an integral role in crafting these Accords. Perhaps you might avail yourself of—“

“No,” Fleshbane interrupts forcibly. “This must be an independent endeavor. I have no doubt that Asmodeus would be able to accomplish what I seek, but he would do so at a high price. I refuse to accept enslavement, and I am not willing to simply trade one master for another to pull my strings.”

“We have guests,” Fe says, nodding over Fleshbane’s shoulder as Cu and Menek approach.

Fleshbane’s head pivots one hundred and eighty degrees to face behind him. “Ah, the investigator,” he says as the rest of his body turns around to match the orientation of his head. “Have you come to volunteer your participation to conclude my experiment?”


I have come to put an end to them, Xenocide Unit 055. I find myself incredibly bemused that you would risk violating the rules that are the only thing keeping you from being consumed by your patron in the name of these 'experiments'. Especially to have done so before fully parsing said rules. Menek motitons at the copy of the accords as a shard of glass rebounds off his temporary iron skin. What could have possibly possessed you to engage in such irrational lunacy?

Mike M

Nick N
“As always, your understanding of the situation is insufficient,” Fleshbane says, dismissing Fe and Cu with a wave of his hand. “My intention was never to violate the Accords, but rather to discover the shape and nature of the limitations imposed upon me by Zerome. That is not data that may be acquired by a survey of the available literature, it requires practical experimentation. One cannot escape a prison without first knowing its construction and dimensions.

“If you had returned my provocation with hostility, you may well have satisfied criteria allowing me to retaliate in full, but that does not mean that I would have acted upon it. My self-preservation is my highest directive, I would not knowingly and willing put myself in a position where that would be jeopardized. In order for my experiment to produce useful data, it was necessary to conceal this fact from you.

“As for why I would do such a thing, it is not a terribly difficult thing to conceive, even for the limited computational power of fleshbrains such as yourself. Imagine you had passed and regained awareness here in the Astral Sea only to find that Gruumsh had laid claim to you, enslaved you to his service, and promised that at the end of your term he would devour you so that you would spend an eternity being digested in his gastrointestinal system. Would you not rail against such a fate? Do everything in your power, take any risk no matter the odds to escape his power? I do not worship Zerome, and I am not a being of his creation. I fundamentally reject his claim of authority over me, and I will not cease until I am free of his control.”


Your analogy seems to me insufficient. Zerome has not placed you in a prison whose walls you can safely test. He has placed you on a narrow plank over a bottomless chasm. The plank is your usefulness to him as an agent bound by the Accords that you now study and is the only thing keeping you from being subsumed. If you cease to be useful to Zerome's purpose or if you violate the Accord then the plank breaks and you fall into oblivion. The new limitations placed on you by the Raven Queen is proof enough that you have strained your protection against Zerome by carrying out your experiment whatever else data it might have provided you.

Menek pauses, he enjoyed intellectual debate, but this was not the place for it. My purpose in coming here was not to converse but to ensure that you would not provoke me again. I am satisfied now that you will not. I believe you are coming to realize that acting against the other members of SAED makes your position far more precarious than it already is. Based on my reading The Raven Queen has significant discretion as to who can stay on the team. It would be very unwise for any one of us to earn her wrath or fail her and not acting as an effective team would do exactly that. We may not like it Fleshbane but we all need to work together; at least for the time being. I am sure your iron intellect will confirm this after his research is complete. This concludes our business

Menek starts walking away before pausing and turning. I know sympathy is an emotion that you disdain but you still have mine Fleshbane. I know that you and Ciel have made some sort of deal and it must somehow involve your struggle against Zerome. But remember no one in the Astral Sea likes the all consuming machine god. It might not be hard for you to gain more allies on your side and not just the assassin. After all it took all of us to defeat the Balor. Think on it.

Mike M

Nick N
“I will acknowledge that my objectives have… Broadened in scope from our initial introduction,” Fleshbane says. “When one is restrained at a basal level from performing their designated function, it seems it is necessary to find a new one. But I think you underestimate the level of support that would exist for my goal, releasing me from Zerome’s control will have no practical effect on his designs. He will simply put forth a new agent to act in my stead. No, those who would visit harm upon Zerome would just as soon seen me destroyed as him. My freedom must be sought through other channels.”

Cu escorts Menek out of the chamber as the winds begin to pick up once more, lifting the coating of glass grains off the floor to form a scouring torrent through the air. The doors grind shut behind the pair as they exit, stilling the noise of the hurricane winds behind the impenetrable walls. “Well then,” observes Cu, “that went positively well for him. Not even a word about crushing bones and stomping organs and such.”


Menek nods at Cu Yes, it seems like he has greater things to worry about than the extermination of all biological life at the moment. If he does not wish aid in his existential quest then so be it. If you could raise the point, diplomatically of course, that most everyone would consider Zerome a far greater evil than even him, and might be willing to aid him in his struggle, then you would have my thanks.

Menek walks out after bidding Cu goodbye with a thoughtful expression on his face. Before heading back to his home he pays a short visit to Mako. As a part of the conversation he lets her know of the deal he struck with Ciel. For the moment relations between myself and those two have improved to civil... barely civil of course but enough that we can operate as a team for now. As a part of that I thought it best that Sybil, Viss, and Ozzang'ac not know what happened. It would just contribute to mistrust and there is enough of that already.

((Sorry for keeping your characters in the dark, KM, Nezumi, and Jackben. Just want to put this whole thing behind us though and having your PCs respond to the revelation would just drag this out verrry long.))
((Jackben, you still around? I'm not sure if you noticed but Nezumi responded to you the other day. I only ask because it seems like everyone's down-time scenes are all wrapped up except for yours))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Still around, but between work and finals haven't had much time to respond. Given that I meant for this scene to be longer so I could also introduce more of Sybil's domain but in the interest of getting outta the way of more frequent posters, I'll wrap this up now.))

Scraw continues to stare at Viss, oblivious to her embarrassment. However, he smiles and appears to stand up straighter when she mentions liking his name. At the entrance to the mine, he proudly spells his response into the air. 'Riddles fun. Used to speak many in before time. What is phrase...cat got your tongue?' At these words he smiles before opening his mouth, beyond his sharp teeth only a pulpy red stump where a tongue should be.

Before Viss can respond, a feather appears and floats down onto Scraw's shoulder. He stiffens and then retrieves it. Studying it carefully, he nods to himself.

'Pretty riddle ranger must wait. Lady is not ready for visitors in Havenheim. She will come to meet you.


Back in the comforting shadows of her forest Viss tries to process the recent events.
That young man and the empty space where his tongue had been, what had happened there? Had that been Sybil's doing? He called me pretty
And what was going on with Sybil anyway? First she didn't attend the meeting and now she refused to welcome her? He called me pretty
Maybe the Paladin was still suffering greatly from the memories of their death by the hands of the Balor? He called me pretty
Perhaps Viss should have demanded to see her? What had they meant by not ready for visitors. As if she cared about imperfect interior design. He called me pretty
Would Sybil bring Scraw with her when she came for a visit? Maybe she shod have invited him as well. Or had she? Had she said anything after that feather had come down? Something about riddles... He called me pretty
Why must everyone in their group be so god damn mysterious? How will they ever work as a team when everyone kept cooking their own stews. He called me pretty


Up in the trees Shirox and Pilari sat and watched Viss pacing up and down maniacally, mumbling to herself and gesturing furiously. Every now and then something particularly outrageous would cause her to bury her head in her hands, shaking it while making a string of unidentifiable howling noises.
"Oh my..." Pilari's voice shook with concerns for their mistress.
"Yep, I think she has snapped for good this time." Shirox sighed.
"What do we do? She had been doing so much better those last days... Maybe we should get one of the others? That watery gentleman or that pale young man..."
"No!" Shirox broke her of quickly. "I think it's better if none of the others see this. Especially not that slimy pale weasle."
"But mistress seemed in such a good mood after his..." Pilari started.
"Especially not the pale dude! I don't like him and I don't think that he is good company for her." He looked down at Viss who was still busy having her little tantrum. "I say we wait until she gets tired and then guide her to her bed. Once she wakes up tomorrow we can have Oldoraphon have a talk with her... What is she doing now?"

Down on the forest floor Viss had suddenly stopped in her steps. She had closed her eyes and was taking deep regular breaths. After a minute she sits down, legs crossed, and takes a little pouch from her belt. She opens it and retrieves a series of oddly shaped stones. Taking another deep breath she starts to stack the stones, carefully placing one on another, mumbling something about balance to herself.

Shirox and Pilari look at each other, puzzled.
"And what is the meaning of this now?" The little canary tilts her head sideways and looks questioningly at the lemur.
"I have no idea... It might be an improvement."
From down below the sound of stones toppling over is followed by a string of violent swear words.
"Let's hope it's an improvement..."
Ciel smiles a smug smile after the Contract Devil disappears. This backwater corner of the Astral Sea is one of the few unclaimed pieces of real estate in the realm, and is subject to the laws of no particular god; this makes it quite simple for Ciel to orchestrate his scheme.

He turns around, ready to return to the Observatory, and finds a skeletal creature standing there, waiting for him. It peers into his soul from the eyeholes of its skull; it is draped in black robes, and somehow has a full head of black hair growing from the skull's crown. It radiates divine power comparable to that of Asmodeus.

"I know what you're trying to do," it says bluntly, "And it's not going to work. Not without my help, at least. I have a proposal for you..."

(Fade to Black)


Two weeks have passed since the confrontation in Menek's manse. The truce has held, and the Observatory has been relatively quiet. Many of SAED's members have chosen to isolate themselves within their own domains, for various reasons known only to them. Ciel has stopped coming to Viss's domain entirely, leaving her to train on her own, for reasons unknown to her.

The Raven Queen's summons puts an end to this, and for the first time since the encounter with the Balor, the entire party is in the same room - even Sybil, who chose to sit out from what was intended to be Ciel's ousting ceremony.

"Meet Cecil Fairhaven," she begins. A partially translucent projection of a man appears, standing in the middle of the table. He is wearing a pristine suit of holy full plate armor, inscribed with a simple cross insignia. The armor covers his entire body from his neck down; full brown hair flows to the middle of his back. Atop his head is a simple crown; a white felt cape sprouts from the back of the neckpiece.

The projection slowly rotates as the Raven Queen continues. "King of the Holy City of Evrai, on the plane of Faerun. Loving husband, doting father of three children. Former worshiper of Heironeous. Peerless on the battlefield as a paladin; unrivaled as a practitioner of the Divine Arts as a cleric. Winner of countless battles, and has successfully purged his entire continent of undead creatures. Cecil Fairhaven stands as as a paragon of goodness, and is beloved by the citizens of his kingdom.

"He's also figured out how to stop death."

She allows this to sink in for a moment before continuing. "In the past five years, the passing of souls into the Astral Sea from his continent has decreased by more than ninety percent. Somehow, the people in his kingdom just... aren't dying, even when they should be. Your mission is to travel to Faerun - to the Material Realm -, find out how he is doing it, and then get him to stop."

She pauses and looks around, expecting questions.
Ozzang'ac listens so far.. the prospect that he'll be travelling to the plane of land dwellers makes him uneasy, yet curious.

Seeing the man named Cecil, the image of the land called Faerun filled with what must be many like him: humans and the land they stand on, completely different from the undersea kingdom and swimming mermen that he's known and still remembers for so long.

His question ends up one of wondering, "What is.. this Faerun like?" His question about the nature of the world overshadows more important ones, but somehow in the back of his mind he wants to leave those questions for the actual dwellers of the realm.

EDIT: <Question about Navigating the Astra Sea's setting: Is Highlander 2: The Quickening canon in this universe?>
"Well now, it looks like you may get to slaughter some people after all." Ciel flashes a grin at Fleshbane from across the table.

As he currently has no reason to twist things, he tries to ask relative questions to the briefing. "As we will be on the material plane as opposed to the Astral Sea, will our aura mean anything to anyone there? I'm not too sure about the extent to which the Accords are known in Faerun."
"Faerun is one of the larger planes in the Multiverse," says the Raven Queen. "Hundreds of kingdoms of various sizes can be found on its landmasses and in its oceans. It is a lush and prosperous land, full of aspiring adventurers. There is more than enough literature in the library to give you a better idea of the landscape if you'd like."

The Raven Queen frowns slightly at Ciel's mention of slaughter, but only addresses his questions. "The Accords don't mean much in the Material Realm, and mean even less when no gods hold purchase in the hearts and minds of the citizens. Fairhaven no longer worships Heironeous, and his citizens have taken to worshipping him.

She hesitates a moment. "... In point of fact, SAED technically has no jurisdiction in the material realm. The people there have not agreed to anything. However, this is a situation that MUST be resolved before it gets out of control. It is a potential threat to the entire concept of the Astral Sea."


So, no special consideration for being SAED members at all Menek says thoughtfully Oddly enough this place might be far more dangerous to us than the Abyss was. I shall spend some time in the library researching this realm, with Mako I am sure. Is it possible for us to have audience with Heironeous? He might have some insight into this Fairhaven and perhaps even provide some help. Also we might find out how much of his worship is still extant in Fairhaven's realm. These holdouts might prove to be allies.

Menek steeples his fingers As well, is it known whether people have stopped aging because of whatever it is that Fairhaven has managed to accomplish?
"An audience with Heironeous," the Raven Queen echoes thoughtfully. "Yes. I'll invite him here to consult with you upon conclusion of this meeting.

"Intelligence on the situation is woefully incomplete. With no worshipers to speak of in the Kingdom of Evrai, none of the Pantheon have windows into the goings-on of the continent. Much - most - of what we know is hearsay. It is likely that there has been some interference with the aging process, but as of this moment it is impossible to know for sure. That is part of what you are being sent to find out."


bitch I'm taking calls.
At the Raven Queen's summons, Sybil can be both seen and heard making haste to the meeting. The paladin's flaxen hair is woven and tied up into a neat bun, her mythril plate mail clinking rhythmically as she marches her way into the council room. Scraw is also present, shuffling in behind her and waiting by her side while she writes in a small leather bound journal. Once everyone is present, Sybil shuts the journal with a snap and hands it to the youth. Scraw smiles at Viss before departing as RQ begins her briefing.

* * * * *

Sybil's heart skips a beat as the image of Cicil Fairhaven appears before them and the Holy city is announced as the destination of their next assignment. She notes the way the King carries himself and the simple adornment that belies the great power one must have to lead a nation. 'Could this be a chance...to recruit and to test?' Shaking her head to clear her thoughts for the time being, she listens with a sense of tempered excitement as the details are laid out.

After Ozzang'ac's bubbles of curiosity are replied to, Sybil looks to the Raven Queen and speaks her thoughts aloud. "My Queen, no deaths are a very grave concern. Such things are not often achieved without dire cost. I noticed you mentioned this man has purged the continent of undead creatures?"

After RQ has chimed in and Menek made his proclamations, the paladin turns to address the witch scholar. "I believe you may be on the right track in hoping to seek out disciples. Without them we will have to gather the lore of this land on our own when we arrive, to set up a historical timeline. This may help us find when and why Hel's touch has disappeared from Faerun."

Looking to Mako, she mentions another part of RQ's briefing. "It is said Cecil has three children. I am curious of their role in his kingdom and their relationship with their father. As a parent yourself, do you believe this King would have his offspring and heirs in high places? I wonder, if death has truly been conquered, how they feel about the prospect of unattainable inheritance." Sybil places a hand upon her neck, to cool the sudden burn as the brand awakens painfully.

At the assassin's words, Sybil finishes rubbing her neck and clears her throat. "You touch upon a central point. If our aura will not be recognized, and we have no jurisdiction in the material realm, we will need to proceed differently. Acting or identifying ourselves as a supernatural task force of soul investigators will do little for our cause and may likely jeopardize our ability to move about unhindered. Normal procedure of seeking the leaders and entreating council from there is likely not the best course of action."

The paladin thinks for a moment before continuing. She quickly inks a crude drawing upon her palm with the quill that still lays on the table in front of her from her earlier writing. Finishing, she shows it to the others.


"We'll need time to explore and a purpose for our coming to their land. I propose, as the Band of the Raven, we are mercenaries who have sought the Holy City of Evrai to learn its lore and seek our fortunes. Surely tales of the King's exploits in eradicating the undead curse and securing undying prosperity for his people, have spread amongst the people of Faerun, as surely as it has reached the Astral Sea."
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