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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

After spending some time in the library, Ozzan'gac's staff reports to him the following information:

-Mystra is the goddess of Magic. Her duties involve ensuring that arcane spells function properly. She also has some influence over divine spells, but due to the deity-granted nature of divine magic, other gods and goddesses hold greater sway over the abilities they grant to their own followers.

-Her domain is in the center of the Astral Sea, which means that, geographically, the Observatory floats directly above it (though the altitude difference is substantial). Her domain is called the Island of Miracles, and she lives in the Yellow Palace.

-Mystra was not always the goddess of magic. She began her life as a human woman, and inherited the position (as well as the name) from her predecessor. It is unclear whether the position was given to her, or whether she took it by force.

-Mystra gives very little thought to her worshipers. She allows them to live on her island, but she takes no visitors in the Yellow Palace, preferring to stay secluded. Because of this, almost nothing is known about her personal life or relationships.


Fe's report recounts the following details:

-Zerome is Lawful Neutral. It is relatively new to the pantheon of gods in the Astral Sea, only having joined their ranks within the last few centuries. It is entirely unlike any other god or goddess, in that it has no divine energy to speak of. Arcane magic is its lifeblood.

-Zerome's precise origins are unknown, but the popular belief is that it began as a typical construct, and gradually acquired more and more power and influence. Eventually, it consumed (or rather, absorbed) its original plane of existence, and began devising ways to expand into other planes. This process iterated over millennia. Eventually it found its way onto the Astral Sea, and was able to lay claim to a barren, uninhabited island, which it dubbed Origin Point. Before long, it petitioned to be considered an equal among the gods. After seeing the interplanar influence wielded by it, they had little choice but to accept.

-Zerome pays almost no attention to its followers. Any misguided souls who worship it and end up at the Origin Point are summarily absorbed into its intellect and not given a second thought.

-A significant portion of the other gods in the Astral Sea dislike Zerome. Alignment doesn't seem to be a factor; Heironeous, a Lawful Good deity, and Lolth, known to be Chaotic Evil, have both spoken out against it, for example. It is unknown whether Zerome has any allies in the pantheon.
Branching a part of himself away from his compressed mass, Ozzang'ac molds a limb from his watery self that appears like a noodle or a hose and then uses the limb to operate the visual-magic terminal provided in his language. As he glances over the literary information on the goddess, he notices a keyword that is unfamiliar to him.. Mystra was once a human.

He asks the Archon, "I have never heard of a human before. Can you elaborate on what they are?" It then as it buzzes momentarily, it opens a new scroll before Ozzang'ac and reads aloud the text in audio, "Humans are the most basic of common life forms throughout the planes. It is commonly thought that any other race resembling them are referred to under a blanket category 'demi-humans'. The information on humans and their complexity and controversies is nearly endless, should you wish to learn more."

Ozzang'ac twists at where a neck should be to shake his head, "That is enough about humans for now. I see that is what they call people that live above water." The article about humans is then closed, revealing the information about Mystra once more.

Once he is finished with the information provided, he sinks into the pool made for him and drifts to the bottom to meditate on what was provided for him. Not much is known about the goddess that supposedly created him. Perhaps this is deliberate. A woman that was once a human would understand what it would mean to be a mother so her reasons for embracing such an impersonal relation may be of her choice and not simply because she is a goddess. With her apparent uncaring about her own worshippers, he wonders if this quirk is part of the reason why she chose him over any other.
((Naw, just whenever I want to make a big post I tend to get really good at making excuses to save writing it for later. Like right now its very important I watch daily show. That said i have no clue whats up with everyone else.))


((I'm about halfway done with mine. Creative writing challenge and real life are keeping me busy. Should be done by tomorrow.))
Mako sets up her area with a large forest, possibly placing animals in there if/when ever that is possible for hunting, and decent sized farm and a large house that has a strange mix of small cozy areas that looks like they are meant for a family and other areas more set up like taverns and at least one section may be some form of amphitheater. Somehow she is able to tie it all together though. The people sent to be her servants were people from her hometown of Grasshorn who had volunteered to assist her that had passed long before Mako did.

((This was going to be at least a little longer, but then i realized all the dialog i was writing was not only pointless(which is only a minor issue), but also kind of bad... I'm not the biggest fan of self rp(or good at creative writing).))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil works with the aid of the Archons to create a rocky area of snow and ice. She hangs out there alone and learns to let things go and how to build snowmen.

((Things are stressful IRL right now, plus everything I started to write seemed terrible. Maybe just consider Sybil's place a mystery that gets updated later.))


((Man ThLunarian, coming up with three NPCs and a full mansion was some major homework. This is very much first draft and I didn't even get to Menek actually doing any research.))

Menek blinked and found himself in a featureless blank space containing nothing but a dozen of the promised Archons in a greeting line in front of a writing desk emblazoned with a circle artfully swirled into two halves like two tadpoles swimming head to tail ((Yin Yang symbol)). He closed his eyes and breathed out slowly. The assassin had turned out to be a sadist of the highest order rather than a pragmatist and the metal construct had turned out to be a full on monster. It was… odd.. they were the two who seemed the least overtly magical of the group. Then again if monstrousness was judged by action rather than intent then his own resume might actually put theirs to shame. The realization forced Menek’s face into a foul grimace that only slowly eased.

He opened his eyes when he felt claws alight on his head and grip Having an epiphany jerk? Hate to interrupt any insight you’re getting into the kind of damage you caused, believe me I’m enjoying the self loathing but time’s a ticking.

Menek waved an arm to try to dislodge the bird Just… look, I didn’t… he began but stopped. Words weren’t what was needed. When the Raven Queen wished you to do something it was best to get on with it. He looked at the space around him and shook his head. The power to create whatever sort of working area with the assistance of a dozen of the finest automatons in creation felt like a pretty good idea of what heaven would be like but the responsibility of the situation was preventing him from feeling much joy. I always thought myself an agent of divine will, bird, but I wasn’t. Now that I am. It’s… I’ve seen heaven but I don’t deserve it… not yet. What’s your name anyway?

I’m an Owl, genius. We don’t have names

Menek shrugged I don’t know what I expected. Fine Ratbreath, seems like it’s just you and me for the moment. Let’s get to work.

Menek instructed the automatons to construct a building with an exterior similar to one of those he had glimpsed in the University of Knowledge from atop the Mountains of Contemplation. A pleasant walkway led to a stately but not ostentatious three storey building of grey stone and overhanging eaves. At the owl’s insistence Menek had the attic of the place constructed to be drafty and open and stocked with a convenient family of delicious mice. In fact Menek assigned one of the archons to attend the bird. The gesture didn’t seem to improve the avian’s mood much as it just sat on its Archon and glared at him balefully.

The light of the area was set to be the dark of an early night, with the sky lit on one side by a spectacular starscape. The side of the grounds under the star was molded into an elegant park of hedgerows and carefully planted trees and bushes. The other side Menek left blank and unfinished for the moment.

Inside Menek had the ground floor set up to create a pleasant and spacious sitting area close to the entrance. He considered the other members of the group. He didn’t know them very well yet so guessing at what they might find relaxing and made sure that there were plenty of lush plants and flowers spread throughout the room. For the water elemental Menek had one wall of the room turned into a viewing portal with a spectacular view into a life filled ocean where all the grandeur of undersea life could be seen. For the assassin Menek made sure that the most annoyingly cloying hymns of one of the good gods of his home plane were piped up at a low volume. The basic belief of Beldar, and the theme of the hymns, was that even the most depraved were just deluded to their underlying good and noble natures. His followers were the most saccharine and insistent in their preaching and the earnest persistence of the songs would be more than sufficient to put the unrepentant sadist on edge. They had lovely voices though. The Xenocide Unit would be sufficiently irritated by all the biological life on display alone.

Menek stood back and surveyed his handiwork and nodded in satisfaction. It might never get used as he got the feeling that the others would prefer to meet in the more neutral areas of the Observatory but be believed in being prepared.

In the back of the building, set away from the meeting room, Menek had an alchemist lab and workshop created. The second floor was a study and library that would soon be stocked by his browsing in the Observatory Library.

The third floor was smaller than the others and containing a simple but comfortable bedroom and a private sitting room where he had the writing desk placed. A fire was to be kept going in the fireplace at all times and it was here that he had his favourite chair recreated and placed.

With a little bit of hesitation Menek placed his hand on the desk and thought “My Lord Arozora. I have a request…”

And so the three helpers that the Raven Queen had allotted to him were allowed to be people that he had most trusted in his life. He had outlived them all and as he suspected they had all been accepted in the Arozoran afterlife.

First was Jefred who had been the most effective of Menek’s bodyguards and had, in fact, lost his life saving Menek from an assassination attempt by the followers of the Trickster Prince. Hah always knew you’d be doing important things when you finally made it to this side of the veil boyo. Don’t worry give me three of this tin cans and I’ll make sure nothing gets in and out of this place without us knowing about it”.

Then there was Alyet who had been the smartest person that Menek had encountered. Where he had devoted his energies to the softer study of people and deduction she had always been completely focused on the hard sciences of alchemy and engineering. Well, well, you just never get a rest do you? What’s Aroz got you doing now? You know I was making some real progress into figuring out what lies in the Zoran wasteland that surrounds the Univesity when Aroz himself came and told me about you needing help. More than glad to take a break from that research. Eternity is the perfect amount of time to figure everything out yeah? You’ve made a good start with the lab, let me have two of these absolutely marvelous archons and I’ll take care of it and the library.”

Finally Menek took a deep breath and had the third of the three summoned to the unfinished part of his living and working space.

Menek walked out to the featureless expanse with all six of his remaining Archons to meet the confused newcomer.

Zelio Menek called as he approached the elf.

Who is there? My lady Zora said that my services would be required to assist an agent of… The lanky figure turned and then froze.

YOU he roared What dirty trick have you pulled now Arozan scum? Was this some trick so you could hound me even in my rest?

It’s no trick Menek began I’m… working for Zora now… and

Silence monster, I will not believe this. Zora must be punishing me for ever trusting you, for not killing you when I had the chance, for not fighting against you hard enough to protect the innocent from your rampage. O cruel fate to have tasted heaven and then be thrown into hell. Knowing that you would be suffering in the Arozan hellslum when your villainous life finally ended was the ONLY thing that gave me pleasure, I have stared down at that filthy city for eons imagining what tortures you must be suffering and now I find you here? No. Shade. SILENCE. SEND ME BACK

Menek’s eye twitched and his mouth worked as Zeilo went on his rant. Nothing the warlock had said was… wrong in any way. Zeilo. Menek said quietly. I need your help.

Zeilo screamed and fled into the whiteness. Menek closed his eyes and grimaced again.

Wow. You must really hate that guy. You ruined his life and now you’ve gone and shattered his afterlife too. The owl commented as it came to rest on his head.
Menek didn’t even have the energy to tell the owl to shut up. I need his help Ratbreath. I need help understanding what the hell is going on in my head… there’s this connection to… something that I have now and I have no idea how to even start studying it.

The owl flitted from Menek’s head to his shoulder and gave him a look

You could just ask me idiot. I am your familiar you know.


Yeah, Familiar

Am I… a wizard now?

The owl gave out a sardonic hoot. No, yer not a wizard Harry. You see a spell book on you anywhere? yer a witch

Menek’s mind raced as it heard the last word the owl said.

A witch? Menek asked.
A witch. the owl agreed
A witch? Menek aksed again

The owl let out a breath Yes. A Witch. This is the second time we’re having this conversation. The first time you were rude enough to die during it so I guess you don’t remember. You’re bonded to the mysterious forces beyond both as a direct connection and through me.

What does that mean? Menek asked, lost.

It means you’re as much Zora’s bitch as Aroz’s now. Look I didn’t sign up to be your tutor for Introduction to Witchery 101 but since your best friend over there almost went insane with rage at the sight of you and ran off into the void rather than look at you any longer I guess I’ll have to get you up to speed.

And thus began the re-education of Menek Intart.


Viss had listened to the Raven Queens proclamation in silence. The metal thing coming to life all the sudden had startled her more than she would ever admit and some of the things it had said afterwards had not helped to lessen her anxiety in the least. From what she could tell this so called Fleshbane was the antithesis to everything that she stood for. A being created for the sole purpose of destroying life where ever it went. How could the Raven Queen expect them to work with something like that?
Sure, Melora had made it clear that not everyone on this assignment would share the same motivations and believes, Ciel was an obvious example of that. But the truth was that while working with a slimy sadistic asshole like Ciel might be unfortunate and would probably proof to be complicated in the assignments to come, at least he thought and acted like a living creature. A despicable one, sure, but living no less.
But Fleshbane... Her thoughts wandered to a burned down village. Distorted bodies and the smell of rotten flesh. Was that what awaited her in working with this thing?

Viss was still deep in her thoughts when she entered the wing that was to be her home for the next ten years. For a while she just stood there looking at the awaiting Archons, unsure what to do. The truth was that she had never much cared for accommodations. Most of her life she had spent traveling and except for the occasional roadside inn she had never needed much more than a few blankets and Tessa's flank to lean against.
Having so much space to her disposal was a bit overwhelming. She turned to one Archon.
“So you can make this space everything that I want it to be? No matter what?”
The Archon didn't move or answer at all. Maybe they'd only react to direct orders?
“OK... Let's see. Do you think it is possible that you turn this place into a forest? Some trees, a little brook, that kind of thing? But not a rainforest, please? The constant humidity makes my fur go absolutely haywire... What else, maybe insects and small mammals as well... I don't now... make it lively, I guess.”

She had no idea how the Archons did it, though magic would be a more than save bet, but only minutes later Viss found herself standing in a thick forest brimming with life. The light that fell through the leafy canopy immersed the place in dancing shadows. She could hear the gurgling of a small brook nearby. That and the song of birds and insects all around her helped sooth her anxiety. She took a deep breath and smiled at the Archons.
“It is wonderful. Thank you!” She searched her thoughts if there is anything more she needed.
“I guess if I'm to live here for the next ten years a tiny bit of comfort won't hurt.” She looked around the trees until she spotted one that suited her. “Can you build me a tree house in that tree over there. Nothing fancy. Just one room, a bed roll and some cushions in case I have visitors. Which reminds me, some cooking equipment might be useful as well. A pot, some knifes, and bowls, you know?” She thought a little bit more. “Oh and I also need a dead cow every day. Or is there maybe a place nearby where my partner can go hunting, because that would be even better. Which reminds me, can you bring some medical supplies? I have a wound to attend to.” The speed with which those requests were attended to was impressive.

An our later Viss was sitting in the shadow of her tree house, an aromatic fish stew bubbling over a fire in front of her. Next to her Tessa was munching on what was left of the cow. Chewing on a piece of liquorice root and listening to the song of life all around her Viss finally relaxed a little bit.

“I think we should just wake her up.”
Viss must have dozed off after the meal, so when she opened her eyes it took her a few moments to remember where she was. It took her a few moments more to realize that someone had just spoken. She jumped to her feet, grabbing her bow and scanned her surroundings quickly but didn't see anyone besides Tessa, snoring happily next to what little was left of the cow.

“Who is there! Show yourself.”

“My, my! Seems like our Mistress is spooked rather quickly isn't she?” The voice came from above her and as Viss looked up she spotted a lemur climbing down through the branches. Baffled she lowered her bow as the creature stopped in front of her, scanning her with it's huge orange eyes its black and white tail curled around it. “My name is Shirox. I have been chosen by the Raven Queen to be your trusted assistant.”

Before Viss could answer, a little bright yellow canary came flying down and landed on the lemur's head.
“Welcome Mistress. I'm Pillari and I too have been chosen by the Raven Queen to assist you with your duties.”
Viss couldn't help but smile at the odd pair. She knew that a lot of druids chose to awaken their companions but had never considered doing it herself so she had little experience with awakened creatures. She was just about to open her mouth when she heard a third voice behind her.

“I guess that only leaves me to introduce myself. My name is Oldoraphon, Eldest of the Oldor Forest. The Lady Melora sent me to this place, for she believes that my wisdom and knowledge might be of great help to you.”

Viss turned around and laid eyes on one of the biggest tree she had ever seen in her life. The trunk was so wide that five people holding hands would barely have been able to embrace it and its top vanished somewhere over the canopy of the trees surrounding it.
It was only when he spoke again when she spotted the face. It was an old man's face formed entirely from the trunk. Lichen hang from his protruding brows and his eyes were made from glistening amber.
“I must complement you, my Lady, for the creation of this place. It is a good forest and I will enjoy taking root here.”

Viss starred in awe. What a magnificent being. He must be centuries if not millennia old. Without realizing she had sunken to her knees.
“You honor me with your presence. Oldoraphon, Eldest of the Oldor Forest.”

“Oh sure, bow down for HIM.” Shirox had come to stand next to the tree, Pillari still sitting on his head. “I'm pretty awesome too, you know. I used to work with one of the most brilliant researchers of my time. And this girl here”, he pointed at the little canary, “used to be the muse of... what was her name again?”
“Clirella el Fretti. Duchess of Trabori. Grande dame and entertainer of the highest circles. Not a single person that could escape her charm and when she sang the world itself fell silent to listen”, chirped the canary her breast swollen with pride.

Still on her knees Viss smiled and inclined her head in the direction of the two animals.
“I'm sorry”, she laughed. “I did not mean to offend you. Your help and knowledge will be much appreciated. You can call me Viss and that snoring lump over there is Tessa. And don't worry she might look fierce but she is tame as a lamb... well, most of the time at least.” She took a deep breath. “OK, since we haven't gotten out first assignment yet I don't think there is much for you to do yet, although....” Her thoughts wandered back to the image of Fleshbane and its words. “Shirox? You said you worked with a researcher. Can you read?”

“I can read and speak over ten languages and even write a little, though my paws are not very suited for it.”

“Good. I want you to go to the library and find me all the information you can about this creature Fleshbane. I want to know what kind of thing it is, where it came from, everything. Most importantly what are it's weaknesses. I know we are not allowed to kill one another, but I would feel much better if I at least knew a way of incapacitating it, should it prove necessary.”

“I'm on it boss. You can count on me. Any other of your colleges you want some information about? I mean if I'm already at it.”

Viss thought about it for a moment. “No. I like to judge people based on their actions. Our first assignment should tell me all that I need to know about them.”
The lemur gave a twitch of his tail obviously disappointed but quickly ran of in the direction of the exit.

Viss went back to sit next to the fire place. She took another liquorice root from her pocket and started chewing it.
“I guess in the meantime we have nothing else to do but get to know each other better.”

((I had planned on writing a lot more, but I'm already behind with other stuff as it is. Which sucks because I was really looking forward to write Oldoraphon's story. Ah well, maybe I get another chance.))
((Thank you all. I know this was a big assignment, but my hope is that it's going to pay huge dividends. We just did a ton of world-building, and the number of NPCs floating around is going to provide ample opportunity for character interactions going forward. Also, I bet that this exercise is going to result in even more thoroughly fleshed-out PCs going forward.

Nezumi, since we're still working on getting your sheet straightened out I just did a Knowledge roll for you on the fly. Unfortunately for you, the result was a 1 on the die, so you're going to get very little info about Fleshbane through pure research.

All Shirox can figure out is that Fleshbane resembles something called a Warforged, which is a sentient being created from a combination of magic and technology. You can't find anything on where he might have come from; Warforged creatures are fairly common on a plane called Eberron, but their designs are very far-removed from Fleshbane; most Warforged creatures are just a collection of parts that are held together by magic, but Fleshbane's components appeared to be working together with each other with much less assistance from magical power than the research indicates))

A week later, after everyone has a chance to settle into their new homes and find some measure of comfort, everyone receives a summons from the Raven Queen, broadcast directly into their minds. "Please report to the Command Room immediately. I have your first assignment ready."

Once everyone has congregated in the Command Room, they'll see that the archons have also been busy here. The once-empty, cavernous space is now a fully-equipped command center. An oval table dominates the center of the floor space, with eight comfortable leather chairs. On the table at each chair is a glass display screen. A fully-equipped armory lines one wall; amply-stocked bookshelves line another. A spiral staircase leads to a second level which overlooks the meeting table, and a walkway runs across the top, leading to another room that hasn't yet been explored by anyone in the group. Six archons stand by idly.

The Raven Queen occupies the chair at the far end of the oval. She gestures to the other chairs. "Please, have a seat."

After everyone has situated themselves, The Raven Queen continues. "For the past decade, an unusually high number of soul deviations have been occurring in the direction of The Abyss."

An image magically appears on each individual view screen.


"Seems cliche, I know, but that does not diminish its importance. For those unfamiliar, The Abyss is an essentially infinite plane of chaos, destruction, and evil. It is populated largely by demons of varying power, and has a number of different 'levels,' each of which is ruled over by a Demon Lord."

The image changes, and the new display has a caption 'A sample of demons residing in The Abyss.'

"There are a number of deities which reside in The Abyss, but the most powerful of them all by far is Gruumsh, a demon which is the patron-god of Orcs, and the ruler of the First Level of the Abyss, known otherwise as Nishrek. The power of the accord signed by the Pantheon is enough to give you the authority to do your jobs in any level of The Abyss, but due to the unpredictable nature of the realm, I don't think I have to tell you that you need to be careful."

She clears her throat. "I wish I had more information and better intelligence for you, but all of my attempts to research this problem from the outside have failed, and as part of the terms of the accord, I, as a deity, am not allowed into The Abyss to investigate. Only the seven of you are."

She gestures upward. "That walkway will lead you to your primary means of travel across the Astral Sea. I believe the technically-correct term is 'airship,' though in practice it moves several orders of magnitude faster than any airships that you may have come across on the Material Plane. It is staffed with Archons, as well as a sentient pilot, who will be in charge of getting you to your destination safely."

She pauses again. "Are there any questions before I dismiss you to carry out this assignment?"


Menek, who looks a bit more haggard than he did before to the more observant members of the party, steeples his finger and considers the situation.

Is there any pattern on what kind of souls are being 'deviated'? Is that information known?


Viss had been cheerfully chatting with Pillari when the Raven Queen's summoning came. The last week had been the most peaceful days she and Tessa had been able to spent in a long time. The fact that Shirox hadn't been able to gather much information on Fleshbane had been unfortunate, a fact the little lemur had taken especially hard. She would have to gather her information another way then.

Her cheerful mood was quickly ended when the Raven Queen described the nature of their first assignment. On a positive note, going into a domain populated mostly by demons, meant that she probably wouldn't have to worry about Fleshbane and Ciel harming innocent bystanders too much. As far as she was concerned only a dead demon was good demon, but her latest encounter with a creature from that particular domain hadn't worked out too well.
She still had nightmares in which she got sucked into darkness by that malicious aura. The thought of entering the place where an evil like this had its origin caused her to feel a bit nauseated. Next to her Tessa seemed to feel her discomfort for she started nuzzling her back in an easing matter.

The lack of information given for this assignment did nothing to improve her mood.

She was about to open her mouth to ask a question when Menek beat her to it.

"Yeah. Like, is there a particular god who's been missing souls? Are all the souls deviated by the same source or might we be dealing with a number of independent perpetrators here?" she added to his inquiry.
Having clearly taken advantage of the archons, Ciel strolls into the meeting room wearing needlessly extravagant clothes.

He takes a seat and props his feet up on the table, leaning back and practically inviting the others to criticize him for his rudeness. "The Abyss, you say? Wonderful, I've always wanted a summer home there. You mentioned the first layer. Have you been able to pinpoint most of these deviations to the first layer in particular, or is it uncertain as to how many layers of the abyss this is going on in?"

Regardless of her answer, the prospect of a trip to the Abyss excites him. Not only could he potentially pick up new torture techniques, there will be an abundance of wretched souls to kick while they're down. The prospect of bringing woe to those that are used to dealing out the punishment is also a tantalizing one.
The Raven Queen shakes her head. "No particular god's souls are being diverted any more than another's," she says. "Good-aligned and chaotic-aligned souls are being rerouted at a greater rate than others, but that fact pattern tends to hold regardless of the source of the disturbance.

"And speaking of the source," she continues, "That is a mystery I haven't been able to solve. You see, this is a problem that has been ongoing for over a decade. Only now am I finally able to do something about it, but my own personal ability to gather information has not changed. Except, of course, by sending you in. My recommendation would be to start with the Demon Lords which rule over the individual layers. It's unlikely that any of them are the perpetrators because their visibility is too high (though not impossible; they are certainly powerful enough), but you may be able to glean valuable information from attempting to question them."

She turns to Ciel next. "The Abyss is a writhing, ever-shiftint corridor of chaos and wretchedness. My ability to parse out what happens in which layer with any accuracy is essentially nonexistent. That said, requesting an audience with Gruumsh seems to be the most practical and reasonable way to begin your investigation, as he will be the easiest point of authority to find."


"So basically we are about to look for the proverbial needle in the haystack." Or better, look for a piece of hay in a stack of needles, given the destination. "That's... promising. Are we to depart immediately, or is there some time for some last minute preparations?"
Much of Ozzang'ac's time has been spent in quiet meditation at war with what he does not know. Never has it been more difficult to clear his mind and become mentally prepared for future challenges. Though physically he might be incapable of deterioration, on some level years of inactivity lost in the astral sea have rendered even pristine water as flawed and jagged as his earth-based peers.

Footsteps soundly clack in echo through the hallway of paintings leading to the elemental's pool. Like a shadow against the warm glow extending to the distance, Hugh stands attention before the swimming pool built for the elemental, legs slightly spaced and arms grasped behind him in polite restraint, and speaks out soundly with little regard as to whether his words can be heard,

"Please report to the Command Room immediately. I have your first assignment ready."
"..commands the Raven Queen." parrots Hugh, standing attention at the swimming pool built for the elemental.


Something awakens in Ozzang'ac. The sudden feeling of being needed once more, the necessity of his particular set of skills. No longer is he asking 'why'; he is answering 'how' in his mind.

He floats above to the dry marble surface, drawing any excess water unto himself cleanly. Hugh looks up and asks, "Your equipment?" Ozzang'ac answers, "My equipment, please."

The little bronze Kobold scrambles out of the pool which it had been swimming in, skittering and screeching to get to the provisions. Jonna brings the leather case once more, setting it to the ground and opening it. Being the tallest possible, the half-orc picks up the amulet and reaches high to wrap the chain around the elemental. Hugh the halfling grabs the bracers and asks the elemental for some arms to fasten them to. While placing a ring onto the elemental, the kobold heaves a tray on his back full of potions. Ozzang'ac simply absorbs the glass containers to carry them within himself.

With renewed purpose, Ozzang'ac passes through the hall of paintings once more, with a different opinion of the images all about him.


Once present before the Raven Queen for briefing, he remains silent as others ask questions and are answered. Eventually, he finds his own question. Being ill suited for diplomacy, he decides to touch on a subject where he would be most suited, as a protector of his allies, "We will be entering a realm completely unknown to me. What dangers should we expect from any that may oppose our purpose?"
"Take enough time to complete whatever preparations are required," says the Raven Queen. "Though the majority of your duties will involve fieldwork, there is of course work that can be done beforehand. I entrust the details of your approach to you."

She listens to Ozzan'gac. "Chief among the dangers you'll face will be the environment. The Abyss is prone to drastic and unpredictable temperature swings, so protecting yourselves will be very important. Other dangers include random demon attacks, finding yourselves in the middle of warring factions of demons, deadly and sadistic traps, sufficiently disturbing imagery to pose a real threat to your sanity, and the danger that one or more of you will be tempted to interfere in matters irrelevant to your mission. Please recall that any such violations could severely compromise the authority of this organization, and as such will be treated very seriously."


With respect My lady, you did note that we have diplomatic immunity to carry out our tasks, what would be considered a 'violation'? Who determines that? Menek responds.

He also briefly closes his eyes to sift through what he knows of the Abyss and Grummush ((First roll is for KN:planes Abyss, and the second is KN:Religion Grumuush, both inspired.))

1d20+21+1d8=43, 1d20+14+1d8=25


((So I guess we are assuming for this game that Tessa is a reptile and therefore coldblooded. I'm just asking since I believe to remember that some recent studies suggest that dinosaurs were in fact warmblooded. It just occurred to me that this might be rather important given the "drastic temperature changes"))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil stands at attention until the rest of the specters Soul Enforcers take their seats. Listening to the briefing intently she mentally takes note of the nature of questions asked by each member. Though she absorbs every word of the Queen's answers, she receives more insight about her new colleges based on the way each of their questions are asked.

"My Queen, I have but one question. What working knowledge do the Demon Lords have of the Soul Allocation Enforcement Department? Are we to be known and is our presence expected?"

In response to talk of violations, Sybil's eyes gleam with a steely resolve. "As I understand it, our authority is to investigate and resolve the diversion of souls. Outside of that I have no intention of allowing violation of the law or governance of each domain. Nor will I tolerate an upset in the balance of order...no matter how detestable the situation in the Abyss may be."
Ciel's eyebrows arch at Sybil's most curious words. Not bothering to take his feet down, he addresses her, his words dripping with snark.

"What an interesting development, you of all people are the last one of us I expected to come to the defense of Abyssal demons. There may be hope for you yet. Perhaps the angelic portion of your blood is of the fallen variety?"
((So I guess we are assuming for this game that Tessa is a reptile and therefore coldblooded. I'm just asking since I believe to remember that some recent studies suggest that dinosaurs were in fact warmblooded. It just occurred to me that this might be rather important given the "drastic temperature changes"))

((There are no rules for warm or cold blooded creatures specifically. and it will probabl be a none issue as I will most likely have endure elements prepared(assuming its on my spell list...About to leave so i can't check now but its a safe bet).))


((There are no rules for warm or cold blooded creatures specifically. and it will probabl be a none issue as I will most likely have endure elements prepared(assuming its on my spell list...About to leave so i can't check now but its a safe bet).))

((Just realized that I have that on my list as well... so much to keep track of.))
((DeadPhoenix is correct. Endure Elements Mass will keep you covered.

I'll get to the rest of it later guys, sorry - I have plans tonight so I have to go for now))

Mike M

Nick N
((Scientific consensus has been that dinosaurs were mostly if not entirely endothermic for decades now))

The smell of ozone and buzz of electricity in the air precedes the thunder crack that heralds Fleshbane’s arrival as he materializes at the end of the table. He has not set foot out of his chambers since he last left this room, and once more he possesses an impassive demeanor as he stands silently while the Raven Queen speaks and the other fleshlings ask their questions. He pointedly ignores the Raven Queen’s offer to be seated. Even if the chair were of suitable construction to withstand his weight and spiked plating, Fleshbane is not subject to fatigue and has no need to adopt postures that relieve stress on his appendages.

Pulses of light coursing through him at steady intervals, he absorbs he information being disclosed about the Abyss and its inhabitants. He is not overly concerned about the possibility of temperature swings (indeed, he had crafted his own abode around such specifications), or the threat of horrific sights that would threaten sanity. Insanity was a frailty of biologicals, an inherent design flaw in their soft, cytoplasmic brains. Fleshbane and his brethren are made of sterner stuff, this expedition sounds as though it would be no more strenuous to his physical form than any other.

“We reach the limits of the utility of discussion,” he finally offers. “Are we going to pay a visit to this Gruumsh, or would you lot prefer to stand about wringing your hands in concern of the safety of your fragile meat?”
The elemental seems most unsure about the temperature swings. Even if he can handle it better than the others can, barring the volcanic one, it still presents a note of caution.

Ciel's comment towards Sybil seems strange to him. It is noble enough to not wish to be like the vessels that float the surface of the water that steal sea life. Ozzang'ac comments, his imagination painting a picture of what a demon must be, "I've no knowledge of demons, but I agree that we mustn't allow ourselves to become worse predators than any being."


One more question from me and then I suggest we take two days to prepare ourselves to travel. What are we expected to do when we discover the cause of the deviations? Are we expected to eliminate it? Return the souls to their rightful place? Or just report back our findings?


bitch I'm taking calls.
Ciel's eyebrows arch at Sybil's most curious words. Not bothering to take his feet down, he addresses her, his words dripping with snark.

"What an interesting development, you of all people are the last one of us I expected to come to the defense of Abyssal demons. There may be hope for you yet. Perhaps the angelic portion of your blood is of the fallen variety?"
The paladin pointedly ignores Ciel's question of her lineage, but turns to smile coldly at the assassin, relishing the opportunity to correct him. "Perhaps you forget that whoever is diverting souls has violated the law of the Astral Sea. SAED exists to defend that law and minimize any upset to the balance of the home plane in the process." Sybil delivers her response reflexively, the words from which she has carefully memorized during the time she spent studying and sending queries through the Archons.

"My experience with demons has painted them a chaotic and loathsome kind. I will not hesitate to end such beings should they stand in our way. But I would expect some rule of law is governed through the Lords of each domain. Those who do not violate this law nor impede our investigation are not of my concern."
For a few brief moments, Ciel openly laughs at Sybil's reply. "Is that so? You're so faithful to laws that you adopt anarchy in lawless lands? A sentiment perfectly in line with our orders, but I wonder just how closely you'll stick to your words when we encounter demonic torture gangs. Who knows? Maybe you'll be the first paladin I've ever heard of that can actually ignore the plights of the distressed. I can honestly say that I'll be impressed if you manage that."

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane's head swivels to look toward Menek at the investigator witch's proposition to take two days to prepare. "Your courage must be small indeed if you need two days to find it," he taunts.

"I tire of these deliberations and petty bickering," he adds, addressing the room at large. "I will await you quivering cowards in the airship when you have finally mustered the nerve to brave the Abyss."

And with another rent in the fabric of space time, Fleshbane vanishes once more.

((Actually, I have no idea what extreme conditions do in terms of game mechanics. Fleshbane is immune to a lot of stuff, but doesn't have, say, fire resistance.))
((While I do in fact have endure elements, for some reason shaman doesn't get the communal version of it... that doesn't surprise me that much given it has a new spell list. oh well, pretty much every other class has it so we'll be fine.))

"Don't let him goad you into his childish games Sybil... Anyways, I think I actually agree with the construct, I see no reason to wait. What do you need to wait for exactly?"

Knowledge(Planes): (1d20+12=30)
Knowledge(Religion): (1d20+12=18)
((should have taken ten... or just had more then 13 int.))


It's quite simple. Seeing as this problem has been going on for a decade a few more days won't make any difference, it will give us time to research the place we're going to and prepare accordingly however. We have one of the most wondrous libraries in the Astral Sea at our disposal. Why not make use of it to go to our mission forewarned and forearmed? Menek suggests.

((No Endure elements on witch spell list at all))
((Dat timing))

Ciel nods with Ozzan'gac. "Yes, I fail to see anything that needs two days beyond the week we've had and the time on the 'airship.' However," he grimaces for a moment, the idea that he's about to be accommodating not sitting well with him and only being remotely stomachable because it could translate into an easier time for him as well, "if you've something that truly needs two days and will make this job easier, I would like to hear what it is. Being prepared for the job is important, and if the difference will be substantial, I don't object to leaving Fleshbane alone on a ship for two days."

((Endure elements and its communal varient are on the ranger spell list, so I can pick up a casting of each of those))
It's quite simple. Seeing as this problem has been going on for a decade a few more days won't make any difference, it will give us time to research the place we're going to and prepare accordingly however. We have one of the most wondrous libraries in the Astral Sea at our disposal. Why not make use of it to go to our mission forewarned and forearmed? Menek suggests.

((No Endure elements on witch spell list at all))

((It is on the investigator list though... unless you took that archetype that gets rid of the alchemy. I'm not exactly sure how the communal version works though, especially if you didn't take the infusion discovery.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((All I know is Sybil has inherent fire resistance +5 due to her blood, though that may not actually apply to adverse elements. Have yet to check spell lists.))

Sybil narrows her eyes at Ciel, but otherwise takes the Mako's advice by remaining silent. As the others discuss preparation matters, she can't help but wonder what would happen if Ozzang'ac evaporated. Would they have to quickly catch the steam in a bottle?


((I don't have Endure Elements in my Investigator alchemist formula book. With all the resources that we have maybe it wouldn't be hard at all for us to add whatever spells we need for free? Or is there a cost associated with getting Menek a wizard spell book with Endure Elements that he can copy into his formula book? How about scrolls to add witch spells THLunarian?))

All I'm suggesting is that we have just learned where we are to go and what we are to do there and who we will be dealing with. The smart move would be to take some time to learn as much as we can about these things, and familiarise ourselves with our new vessel, rather than just rushing right in. No?

((Menek is very much a pre-planning type and just wants some time in a library to do some knowledge rolling and maybe adding some spells. If the others in the team want to move things along then please feel free to overrule him))
((That kind of fits Ciel too, only he's not as good at it, sooo...))
"That sounds fine by me, on the condition that you share your findings with me. I'd like to know if there's anything readily exploitable as well."


Menek nods We're not going to get through the Abyss without working together. Our deities and the Raven Queen have put us on the same team for a reason.
((Consider the Observatory as a one-stop shop. Whatever you need to buy is on-hand; you just need to subtract the cost from your character sheets. This is more for game balance purposes than for RP; as far as RPing goes you can just play it as though the resources are provided to you automatically, or you find scrolls in the library, or what-have-you.

I don't think gold or wealth are going to be a part of the RPing in this game at all, actually. It's just going to be a behind-the-scenes game balance mechanic, which means I'll occasionally tell you to add X gold to your sheet. If you think this may be a problem for some reason, shoot me a message and we'll work it out.

As for extreme temperatures, they require regular fortitude saves, and if the temperatures are extreme enough, you start taking lethal damage. If it comes to that, then you can flavor it as Ozzan'gac evaporating/freezing for example, but it probably shouldn't come to that. I haven't looked specifically, but I'm assuming that SOMEONE has enough gold to afford a few Scrolls of Mass Endure Elements, or can spot Menek the cash to acquire the formula for it if he doesn't already have enough.

And Nezumi, I haven't forgotten about you, don't worry. I'll PM you answersr to your questions tomorrow))

"Your job," the Raven Queen says to Menek, "Is to identify the source of the disturbance and stop it. You needn't worry about the souls themselves; that is something I will deal with personally. How you choose to stop the disturbance is your decision, so long as it gets stopped."

The Raven Queen stands from the table. "I'll be monitoring your progress from afar. I wish you well on your journey; the Abyss is a dangerous place. Be alert." Just like last time, she vanishes.

The Raven Queen's mention of The Abyss and Gruumsh triggers a series of memories in Menek, who happens to have done a great deal of research on it, though it was many years ago. After an extended stay in the Observatory's library to job his memory, he can recall the following.

Gruumsh resides in the Iron Fortress, a place of blood and chaos, located in the center of Nishrek, the First Layer. Gruumsh's rule over the Abyss is loose at best; he is constantly contending with challenges to his authority and spends almost no time governing. He is the creator of the Orc race, and therefore the majority of denizens in the Abyss's first layer are Orcish, with a minority of demons; Orcs are not typically known to reside in deeper layers.

There is an arena in the First Layer where occasionally, loosely-structured 'tournaments' are held, which are really more like free-for-alls where all the combatants slaughter each other. Typically, the only time there is a victor is when Gruumsh himself chooses to participate.

Gruumsh is Chaotic Evil.

As for the rest of the Abyss, while it is impossible to know all there is to know about the place, Menek is knowledgeable about some of the Demon Lords who populate the first few layers. Apart from Gruumsh, one of the more famous of these lords is Orcus, who has challenged Gruumsh's authority over the First Layer on multiple occasions, and is also the only one to emerge from the ordeal unscathed. He lords over the Fifth Layer of the Abyss, known as "Thanatos, the Belly of Death," which is interesting, as that also seems to be the name of the vulture that Ciel keeps as a pet. Thanatos is populated with demons, but it also contains unusually high numbers of undead creatures; Orcus considers himself the Lord of the Undead.

Menek also has at least a passing familiarity with other assorted Demon Lords and the domains over which they rule.


The "airship," as the Raven Queen called it, looks more like a compact battle cruiser than a flying machine. Elongated, smooth, and metallic, it looks like something that could plausibly have been used in the Pan-Skirn Wars, though it would have been unusually small and a bit outdated; the whole thing is approximately fifty yards from front to back.

The ship is manned almost exclusively by archons, which regard Fleshbane neutrally as he tours the ship. Inevitably, during his time on the ship, he crosses paths with a middle-aged and unusually spry halfling.

"Well well! Our first passenger!" it exclaims happily. "Pleased to meet ya! The name's Bungo. I'll be pilotin' around you and your crew. Far as I hear, the first stop is the Abyss. Nasty place, that! Lucky for me I get to stay on this here ship, where it's nice and comfortable!"

His demeanor is relaxed and friendly. He spreads his arms and gestures all around. "And speaking of the ship, ain't it a beaut? It's called the Phoenix Maelstrom, and 'tis the finest craft of the land or the sea that I've ever had the honor to man!"

He smiles widely as he looks around. After a moment his gaze returns to Fleshbane. "Well, I've got a lot of pre-flight preparation to go through. Make yerself at home! Ye each have a bunk and an Archon to tend to yer needs, and I'll be in the cockpit if ye need me for some reason. It's been fun!"

He bounces out of the room.

Fleshbane finds that the same safeguards which prevent him from murdering his "teammates" are also keeping this creature safe.

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane refrains from comment as the one who refers to himself as Bungo speaks so enthusiastically of his minuscule vessel. The small creature was scarcely in the room long enough address directly, and had left no opportunity to get an word in edgewise regardless. Besides, if he is to be restrained from fulfilling his function, Fleshbane would prefer to avoid interaction as much as possible.

Selecting the nearest quarters, Fleshbane stoops low and sidles in sideways to fit himself into the room. The ship does not appear to be built to the scale of the halfling, but neither is it built to suit a Xenocide Unit. Under normal circumstances, Fleshbane would simply tear down the wall to permit entry, but his analysis of this vessel indicates that would compromise the structural integrity of the airship. That would endanger his "comrades" and the pilot, which runs afoul of his accursed reprogramming.

A single archon shares the cramped space with Fleshbane, standing by dutifully and awaiting orders should they be given.

I do not suppose I could order you to disembowel all who set foot through this door? he broadcasts to the mechanical unit.

The archon responds in the machine code equivalent of a very enthusiastic and somehow helpful-sounding refusal.


Menek, his research complete, while Ciel lurked around dangerously in the library with him, is ready to go. He has an Archon send a message to everyone else that he is ready and will meet them on the ship.

On the ship he summarizes
Since the Raven Queen has suggested we treat with Grummush directly I think it's safe to assume that he would not be the cause of these deviations and presumably does not want them to be happening as they are obviously a challenge to his loose authority over the Abyss. We will find far more orcs than demons in the first layer of the Abyss where he resides in an edifice called the Iron Fortress.

A far more likely suspect would be one of his greater foes, Orcus; not only does this being routinely challenge Grummush but he thinks himself "The Lord of the Undead" and his layer, the fifth, has plenty of them as well as demons. It's not hard to see how stolen souls would augment Orcus's power. The name of the layer is "Thanatos, The Belly of Death"

In short we will be dealing with a plane that contains copious amounts of Chaos, Evil, Orcs, Demons, the Undead, as well as conditions that are not only hostile but variable, it could go from boiling to freezing in seconds. As Grummush does not exactly have a strong governing structure I'm fairly certain that his authority will be no guarantee of safety for us. Especially on layers other than the first. Are there any questions?

((A mechanical question, can I buy a scroll of endure elements for 25 GP and then copy from that into my formula book?))
((A mechanical question, can I buy a scroll of endure elements for 25 GP and then copy from that into my formula book?))

((Yup. I would suggest going for both that and Endure Elements Communal if you can afford it, which would cost 375 GP. That one lets you split up the 24 duration between any number of creatures))


((Yup. I would suggest going for both that and Endure Elements Communal if you can afford it, which would cost 375 GP. That one lets you split up the 24 duration between any number of creatures))

((Hrm, not very clear in the mechanics but would it be ok if I can make an infusion out of Endure Elements Communal that I can dole out to team members partially?

Also Isn't Endure Elements, Communal a 2nd level wizard spell, the scroll of which would cost 150 GP? Is there a cost to copying from scroll to formula book?))
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