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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

((Do I have to post a list of the spells that I have chosen for each day in this thread?))

((Nope, that would be a needless hassle. I trust everyone to keep track of their own spells))

((Hrm, not very clear in the mechanics but would it be ok if I can make an infusion out of Endure Elements Communal that I can dole out to team members partially?

Also Isn't Endure Elements, Communal a 2nd level wizard spell, the scroll of which would cost 150 GP? Is there a cost to copying from scroll to formula book?))

((To the first question, yes. And to the second question, also yes. I quoted you wrong because I was basing it on the fact that the 'spell' is 3rd level for an Alchemist, but yeah you're right that you should count the Wizard level for the scroll. And no there's not a cost to copying. The normal amount of time the book says is required for that is a full day, but I've houseruled that down to 1 hour in the past, so I'm sticking with that here))


((Just enough funds for Endure Elemants Communal added to formula book. I'm almost certain that Menek is going to know all the spells fairly soon)).
((Hrm, not very clear in the mechanics but would it be ok if I can make an infusion out of Endure Elements Communal that I can dole out to team members partially?

Also Isn't Endure Elements, Communal a 2nd level wizard spell, the scroll of which would cost 150 GP? Is there a cost to copying from scroll to formula book?))

((Yes, there is a cost, but its really fucking cheap
Just make sure you have spellcraft maxed out(its a must for any spell book bassed caster).))
((Eh I'll just overrule a negligible cost like that, no need to worry about it.

The next post I have in mind will be sort of long and descriptive and I'd rather wait til I'm back at my computer, so I'll wait five hours before the post that describes the start of the trip. Until then, you guys are free to talk about how you spend the 2 days, or it can just be left blank - it's your call))


((Well I had planned an extensive pep talk from Oldoraphon, helping Viss over her anxiety, but I'm not gonna be able to write that in the next five hours:( So I guess I'll not gonna post anything. Basically Viss spends the last two days before the departure getting her shit together.))

Mike M

Nick N
((If left undisturbed, Fleshbane will go into power saving mode and devote his computational cycles towards trying to free himself of Zerome's directives.))
((Sorry guys, I didn't mean to rush you! If there's more to be done then I'm happy to wait. I just assumed most of you were waiting on me.

Please take the time you need to play out scenes. Visa can do her pep talk and Ozzan'gac can visit Fleshbane. Those sorts of scenes are why I started this campaign. I'll wait :) ))


((Erm, the thing is I'm located in Germany and the earliest I'll be able to start writing will be tomorrow noon, local time. Which is 5 am CST... if that doesn't pose a problem I'll be happy to write the piece.))
((well as long as we are waiting two days(even though with a bard and a investigator we probably only really need a few hours), I might as well do it right.))

As soon as possible, Mako changes her wandering spirit from Life to Lore and joins in on the researching to see if she can learn anything new.

((Using the Lore's Benefit of Wisdom hex to swap my int score with wisdom for knowledge checks. No idea what the bonus would be for having a huge ass library would be.))
Knowledge(Planes) on the Abyss: (1d20+11+6=36)
Knowledge(Religion) on Gruumsh: (1d20+11+6=23)
((Would gruumsh count as a creature? cause if he does, I can add a +10 from the Lore's Monstrous Insight spirit ability.))

On the second day, she will switch back to the Life wandering spirit.
((I've got a scene I want to do with Dyliah and Menek during the research, so I've got no problems with waiting))

After they agree to take two days, Ciel returns to his portion of the facility. "Archons, I require something to keep track of one of my slaves while she's out. Throw together something to go around Slave 3's neck that I can detonate if she acts against me."
Ciel calls Dyliah to the lounge shortly thereafter. "Well Slave 3, it looks like you've got a new priority job for research, and lucky for you, it's a real simple one. I don't even know how you could fuck this up. All you have to do is go to the main library, keep track of what Menek finds, and report it back to me. In the highly unlikely event you discover anything he fails to, I expect you to report that back, but we both know that's not happening. Oh! One more thing. Since you're going to be dealing with other members of SAED, I need to make sure you don't try to flee into their custody and go all 'boo hoo, Ciel's so mean and abusive, I want to live with you instead.' Enter this collar you'll be wearing. If you try anything like that, it'll go boom, along with everything near your neck at the time. Now, have fun with your assignment!"

At this point, Dyliah doesn't even bother saying anything or show surprise. She just wordlessly puts on the collar and heads to the library.

After Dyliah leaves, Ciel goes to his meditation room to tune his spells for the upcoming trip to the Abyss. While he's not a huge fan of the nature magic he can tap into, it seems useful in this situation.
Upon reaching the library, Dyliah looks for Menek, relying on earlier inquiries into the appearances of the other SAED members to find him. When she tracks him down, she nervously approaches.

"Menek? Umm, I'm Slave Thr- no, Dyliah, my name's Dyliah. Ciel sent me to take notes on what you research over the next two days. Erm, have you found anything yet? Can I do anything to help?" She appears visibly distressed over the entire course of the conversation.


Menek, quickly scanning through a copy of an allegedly historical but probably fake account of a man's journey through the Abyss and conveniently seeing all of his enemies suffering in there when Dyliah arives, puts the book away and stares at her with eyebrows raised.

Dear God young lady, what did you do to deserve being an assistant to that thing?

((Don't mind waiting a day Nezumi))
Dyliah looks down and says "Well, I... I kind of tripped and spilled coffee on the Raven Queen. I've always been clumsy, and when I heard I was getting assigned to one of you, I thought she wasn't punishing me. But then I got there and..." She just kind of trails off, shuddering at whatever her orientation entailed.
Dyliah looks confused for a second. No one's asked her about anything in her life for a pretty long time now.

"Wait, you're asking about me? Well, shortly after I was born, the elven conclave I grew up in became fascinated with death and started worshiping a multitude of death gods. The Raven Queen was among them. By the time I was old enough to have a shot at independence, the conclave had devolved into ritual sacrifices, so I fled for my life before I was chosen. While I was glad to escape that life, the principles with the Raven Queen stuck with me, and none of her worshipers got too crazy into the sacrifice stuff, so yeah, of all the deities I guess I identified with the Raven Queen most closely throughout my life."

"It wasn't that exciting of a life, I was never an adventurer or anything. I died fairly young in a freak piano accident, I couldn't have been much more than a century old. Ever heard of someone dropping a piano on themselves? I'm not sure how I did it, I think it had to do with accidentally letting go of the rope while trying to hoist it up into someone's apartment. Of all the oddjobs I did, I should have stayed away from manual labor. I really should have known better."

"When I died, I wound up in the Raven Queen's custody, and pretty soon I was assigned to work in this facility. She was strict, but generally fair. Having met Ciel, she seems like the kindest boss ever in retrospect. Oh god, It's been a short time but I could tell you so much about Ciel already. Did you know he eats babies? And that dungeon, how can-" as she starts to rant about Ciel, her collar starts flashing red.

"Eep! I guess I'm not supposed to be talking poorly about him. Anyway, you're the first person to ask anything about me in a while now, so thanks. Ciel hasn't shown any interest in us yet, we're basically just living tools to him. He even refers to us by numbers." She sighs, "so, is there anything I can do to help?"
Once dismissed to embark on two days to prepare, Ozzang'ac informs the others, "Please let me know what you have found out. I am going to pay a visit to the heartless being on the airship."

He does that. He is quickly introduced to the rare feel of metal against his watery surface as he presses himself into the hole that leads into the interior. Nearly giving the impression of flooding the ship, Ozzang'ac quickly compresses his size to better fit inside more easily. He moves along in search for the brazen volcanic figure among the similarly mechanical figure.

After finding Fleshbane, Ozzang'ac encounters him, "The others have agreed to take two days in preparation by seeking information relevant to our destination.."

"I am seeking a different method of preparing myself so I sought to find you."
((Totally up to you DeadPhoenix. The more the merrier I say))

((Yeah, but my first instinct is to try and find a way to remove the collar, which would probably derail whatever you are doing... that said, if that is what you are going to do, feel free to ask her for help.))
((Yup, your call. Poor Dyliah can use all the sympathetic ears she can get

EDIT: Just saw your post. I'm prepared for either branch as far as removing or not removing the collar goes.

ThLunarian, would you be ok with the collar removal being handled by opposing disable device checks? And if Ciel wins by more than 5, I'll have it reflected in consequences for Dyliah))
((Yup, your call. Poor Dyliah can use all the sympathetic ears she can get

EDIT: Just saw your post. I'm prepared for either branch as far as removing or not removing the collar goes.

ThLunarian, would you be ok with the collar removal being handled by opposing disable device checks? And if Ciel wins by more than 5, I'll have it reflected in consequences for Dyliah))

((Well, i wouldn't be using disable device, although Marek probably can(and would absolutely blow away a ninja/ranger if he's put ranks in it). Also I'm pretty sure disable device can't be used to make 'traps'(or anything else for that matter). I believe craft traps is a skill though. As for Mako I'd use dispel magic(if it is magic), try to find some kind of teleport or just use a good old breath of life if it comes to that.))
((Well, i wouldn't be using disable device, although Marek probably can(and would absolutely blow away a ninja/ranger if he's put ranks in it). Also I'm pretty sure disable device can't be used to make 'traps'(or anything else for that matter). I believe craft traps is a skill though. As for Mako I'd use dispel magic(if it is magic), try to find some kind of teleport or just use a good old breath of life if it comes to that.))

((Yeah, that's true. It was just the first thing that popped into my mind for setting a DC (even if Ciel would probably lose). Not sure how to go about setting what the DC for getting it removed then. As far as magic goes, it probably has some magical bits in it. I was thinking mostly technology, though I'm not sure just how much the archons can do for that. I wasn't thinking real hard about mechanics when I came up with the collar.))


Menek, a habitual prier, nods along as Dyliah unloads her life story. His mind comes up with a few fairly obvious suggestions on how she could escape and even get Ciel into trouble in the process but they all ended up with the Raven Queen angry at Dyliah as well. I think he says As hard as it may be to believe there are far worse things in the afterlife than even Ciel. So the only thing I can suggest is that you be a good little servant and on your off time pray as hard as you can to your lady that your time in punishment be merely a temporary rotation. Now to keep you motivated why don't you go over this volume of important landmarks in the Abyss, say the second and eight layers and make me a summary of them. Right before she takes the book he adds Oh and be a good little spy for him. So that he sends you off on more of these missions and gets you away from him at least for a while. So saying Menek slips her a scribbled sheet of the summary he would give to the rest of the group two days hence.
((The archons made the trap as directed, so their stats are what I'd base it on and not Ciel's.

Whatever someone decides to do, roll for it at the appropriate time and I'll let you know what happens))
"Yes! I'll get to work on that at once, thank you!" Dyliah immediately takes the books to a table and begins dutifully reading through the portions Menek designated.

Mike M

Nick N
When Ozzagn’ac happens upon Fleshbane, the murderous construct seems inert. The pulse of malefic energy has ceased, and the fire in his eyes and the resonance crystal embedded in his chest has gone dark. He is no less threatening behold, but without the telltale signs of what passes for its artificial life, he seems notably diminished in presence.

When the water elemental addresses him, however, the crystal flares to life and the light returns to Fleshbane’s eyes. His smaller profile reveals itself to not be a trick of the eye owing to the absence of visible activity, but rather that he had physically reduced his size. Now, however, the joists in his carapace expand once more, allowing the baleful orange light to course between them once more as he restores himself to his full stature.

“Ah, the aqueous one,” he rumbles, a faint electric hum behind his words. His voice seems unusually neutral and devoid of the intense hatred he has thus far used unsparingly when dealing with the rest of the Raven Queen’s assembled force. “It is only logical that you would choose to seek me out over the others. You and I have far more in common with each other than we have with the bags of pulp we are forced to serve beside, after all.

“How might I assist you in facing this menial task that has been foisted upon us?”
As Mako searches the library for information, she eventually comes across a women she has never meet before who looks a bit... distressed. "Why hello there dearie... are you lost? You don't look very... well, good."
Dyliah looks up from her reading at the second person today addressing her as if she's a person. "Oh! You're... wait, I've got this... Mako, right? I'm on research duty, I'm supposed to pass everything Menek discovers during this time back to Ciel. Menek's been kind enough to give me a good start, so I'm trying to find out everything about the second and eighth layers I can. If you've found anything, I'm sure that would help too. Umm, thanks for expressing concern though."

While not quite as distraught as when she first entered the library, she still seems visibly distressed.
When told that he is similar, Ozzang'ac retorts, "..I have grown accustomed to a life with people and have pride in my ability to serve them. There may be differences between ourselves yet."

He continues, finally stating the purpose of his visit, "I am here because I am less of a scholar than the others. I was always a guardian of the royal family and a warrior. My needs to prepare are different.."

"What I request of you is this.. a training session."

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane laughs, a harsh and unpleasant noise of squealing metal. “Service,” he says in a voice that indicates he would be sneering if he were capable of facial expressions. “What loyalty owe you to such creatures? Their weaknesses cannot be enumerated, and they never cease their consumption of everything around them to sustain their fleeting, useless lives. Their genetic material exists only to perpetuate itself, heedless of the cost, absent of purpose. They are little more than more sophisticated bacterial colonies gifted with just enough intelligence by an accident of evolution to think their existence meaningful.

“But you? You are an elemental. You are the manifestation of something fundamental to the functioning of the universe, an exemplar of a cornerstone of the foundation upon which all else is built. Eternal. Unchanging. Organics consume your very essence by virtue of their existence, they would perish without that which you represent sustaining them. They take and take and take from you, giving nothing in return, and you feel that you are somehow indebted to them? You are a titan standing among ants, Ozzang’ac. Do not forget that.”

Looking about the cramped chamber, he adds, “I will grant you your request, but we will need to take our sparring elsewhere. This chamber is… Insufficient. I believe the flight deck of this vessel will provide adequate space. I am prohibited by Zerome’s meddling from causing you lasting harm, but know that I would not desire to do so. You are not that which I fight against.”
"Ciel? Oh you poor, poor thing. I don't even want to think about what he's doing to you. If you need help with anything, let me know."
"Well, I have a feeling that the only thing keeping me and the others out of the gladiatorial pit is the amount of info I bring back. Anything else you can give me should help. And yeah, for the kind of stuff he does-" her collar starts to flash red again, "on second thought, I'd rather not talk about it."
"I was given something that may be meaningless to you in my time as the captain: respect and gratitude. Though I was once summoned for a thankless purpose, I eventually found a life of meaning."

When called a titan, the elemental shifts his face to shake his head. Maybe in his homeworld he would have once believed he was a titan among his people, but disagrees now, "I am no titan. My death was to a creature of incomprehensible size. I know what it is like to be crushed."

"Agreed. Let us travel to the deck." Being closer to the exit, the elemental begins to make way.
"Probably be easier to explain it him directly once we were done, but for now... What was that? Your, uhh, collar was glowing just now."
"Yeah, that makes sense. The collar? It's something Ciel put on me to make sure I don't get any ideas about fleeing, as much as I'd like to. I believe his words were 'if you try anything you shouldn't, it'll go boom, along with everything near your neck.' " She sighs, "Of course he wouldn't let me out of his circle of hell without some insurance."

Mike M

Nick N
"Your choice," Fleshbane replies as Ozzang'ac expresses his thoughts and turns to leave. "It is the wrong one, but it is yours to make. I shall see you above when you arrive."

With another violent burst of energy, Fleshbane folds the fabric of space and time around him. His current position and the flight deck occupy the same position at the same time for no more than an attosecond before conventional reality reasserts itself, leaving the construct up above.

When Ozzang'ac arrives, he finds Fleshbane standing at the ready with his sword drawn

Looking like this, but evil!

"Come," he beckons as he hoists the sword formed from his own construction in both hands. "Let us test the limits of our abilities."

((If we're going to do an actual battle beyond RP, Fleshbane is adopting his *ridiculously* useful Steel Wind Stance))
Once Ozzang'ac arrives on deck he arrives to witness the stature of the being. Something in him tells him that he may be in over his himself, but isn't sure what kind of power the being before him holds. He knows that finding out and practicing against the unknown will help him prepare both for danger ahead and in what kind of allies he has.

He expands to full size when on the deck.

<I guess a quick three rounds of PVP and call that sparring?>

Mike M

Nick N
((Works for me. I got 19 on initiative, but I gotta turn in for the night. If you beat that, go ahead and take the first action and I'll get you back in the morning : P))

Mike M

Nick N
((Ah, what the hell, one for the road. It's my most complicated attack anyway, it gets easier once I'm in melee range.))

((Turns out Fleshbane has a kicking sound system))

"Prepare yourself!" Fleshbane bellows, the pulses of light increasing in frequency like a heartbeat quickening from excitement. "Hold nothing back!"

Fleshbane launches forward, a contrail of energized plasma vapor tracing a parabolic arc through the air behind him as he hurtles toward Ozzang'ac with his sword held above his head.

Crashing back into the deck before the water elemental, Fleshbane adds the momentum to his mighty overhead swing.

((Got a whole lot of shit going on here, doing Psychokinetic Charge, Heedless Charge, Power Attack, Leap Attack, Greater Powerful Charge, and Charge Bonus with a two-handed weapon. It's a complicated formula, but I think I've got it...))

Fleshbane Special vs. Ozzang'ac 
Damage:  2d6+12+3(5)+2d6=45

((Steel Wind Stance grants +2 dodge bonus to AC if Fleshbane moves 10 feet or more, but Heedless Charge applies Power Attack penalty to AC instead of attack roll and cancels that out, so I'm at -2 AC overall from charging. If I'd prepped with Force Screen, I'd have broken even outright : P))
<I might have to make it two rounds. I could realistically die with that kind of damage.>

The water is heavily torn into, steam clouding violently where plasma meets him. The elemental attempts to seek whether he can damage his opponent as well. Realizing the power of his opponent it becomes apparent he cannot stay in a spar for long.

Flurry of Blows (Power Attack for first two attacks): 1D20+16 = [6]+16 = 22
1D20+16 = [15]+16 = 31
1D20+14 = [19]+14 = 33
1D20+14 = [5]+14 = 19

Damage: 2D8+2+9+6 = [7, 7]+2+9+6 = 31
2D8+2+9+6 = [1, 7]+2+9+6 = 25
2D8+2+9+6 = [4, 2]+2+9+6 = 23
2D8+2+9+6 = [1, 2]+2+9+6 = 20

<I don't know if any of these hit, apply damage to those that do. EDIT: Oops, last two damages subtract 6 from the damage values>

Mike M

Nick N
((I don’t know what you’re complaining about with damage potential like that : P Look how insanely situational my attack was where I had to pile in a half dozen feats and abilities to max out at 51 HP possible damage.

Also, I’m a doofus, Fleshbane’s stance is Absolute Steel, Steel Wind is one of his maneuvers.))
Wall of Blades counter:  1d20+18=38
((Instant move that replaces AC with an attack roll. Much as I would love to apply it to your entire action, my reading is that it only applies to one attack, so you get two hits))

Fleshbane is agile enough to bat aside Ozzag’ac’s first blow with the flat of his blade and dance out of reach of the fourth, but the second and third strike home. The peal of the impact of metal hangs in the air, loud and piercing.

“Good,” Fleshbane says, running his fingers over his dented armor plating, “Good.” There is a noticeable drop in the ambient temperature in the air around the two combatants.

“Worthy opponents are such a rarity,” he continues as a crust of hoar frost begins radiating outward from the glowing crystal in the center of his chest. “A shame, then, that we must end this.”

Tapping into his vast reservoir of power, Fleshbane unleashes a direct current of energy from within, a tendril of supercooled vapor lashing out from his center of mass to seek his liquid opponent like a viper striking its prey.

Energy Current (Cold):  9d6+9=44
((Fort save for half damage, DC 25))
Mako finds that the collar around Dyliah's neck is incredibly dangerous, but to anyone who is the least bit knowledgeable about the mechanisms in place, it's easy to deactivate. The activity-monitoring functions of the collar are magical in nature, while the retributive functions are mechanical and alchemical. The collar only monitors the activities of its bearer, so someone else could attempt to deactivate the collar without triggering anything.

The power level of the enchantment is relatively low; Mako would not encounter much difficulty in dispelling it. Likewise, the mechanics of the device could be easily disabled by any halfway decent trap-finder.

((Mako's knowledge rolls on the Abyss and Gruumsh don't get her any additional info by the way, even when accounting for the extra +10))
Mako pops a dispel magic and takes the collar off.

Dispel Magic: (1d20+10=18)
((Just in case.))

"If Ciel ask, tell him I took it off against your wishes. Which I would have if you tried to stop me. I'm going to have a talk with the Raven Queen about him sending out living bombs. Whatever the rules are about how he can treat you, I know putting the rest of us in danger is unacceptable." She then finds some paper and a pen and begins writing, "I'll right down everything Ciel needs to know, feel free to take a walk while I work and if you don't feel like coming back, I'd understand perfectly..."


Menek observes Mako helping Dyliah. He approaches Mako. That was well done, however was it wise? The Raven Queen sent Dyliah to Ciel and unless she decides to withdraw Ciel from his service he will make Dyliah's life even more hellish than it already is. Even if the Raven Queen does show mercy to Dyliah won't Ciel just take out his sadistic frustration on his remaining servants and her replacement?

((Edit: Edited since Dyliah AINT LEAVING))
By the time Mako is done talking, Dyliah has broken down into tears and thrown herself around the woman in an embrace.

"Oh thank you, thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! I'm free now, I'm free! If there's anything I can do for you, anything, let me know." she stops to think for a moment, and then panic overtakes her once more.

"Oh no. I don't think I can flee. I can't run away from this facility, that would be blasphemy to the Raven Queen. But I can't go back to Ciel! I can't! I've seen what he does to people in his torture room. Just being down there is bad for anyone's sanity, I wouldn't last an hour with his attention! And it wouldn't just be me, it would be Brick and Arlen too! Oh no, we've doomed them both. He'll surely torture them for my actions even if I don't go back. What do I do? I don't know what to do..." Dyliah sinks to the ground, having apparently found despair from a new angle.
Menek observes Mako helping Dyliah. He approaches Mako. That was well done, however was it wise? The Raven Queen sent Dyliah to Ciel and unless she decides to withdraw Ciel from his service he will make Dyliah's life even more hellish than it already is. Even if the Raven Queen does show mercy to Dyliah won't Ciel just take out his sadistic frustration on his remaining servants and her replacement?

((Edit: Edited since Dyliah AINT LEAVING))

"Calm down you two, your both just playing into his mind games. Regardless of how he is allowed to treat his servants, I cannot allow him to have bombs walking around with the rest of us. And you girl, Ciel's actions are only his own, you have no control over what he does and if you think carrying this thing around your neck will keep you and the others from being tortured, you need to reconsider your definition of the word. Now, if you want I can take you to my room and then I'm going to have a talk with the Raven Queen and most likely Ciel. I cannot make any promises, as it seems the Raven Queen may share a sadistic side with Ciel, but I will do my best to make your living arrangements less... disagreeable."
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