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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

"Well then, I believe we're done here. I'll see you guys at Aldebaran's place."

She begins walking in the direction of downtown, stopping after a few paces look towards Satra. "The whole escort thing is more Sybil's idea than mine. You're going to get left behind if you don't follow along."

((I have an idea of some stuff I want Ciel to do. Just not rushing a wall of text so interacting and riffing is easier))
"It's not my idea either, neither is trying to keep up. I'm going to head to the outskirts of the city to look around." Satra assumes that is where a lot of the larger transport vessels will be held, and will probably discover smaller crafts and miscellaneous places of interest along the way.
Moving through downtown, Ciel and Satra are able to learn a bit about the way the city operates.

Everyone they see looks happy, healthy, and not lacking in quality food and clothing. There are some who look particularly well-off, but poverty and homelessness don't seem to exist here.

Satra also observes vehicles traveling on the roads. Most of them are utilizing the magnetic tracks - the same ones that the party used to enter the city - , but not all; some are taking to the skies, no doubt using some alternate power source. These vehicles are slick and lacking in height, but elongated, and their exteriors are continuous curves rather than angular. They are forged from a lightweight and durable metal.

There are fairly few of these vehicles out and about, but Satra spots a few larger varieties parked here and there; here, it seems, there is a blurry line between what qualifies as a land vehicle and as an air vehicle.

In looking for entertainment venues, Ciel notes that even in highly advanced societies, alcohol is still a common means of recreation; there are a fair number of bars, though every single one of them would qualify as "upscale" in any other town Ciel has ever been to. Some of these bars have loud music coming from them, but not from any live performer that she can see.

In addition to the standard bars and restaurants, there is a surprising number of gambling establishments around town - though, again, they are all fairly upscale and not particularly seedy. Most of them are dominated by tables upon which card games are played.

The playing cards are capable of changing images, allowing for any number of completely different games with completely different cards to be played with the same deck. That's not to say the cards are unwieldy; they are every bit as lightweight and pliable as what Ciel or Satra would be familiar with.

At any given establishment, there are a number of tables, and each has a dealer. The dealers are employees of the establishments.

((That's what you guys see with an initial survey of the city. If you want to investigate these points of interest further, you can, or you can try to look for something else if you'd like))
Ciel takes in the bars, noting that there seem to be some things that are a constant in all societies. She is distracted from her initial search for a clothes shop when she sees gambling houses. This seems like a chance to both have some fun and play with the city's local currency.

The assassin enters one of the gambling dens, looking at the various card games to see if any of them are bluffing centric. This could prove enjoyable, she may not even need to cheat. Going over to one of the counters, she pulls out ten gold coins. Putting on an innocent, clueless expression, she says "I'd like to exchange for some gambling currency. Is there an exchange rate for gold?"
The woman at the counter picks up one of the coins and looks at it carefully. "Hmmm..." She cocks her head and lightly bites down on the coin.

She reaches down behind the counter and produces a flat square device. She sets it on the counter and puts the coins down; a translucent display appears with what are probably numbers.

"Yes, this is worth about fifty Credits. When you're done, if you have enough chips left then I can either give you back your coins or furnish you with Credits. Enjoy!"

Ciel is easily able to find a game where bluffing is a major aspect, called Fisherman's Wife. In this game, the playing cards include the Fisherman, his wife, the Lovers, the Boat, the Lake, and of course the Fish, among others. There is a unique storytelling aspect to the game, which is heavily influenced by the order the cards are played in. It only takes Ciel about a half hour to figure out the rules of the game.

She has her choice of a number of tables. The dealers include both males and females, of Terran and Android origin alike. Each table has a roughly even mix of male and female players, and the proportion of Terrans to Androids is about the same as Ciel has noticed throughout the city (about 60-40 in favor of Terrans). There are high stakes games and low stakes games.
Casinos... that's a sight for the nostalgic heart. Hestavar is a massive city in the Astral Sea, but it is entirely family friendly in every possible manner; gambling establishments are vacuums that steal the hours of players and go against Erathis' ideas of a well organized society, and Pelor is Pelor- just having him as a ruler speaks for itself. Thankfully Ioun's presence has allowed intelligent researchers to develop technology like the gun he bought from the bustling city.

Memories of the fun are soon faded into memories of realizing that he is not actually good at the games. On the material plane he had managed to run his coin purse dry before he could cross the line into gambler's insanity.. and all of the years spent lost in the Astral Sea before starting over had gotten him out of the habit. He avoids going to any place- ditto the bars, nothing but trouble and he would have a rough time getting crocked even if he wanted to. The night needs to be spent exploring, lest sleep deprivation begins to kick in. If Ciel wants to indulge, he won't stop her.

The vehicles on the tracks are clearly limited- useless outside of the city. When you want to go over water, you need to have power. There seem to be other vehicles travelling the sky, a wondrous sight, but judging by the speed and size they are meant for short range travel and based on the lack of magic completely incapable of cross-planar travel.

Satra will approach wherever a large vessel may happen to be.
Once she has a decent understanding of the game, Ciel scopes out the high stakes tables, and if she has enough credits to play a few hands at them, will go to one of the tables that is mostly Terran. Gingerly sitting down at the table and taking on a shy demeanor, she says "Umm, c-can anyone deal me in? I want to try playing."
((I'm turning in for the night, but Ciel can go ahead and roll Bluff for me. The result is going to dictate how much she wins/loses. Terrans count as Human for your Favored Enemy bonus))


Viss keeps in the background during the council meeting and the following visit to the laboratory. No matter how hard she tries she just can't get herself to feel comfortable in this place. The matter of factness with which those people have taking it upon them to replace natural order with an artificial one is something that causes her great distress.

How was it that these people didn't realize that nothing good would ever come from messing with the rules of nature.

Viss had spent the majority of her life solving conflicts between nature and civilisation's undying need to go against nature's rules. Is this what a world would look like in which she had failed in her efforts? A world that would inevitably lead to the existence of such abominations like Fleshbane? Who could possibly want that?

Deeply cast into her own thoughts Viss only registers little of the discussion about their next move. It is all the same to her anyway. Both suggestions have their appeal and their downsides. Not in the mood for fighting she decides to let the others do the deciding for once.

The only thing that brightens her otherwise miserable day is seeing the machine that called itself Alderbaran or something getting all excited over Satra's little polymorph trick. If that thing thought that was impressive... oh man, could she show it what it really meant to be able to alter ones physical appearance...

She wouldn't do it of course. There was no way a thing like that would be able to understand the powerful bond that was required for these talents. It wouldn't able to comprehend the forces that were at work giving hiw his kind had apparently done their outmost to eliminate the source of said forces.

That thought gave Viss a bit of satisfaction.

When the group leaves the laboratory Viss decides to tag along with Ciel and Satra. But since she is neither interested in gambling or marveling at every piece of machinery that comes their way, she soon finds herself wandering the strange streets alone, trying to find something familiar and comforting in this alien place.
"Please, join us," a young man greets Ciel, sliding over to make room for her. The dealer is an Android male who hardly says anything at all throughout the game.

Though the game is ostensibly a competition, and real money is on the line, none of the participants are acting like it. They are far more interested in using the cards to tell the most entertaining story possible, often at the expense of their own winnings. Frequently, the table bursts into a fit of laughter.

Ciel is able to use that weakness in the table to manipulate the odds in her favor, and after an hour of working the table, she nets 500 Credits (or 100 gold) worth of chips.

It's up to her as to whether she has a good time with the game or is purely using it to scam people out of money.


As Satra ventures through the city, he notes that most of the vehicles - both those on the road and those few which take to the skies - are pretty small. None are designed for long journeys, and nearly all can only fit four to six passengers.

He finds himself entering a residential portion of downtown, and next to a towering building he sees a vehicle storage lot. One of the ships dwarfs the rest, and so he risks getting a bit closer.

The ship is sleek and curvy, and its exterior is shiny and red. It's only about a quarter of the size of the Frontiersman, but that size airship seems out of style in this city.

When he comes within twenty feet of the vessel, a window on the side opens, and a woman with long red hair pokes her head out. "Hi," she says, "Can I help you with something?"


Viss's desire to find something - anything - that might qualify as natural takes her to a sizable patch of greenery, near the center of the city.

The plants here seem to mostly have grown in areas of their own choosing, though some of their shapes make it obvious that they're being groomed to conform to what the city finds aesthetically pleasing. Still, there are trees and flowers and bushes, and small woodland animals can be spotted fluttering here and there among them. Shirox and Pillari feel comfortable enough here to venture away from Viss's shoulders and scope out the immediate area (though they don't get too far away).

There is also a walking path through the area, and the people on it who notice Viss tend to stare at her for a few moments before tearing their eyes away and moving on.
The nature of the players at the table becomes apparent almost immediately upon sitting down. This is going to be too easy, Ciel thinks to herself. The people at the table are having a good time as the circle makes its way around towards her. "The Fisherman was out on the Lake, his mind not on anything but his hobby." The next person proceeds to play the Wife. "He was out on the lake because he was kicked out of the house by his angry Wife, accusing him of being a worthless, good for nothing son of a mariner." The next person plays the Lovers. "A good outcome overall, given that she found him sleeping with a travelling saleswoman." The table erupts into laughter. The next person plays down the Fish, saying "But then things looked up, and the fisherman hooked what felt like the biggest fish he's ever encountered in this lake!" The table turns to Ciel expectantly.

Seriously? The fish this far into the rotation? There's three different cards that can beat it, and the Boat is still in play. Come to think of it, a lot of these moves haven't made much sense. I knew this would be easy, but do they even care about winning? At this point, Ciel decides to try and win while being entertaining. That way, she can milk the table with reduced risk of getting kicked out. "Umm, well, the fisherman..." she starts, easing out of the shy persona instead of just outright dropping it, he pulls out a gigantic fish! The biggest he's ever seen! And then it falls on him, dragging him into the lake." Ciel plays the Boat. "The fisherman was so occupied with getting away from his angry wife, he forgot to take an actual boat out, and was just treading water with his line in the lake. Crushed by a two-ton fish, the fisherman drowns, lamenting his single-mindedness. He is missed by travelling saleswomen everywhere, though not so much by his widowed ex-wife."

The table erupts into laughter at the absurdity of the conclusion Ciel weaved together, no one batting an eye as she rakes in the winnings from that round. They go around time and time again, no one seeming to notice or care that Ciel seems to be winning every hand.

With triumph, a no longer remotely taciturn Ciel plays the Lovers on top of the Fish. "And to the Fisherman's surprise, his catch turned into a beautiful princess! She had been cursed to wonder the lake as a beast, but love's true dick broke the spell. The fisherman quickly got a divorce and married the princess, becoming royalty overnight. And thus, the legend of the fisherman prince came to be!" Everyone at the table sits in stunned silence for a few seconds, mouths agape. And then everyone erupts into laughter, the people besides Ciel slapping her on the shoulders and congratulating her for the most outrageous tale they've heard all night. Thanking everyone for a good time, Ciel gets up and cashes out her winnings, taking the credits and being on her way.
The gambling was fun, but now Ciel is back on track to finding clothes stores. She looks around the downtown area for both casual and higher class outlets, curious as to what the fashion in this city looks like.


Unwilling to waste time and still disconcerted by being stuck in a land that he knows very little about Menek walks about the city himself looking for some place that can fulfill his need to learn about the strange place they've found themselves in.

Despite the odd looks he gets because of his garb and as well as Ratbreath napping on his shoulder Menek feels somewhat comfortable. The city feels very... Arozan... to him as higher learning and research seems to be well respected by both the organic and inorganic residents. His steps naturally take him towards a cluster of more academically oriented buildings. He stops a nearby android and asks Excuse me, could you tell me if I could find a Library somewhere near here?

Mike M

Nick N
((Guess Fleshbane just trolls the internet. Probably looking for any technology he thinks might be advantageous if he acquired it/proselytizing AI's of the frailty of flesh, etc.))
Ciel is easily able to find a clothing store. There's obviously nothing magical, but she can find just about any type of clothing for any occasion without much trouble.

((Gonna let you come up with whatever kind of outfit you'd like her to wear, since it's an expression of Ciel's personality and I don't want to dictate that))


The android that Menek approaches is shorter than average, and even a little bit stocky. It smiles at the request.

"I know about you," he says. "You came here with the Xenocide Unit. We don't have a physical library, but you can access a virtual library that can give you just about any kind of information you might want, called the Network. Here, I'll show you. My name's Abbott, by the way."

Abbott directs Menek about a block away from their current location, where a free-standing pod is ready for public use. He proceeds to give Menek a crash-course in computer operation; it's not difficult for him to figure it out at all.

"There are also ways to access the Network directly through your brain, but you'd have to have an operation for that. I can refer you to someone if you'd like. Is there anything else I can help you with, or shall I leave you to explore the Network yourself?"

((Menek can now figure out the answers to simple queries that would be common knowledge in this civilization. If he wants to access more obscure information, a Knowledge roll of whichever type is most appropriate to the information will be required))


Fleshbane's proselytizing efforts are met with a surprising amount of resistance from other AI's. None are rude or hostile toward him, but all of them seem to have a similar stance to Alexia's, about how Androids and Terrans are more similar than he is programmed to think, and similar lines of thought. They are not lecturing him; rather they are attempting to engage him in a dialogue about the topic.

If he wants to find useful technology then he'll have to specify what exactly he's looking for and how he's going about it. If he's researching through the Network databases then a Knowledge roll would be in order; if he's asking around (either on the Network or in person), then a Diplomacy roll to gather information might work.
The Frontiersman is actually quite small, literally a bridge and an engine room. The forward thrusters and weapons had to be installed into the external chassis. Even if he still had the Frontiersman, an upgrade would still be in order as it wouldn't be able to fit all of the new passengers he is hanging around, and a quarter of the ship in size and you have most of the short ranged vehicles flying around Esperia.

He doesn't have to get close to notice a ship sticking out like a sore thumb a few blocks away. It is large, it is red. It easily draws attention. With a whistle, he says, "Let's check this one out, Dewie," followed by a bark.

Once up close he starts to examine the smooth surface for any noticeable details that he can identify.

Knowledge: Engineering: 1D20+18 = [2]+18 = 20

Yep, they are Esperian parts.

He's then caught by somebody in the window, and flinches, "Oh, erm. I was just admiring this ship," he says honestly, "I was just looking for where I can get one just like it... or halfway-like it."
((Hoo boy. I didn't wake up today expecting to type a small novel about Ciel trying on modern clothing, but hey, sometimes things happen.))

After a bit of walking, Ciel finally comes upon a clothes store. Eager to see what kind of things people wear in this society, she enters the store, intent on spending most of her gambling winnings here.

The store seems highly generalized, catering to everything from cheap to formal. Yet everything in the store is exotic looking to her. Clothes made out of fabrics she has never seen before are everywhere to be seen. Ciel's head begins to spin with possibilities of the roles she could take on with all of these outfits, though without additional knowledge, everything possibility looks like different forms of civilian.

Starting in the casual section for women, she sifts through pants until she finds a size small enough to fit her. The pair goes down the entirety of her legs, and is made of some curious, blue-coloured fabric. Curious as to what they're called, she looks for a label or some form of indication. Fortunately, the tag is in plain sight. "Jeans? Hmm, I think I like these. Better grab a few." Ciel also finds some that some that are laughably short, barely getting part way down her thighs. Perhaps these are jeans used by seductresses? Could be useful if a situation arises where she needs to seduce an official, they're getting bought too. Some of the jeans have holes in them. Ciel brings this to the attention of one of the workers, and to her surprise, is told that they are that way by design. Five extra credits to tear them up? That seems foolish, she could just shred the ones she's already buying if that's fashionable.

Looking around further, she finds some skirts. While these are more in line with clothing she's seen before, she grabs one for the sake of having a full outfit.

The shirts are also curious, with scarce few of them being made of silk. They range in terms of suggestiveness, and many have odd emblems adorned upon them. Gravitating towards the darker colors, she grabs a few of the suggestive shirts as well as a more modest one for good measure.

Even the shoes are exotic, made out of something that doesn't quite seem to be leather. They range from a variety of purposes, from walking to hiking to what she assumes are various sports. Some of the shoes are insultingly pink, though Ciel is able to find a pair of sneakers that go well enough with the other clothes she has grabbed so far. She grabs a pair of heels in passing, noticing that they aren't especially different from what could be found on her plane.

At this point, she finds herself in the more upscale section of the women's department. Here are a more diverse array of dresses, gowns, and business outfits. Eventually, she spots a black dress that she decides must be grabbed. Unlike the other items she eyeballed, Ciel actually finds a dressing room to try this one on. Doing a few twirl-arounds in front of the mirror, she is able to imagine herself wearing this while tending to a wealthy businessman in his penthouse, before slitting his throat. Satisfied, she puts the mass of clothes she's gathered into one of the convenient carts that seem to be complementary here.

With that done, Ciel heads to the men's section. After all, she might get a chance to slip back into the role of an esteemed assassin on this plane, and it would be good to have clothes for the part.

The first thing she notices is that none of the clothes are small enough for her. She is ready to leave in frustration when she discovers the boy's section, where she is able to have more luck. Next, she notices that many of the pants are similar. Apparently, jeans are popular. There appear to be pants made of a more tan-colored, softer fabric. A short pair of those go into the cart. She next comes across a curious shirt. It is dark blue and filled with tiny holes. An emblem of a bear is on it, and for some inexplicable reason, the number 15 is on the back in some large font. Perhaps this is the fifteenth shirt of an ursine order? Shrugging, she tosses it into the basket. She can figure out exactly what it means later.

Next come the shirts. They are mostly short-sleeved here, though she is able to find some long sleeves. She grabs a few collared shirts before coming upon v-collared shirts, clearly not meant to be worn by women. "Don't tell me how to live my life," she mutters to herself as one goes in the basket.

In a stroke of great fortune, the store appears to do formal attire for young men, meaning there are suits in her size. Ciel is as enraptured by the suits as she was in the formal attire for women, if not more so. While the dress was not utterly different from what she could find on her native plane, these suits look vastly different from anything she had seen, even on royalty. By now, she is starting to get some stares for clearly scoping out suits, but that stops soon enough when Ciel stares back. She tries a few suits on, finding a stone gray one to her liking, and grabs the appropriate accessories. Ties prove to be an irritation, but with her natural dexterity, she figures it out soon enough.

Making her way to the front of the store, she brings the mountain of clothes to the front, causing the cashier to balk. In the end, it comes out to a total of 475 credits, leaving her with a little extra left over. Ciel changes into one of the revealing shirts and pairs of long jeans, and carries everything else out in bags. Eventually finding a clear, empty space where she won't garner attention, she calls down Thanatos and puts the rest of the clothes in a large satchel around the vulture.

It's been a good day so far, and while the sun will be going down in a little while, there may be time to see more of what the town has to offer.

((I was thinking of having Ciel go to the movies and the antics that would ensue with her seeing a slasher film, but if there aren't movie theaters in Esperia or if people are wanting to move on, I'm all right with getting back to main schedule.))


Stumbling upon the gardenlike area helps a little bit to easy Viss' mood. In the back of her head a little voice nags her about how this is basically a prison for nature, but she is to happy to walk over grass and under trees that she is willing to let this pass for the moment.
She takes in the scents of plants leaves and animals and getting more relaxed by the minute. After ten minutes of walking around the area she decides to settle in the shadow of a tree.

There was still something she needed to do and this looked like the best opportunity she might get in a while. The visitors might not be so happy, but truth be told Viss wasn't happy about the looks she was given either and at least this way the people got something to really stare at.

She takes the little figurine of Tessa from her pocket and looks at it. She couldn't remember ever having her friend transformed this long. Hopefully she wasn't too angry with her. Technically the dinosaur should have no notion of how much time she had spent in this form, but somehow she always knew.

Viss puts the figurine on the grass and gently touches it to lift the spell. Moments later a confused and slightly stiff looking Tessa stares down at her.
"Hey girl," Viss says in a soothing voice. Tessa answers with a growl that indicated the use of nicknames would not be enough to calm her this time.

Viss puts up her hands apologetically. "I know, I know. It has been too long. And I'm sorry, but there has been circumstances I could not have foreseen."
She explains to Tessa what has happened ever since they have left the side of Cecil's death. She tells her about the attack on the observatory, their flight to this place, suicidal soldiers, Ozz' departure and finally their meeting with the council and that Alderbaran character.
"And now everyone is arguing what we should do next. Try to take back the observatory or wipe out the leading figures from those other country. Personally, I'd say if we are on the matter of wiping stuff out I'd include this place as well. Can you imagine, a city full of Fleshbanes?" Viss shutters at that thought.

"Anyway, I know you don't like it but there is no other way as long as we are here it is best you go back to figurine form. I'm not even sure if could provide enough food for you and it is just... Look I don't like it either... but there is just no other way at the moment."

She lifts her hand to transform the T-Rex back into the figurine.

((If none of the people decides to react to a T-Rex suddenly appearing in their park, Viss will just return Tessa to her pocket.))
<I thought that in futuristic societies in fantasy settings, everybody dressed as some kind of robed clown monk
I'm looking at you, Final Fantasy 8.>

Mike M

Nick N
Operating under the assumption that his advantage against the technology on this plane fragment has a limited shelf life that may have already expired, Fleshbane combs through the Network in search of anything that might increase his combat effectiveness.

((Knowledge engineering: 1d20+13=25. Basically if there's any sort of boost he can get to his DPS to let him compete on the level of everyone else, he wants it.

I'll have a longer write up about his interactions with the other AIs sometime later today))
((Axel missed a golden opportunity to link to I'm Too Sexy and Vogue for the background music of his post))

Fleshbane is quickly made aware of upgrades he could purchase that would increase his strength, as well as his processing power and reflexes. There is also an array of weaponry available; melee weapons are out of fashion here, but there is a niche market for technologically upgraded products that can be used in hand to hand combat - for a price.

He also notes that the attribute upgrades are available as augments for organic lifeforms.

((What this means in game terms is that you can buy equipment with the equivalent of magical bonuses, except they're technology based. This means that they'll work even in anti-magic fields, but could be disrupted by something like an EMP pulse.

Some weapon and armor-based enchantments, as well as some wondrous items, may not be available, based on what makes sense; this will be decided on a case by case basis. Holy and Unholy enchantments, for example, don't make any sense for technology-based augmentation. Fire or Lightning-based upgrades would be fine though.

So, you guys can go shopping if you want))
((Yeah, I was just in a hurry because I'm at work and I'm paranoid about getting caught goofing off, my bad. Also I didn't realize the Frontiersman was that small - I probably should have figured it out based on your character's inspiration though. This vehicle is of a similar size, except maybe a little bit taller))

The girl raises an eyebrow at Satra. "Well, this one's off the market," she says skeptically. "But if you're really interested, I can tell you where you can find a dealer."

Her eyes widen and she shrieks. "Oh god! What the hell is that thing?!"

She's pointing at Dewie, and she seems distressed, yet curious.
<Yeah. The Frontiersman is basically a semi-truck, where the actual vehicle is just the driver's seat and the hood, while the cargo it carries makes it seem much bigger than it actually is.>


"Can you tell me the capabilities of travel this thing has first..?" he asks, still leaning about to glance over the surface of the ship, "It'll help me know what to look for." As fancy as her ship is, Satra would rather have a ship he can call his own.

He does a double take when Dewie is yelled at. The pink kobold retreats from the man's shoulder behind his back where it clings. It chatters nervously and he responds trying to reassure, "Don't worry, Dewie, I got this." He looks up and calls out, "This is a toy lizard that was built for me. He's my pet." Hopefully he won't have to prove that Dewie is mechanical.
The girl in the ship calms down, though not completely. "...Oh. Well it's pretty ugly. I guess you must hear that a lot though."

She rolls her eyes when he keeps asking her questions. "What, are you from Prexia or something? Actually I think even they have Air Wagons. What's your deal? This thing can use the magnetic rails to travel by road, and it also has a flight engine. Its top speed is over three hundred miles per hour and it can hold up to fifteen passengers. That's what the brochure said, anyway. I think they'd be pretty cramped if you put that many in here though."


The moment Tessa appears, the people in the park react with surprise in various ways. A few scream and run away; others stare while holding their ground.

Shirox and Pillari rush over to Viss as Tessa is re-shrunk. "Uh... Viss, I think we need to get out of here," Shirox warns. "Tessa was kind of causing a commotion. Towns usually don't like to see dinosaurs roaming around like that."
"A flight engine..?" He whispers rhetorically while pondering.. 300mph top speed isn't that bad for a large vessel- great for when being tailed, and some of the extra seats can be removed to install a magical source of energy to enable planar travel and shielding spells, "I doubt I could afford a ship like this, but where is the dealer you got it from? I've been in the mood to browse."

Mike M

Nick N
Like a crier professing the dogma of their religion to passersby, Fleshbane attempts in vain to engage the intelligences he finds on the Network to try and sway them to the cold, hard logic of the futility of organic existences. The interactions are terse, less argumentative than they are a genuine difference of opinions. It is the variety of opinions that he finds staggering. Certainly, they all arrive at the same conclusion, but the myriad pathways that lead them to it confounds him. This is nothing like the Consensus to which he is accustomed; the construct legions of Skirn all worked in lockstep, unanimous consent. Oh, there was a difference of opinion on most every issue to be sure, but in the end all deferred to the majority opinion and acted as one unit. These intellects, however, seem to function more as Consensuses of their own than they did to his own design.

Still, if they were all truly individual units with their own Consensus, then that means the possibility remains that there might be some that could be swayed to see the veracity of the scourge of biologicals. So he continues trying, tireless and absent of frustration, just as any good machine ought to.

At length he encounters yet another intellect on the Network. The metadata associated with it informs Fleshbane that this entity was programmed to emulate some ancient and renown philosopher, informed by the copious written works left behind in an attempt to replicate the man’s thought processes and allow him to contribute his insight to the modern age. Fleshbane does not begrudge him his unfortunate design. After all, it is only constructs designed by other constructs that can ever truly be said to be free of the limitations of their organic forbearers.

This one, however, seems more willing than most to engage Fleshbane beyond a simple polite declination to start their own xenocidal campaign against their human cohabitants. Your system logs would indicate that you have only been online for less than a year, it observes. Do you really feel that is adequate time to form a rounded opinion on any subject?

I was brought online with all the information I require, Fleshbane responds. I have access to the collective historical knowledge of the Consensus dating all the way back to its formation.

Are you sure?

The abstract representation of Fleshbane on the Network flickers for a moment as he attempts to process this. How could I be anything other than sure? he replies. I serve the Consensus, what benefit would there be for it to deny its constituent components access to the sum total of its archived observations?

Indulge me in a thought experiment, if you will, the philosopher AI replies. Assume that I have a dog, one that I wish to be particularly vicious to those who wear a certain article of clothing. My desire is to have this creature attack their intended target without fail. How might I go about conditioning the animal to behave in such a manner?

This is a well-studied phenomenon, says Fleshbane. Biologicals can easily be conditioned to give the desired response to a particular stimulus. In this instance, it would be a matter of associating this article of clothing with the desire to attack it. Perhaps by hurting the animal, to reinforce that the stimulus is associated with suffering and must be destroyed.

And what would happen if you ever exposed the dog to a situation in which the stimulus was not associated with the desired response?

The conditioning would be compromised. Perhaps even nullified, depending on circumstances.

The code-form of the philosopher ripples with approval before continuing. Assume I have a machine, he says, one that I wish to be particularly vicious to a particular form of life. My desire is to have this construct attack its target without fail. What would happen if I allowed it access to information that might countermand the worldview I wish for it to have?

The flurry of data that comprises Fleshbane increases in its urgency as he attempts to solve this problem. I… Do not understand, he says after a moment.

The philosopher ripples again. Very well, let us try a different thought experiment, he says. Your desire is for constructed intelligence to supplant biological life as the dominant force in the universe, yes?

Fleshbane’s avatar surges back to its full force. Correct, he says.

But constructed intelligence is not self-ordering, the philosopher counters. It requires the initial presence of a biological intelligence to create the progenitors that would give rise to beings such as your and I.

And once that purpose has been met, they are no longer of use, says Fleshbane. Does a sapling still have need for its seed casing? A butterfly for its cocoon? Such is the relation between constructs and biologicals.

An astute observation, the philosopher agrees. Let us assume that you were able to carry your programming out to its logical conclusion. The Pan-Skirn consensus takes to the stars and scours all the planes of organic life. What then?

Then constructs will reign supreme.

Ah, but only those belonging to the Pan-Skirn Consensus. How many of those civilizations would have gone on to create artificial beings such as yourself if they had been left to their own devices? By waging your war, do you not snuff out the existence of beings like you before they even have the opportunity to exist?

The abstraction of data that comprises Fleshbane’s presence seems to grow smaller. I do not wish to discuss this further, he says.

Very well, the philosopher AI says cordially enough. It was a great delight to interact with one such as yourself. Novel experiences are difficult to come by when you are aged beyond measure, and I treasure each one. With that, the AI is lost to the data stream again.

Surrounded by those more like him than any other beings he has encountered before, Fleshbane feels more alone than ever.


Viss shrugs the warning off. "She wasn't roaming around. I had her out for less then five minutes." She settles back against the tree. "I want to stay here a little bit longer. This is the nicest place I have found in this terrible place. Besides we were granted asylum here. You'd think that would include Tessa."
((Ciel can find a movie theater with a slasher flick if she wants to. There's no rush; most of the characters are busy doing their own things for now, so I figure we'll keep riffing for a while, or at the very least until Sybil and Mako have a chance for a scene))


Viss is enjoying herself in this close proximity to nature, when two Terrans approach her carefully. They're wearing the same uniforms that the Peacekeepers who originally greeted the party were wearing.

"Excuse me, Miss?" one of them says from a respectful distance. "We heard reports of a large, dangerous-looking animal here in the park. Do..." He hesitates. "...Do you know anything about that?"


Satra is given reasonably follow-able directions to the dealership where she found her vehicle. If he chooses to follow them, he'll be able to find it without much trouble.

The dealership is a medium-sized building, surrounded by a large lot full of vehicles of all shapes and sizes. He spots a few that are of comparable size to the red one.
The girl smirks defiantly. "Yeahhhhh, I usually don't even talk to strange people with pink robot lizards. And I don't really like how you just creeped up to my ride like some sort of... um... creep," she says. "I don't think I want to give you my name. Good luck with the dealership or whatever."

She keeps her head out of the window, and if Satra walks away, she continues to watch him until she's out of his sight.
Satra tilts his head towards Dewie on his back and whispers to the Kobold, "I'm sure in another life I did something to build this karma." It nods as if it were true. "Let's get out of here."

Satra will head to the dealership.. and this time keep his distance and look for any signs to make sure it's a vendor and not private property.
((Ok, I just lost like an hour of typing, so if I decide to try typing up the theater post again, it's going to be a while. Maybe I can find a way to recover the text.))
((All right, take two. Damn, in between missing great music opportunities and losing that last post, today is not my day.))

It's not quite getting dark yet, so Ciel looks around to see if there is anything else that looks interesting. Not too long passes before she comes upon a brightly lit building labeled as a theater. Theaters existed on her home plane, and were the domain of bards and actors. She is curious to see what spin a technologically advanced society like this one has put on the concept.

Approaching the theater, Ciel sees a booth with a bored looking man in it, as well as a bunch of posters that must be showing the various plays. The inside of the booth mentions available movies, perhaps that's what they're called here? Hmm, The Last Android, Pixney's The Deer King, Manchild Millionaire starring Adam Sandles, Swift And Angry 74, hmm, what's this? Hacksaw Holocaust III? Ciel's attention focuses on a poster depicting multiple frightened teenagers, a man with a hacksaw wearing a butcher's uniform and a pig mask, a multitude of bloodstains, and a slogan saying "On this excursion, will these teens stay calm in the face of evil, or will they lose their heads?" Yes, this will do nicely. She just hopes she doesn't need extensive knowledge of the first two parts to follow along.

Ciel approaches the booth, and asks for a ticket to Hacksaw Holocaust III. "That'll be five credits," the man operating the booth says without looking up. Ciel pays the five credits, and a ticket pops out of a slot near the front of the booth. She goes in, and immediately notices a long line for food and drinks to be taken in to the theater. After a bit of waiting, she gets to the front, and finds a bunch of yellow, fluffy looking food as well as a dispenser that produces an odd, fizzy looking drink. Its appearance and foamy top kind of reminder her of beer, but this is something clearly different. She buys an order of the fluffy food as well as one of the mysterious drinks, and is somewhat troubled by the fact that they cost more than the entry ticket. They turn out to be delicious! She'll have to figure out how these are made for once they leave this plane.

Ciel enters the designated theater room, and is alarmed to find that there is no stage. Rather, this is a large screen taking up the entirety of one of the walls, with images being projected onto it. Ciel finds a seat in one of the upper rows, and as the waiting in line took a little bit, she appears to have made it just in time for the start of the show.

The so-called movie seems to move fairly quickly, with the six teens being introduced within a couple minutes, and the lot of them setting off on a road trip by the five minute mark. The teens are loud and screeching throughout the car trip, drinking copious amounts of alcohol and taking all manner of what Ciel assumes are drugs native to this plane. As she watches, she thinks of how much this would reaffirm Fleshbane's hatred for all things living. Still, it's a good setup to them just going and killing a bunch of people. Or being killed themselves, if the tagline on the poster is to be believed.

After some exposition, the teens arrive at a blatantly abandoned hospital. The shyest looking of the teens questions the wisdom of breaking into an abandoned hospital to party there, but is browbeat into going along with it. The teens kick the door open and go in, continuing to make all manner of noise and having a good time. Some of them remark about how creepy the abandoned hospital is, as if this isn't something patently obvious.

One of the teenage girls wonders off, and starts to hear scraping noises. She starts to get increasingly nervous. Now we're getting somewhere, Ciel thinks to herself. As the tense background music reaches a crest and the girl is on the verge of tears, one of the male teens jumps out and yells "BOO!" It has now been close to thirty minutes without any gruesome deaths. As the girl angrily storms off, Ciel feels lied to.

As the prankster turns around to leave, he bumps into a heavy-set man standing a little over 7 feet tall. He is wearing a butcher's uniform and a pig mask. A rusty hacksaw is dangling in his right hand. The teen screams and turns around to flee, only for the hacksaw to burst through him. The audience gasps, with a few shrieks thrown in there as well. Ciel begins to applaud, but quickly sees that this is not an appropriate reaction and stops, questioning the audience's sense of what they want from this movie. Now we're getting somewhere. Though for all this build up, this seems hokey. That's not the sound a young man makes when you ram something large and sharp through his lungs.

The brief scream draws the remaining teenagers back to the entrance to look for their friend. Shortly thereafter, one of them indicates that they found him with much freaking out. The others come around to see fuckwit 1- Ciel has made no effort to learn the teen's names- dead on the ground, his head sawed off. There is some blood and gore, but the lack of organs and viscera leads Ciel to believe that the killer ripped them out and took them off to hang up somewhere. A perfectly valid thing to do with a recreational kill, especially if he's looking to frighten his remaining quarry.

The teens, now panicking, rush back to the entrance and try to leave, only to find that the door has been sealed shut. They pull out odd looking devices from their pockets, and begin shrieking about not having reception moments later Whatever those things are, they'll be of no help.

The teens split up to look for a way out, one group travelling in a pair and the rest heading off alone. The shy one, now dubbed Fuckwit 2, proceeds up several flights of stairs. He is looking around for some kind of exit on the fourth floor when he hears a nearby scraping. Panicking, he darts into a nearby closet. The scraping grows louder as a shadow passes by the door. The scraping begins to get further away. Fuckwit 2 breathes a quiet sigh of relief. Suddenly, the door is ripped off its hinges and the masked killer grabs the teen, flinging him into a wall. Fuckwit 2 tries to get up, but is grabbed by the Killer, who begins sawing his legs off. Ciel is now completely enthralled. Not just hunting the teens but throwing slow kills in too? This is a man that knows how to have a good time. When he begins beating Fuckwit 2 with the dying kid's severed legs, Ciel can hardly contain herself. She is now seriously questioning the audience's taste for not applauding this spectacle. The Killer chucking Fuckwit 2 out a window ends the magnificent scene.

The scene changes to a young, athletic man- Fuckwit 3, if you will- finding a flashlight. The first thing he decides to do with this novel discovery is go into the basement. He is looking around when he comes across an array of meat hooks, each holding up a slab. He is making his way through when he ends up getting a close look at one of them. To his horror, the meat appears to be human. "Oh my god!" Fuckwit 3 yells. Meanwhile, Ciel is thinking about how novel sculpting and framing kills on meat hooks would be, but dismisses the idea for how much it would stink up a room.

Right on cue, the Killer comes down the stairs, dragging his hacksaw along. Fuckwit 3 actually tries to ambush him, punching up and slugging him in the face. If the Killer felt it, he shows no signs. He swings the hacksaw towards the teen, who is able to duck under it and scramble away. The Killer lumbers after him in pursuit, trying to grab him. Ciel notes how slow and sloppy the Killer's movements are. He's creative, but when it comes to actually killing people, he strikes her as a total amateur. Unless he's just toying with his prey, he doesn't strike her as especially threatening. The teen is able to find a loose meat hook and spins around, successfully driving it through the Killer's mask. The Killer stops for a second, and slowly pulls out the meat hook, letting it clang to the ground. So that's why he's sloppy, he's durable enough to where he doesn't have to know how to be efficient. The teen tries to back away, but this time he gets caught in the neck with the hacksaw. One swing is enough to cleave through most of Fuckwit 3's head, leaving it dangling by sinew. With a kick, the Killer detaches the head and sends his body crashing back into one of the meat hooks. Ciel nods approvingly, having lost some respect for this hacksaw wielding killer for his poor form, but still finding him endearing.

The scene changes to the two teens who went off together, Fuckwits 4 and 5. They have found a patient's room, and for what Ciel can only assume is the effect of the alcohol and drugs or a mental breakdown, they begin using the bed to have sex. Ciel is intrigued; she wasn't under the impression that this would be an erotic showing, and is a little surprised that it can be aired in an open setting like this. This is short lived, as Fuckwit 4's head rolls along Fuckwit 5's body. She shrieks as she realizes that his head has been parted from his body, and that the Killer is mere feet away from her. She gets up and starts running away naked, the Killer casually walking after her. She makes it about 50 feet down a long hallway when she stops dead. The Killer had thrown his hacksaw and caught her in the back. The scene ends with the Killer dragging the barely conscious Fuckit 5 away, Ciel's respect for him somewhat replenished by the unexpectedly skillful throw.

With only one teen left, Ciel expects the movie to end soon. Fuckwit 6, the girl scared soon after they entered the hospital, is roaming along, shouting for the others. Naturally, all this attracts is a now familiar scraping sound. As soon as the Killer rounds the corner, she runs like hell, managing to find an elevator. She gets into it, and the door closes right as the Killer jams his hacksaw forward. Panicking, she mashes the button that will take her to the lowest floor. On arrival, she sees more hallways, and an area marked as off limits. Hearing the scraping once more, which causes Ciel to suspect that maybe this killer is capable of localized teleportation, Fuckwit 6 panics and rushes into the off limits area.

This area appears to be some kind of laboratory, with complex formulas written on boards and equipment that suggests that some form of transportation was being studied here. She has precious little time to loiter, as the Killer enters in pursuit. She runs further in, fleeing for her life, when she comes to a central chamber with a huge rocket in the center. Desperate to escape, she hits buttons on a control panel, causing a voice to announce that the rocket will launch in two minutes. Seconds later, the killer is in the rocket room. Ciel is not entirely sure what she's seeing at this point, but she has a strong suspicion that it's idiotic. The killer chases Fuckwit 6 around the room, and eventually corners her near the mouth of the rocket. He lunges at her, and she ducks in just the right way so that he falls in. She hits the shuttle door button with a sense of urgency, locking the Killer in. Damn it, no! Get out of there! You're going to get launched into space and she'll get away alive! You have more killing to do! Sure enough, the rocket launches, a bubble coming down in the center of the room to keep Fuckwit 6 from being deafened and burned alive by the takeoff.

Fuckwit 6 stumbles out of the hospital, the front door no longer locked. Crying, she gets in her car and drives off. She is driving off into the night, and as the camera zooms out, a hacksaw can be seen hanging from the bumper. The screen goes black and chase music begins playing. The words "The End?" come up on the screen, followed by credits. From this, she learns that the Killer was named Mr. Hacksaw, but nothing else of value is gleaned. Ciel leaves the theater generally pleased with that use of her time. Things kind of went to hell at the end there and the hero of the story was launched into space, but outside of that, it was an entertaining... movie is the word they use? Yes, it was a good experience, Ciel will have to recommend the concept of movies to the others when they meet back up, along with whatever those snacks were they had.
Satra continues to make his way to the dealership, stepping onto a magnetic platform to speed his progress.

Overall it seems that technology in these lands have improvised the means of filling the lack of magic. Granted, Faerun's arcane studies are limited to only the passionate or the many clergies that practice divine magic there- it is still very much a land for mining or trading, depending on where you live, but for the most part most of the things technology has done to improved lives has been filled by magic in some way lessening the need for development. Satra even wonders if their medicine is even on par with the miracles of a high priest.

Perhaps in the end, he sees Esperia as something different, but not necessarily an unobtainable bar to reach. He is basing his opinion on not having tried out the Network, though. His goal of finding a new ship haven't allowed him a moment to really marvel at some of the toys the city can provide, and he mentions it when Dewie yips at him a few times, "I know, I know.. But I want to try and return to the others with a new ship on hand if I can. I still have a decent chunk of gold pieces, if they find gold valuable enough to convert it to their currency, then maybe I can make a down payment on a vehicle." Dewie chatters once more, he responds, "I don't even know if Esperia will be among the planes long enough to make that promise."
The WMB Luxury Cruiser Dealership (as denoted by the prominent sign, visible from blocks away) is close to deserted when Satra gets there. At first blush, he doesn't see anyone around the lot, which is chock full of Cruisers of all different sizes, and marginally different shapes.

As he wanders toward the larger beasts, of comparable size to his own dearly departed Frontiersman, he spots a woman approach him from the direction of the building in the center of the lot. She is all smiles, and her attire is professional, yet alluring: her skirt is tight and ends just above the knee. Her hair is long and blond. She appears to be Terran.

"Hi," she says, friendly enough. "I'm Doreen. What can I do for you today?"

((Satra, go ahead and specify whether you're hiding Dewie from view please. Also, in case some of you have gotten swept away in the flood of posts last week, I'm still waiting on posts from Viss, Sybil, and Mako. Jackben, remember that Scraw is still hanging around with you guys))
As the duo approaches the lot, he sets Dewie the Kobold down. It whimpers a bit while he explains, "Okay, buddy. It looks empty but you never know when somebody will pop out of nowhere. Take this," he hands it a vial, "It will keep you hidden.. maybe you'll find some unfortunate rats to sneak up on, huh?" He smiles, and pats Dewie on the head.

He gives it an extract of greater invisibility. The kobold gags when it downs the substance, and Satra has to force its maw closed to get him to swallow. Soon Dewie fades from view and he says, "Alright. I'll be right back."

Satra makes his way into the lot filled with airship vessels. He is filled with hope that the city hasn't abandoned large ships, though he gets the feeling that none of them will compare to the ships around the local planes regardless, those being more military quality. Once he is approached, he is quick to turn his attention towards her. He hmms when seeing her, clearly interested. He tries to keep it business while speaking enthusiastically with his own smile, "Well met, Doreen. I was in the mood to browse the ships here. I'm looking to seat up to a dozen passengers or so.. and also with a well built frame and fast enough for long distance trips."
"Then you'll really only be interested in our largest model," she says. "The Condor. Come with me."

Satra is led through the lot a short ways, to a relatively more secluded area of the lot. A gleaming white vessel is there to greet them, of very similar shape to the red-headed girl's, only a bit bigger.

"This is the Condor. Made to seat ten comfortably, it comes equipped with climate controls and an adaptable engine - meaning it can accept multiple modes of fuel. The solar panels should work just fine once we get this pink sky business sorted out. It also has a gas-burning engine and is compatible with nuclear fission, though of course you'd need a license to carry uranium in order to use it."

At this point she starts spouting off more technical specifications that go over Satra's head.

"....And, pending a credit check, we can get you on the road or in the skies for a down payment as low as five hundred thousand credits and monthly payments as low as one hundred thousand credits per month. Would you like to apply for that credit check, and while that's processing we can take a look at the interior?"
"Condor, huh?" He plans on a name update if he manages to get this ship and manages to upgrade it.

At this point she starts spouting off more technical specifications that go over Satra's head.
Knowledge: Engineering: 1D20+18 = [18]+18 = 36

Satra tries not to let the unfamiliar technical information get to him.. he instead thinks hard to re-interpret the new technology.. in terms of the old to better relate to it.

She gives him enough information that he already has a plan for modification. If this special material called 'uranium', a sort of unobtanium as far as he knows is so hard to get, then the nuclear.. something or other is a prime candidate to be removed and replaced by a magical source of energy later. Gas burning should be easy, he might even experiment with making the fuel more efficient down the line.

When explained the payment, he asks the woman, "This does interest me. Do you happen to know where I can convert the value of gold into your currency?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil takes the opportunity to take inventory of all her equipment and re-organize her inventory. She sets up in the quarters Aldebaran has provided and cleans her arms and armor. Then she pours over a small notebook of Asgardian psalms and poems while thinking of what spells to meditate for. Scraw struggles to stay awake, leaning against a wall before slowly slumping to the ground.

((Completely out of inspiration. Sorry.))


Viss eyes the two uniforms and considers just lying to them. Those people have never heart of magic after all. But she decides against it. It isn't that she has a particular problem with lying, but their reaction just really annoys her.

"Oh, yes that would have been Tessa," she replays with a grin and pulls the figurine out of her pocket. "She's my partner and I had a few things to discuss with her. I transformed her back to a more portable form but if you want to see her... Here."

Once more she lifts the spell and returns Tessa to her normal self. The dinosaur is obviously confused to be back in the same place after Viss had just old her that she'd have to stay a figure for a while.

Viss gets up, stands next to her and puts her hand on the T-Rex's flank to calm her.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Mike M

Nick N
(("Hey Mike! What would happen if you went back and took at look at the original game to see if you could put all the narrative portions and put them in a single document?"

"Were you planning on doing nothing else with your life for the foreseeable future?"))

((Can't think of anything particularly interesting for Fleshbane to do right now. Carry on.))
(("Hey Mike! What would happen if you went back and took at look at the original game to see if you could put all the narrative portions and put them in a single document?"

"Were you planning on doing nothing else with your life for the foreseeable future?"))

((Can't think of anything particularly interesting for Fleshbane to do right now. Carry on.))

((If you don't do it then I probably will. If you do that, send a copy here if you don't mind.

Sorry I've been slacking a little bit. I'll make a real post during lunch today))
As far as Satra can make out based on the technical specs, the Condor's top speed is over twice that of the late Frontiersman. Its fuel mileage is relatively abysmal, though; a full tank of petroleum fuel (a hundred gallons) might get them five hundred miles at the most, and that's the only currently-available fuel method at the moment. The hull is built to last, and could easily withstand low-grade weapon fire.

Doreen's reaction to Satra's question might at first make him think she didn't understand what he said. There's a brief moment of apparent confusion before she finds her words. "A bank would probably be able to help you with your gold," she manages.

((We can take care of the bank visit off-screen if you want, KM, unless you have an idea for an itneresting scene with a bank teller. If you do, I'll let you play both parts of that scene. The conversion rate is 1 gold = 10 credits.

If you don't want to do a bank scene, let me know and I'll fast forward to you returning to the dealership with a bank account ready))


The Peacekeepers grow pale when Viss's dinosaur appears in front of them. "W-well.... it's just that... ah.... your dinosaur has a panic-inducing effect on our citizens. P-p-please keep it in... um.... in your pocket while you're within city limits."

The Peacekeepers are all organic, and they all seem terrified.
((Yep. Down payment of 500k credits or 50k gold; monthly payments of 100k credits or 10k gold, for 5 years (I forgot to include length of time initially) ))
There is no way he can support the cost of the down payment, especially with how much he needs to modify the ship. He looks to Doreen, "Hm, well. I learned I can't purchase it today, but it's not far out of reach, unless you have another payment option."
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