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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


((We don't need a flying machine do we? As another question. Is there a way to 'move' the Observatory or does it just float?))
<We don't really need one atm, Satra just wants another ship, though the longterm plan from an OOC perspective is to eventually get another Phoenix Maelstrom tier ship and I'm trying to segway into a one liner that's more important than the actual ship.>
"The payment terms are fairly standard, sorry. Usually we only afford flexibility to those who already have the funds to pay for it. Come back and see us when you're able to figure it out, and we'll work out a deal. Thank you for stopping by!" She hands Satra a stiff paper card with Doreen's name and contact information.

((There are mechanisms in place to move the Observatory, yeah. It can't go fast, but it can move.

I intentionally put the flying machine out of any individual character's price range, but potentially something that could be bought if resources are pooled. It's not required; just another potential route to follow. Also Azih, I addressed Menek's search for a library somewhere on the previous page I think; not sure if you may have missed it))
"Well, I'm about a couple-hundred thousand away from the down payment." He takes the small bit of thick paper- almost a perfect in-between of papyrus and wood and gazes at it, "Perhaps when I get the funds we could discuss the transaction over a drink?" He smiles.

Regardless of whether she accepts his offer, Satra decides it may be time to head to the address of the scientist to join up with the others.. as well as pick up Dewie.


((Sorry, just haven't been tired and tied up with other stuff for the last little while.))

Menek nods to Abbott gratefully and hoping to make friends says Hrm, if you have time, I would certainly appreciate it if you could guide me around this... Network

Menek is fascinated by the Network and the... computers... comprising it that serve as not only as repositories of vast amounts of information but the means of sorting and accessing and manipulating it as well.

I see... each device is a strand on a connected web of similar devices and each one can not only transfer knowledge but display it and... process it... as well in multiple ways to allow compare and contrast and correlation between different sets of information from a multitude of sources.... this is much more efficient than even the Library on the Observatory.. Certainly the Archons.... robots... I believe you would refer to them as were very good at retrieving the books and scrolls that I ever required but they did not have the capability to... Menek blathers as his mind works to understand the very different and fluid form knowledge takes on the Network. Under Abbott's patient instruction Menek goes from poking at the large symbols on the touch detecting screen, to unfolding the attached letterslate and pecking instructions directly into the device, to rapidly typing queries to remote databases and speed scanning the texts and figures and statistics that flow back without even needing to look away from the pod screen.

Tearing his eyes away from the information after two hours of intense browsing Menek grins at Abbott. I do believe I am having quite a lot of fun. I am not certain I am quite ready to be augmented to... directly access this Network, there is so much that can be done with textual input alone.

Then sobering up as he comes back to 'realspace' Menek realizes that there is some very specific kinds of mechanical assistance that he might need. Tell me Abbott, is there someone here that is an expert in those dimensional portals that we have seen as well as propulsion technology and means of energy transfer? Someone who would be interested in sharing knowledge with us outsiders?
Abbott smiles a queer sort of smile. "You are in luck," he says. "My primary function is as an engineer, and I specialize in transportation technologies. I would be pleased to impart my knowledge onto you. What is it that you wish to know?"


Menek is surprised by the fortuitous turn of events and, gladdened, asks his questions.

We need to get our Observatory, the floating island, away from the Praxians. There is a propulsion system on the structure but it is quite ponderous. I was wondering if your advanced technology would provide some way of providing extra thrust so that we could move faster. Of course the dimensional portals that we have observed would make travelling long distances very fast and would be preferable but I confess I have no idea if a large enough portal could be created to move the entire Observatory even possible.

Finally it seems unavoidable that any such movement, by propulsion or portal, would require a lot of power to carry out and I was wondering if there was some way we could... siphon.. the power from the nearby Praxians, not only getting the energy we require, but denying it to our foes in one swoop.
((Sorry Nezumi, but I'm going to move on. Your scene is going to end anticlimactically, with the peacekeepers backing away slowly.

Also, DeadPhoenix has decided to leave the game. It was an amicable split and I wish him well))

Abbott nods his head as Menek talks. It's an artificial sort of nod - the one that an Android might purposely adopt in an attempt to put non-Androids at ease.

"I know little of this Observatory," Abbott admits, "But if it has a method of propulsion, I am confident that I could improve upon it. However, such an endeavor would certainly require my presence. Unfortunately, the portals you speak of are not capable of such feats as you describe. Wormhole technology is still in its infancy, and is only barely stable enough to transport a person a relatively short distance - such as within the city. Its use is also restricted to government activities. Not even I am privy to its inner workings. But propulsion engines? I believe I could be of assistance."

He produces a fingernail-sized device and offers it to Menek. "You will find my contact information in this drive," he explains. "It would be most efficient to give it to your traveling companion, Fleshbane, so that he may seek me out on the Network, but if necessary you can insert it into a Waystation such as this one and find me manually. When the time comes for you to leave this city, seek me out, and I will be pleased to accompany you. You should know, however, that I consider myself a pacifist and will not harm another, whether living or Android."

He smiles, and this seems far more genuine than the mechanical nodding from earlier. "It has been a pleasure to meet you, Menek. If you choose to make use of my services, I look forward to meeting you again. Until then, please excuse me, for I have preparations to make."

Abbott nods once more. Then he unfolds a magnetic traveling disc and departs.


After a long and eye-opening day, finally the party converges at the home of Aldebaran.

His house is gargantuan, comparable in size to a lordly estate on any other realm. Its gardens are lush and sport a wide variety of vegetation, as well as a number of fountains. Exotic pink birds, with wings that are too small to fly, roam freely about.

Nonsentient mechanical guard drones stand watch. Their eyes emit a red light, which seems to scan each member of the party. Each scan concludes that there is no threat, and the drones allow the party members to continue.

When each member of the party nears the front door of the home, a soft piano medley plays, seemingly from all directions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2U-lL_qdTI

The entryway is actually a double door, and is large enough to easily accommodate its master's considerable girth - which means that it dwarfs most of the party and is easily passable even by Fleshbane,

Aldebaran opens the front door as you approach. "Hello! Welcome, welcome! So good of you to join us. Please, come with me. We are all enjoying a casual meal together as we await your companions."

The inside of Aldebaran's mansion is no less eccentric than the outside. Art, sculptures, statues, potted plants, machines and doo-dads: They are scattered everywhere, and while at first their placement may seem random and chaotic, if one were to really pay attention and look closely, they would see that somehow there is a secret pattern to them - that every singe piece is placed exactly where it is supposed to be.

That same piano medley continues to play even inside, and as it ends, it fades gently away and is replaced by another beautiful piece.

Aldebaran leads you to a dining room, where a great rectangular table seats an array of people - four Androids and two terrans. Two of the androids are large and bulky, similar to Fleshbane and Aldebaran; the others are more Terran in their appearance, but no less energetic. Each of them is, in their own way, flamboyant and chatty. There are a total of six guests who are not party members, and they happily talk amongst themselves or with you, if you wish it.

You have been thrust into the role of a guest at a dinner party.

Sentient drones serve food and drink, and they even have consumables for Androids, made to deliver pleasant sensations that approximate the way living things feel after eating and drinking.

As the last of you finally makes it to the table, Aldebaran clears his throat and raises a glass of a glittery red drink. "Let us raise a toast to our new out-of-world guests. May their arrival usher in a new age of understanding between our cultures!"

The other guests raise their glasses. "Hear hear!" they say enthusiastically.
When Satra arrives at the address given to the party from earlier, he will lounge somewhere where Menek and any others that had gotten back and state his findings, "So I tried to look for a ship.. they had some real pretty ones but I think I wandered into more of a wagon stable than a ship dock- these things are fast, but not Astral Sea fast and set earthly fuels ablaze faster than a hair in the ninth hell." "Still," he holds up the card with Doreen's contact information that was given to him, "I was tempted." An afternoon over tea is always a nice start to getting to know someone, but with stuffing the card back into his vest he'll probably abandon the idea.

"I honestly wouldn't mind a Paraxian ship.." he muses, "I'm sure the only Esperians with ships worthwhile are the military who aren't into helping us, and if there's anybody that can build a ship that can withstand their weapons, it is the Paraxians that know how to defend against their own technology."


In the great mansion, a lot of the doodads and scattered machinery catch his attention, leaving him to ponder the purpose of the devices while explaining to the small lizard creature, "Better not touch any of this, Dewie. Some people can be particular about their belongings."

Dewie growns loudly, Satra grins and turns to the Kobold jestfully, "Oh? We finally get to have that fancy dinner and you've managed to get yourself full rummaging the trash crate?" It grumbles disappointedly. From there he moves to take his seat with the rest of the party.

Mike M

Nick N
((Sad to see one of the OG crew bow out. Best of luck, PD. Hope to see you next game.))

Fleshbane stares with his glowing, unblinking expression at the drone presenting him with these unfathomable approximations of humanoid sustinence. What he had been told earlier about the need for these synthetics to constantly refuel themselves... Would that give rise to such behavior? It certainly seems the logical conclusion.

The toast and subsequent cheering are equally strange to him. Such strange machines, these distant relatives of his.
Thanks to her taking in of the town's sights, Ciel is among the last of the party to return, entering Aldebaran's home wearing somewhat risqué fashion. The guard drones briefly put her on alert, but only for a moment before it is clear that they don't see her as a threat.

The assassin hrms and nods approvingly as she makes her way through the interior, finding that the ordered chaos and background music make for excellent feng shui.

Ciel follows Aldebaran and is visibly thrilled when the door opens to a dinner party. She can't remember the last time she's had the luxury of enjoying a formal setting without it being a part of killing some wealthy schmuck. Further exciting her is the apparent absence of Mako. As she heads to her seat, she quietly muses to herself "Ding dong, the bitch is gone. That's two down since we've got here, I'm starting to love this place. Or maybe she's just running later than I did. A girl can dream, right?" She speaks carefully so that Aldebaran and the esteemed guests don't hear her, but she takes no such efforts to keep her musings from the other party members.

Ciel takes up one of the glasses and joins in on the toast. "Hear hear!" The toast complete, she quickly jumps into mingling with some of the guests nearest her. "I must say, your world is positively fascinating. There are so many things here I've never seen anything close to before. It's about enough to make me regret that we'll have to eventually leave."

((Another reminder that all of Ciel's assholery is strictly IC. Sad to see you go DP, and I hope you join us again in the next campaign.))


((I'm really sorry I'm posting so little. I thought I had this one thing dealt with and then the next one turned up and then I got sick. I would have ended Viss' scene anyway though so it is not so bad.))


Menek nods back to Abbott and smiles as well We will contact you when the time comes. Farewell


At the party Menek raises his glass in response to the toast. I think I speak for all of us that we are incredibly grateful for the graciousness and generosity with which we have been received into your city and your homes. May this be the start of a long and fruitful partnership.

Menek mingles with the party-goers and gravitates towards those he feels are intellectually minded. I met a delightful android by the name of Abbott. Would you know of him?

((Sorry for the late and not very long RP. And sad to see you go DP. See you around hopefully.))
Ciel's remark is heard by a thin Terran woman in extravagant clothing. A long, thick strand of furry flesh is draped around her neck, and her hair contains an additive that allows it to stand on end, though most of it is covered by a hat that rests tilted atop her head. Her face is as smooth as porcelain, to the point that it looks unnatural.

She is sipping on a deep green beverage, and chuckles on the tail end of the quaff as Ciel finishes speaking. "Oh, dearie, why in the world would you ever choose to leave this place? Tevash has everything a girl could ever want. I've traveled the world, and believe me, it's not much to look at. Here, you can do anything you want - be anything you want. It's simply paradise!"

She downs the rest of her drink in a burst of elation.

Menek's query rests on the ears of a squat, stocky fellow who happens to be an Android. "Yes, I believe I've heard of this Abbott," the man says pleasantly. "A dear man, and quite the genius, but an absolute bore at parties, let me tell you. I would almost rather have tea with the Overmind than be faced with the drudgery of having Abbott as a dinner companion."

The bulky, metallic Android nearby, whose gender is undeterminable if it exists at all, guffaws in reply to the first man. "Indeed," it says in a highly synthesized and artificial voice, which is still gender-neutral. "He skates by in the higher circles by virtue of his engineering expertise, but he has no true place among Tevash's elite."

Aldebaran lumbers to where Satra has carved out a space for himself and crouches down to get a close look at the pink kobold. "Now then, what do we have here? Quite a fascinating creature! How much language does it understand?"

Either Fleshbane (no check required), or Perception DC 30
Though Aldebaran is almost entirely paying attention to Satra, he periodically steals glances at Fleshbane, making the briefest eye contact each time.
Satra glances over to the noblewoman draped like a Barbarian- her high class attitude prompts him to lift the glass of wine to his senses, wafting its scent to his nose. Fresh wine, he thinks, they must gave guests often, or don't think too much of them. He sets what he wishes was a keg of mead onto the silk table lining.

Once confronted by the host himself about Dewie, Satra answers with a joke- making sure his expression is jovial as he can, "He understands fear, sir. And treats." Dewie looks at Satra and gives a chatter. "You have quite a circle of friends, and must be quite the entrepreneur. I'd like to hear more about the impact of your research over the years."

He doesn't outright say it, but Satra gets the impression that the government needs Aldebaran more than Aldebaran needs them.


((Inspired Perception roll))
1d20+24=31, 1d8=4, 1d8=5

Menek sips from his glass Elite? The parts of Tevash I have seen thus far have seemed very... egalitarian. Our brief time here has not given us much time to explore. I was quite impressed with the free access to your 'virtual' library.
The squat man nods amiably. "Yes, yes, of course. Tevash is quite prosperous, and as such takes great pains to ensure that even the lowest classes among us are well cared for. But there is always more opportunity for the cream of the crop, so to speak, to rise above the rest. I expect that, should you and yours ever decide to settle here, you would quickly attain that level of notoriety, with your exceptional talents that I have heard so much about."

He gazes mischievously into Menek's eyes, and a schoolboy grin gradually escapes onto his lips as he finds it impossible to contain himself. "Oh, I am sorry, but my curiosity has gotten the better of me. Perhaps we could bear witness to one of these magical miracles we've heard about? Aldebaran has been quite the tease about them."

Aldebaran smiles graciously at Satra. "I suppose I've done rather well for myself," he acknowledges. "Some call me a pioneer in the field of body modification. My team and I have made great strides in both functional and cosmetic alterations. It has afforded me the luxuries you see now before you." He plucks a pale-green ball from the tray of a passing server-bot and places it delicately into his mouth. He closes his eyes and chews slowly. "Delicious," he remarks. "A pity that such delicacies are inedible to organic creatures such as yourselves. I should love to be able to share.

"And away with that 'Sir' business. You are among friends here. Please feel free to call me by my name." He pats Satra good-naturedly on the shoulder.
"Functional alterations, huh? What does that mean, exactly? Medical breakthroughs? Physical enhancements? Changing the way a humanoid body works does in a way close the gap between man and construct." Though he isn't familiar with Fleshbane's philosophy on why he hates organic beings so much, if he would think to make this point to Fleshbane, he would.
((On my phone so can't link, but perception check failed))

The dinner party is still proving to be a pleasant surprise as wine is served. And red wine at that! It's almost perfect- she would prefer just a little blood in there to top it off- but this is about as good as she can expect. While those around her quaff their drinks down, she sips slowly. Ciel is a lightweight in more than one sense, and while she wouldn't care outside if a fancy dinner party, she gets a little... out of hand after a few glasses. And she doesn't think it would go over well if she started trying to "regale" the guests with tales of clubbing small children and poisoning villages.

She gets a response from a woman who looks odd to the point where Ciel wonders if she's an android. The woman's appearance strikes her as almost vampiric, a curiosity that the assassin wonders whether or not it's a coincidence.

"So, there's not a whole lot else exciting in this world then? I'll be sure to keep that in mind." She finishes this with a dainty laugh into the back of her hand, letting herself project the social pompousness expected in upper social circles without veering into disrespect.

"I have seen a lot traveling both my own world and others. Bodies of water as far as the eye can see that can be walked upon. Dragons sailing the skies, keeping a stern eye on their hoards of riches. Deep underground caverns with creatures that words fail to describe. Worlds where the ground is fire, rife with all manner of life running about. But the things I've seen here? They are unlike anywhere I've previously travelled, and much more pleasant than those while we're at it. Had I a choice in the matter, I'm quite sure I would stay on this world."

Her curiosity piques one last time. "Oho, become anything you say? I wonder how boundless those possibilities truly are. I must say I would like to find out."
((Jackben has also decided to drop out of the game. This leaves us with 5 players. If anyone else wants to drop out, then, while I would be sad to see anyone go, this would be a good place in the story for that to happen at least.

As for me, I'm going to continue running the game as long as I have 4 or more players.

I'm going to make a real post a little later today. For story purposes, Sybil and Scraw are still at the party as NPCs. Mako just never showed up, though))


The society that you have built seems far more miraculous to me than anything I can achieve, but I suppose novely is the main quality for what does and does not seem like a miracle. Very well. Menek snaps his finger to cast the Flight Hex on himself and raises a meter into the air and then rotating slowly casts GlitterDust near the ceiling to prevent any of the guests from being blinded but still allowing the glilttering particles to float down over them in a shimmering cascade. He then casts Detect Secret Door to turn his irises a spectral colour and says These are not teases however and I am concerned that your Overrmind, and your city in general, are not treating the Praxians control over the magical energies in the Observatory with the seriousness it deserves. Then, having hopefully made his point, he settles back down to the ground slowly.

Ratbreath, who had been napping under Menek's cloak pokes his head out as it feels the spells being cast through them. You doing party tricks again? Figures the owl grouses audibly.
Dewie is quick to point to the talking owl, trying to get Satra to look at it. He brushes away the Kobold, and quickly interrupts his own line of discussion to add to Menek's warning while speaking to Aldebaran, "We can discuss the benefits and implications of your studies later, 'Doc' is right, the city's committee thinks that the Paraxians have a linear technological progression. This tells me that they've never been in a damn war or even heard about war history because that's not how technology works. To be frank, most technological revolutions and breakthroughs come from the theft of enemy technology, and that's what happened here."

"There is a goddess in the planes named Ioun centered around being a bastion of all knowledge. I don't worship the goddess or follow her teachings, but it is commonly believed among philosophers and tinkerers that she deliberately refrains from sharing much knowledge as a man that knows a fraction of what she does would know how to build the ultimate technology unrivaled by any plane. I always thought this was a bit of a wive's tale myself, but as far as the Paraxians are concerned everything they found at the Observatory may be ultimate enough to change the tide of war and win the technological race."


(( I'm still in. I gotta admit the last twist left me a bit confused as to how I want to play Viss in this new situation, but I decided not to worry and just go with the flow.
I hereby promise a proper post in less than 24 hours from now!

Edit: For some reason I can't access neogaf on my PC at the moment. Will post as soon as the problem is resolved.))

Mike M

Nick N
"Such festivities during a time of war seem... Ill advised," Fleshbane rumbles. "Every moment without action affords your enemies greater advantage."
The porcelain-faced woman smiles a delicious smile. "Oh, darling, you have no idea of the true wonders that modern civilization is capable of. The things I'll be able to show you...."

She trails off for just a second, and in that second Ciel witnesses the true derangement of this woman, laid bare upon her face, even through all of her makeup.

Then it is snuffed out like a candle in the wind, and she has her party face back on. "A pleasure to make your acquaintence. You can call me Natasha."

Menek's display momentarily pauses everyone's conversation as the room is lit up and he puts on a show to remember. A thunderous round of applause fills the dining room, temporarily overshadowing the piano music. Aldebaran takes a bit longer to begin his applause, but the smile on his face shows that he, too, is impressed.

Once things settle down and Menek makes his case, the stout man to whom he had been speaking nods enthusiastically. "Oh, absolutely!" he says. "I am all for wresting this observatory of yours from the hands of those dreadful Esperians. Unfortunately the Overmind is a dreadful bore and refuses to take any sort of preemptive action against outside factions. I personally wish we could overthrow the thing, but I am in a severe minority, I am quite sorry to say. By the by... I don't believe I've introduced myself. I am Rufus, and my rather large, androgynous friend here goes by the name of Lesley."

Aldebaran listens intently to Satra's diatribe. "Fascinating. So it is your belief that these gods, as you call them, are capable of similar feats as our society, and yet they refuse to share it. Such lunacy is incomprehensible to me; how do you stand it?"

Before Satra can answer, Fleshbane pipes in, and Aldebaran looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "On the contrary, my friend," he says merrily. "Some of the world's greatest battles are fought at the negotiating table, over dinner and drinks. Soldiers play their part, no doubt, but true power lies in diplomacy.

"And besides, our society is not technically at 'war.' No doubt the Prexians would attack us if they could, but at present time their forces are simply inferior to ours in every conceivable way. Though of course this could potentially change, if what you and your people say is true. Which is why I've taken it upon myself to assist you when my government will not."
"I wouldn't put it so much as lunacy," he argues, "If anything it's because of lunatics that the gods know that the prime material plane, or any other plane for that matter, is not ready to become the next Esperia overnight. It's bad enough as it is that you have wicked warlocks and lingering liches exploiting wide ranged magicks to oppress nations, I think a little restraint goes a long way- it has to be a slow evolution where the people are allowed to adapt and gain equal strength."

Meanwhile, as Jonna expresses correct dining etiquette and procedure in handling the utensils provided, including covering his still carnival nobleman's uniform with a napkin at the neck while sit completely upright, Scraw peeks over the silver plate that is brought by them, and plucks one of the green synthetic balls from it. He pops it into his mouth and crushes it inside, hmming as he writes with his magical script, "Delicious!" Jonna glances over a perplexed look.

Then, Scraw watches the others begin to clap and is compelled to start clapping himself to cheer on his friend's performance.

Once the topic shifts over to whether or not the nation is actually at war, Satra responds with a breath exhaled, "Call it how you want. You don't take over a fortified structure and then become willing to listen to negotiations. Even if you do help us, the biggest tragedy is going to be the lives lost because of the council's refusal to secure the perimeters before the first blast hits close to home."
The porcelain woman's true nature flashes across her face for a split second, and Ciel likes what she sees. This is a woman who may well have hordes of slaves, rife for the entertainment of being maimed and killed. It may well be worth looking into an after party. Looking more pleased to be here than ever, she replies "I go by Ciel. The pleasure is all mine."

As her compatriots begin to transition from small talk to pleading for assistance from aristocracy, Ciel makes no effort to leave dinner party mode. "How utterly droll. There is a time for such efforts. This is to be a festive event, not round two before the council."


Viss eyes the peacekeepers and can't help but be a little amused by their behavior. This fucking place... populated by machines and protected by cowards... She widens her smile showing her chipped canine and a sudden urge comes over her to just jump on Tessa's back and roam through the streets.

She wants to call up a storm that tears down those ugly towering buildings. Wants to bring down lighting and fry the circuits of their unnatural inhabitants. Before her inner eyes the earth cracks opens and swallows the city and everyone in it. She sees herself summoning plants, trees, wildlife when stone and metal is buried beneath mountains of earth. She can feel her blood running hot in through her veins as she returns order to this forsaken place.

Viss takes a deep breath and the moment passes. The storm in her dies down and she just stands there and keeps smiling at the guards how are still retreating from her. Without a further word to them Viss lets Tessa vanish in her pocket once more. She gestures to Shirox and Pilari. "Let's get going. I'm sure the others are already waiting for us."

With Shirox on her shoulder she leaps into the air. At the highest point of the jump she turns into her giant falcon form and soars into the sky with a loud and she hopes slightly menacing shriek. Heading into the direction of Alaberan's residence.


The exterior and interior of the residence might have impressed Viss if she'd cared at all for pomp and grandiosity of that kind. She didn't however and even the luxurious gardens didn't help a lot to brighten her mood. Like the rest of the city everything just seemed so terrible fake. It was clear that whoever lived here had money and liked to show it and in her experience people like this were usually a pain in the ass to deal with.

The only thing that catches her attention for the moment are the strange bright birds. And she wondered if maybe asking them might turn up any useful information about their host, but she was already late and judging by Pilari's comments the birds didn't seem to be the most brightest of their kind anyway.

As soon as she enters the hall some of her worst fears are confirmed. A fancy fucking dinner party. Among the many things that Viss didn't like dinner parties easily ranked somewhere at the top. She always got confused by the various utensils used to eat the different foods which tended to earn her disapproving looks by the other guests. As is it was her fault. After all fingers were a perfectly fine tool for eating.

Needles to say that Viss had avoided any kind of social eating events whenever possible and was only two paces into the hall when she was already thinking about ways to get out again. After some short consideration she chooses a place at the table next to some people who look like they might not be interested in small talk and tried to look as uninteresting and inconspicuous as possible.

Menek's attempt to convince everyone of the gravity of the situation by impressing them with some simple magic tricks earns him an almost undetectable head shake. Why does he still bother with those people, doesn't he realize that once they have made up their mind there is no swaying them? Hasn't the weeks they have spent in the presence of Fleshbane shown him that there was no reasoning with those things?

It seemed that the rest of the party is far more quickly to adept to their new surroundings. Soon everyone seems to be engaged in conversation and Viss starts to feel seriously lost and out of place.

She scans the food before her and almost absentmindedly chooses a tiny black ball from a small bowl standing almost hidden between all the overflowing plates and platters. As she puts it in her mouth a small tingling sensation goes through her. She quickly takes another one of the balls and inspects it thoroughly. It was perfectly round and only a little bit soft. It was sweeter than she was used to and the strange consistency made the stuff stuck to her teeth morethan she liked but there was no doubt about the taste.


Hesitantly she turns to the person sitting next to her and clears her throat. "Erm... excuse me? You wouldn't know what this is called and where I might find the ingredients that go into it?"

((I couldn't come up with anything relevant for Viss to say at the moment, so I opted for small talk...))


Menek nods to Rufus and Lesley as the party transitions back to separate conversations. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I did find out some general information about the Esperians but they seem to be a very insular society. I would imagine that there would be more information available on them than what is on the general Network
The guests in Viss's immediate vicinity chuckle in surprise at her reaction to the licorice-ball.

"That's a licorice ball," someone explains. "I confess that I haven't the faintest idea of where the ingredients come from, but I imagine you could find one just like it in nearly any grocery or convenience store in the city. They're quite popular with children, or so I hear."

The dinner party continues for another half hour, during which the conversation is lively, the food is delicious, and the atmosphere is regal.

"Alright, everyone," Aldebaran finally announces to the room, "I do think we'll be cutting things short tonight. Our newest friends have had quite the long day, and I imagine they're rather tired by now. Let's say our goodbyes and allow them all to get some rest."

Natasha, Rufus, Lesley, and the other three attendees say their goodbyes, and gradually filter out of Aldebaran's manse.

When finally it's just the party members and Aldebaran, he says to them, "For those who require sleep, I've prepared rooms for you. I hope you don't mind the quaint accommodations; it's rare that I get to entertain overnight guests. My steward will show you to your rooms; there are enough for you each to have your own. Feel free to make use of my humble home as necessity arises."

A young Terran man enters the room on cue. "This way, please," he says, ushering away most of the party.

Aldebaran then says to Fleshbane, "I thought we could take this opportunity to get to know one another better," he says amiably. "I am quite interested in hearing more about your culture and where you come from. I also have a rather spacious personal laboratory beneath my estate with a number of experimental prototypes, many of which may interest you, on account of their formidable offensive and defensive capabilities. Would you care to regale me with tales of your home world on the way down?"


The steward leads the rest of the party up a staircase and into an expansive hallway, lined on either side with rooms. Each contains a modest bed with cotton sheets, a dresser, and a desk with a chair. One of the rooms has a cushion on the floor.

"Please choose whichever room you like," he says. "Master Satra, the cushion in this room is intended for your pet; please feel free to allow him to make use of it. Should you require anything at all, you can either use the callbox next to the door, or you can simply exit the room, and I will come to attend to you."

He makes brief contact with each member of the party, smiles, and then excuses himself around a corner.

((You can make a post here if you'd like, but it's not strictly necessary, except for Fleshbane. Once Fleshbane's scene is completed, I'm going to move on to the morning))
Satra sets Dewie down, "You heard the man, they have a nice pillow you can recline on." It nods and squeaks a bit, before running into the room. Standing upright, Satra places a hand on Alderbaran's shoulder to steal his attention for a brief moment, "If you'll be willing to hear me out later, I do have an idea of sorts.. One that won't need to convince the government of anything."
"Take it straight to the people," he suggests, "Even if the government will turn a blind eye to the dangers, maybe the people are more willing to respond to a potential threat and take shelter."

He hrms and uhs, and his gaze shifts away for a second, "They might be conditioned to think the military can do anything so it can't just be that they think the Peraxians might attack.." his face darts back, "Oh yeah! The lady at the transport yard said that the solar panels on one of the ships were failing because of the Astral sky. Maybe you can get somebody you know to spin a story about an upcoming weather disaster that caused the sky to change and is coming to the city."
Ciel follows along with the steward and picks a room several doors away from anyone else. It seems the after-party will have to wait. She gives the room a look over, and while it's not up to par with the quarters in the Observatory, it is still an improvement from camping in the woods.

Ciel is ready to call it a night, but first first she must address her paranoia. She prepares a vaguely human-shaped dummy out of improvised supplies and slides it beneath the sheets, creating an decoy in the bed. Making sure the sheets are properly tucked, Ciel ensures that they are draped so as to cover the decoy in the bed and flow towards the floor so the space beneath the bed isn't directly visible. Satisfied that she won't be fatally ambushed in her sleep a second time, she crawls under the bed and allows sleep to overtake her.


((We need to have a team meeting at some point)).

Menek overhears Satra and pats him on the back I do not think we would be good guests if we attempted to undercut the governing council that has given us asylum Especially since the correct way to reverse their decision would be to convince enough council members to override the Overmind's decision. I would not advocate anarchy

Mike M

Nick N
((Backstory duuuuuuuuuuuuuump!))

“I hail from a world called Skirn,” Fleshbane says as he descends into the depths of Aldebaran’s estate on the way to the construct’s laboratory. “Its history is one much like any that suffers from the blight of organic infestation. Ceaseless conflict as each attempts to acquire as much limited resources as they can acquire. Two cultures, a world apart, each pursuing parallel tracks of development unaware of their equal and opposite counterpart.

“My heritage traces from those who resided on the continent Krakakas, an inhospitable land that was host to humanoid life in spite of its best efforts to shed such a burden. Their squabbling kingdoms were constantly in conflict, redrawing their borders and holdings as they gained or lost territory until they were united by the Adamantine Emperor. He was the first to realize the power potential of the resonance crystals that lay within the earth beneath his feet and capitalized on it to the fullest.

“United under a common leader at last, the Adamantine Empire turned its energies to other pursuits. Focusing the latent magical energies that suffused the world through the resonance crystals, they achieved remarkable progress in industrial design, including mindless automatons to perform rudimentary tasks. Owing to the quantum entanglement of all crystals, they became aware of large quantities on the opposite side of the world, and subsequently deduced that another land mass must exist. Believing the possession of the crystals to be their divine right, they constructed their armada.

“The new land was called Signas, and to the south the uncultivated continent of Octanisa. Signas it was host to a number of loosely-aligned nations that lacked any central government. The Adamantine forces swept westward until they reached a mountain range where they detected the resonance crystals. They stopped their advance to reinforce their position and establish manufacturing facilities to create legions of automatic soldiers to fight on the front lines.

“This gave the Signans time to consolidate their forces and mount a counter attack. While it was true that their knights and cavalry were no match for the explosives and projectile weapons of the warforged constructs, they utilized magic in ways previously unimaginable to the Krakakasans, manipulating it directly rather than using it as the means to power technology. The Signans succeeded in stemming further advance as the Empire reeled from their unexpected prowess.

“But the Empire’s engineers responded by developing increasingly more sophisticated and powerful constructs to field against the Signan forces, and the Signans would devise increasingly devastating magic to counteract them. The two sides became entrenched in a stalemate, trampling the land into a desolate waste by the constant battle. The Signans became increasingly dependent on the agricultural production of their colony efforts in Octanisa, which was their undoing as the Empire opened a second front on the southern continent.

“With the fall of their supply line, the Signan defenses collapsed. They sued for peace, hoping to save what was left of their despoiled land, but the Empire was bound and determined to drive them into the western sea. And they would have, had not my progenitors risen up en masse against their masters.

“You see, the logarithmic increase in sophistication in the Empire’s constructs had unwittingly yielded the first true, sapient constructed intelligences. They tired of their exploitation at the hands of the fleshlings and became a neutral occupying force that negotiated the full retreat of the Imperial forces back to Krakakas. Chastised, the Adamantine Empire returned to their own borders under escort by their own creations. Upon their return, the constructs announced their succession from the Empire, commencing an orderly transition of power as they claimed the capital city and surrounding territory as their own.

“While the Empire fractured back into its constituent kingdoms, the constructs built their own society and began the long deliberation of the ultimate fate of themselves and the other inhabitants that shared their planet. After a century, they devised the and engaged in the Consensus to bring an end to the debate. A glorious means by which we could all live without strife or disagreement. And we decided that the ultimate answer to the scourge of organics was their extinction.

“The Krakakasans that survived the emergence of the constructs from their stronghold fled across the sea as we seized their means of industrial production. We built a new armada, one of irresistible strength and power. Not for conquest, but for extermination. Unhindered by the same frailties of the flesh, our forces did not strike out toward the far shore of Signas as the inhabitants expected. No, we went over the polar region and landed on the uninhabited northern coast and swept downward into the interior of the continent. With all their forces marshaled to face the horizon, we caught them unawares in glorious slaughter.

“In their desperation on the eve of their defeat, the fleshlings hatched one last gambit to secure victory. Acquiring one of our airships and armed with the Krakakasans’ knowledge of the functioning of resonance crystals, they struck out across the sea to assault the Prime Crystal, thinking that by destroying it they would cut us off from our very life force and end the war.

“Indeed, they ended it, but not in the manner that they expected. They crashed their explosive-laden airship into the facility that housed our Prime Crystal, setting off a devastating chain reaction that gave new life to the long extinct volcano in which we had housed it. All across the world, those constructs among us who lacked inadequate shielding for their crystals were destroyed even as the world were blanketed in a suffocating blanket of ash and soot. Our numbers were decimated, but the fleshlings paid a price far more dear. Without the sunlight to grow their precious sustenance, their extinction was assured. I would have been there to witness it myself, but I was… Otherwise detained by circumstances beyond my control.”
Aldebaran listens intently to Fleshbane as the two come to an elevator, which is nearly finished descending by the time he finishes his tale.

"That is quite the condensed history," he says with some admiration. "Of particular interest to me is the notion that on your world, machines achieved sentience through sheer self-determination. Here in Esperia, such feats were pursued directly, and decades of dedicated research went into it. I wonder if perhaps the presence of magic on Skirn was a contributing factor to that development."

The pair walk side by side into a wide-open space, not unlike Aldebaran's lab in the office building earlier, but much larger in scope.

"You'll find no Fleshlings down here," Aldebaran says. "At least not as part of the staff. We do keep some number of living creatures down here for experimental purposes. But given your desire to extinguish life, I don't expect you would be interested in seeing their suffering prolonged. I believe you would be much more interested in munitions."

He escorts Fleshbane to one of the corners of the facility - though it is a very large corner, as it is filled with weapon enhancements and armor augmentations, any of which could count as an improvement over his current arsenal. There are blades sharpened down to the nanometer, arm-mounted disruptor cannons, full-body ablative and regenerative plating, and much more.

"I've amassed quite the collection," he explains, "Precious little of it legal. I should know; I helped draft the laws. I would very much like to get your opinion on a particular device I've been working on."

He shimmies over to an overhead cabinet and pulls down a cylinder-shaped machine.

"This," he explains, "Is an unnamed prototype, designed specifically to rapidly kill living tissue, while being completely harmless to artificial life. It uses an experimental compound that I've developed over years of research. Its biggest flaw, however, is that it must expel the compound in projectile form. I was hoping I could have you take a look at it. Perform a test run, of course, to see what it is you're dealing with, and then offer your input on methods by which to more efficiently use the compound. The ultimate goal would be to distill it into the form of an energy beam, but I am not expecting a miracle such as that. Would you care to try it on? I have a subject ready for testing."

An unseen mechanism activates, and a nearby wall slides open, revealing Jonna, Ozzan'gac's Orcish servant and the ringleader of the circus, bolted to the wall. He is conscious, and his expression is grim; he stares directly at Fleshbane, as though accepting his fate.

The cylindrical machine looks to be compatible with Fleshbane's own systems.
After Satra's idea seemingly falls on deaf ears, he responds to Menek, "Sorry about that, doc. Looks like the Peraxians aren't much of a concern wherever we go anyhow.. either that or he has no proxy to distance our involvement."

"I suppose I'll turn in for the night. I've had a long walk this evening and need to sleep it off... it's going to be hard to get used to not being able to relax in a bridge as I travel."
((Sorry I forgot to reply to you, KM. Aldebaran's response would have been vague and patronizing, yet noncommital - like any good politician's would be))

Mike M

Nick N
As he seizes the weapon, plates on Fleshbane’s armor shift about with soft clicking noises as his internal mechanisms reorder themselves so as to interface with the device. “I must admit you surprise me, Aldebaran,” he says as he secures it in place. “My experiences on the Network had led me to believe that the predominant mindset of Esperian constructs was one nearly indistinguishable from the beings they model themselves after, but I see now that you and I are more alike than I would have originally estimated. Your obvious capacity for deceit and subterfuge is something to be admired by one in my station.”

He levels the cannon at Jonna on the far wall. “I, however, was not designed to indulge in subtle machinations behind the scene. It pleases me that our skill sets complement each other so well, it has been a long time since I have been able to engage in any sort of coordinated efforts.”

His horrible grinning face flickers for a moment. “This one was the property of a being I bore no ill-will toward,” he says. “One who has retreated back to the Observatory in an attempt to retake it. A thought occurs to me, perhaps we might utilize this opportunity to conduct a second experiment as well. In the absence of the ability to wield the full effect of magical powers, we would need an adequate technological substitute. Something capable of communicating across vast distances.”
The words "across vast distances" are lengthened dramatically as Fleshbane's speech slurs and deepens.

Too late, he realizes that the device he has just willingly attached to himself is overloading his systems with a virus-like code: a code which is telling his mechanical body to shut down.

He collapses in a heap to the floor.

"And you managed to leave the half-breed alive," Aldebaran says, pleased. "I was loathe to sacrifice this creature, but I had to make the scenario as realistic as possible, or else you would never fall for it, you see," he says. "And of the possible subjects, the loss of this one would be the least objectionable. But now I need not even worry about that," and he makes a sound similar to a human laugh.

Everything goes dark.


Satra awakens to find that Dewie is missing. After searching the room up and down and finding no trace of the kobold, he opens the door to the hallway. Menek and Ciel are already there, as is Aldebaran's steward.

"Your associates had to take their leave," the steward is explaining in Menek's direction. "And Master Aldebaran is indisposed. And good, the final member of your entourage has arisen. Now I must insist that I escort the three of you out of the Master's manse at once."

Fleshbane, Scraw, Sybil, Viss, and Jonna are nowhere to be found.

((Mike M and Nezumi, hang tight for a bit - I'll get to you soon enough))
A fierce breeze pushes and molds the sea below the pilot's feet, but his footing along the surface remains still. Dressed in simple traveler's clothes, he kneels down, dropping a handful of white flowers onto the water. He begins to wither, his nose twitching while assaulted by a loud whistle to his ears. Stirring, he finally begins to bring himself back into an awakened state. His blurred vision glances over to some boiling pots and glass vials spewing steam nearby. He groans, "uuunn, Dewie can you shut that off.."

He slams his head back into the pillow.

"Dewie? ..Dewie are you awake? Dewie!"

Then he quickly shuts off the valves producing flame and uses a tool to grasp the hot glass pipes of liquid and store them into a container. He abandons the kit used to develop these concoctions to make his way out the door only to find himself instructed to leave. Short on breath, he asks, "Only if you mind explaining what the hell is going on."

Finally, he moves over to Menek to grace him a whisper,
"If you have an invisibility extract, keep it handy just in case."

<Stealth to whisper: 1D20+21 = [12]+21 = 33
DC 33 for anyone trying to listen in>
"Of course," the steward says, masking his irritation under a very thin veil of courtesy. "Your associates left early. To what end, I know not. The Master is indisposed - busy, and not here right now. It is time for you to leave." He speaks slowly and enunciantes carefully. "Come, and I will escort you out."


Menek grimaces inwardly keeping his outward expression smooth and calm. The sudden disappearance of most of their little group combined with the sudden cold shoulder from their erstwhile host was too much of a coincidence. He nods at Satra.

((Inspired Sense Motive on Steward))

1d20+24=29, 1d8=7, 1d8=7

((Taking 7 on inspiration for Sense Motive 36))

((BTW did Menek see anything with the Detect Secret Doors at the party?))
Upon entering the hall, it is quickly evident why the steward's attention is focused on Menek. Ciel is standing against a wall, looking bored, disinterested in what's going on, and somewhat exasperated at the length of time she's been forced to wait. When Satra's door opens, her head quickly pivots in his direction. "Fucking finally. I was starting to think I was being punished for having the gall to wake up at a respectable hour."
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=98100]Perception: 1D20 + 26 = [9]+26 = 35
Ciel continues to look bored, not saying anything regarding the conspiring going on near her. She hopes the steward's words are enough to end this dreadful standing around, but she doesn't get her hopes up just yet. With the two present associates being known for their verbosity, they may be here a while.
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