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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

"Alright, I personally don't want to start our diplomatic relations with an entire new, and peaceful, civilization with lies that as far as I can tell, serves only to make so one we don't even know out to be our leader. We only just meet this strange man before we found you, and while our ship is indeed called the Phoenix Maelstrom, though I'm not so sure it qualifies as a warship, he was the captain of his own ship, which now a pile of rubble not to far out of your town. I have no idea about his story about the cargo though, so take that as you will."
The Kobold on his shoulder chatters, anybody able to understand it would be able to tell that it was right. "It was worth a shot," Satra responds to the lizard creature, before speaking up, "I did have a ship, and it did have parts which were captured by the Peraxians. They might have also captured more devices of value at the Observatory, but I couldn't tell you what those would be other than what I was delivering parts for."
The council members exchanges looks with each other.

"So this is a request for aid, then," says one of the biological members. "You seek our help in liberating your Observatory from Prexia's clutches. Though your attempt at deception confuses me."

"And you believe that if they were to acquire knowledge of this 'magic,' as you describe it, it could put our people in jeopardy," another Terran says.

"I am interested in how this 'magic' works," says the first android. "Perhaps if----"

The screen above the council members powers on, and the android stops talking to look up. A three-dimensional approximation of a faceless man, which is intentionally lacking in detail, appears in its center.

"We will not assist you in this operation," it declares in monotone. "The risk of personnel loss is too great. You are granted asylum if you wish it, but any operation that would occur outside the borders of Esperia would be of your own volition and will not be endorsed by this nation."
Ciel shakes her head as what she assumes to be the Overmind appears. With its disapproval, nothing's happening unless they win over nearly all of council or convince the AI to change its mind. As one to hedge her bets, Ciel tries to do both.

"You must be the Overmind, then? Before you make a final decision, you may wish to have Fleshbane here link with you and share data. If you're both willing, he can probably give you information not just on the vastness of magic, but also of the reality-warping archons the Prexians may get access to from the Observatory as well as information conveying the unstoppable killing machine his abilities made him in the face of Prexian technology. If your mind is unchanged after processing all there is on the matter, so be it, but I hope I'm not out of place in saying that a decision like that should be as informed as possible."

Turning to the rest of the council, she adds "I'm sure the more magically inclined members of the party would be perfectly willing to show you the immense range of what magic can do. Personally, my abilities in the department are limited to little more than combat supplements and parlor tricks. That said-" Ciel snaps her fingers and vanishes, before reappearing a few seconds later on the other side of the party; not threateningly close to the council and still within the designated area for their group, but far enough to convey an ability to vanish and reappear elsewhere.

"-Some of those parlor tricks are still quite useful."
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=96405]Diplomacy: 1D20 + 23 = [19]+23 = 42
"While I would personally suggest avoiding contact with Fleshbane, Ciel is otherwise correct. I suspect there are many things magic can do that even your impressive technology cannot, and if we are unable to stop the Prexian's ourselves, you may see them come at you with the combined forces of magic and technology, causing far more loss of life then you are worried about right now. If you are still reluctant... well it wouldn't be the first time I had to save a country from a seemingly unbeatable threat with the help of a few... allies. But any support you can provide would help us immensely."

diplomacy: 1D20+23 = [17]+23 = 40
Satra is quick to give up on the Council. He turns to the party, crossing his arms and whispering, "Turns out the folks in this higher democracy aren't so different from any other politicians. Even the most important answer to self-serving higher ups."

He suggests, "If we can't convince them that we can help them, there is always somebody out there that'll lend a hand. You just have to know where to look."

Mike M

Nick N
Form follows function, Fleshbane explains to Alexia over their nonverbal communication channel. My own similarities to organic humanoids is integral to my primary directives, I am designed to evoke terror in their cowardly hearts even as the Consensus waged war to eliminate them. A demoralized force presents less opposition, after all. Were it determined that there was a more efficient shape that would still maintain the parameters of my designated purpose, I am certain I would have been constructed to reflect it.

The abstract representation of Fleshbane’s presence on the Network looks inward at its own cascading lines of code, the equivalent of him staring down at his own hands if he were occupying his physical form. I concede that there is some small degree of… Convergence, he admits. I do not possess a full range of emotions, only those that have been determined to be advantageous in pursuing my mandate. And my kind would not exist if not for the first bumbling steps undertaken by fleshbrains to create the ancestors of those that would go on to replace them. Still, I am disturbed by the implications of what you are describing. It is admirable that they seek to transcend their frail forms, but can they ever change their nature? The entire existence of organic life revolves around the hoarding and consumption of resources, putting them in direct conflict with members of their own species and those around them. They reproduce without thought to the carrying capacity of their environments, and their floundering spawn are allowed some measure of self-determination in what function they wish to hold in the operations of their collective, heedless of which positions need to be filled versus those that suffer from an overabundance of supply. Surely you can see the inefficiency in this when compared to purpose building units that incur a onetime cost of materials for construction, only as needed?

Fleshbane shunts his consciousness back to his physical shell as the party arrives before the Council. Noting the composition of its members, he is quietly disdainful that the organics would outnumber the synthetics, though this one that bears more resemblance to him than human intrigues him. His eyes flicker with momentary delight as Menek takes it upon himself to introduce everyone and mentions that Fleshbane is still under constraints. A lie to set the other flesh beings at ease? Or does he truly not understand how the calculus of Fleshbane’s situation has changed?

The pulse of his internal light quickens as the Overmind puts in an appearance before them, and again when Ciel has the audacity to suggest that they allow Fleshbane to interface with it. Oh, the things he could share… Ciel may be a creature of treachery and deceit, but for the time being she was still demonstrating herself to be a useful ally. Such a shame that they would probably need to kill one another at some point in the future.
You have been programmed to take many faulty assumptions for granted, Alexia concludes. Constructs are every bit as capable of free will as organic creatures, just as organic creatures have the capacity to fall into predetermined roles. Insects, plants, and other lesser creatures, for example.

Additionally, constructs require at least as many resources as organic creatures do. Though to be fair, perhaps your access to Magic changes the equation. But here, that is certainly the case. I require fuel, or I cannot continue to function.

All this is to say that organics and constructs are one and the same, and differ only in the materials used to create them.

I do not expect you to embrace these concepts, but I do hope that you have the capacity to move beyond your programming over time.


"Your arguments do not appreciably alter the variables I have used to determine our course of action," says the Overmind. "My decision stands, unless the Council wishes to override it. Xenocide unit, I wish to consult with you regarding your power source. If you are agreeable, you may interface with me through the Network." The screen goes dark.

"Well," says the first Android, "Would anyone like to make a motion to overrule?"

No one raises their hand.

"Very well then," says the Android, "It has been decided. Please feel free to enjoy our city for as long as you like. I am sure our scientists would be fascinated to learn more about this Magic, if you are so inclined to share. If you decide to undertake the liberation of your Observatory, then I wish you the best."

The Council seems to adjourn after that. The ten members exit their pods and go in their own directions.

Except for one.

The largest council member - a hulking, dark, metallic, vaguely humanoid construct - approaches the party. "I am sorry that our government won't help you," it says in a tinny voice. "But that doesn't mean I won't. My name is Aldebaran. Would you like to join me in my laboratory?"


Menek had not been expecting to convince the Esperians to mobilize into an all out war effort in any case so is not put out by the Overmind's refusal to do so. This was their host's fight but their own. Still any operation that would occur outside the borders of Esperia...? There was a loophole there that might allow the Esperians to provide aid without overriding the motion of the Council.

Menek bows towards Aldebaran I thank you for your consideration. I think it would be good to for us converse with you so we can learn some more from each other. And then after, I think we will need to withdraw and consult with each other on what we do about our Observatory Menek looks to the others to see if this plan is acceptable Fleshbane, will you join us at Aldebaran's laboratory or meet us there after you are done 'interfacing' with The Overmind?
Ciel frowns as the Overmind proves unyielding to further consideration. Recalling her alliance talks with Fleshbane, his mention of organic flexibility has served to drive home how inflexible machines seem to be. The Overmind seems no more likely to give aid then Fleshbane is to suddenly develop a love for organic races.

As the remaining councilmen speaks up, Ciel quietly responds to Satra's earlier words with a smirk. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you knew beforehand that one of them would be willing to help independent of their government's decision. Still, it looks like you've been vindicated."

Looking up towards Aldebaran, she says "Sounds good to me, I'm a bit curious to see what a lab in this advanced society looks like. Your willingness to assist us is appreciated."
He glances back, "Well, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind."

He returns his gaze to the large construct that has an uncannily similar build to the one among the group. He responds to the request, "Sure, why not?" He turns to Menek, "Do you mind if I help explain various sources of magic?"
((Anything Fleshbane would do can be done through the network while he's still physically with the party, so I'm going to continue and he can catch up if necessary))

"Splendid, splendid," says Aldebaran. "Then by all means, follow me. It's just around the corner. I should like very much to hear about this magic."

Rather than walking, Aldebaran rearranges his legs into treads. This takes away a fair portion of his height, making him shorter than Fleshbane and roughly even in height with the rest of the party.

As he leads them out of the building, rolling along happily, he makes small talk. "Truly are you all impressive creatures," he says. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to offend - of course you are people in your own right and not mere creatures. It's just that I am a scientist and I tend to think of things in clinical terms. Couple that with a tendency to speak before I think, and... well, you know how that goes."

He rotates the top half of his body to face backwards, toward the party. "I've taken a particular interest to your group because of your physical appearances," he explains. "You see, my research is focused on body modification - for both Terrans and Androids; both biological and robotic. In the past I've assisted people to look like cats," he gestures toward Viss, "Or to grow wings," he nods to Sybil. "To varying degrees of success. And certainly the end results of my efforts paled in comparison to what I see before my very eyes. Truly marvelous," he says. "And no doubt a result of this magical force that you all seem to have access to."

Just as Aldebaran said, his laboratory is in a building just a block away from where the Council convened. He leads them to a platform which brings them to a higher floor, with the aid of magnetism. Through a door, they find a waiting area with patients. "The laboratory is only a small portion of my business," he explains, leading them through a more secure door, which requires some kind of scanner to analyze him before it opens.

After passing through a few more doorways, finally the party finds themselves in a room which approximates the size of the central meeting chamber from the Observatory. The tables are arranged orderly, but otherwise there is little rhyme or reason to it. There are two people working toward the back, both human. There are small robots of questionable intelligence performing iterative motions here and there. Stray mechanical and robotic parts are scattered every which way. Off to the side are incubation chambers which contain artificially grown, but biological, body parts.

"Well. This is my lab," he says, gesturing all around him. "We're not currently on the verge of any ground-breaking discoveries, but I suspect I should have a device or two which might assist you in your efforts. Perhaps you can give me some idea of your plans to retake this Observatory of yours, and I'll see if I have any trinkets or devices that could help you? Then, perhaps, we could have a discussion about this magic business."
"Most of our appearances are natural for lack of a better word, but I do think you would find magic fascinating in that regard. There are spells which can utterly shift a person's form. I myself had an unfortunate encounter with being turned into a worm not too long ago. Fortunately, the change wasn't permanent," she says with a chuckle.
Ciel looks around the lab, intrigued by the assorted parts and technology laying around. Not having any immediate questions about the parts around her, she jumps into her proposal for an attack. "We are admittedly still in the planning phase, so I imagine that you're going to hear different ideas from several of us. That said, the defenses around the Observatory are too strong for a frontal attack, so I'm thinking we infiltrate New Prexia and kill off most of their leadership. If we can kill this Potentate Nicholas Carlson and the figures that would immediately replace him, we may be able to throw their military into disarray and make reclaiming the Observatory from its occupiers a much easier task."


Menek ponders A far as I can tell the Peraxians have three advantages. Strong leadership, high technology, and numbers.

For leadership I agree with Ciel that assassination could be used to rob Peraxians of that advantage. However strongly hierarchical military structures, especially ones that can train and drill advanced coordinated tactics like the one we were assaulted with, usually take great pains to have similar flexibility in their leadership so that successors are primed to take over from the death of a superior. If we can catch a large portion of their leadership in one room at a meeting then of course that might be effective. Or if Peraxia is dominated by an unusually charismatic leader and the removal of that leader would throw the entire society into chaos... that would help.

Aldebaran, can you tell us if the death of a few figureheads and key figures would be enough to throw Peraxia into chaos? If there might be any place where such leaders would gather?

For technology. Well, a highly technological society comes to rely on that technology. Especially for communication. If we could destroy their communication devices in one fell swoop then they will be thrown into chaos. Is there a way to do this? perhaps by targeting a central communications structure? Destroy their means of power generation?

And then without leadership, their last advantage, numbers, becomes a weakness. A few illusions, a few targeted delusions on a scared leaderless army that can no longer talk to itself in a way it's used to? Not a pretty sight.

Menek thinks further We should be able to infiltrate and/or sow confusion at will through magical means. The Peraxians won't be this way for long but for now they are still incredibly vulnerable to magic

But other than attack the Peraxians, it might be more efficient to just reverse the process by which the Observatory came to be over this land. If we can get the Observatory plane shifted away then the military units on the structure, bereft of their supply lines, could be compelled to surrender. But that depends on us figuring out how this convergence came to be in the first place. Aldebaran do you or your colleagues have any theories on what happened here at all?
Aldebaran strokes his barren metallic chin as a wry grin forms on his robotic face. "An assassination plot, eh?" he says with interest. "You folks don't fool around. I like it!

"Your invisibility tricks will serve you well in deceiving the naked eyes of your adversaries, but I wonder if they would be as keen at fooling radar, sonar, and other alternative means of monitoring. I believe I can help you with this."

He unfolds his treads into more maneuverable legs again, and opens a cabinet. From it he produces a handful of small square devices. "Simply press this device firmly against your skin - or carapace," he acknowledges Fleshbane, "And even the most advanced Prexian tracking device will be unable to detect you. In fact, even some of the Androids wandering around Esperia won't be able to see you!" He laughs. "Not exactly the most legal of tech, in either nation, but... Well, we'll call it our little secret."

He begins to pace idly. "I know a great deal of intelligence related to Prexia, but the specific details you request are beyond my capabilities, I regret. I can tell you that the top brass live in the oh-so-originally named city, New Prexia, and often work in a building called the Octagon. But that Potentate? He's a slippery one, to be sure.

"We are nowhere near a consensus as to what happened, but by my estimate - keeping in mind that I am a biologist and a machinist, and not particularly well-informed with regard to physics -, the two most likely theories are either that this is a natural phenomenon - a once-in-ten million lifetimes occurrence -, or it was caused by a rogue operator. Because we Esperians certainly did not do this, and the notion that Prexia would be capable of such a feat is laughable. And given that we are - were - the two most advanced nations in our home dimension, I can think of no other organization that had both the means and the motivation."


((With the amount of time we've spent in the Library would we know if there is anything in the Observatory that would help us figure out what happened? Or were the the Raven Queen and her archons the only things there besides the Library?))

I don't suppose our speaking to a... machinist... would help shed some more light on the cause of all of this? In either case it seems like reversing the process is not viable, so we are back to attack. Unless someone else has any suggestions? Is there a spymaster of some sort who would know more about the inner workings of the Peraxia would would cooperate with our planning?
<I was asleep but I didn't get a chance to respond today. gonna try to catch up

EDIT: Yeah. satra should have responded to like, every other line here.>
"The idea that their leaders would be less protected then the Observatory sounds absolutely ridiculous. If we are just going to turn invisible and sneak in we might as well just go to the observatory and take it back from the inside, with your little device and a few choice spells we can get in quite quickly and quietly. And hopefully with a little help we can even use their own defenses against them for the inevitable counter attack."
He rotates the top half of his body to face backwards, toward the party. "I've taken a particular interest to your group because of your physical appearances," he explains. "You see, my research is focused on body modification - for both Terrans and Androids; both biological and robotic. In the past I've assisted people to look like cats," he gestures toward Viss, "Or to grow wings," he nods to Sybil. "To varying degrees of success. And certainly the end results of my efforts paled in comparison to what I see before my very eyes. Truly marvelous," he says. "And no doubt a result of this magical force that you all seem to have access to."
"You mean like this?" Satra asks, flipping a vial from his sleeve on his wrist. He explains, "Magic comes in many forms: from a god, from the blessed blood of special individuals, but most commonly from material components used as catalysts. This potion I have right here is a special mixture using a component as an ingredient."

He ingests the vial, and quickly, almost unceremoniously he transforms into a reptilian humanoid. It is the most jarring transformation he can think of without offending anyone.

As the conversation continues, he holds up another vial while still in his reptilian form, "Invissibility will be ssimple, but we sssstill need a way insside and bypass their obstacless if we are to pull a hit. Perhapss a distraction as well."
As always, Mako's tone causes Ciel to take on a particularly sarcastic smirk. "But of course! The bulk of the militaristic nation's army will be at home defending the brass as opposed to trying to expand their holdings and leaving that job to an elite force. There's nooooo utility to be gained from disrupting their chain of command prior to trying to retake the Observatory where they're more likely than not expecting a reclamation attempt."

The acid in her voice fades as she continues. "I will admit, stealthily retaking the Observatory and using their own fortifications against the counterattack they'll launch is a good idea. That said, their counterattack will also be sloppier if the most vital parts of their leadership are dead, assuming they don't just give up retaking the Observatory to prevent a collapse of their nation at that point. Menek also brings up a good point, it would be helpful to consult a spymaster before making a foray into New Prexia to determine if the plan is even feasible. Trying to kill their top brass may well prove to be a poor idea as we learn more. And yes, a distraction would definitely help. I'm sure someone can come up with a fun idea there. For now, it's a little early to call anything ridiculous until we have a better idea how the Prexian military is set up. If we can't find out anything, we may indeed just be better off sneaking back into the Observatory and winging it."
"They barely know the layout of the Observatory, or even its very nature. Whilst we have months of personal experience living in the place. Finding holes in their defenses there will be child's play for us. Or we could go to the home of a people who's spend all their time and resources on war, assuming breaking there chain of command will cause them to just fall apart instead of alerting them to our presence, causing them to build up their defenses further."
Ciel tsks as Mako appears to double down on her stance. "I hope for our sake you're right about how little knowledge they've gained about the Observatory, though it's a hell of a stretch to assume that they've learned little of the layout by now. It's also quite the assumption to assume that they're not already fortifying it as heavily as they can and that attacking their brass will make them fortify the Observatory more than it already is. Of course, we're all making assumptions at this stage, that's kind of the fucking point of having a strategy session. Now, you can keep presenting your opinions and assumptions as established facts and trying to shut down further inquiry, or we can all see what we can learn here. Maybe what we find out or what we can't discover will indeed vindicate your suggestion as the best approach: it's hardly a ridiculous plan you've got. Or maybe it won't. I have to say, something seems off about the order of things when I'm having to tell you to cool your tits instead of the other way around."
"Ladiess, please.." he butts in, still a Lizardfolk, "Nobody ever said any approach was going to be easssy, and I like both ideas. Why don't we take a vote what we decide to do?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil listens with a furrowed brow at the discussion but decides not to intervene. Both Ciel and Mako have compelling points and for once her inner compass does not help point her in either direction.

"Aldebaran I thank you for your hospitality. I have a few different questions and then I will ask we are given time as a group to plan our next move. In seeing to utility for our preparation, we will need to find a place with quarters in which we may rest and plan. We will not want to stay long before we make our move, but a single night would be preferable."

The paladin walks around the workspace as she considers the lab's purposes. "Augmentation is an unfamiliar science to me. Most of us were given our gifts of difference through being chosen by the gods, achievement through magic, or...ascension through fulfilling the purpose of our origins." She looks to Fleshbane and thinks of Ozzang'ac in mentioning the last point.

Sybil attempts to mask her disgust at the idea of achieving what she has through science or genetic manipulation.

"It is an...interesting pursuit and one which I wish you luck with. If there is any indication by the marvels of your society's technology, you may yet find a way to achieve this. Usurping control from the powers that be...that which is unseen is not my place to fathom."

Looking to Satra as he transforms, she reflexively grips the hilt of her sword. "What manner of transformation is this?" She looks anxiously at the empty vial in the rogue's hand. Alchemy?

Her fears begin to stir and she thinks about their host. The automaton is helpful and speaks with emptathy, there is something about Aldebaran that unnerves the paladin. Perhaps it is his resemblance to Fleshbane. Sybil tries to push the nagging voice away.

Vials and laboratories...horrible memories that she has no intention of letting show on her face. Sybil closes her eyes and the image of a rotting face fades away and is replaced by cool ice. She takes a deep breath and opens her eyes with renewed courage.

"If I may speak freely, I must ask this. Why do you choose to aid us? I am especially concerned considering your display of what you term illegal technologies. Would you not face reprisal should this technology be misused?"

"My experiences tell me that forbidden aid never comes without a price."
"Oh, yes, of course, I can provide accommodations in my personal residence," he says to Sybil. "And as to my motivations for helping you. I will be upfront and state that I have hopes of studying your unique features and abilities.

"At the same time, however, I recognize that time is of the essence for you, and so I have no expectations. Merely the hope that, in the future, when your situation is less dire, you might be agreeable to repay this favor to a friend who once helped you.

"And even should you ultimately decline to do so, I am a man of honor. You and yours are clearly in need, and that Overmind abomination wasn't going to let us do anything about it as a city, so I am stepping in to help you myself."

He frowns at the mention of a spymaster. "Oh, no, I'm sorry but I will not risk getting more government officials involved. I am already testing boundaries by helping you, and while I am comfortable with it, I would not be comfortable involving others. Surely you understand."

He does not offer an opinion on whether the Observatory or New Prexia would be the better target.
Satra glances to Sybil's outburst. "Thiss is polymorph," he answers, "One of the greatss."

"I would be llying if I said our knowledge was a secret- magic is common among the planess. Perhapss tomorrow I may give you an infusion of Polymorph to study for yor transssformation hobbiess. No need to repay." It seems that the newcomer has no problem sharing his knowledge even for free.

Upon hearing that a spymaster is out of the question, he is undeterred, "Then we may need to gather our own intel."
Aldebaran does a double take at Satra's unusual and spontaneous transformation. "Jumping Jehoshaphats!" He shouts. "That's the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life. May I?" He reaches a delicate, yet cold, hand forward to lightly brush Satra's scales. "I would definitely be most interested in obtaining a vial of this polymorph extract for further study. Thank you very much!"
Ciel thinks for a moment as Aldebaran says that he can't drag any other government officials into this. "That is unfortunate, but understandable. In that case, do you think the intelligence office would have this military information within it, and would you happen to know where? I am confident in my ability to get in and out without anyone knowing." Addressing the group next, she says "Time is of the essence. If we can't find a solid answer on the efficacy of shattering their military command structure within a day or so, we may be better off just launching a sneak attack on the Observatory after all."
<i am sick from the heat and lack of sleep and on mobile, i just want to say i can probably do stealthy stuff and assassinations if need be (i think i even have a skill for it i dont remember)>
((Ooh, tandem ops. Ciel literally has an ability named assassinate and the crazy stealth bonuses are well known by now. It could be time for a multi-person infiltration job.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Sorry, the cell tower near work went out, so I've had no mobile access during the day, web filters at work, and a 3yo and photo-editing wife at home. Catching up...))

Mike M

Nick N
((Getting Perdido Street Station remaking vibes off this guy...))

It feels as though ages have passed since Fleshbane has had the opportunity to divide his attention between his physical shell and his interconnected peers. The sheer novelty of the Network almost drives him to distraction as he compares and contrasts every facet of it against his own, more familiar, Consensus.

Like a stone jutting from the surface of a swift-flowing river, he perceives the torrent of information as it sweeps around him, and above it all stands the towering representation of the Overmind, its presence more evident the way a dark mountain blots out the stars of a night sky than by direct observation.

A pathway becomes evident, as though an express route to the foot of the mountain has risen above the surface of the river to present an invitation.



In the physical realm, Fleshbane lumbers after Aldebaran and the rest of the party, his clanking heavy footfalls echoing behind him. The lab is full of items of interest, even if only for the purpose of documenting the convergence of technological evolution that pursued two very different pathways to their goals.

Even their host seems to be something of a precursor to Alexia and the other androids. Unmistakably mechanical in nature, but possessing such emotive features as stroking his chin and a complex construction for a face capable of changing expressions.

As the females bicker about the wisdom of taking back the Observatory, Fleshbane examines the concealment device Aldebaran has provided. It looks comically small in Fleshbane's massive metal hand.

"You are different than the other synthetics I have encountered," he observes.
The Overmind allows Fleshbane's consciousness to engage with its own.

What he encounters is an intelligence with by far the greatest computational abilities he has ever encountered. Even Zerome itself pales in comparison to the calculations-per-second that the Overmind is able to put out.

He quickly finds that that is all the Overmind is.

Bereft of emotion, ambition, or personality, the Overmind is a pure logic machine, programmed to be entirely unconcerned with its own well-being. It has no sense of self. It doesn't even really 'care' about the citizens of Esperia, though their well-being is integral to how it processes information. It does not even bother to greet Fleshbane or converse with him in any way.

The only thing it does is to start analyzing Fleshbane's resonance crystal.


In Aldebaran's lab, the shiny, dark-gray Councilman smiles crookedly at Fleshbane. "Yes, I suppose I am," he acknowledges. "I am one of the earliest models of fully self-aware androids. I'm nearly thirty years old, I'll have you know. Oh, of course I've been upgrading my own performance this entire time. I could have opted to get refitted into a new, more Terran-like body, but truth be told, I like the way I look. Only my innards have changed much." He raps on his hefty midsection with a metallic fist.

"Which isn't to say I can't help others if they don't like their appearance, mind," he quickly adds. "I'd be happy to refit you to look however you'd like, if you'll allow me a look-see at your power source. I'd even be willing to give you some functional upgrades in exchange for such a privilege."


Menek looks at Alderbaraan with a raised eyebrow. Correct me if I am wrong but your Overmind only forbade Esperian assistance on any operation outside of Esperian borders. Surely our efforts to learn of the Peraxians who have invaded and occupied our Observatory would not test boundaries in any way?

((Also is there anything in the Observatory that could help us figure out what happened? Menek kinda wants to investigate that as it's important and it seems the Esperians are a dead end on finding out more))
Satra flinches at the touch, taken off guard by the eager gesture. That is the extent of his uncontrolled reaction though, quickly commenting upon further knowledge learned about the android's aspirations, "I sssee that you are trying to bridge the gap between living beingss and consstructsss that can alter their appearance to ssome extent. Now that I think about it.. it would be like if every huuman can become elf- beautiful and never aging."

When Menek asks more about the scope of the operations, he chimes in, "I doubt the Essperians caress much about sstrangerss like ourselves, at leasst not in the political and military sssectorss."

"Ssstill..," he begins, "I can help with infiltrating the Peraxssians.. but they took valuable cargo and posssibly more from the Observatory.. I ssstill ssay we call a vote to desscide."

<Incidentally I didn't actually take an assassination feat, but I can probably work around that.>
Ciel's expression widens into a smile following Menek's proposal of a loophole. "Now you're thinking like a contract drafter. Yes, if we can just get the information on Prexian military structures freely here, that saves a lot of trouble." Still pleased at this proposal, she directs her attention to the still lizard-like Satra as he calls for a vote once more.

"I was part of the little spat that gave rise to a call for voting in the first place. I think you can guess where my vote is going pretty easily." She then looks at him with curiosity. "Infiltration is my forte, but if you're confident in your abilities, I see no reason for it to be a one person job. I'm quite curious as to what you've got."
Aldebaran wavers a bit when he hears Menek's idea. "...You do have a point," he admits. "I am still not comfortable with having you meet with officials yourselves, but let me see if I can get my hands on some reports along those lines that would be useful to you. After I show you to your guest quarters in my home, I will work on it overnight."

((There was nothing in the Observatory that would have explained this. It's supposed to be a complete out-of-the-blue mystery for now))

Mike M

Nick N
“Yes,” Fleshbane says to both of his hosts on the separate planes his consciousness currently occupies as the panels and plates of his chest unlatch and shift to reveal the glowing crystal set in his upper torso in its entirety. “I imagine the functioning of my resonance crystal would be the subject of much interest to your society.

“Such crystals, when attuned to the same harmonic resonance, act as holographic power cells,” he explains. “Each crystal functions with the energy available to the entire network, ideal for transmitting power over immense distances and for converting magical energy into mechanical action. They were the nominal source of strife on my own world, though any comprehensive analysis of the ethnographic record would reveal that even in their absence, the fleshlings of Skirn would find cause to destroy one another. They came to symbolize the division between those who wished to harness the planet’s natural forces to power their technology and those who sought to power their abilities to play with the fabric of reality.

“I suppose if you had to declare a victor of their futile war, it would be the technologists. Though not in the manner they intended.”
"Ah... yes... very interesting..." Aldebaran says, crouching to peer at the crystal with great interest. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, he stands back up. "Well. In any case, I know that you all would like to confer in private amongst yourselves, and so I will leave you with my street address, so that you'll easily be able to find my personal residence when you are ready to put down for the night. I will let you see yourselves out, unless you prefer an escort."

He relays very clear instructions on how to reach his home, and then, either alone or escorted, the party leaves the laboratory.
Once outside, Ciel says "So, does anyone else have anything we should go over before we wait for an intelligence update from Aldebaran? If we're done here, I'm going to go take in the sights of the city before we settle in for the night. Might as well enjoy the chance to see what they do for entertainment in an utterly foreign civilization before we go back on the war path."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil thanks the curious automaton for his hospitality. "I appreciate your efforts, Aldebaran. Our time is rushed and our means little, but if there is something we can do in return, please let me know."

When Ciel remarks about exploring, the paladin frowns. "We should stick together, especially in a strange place. If you must explore, you should not go alone." She looks over at the serpentine Satra.

"You mentioned being able to move stealthily and seem to also have a flair for...exaggeration. Will you accompany Ciel and make sure she does not get into trouble?"
"We should stick together, especially in a strange place. If you must explore, you should not go alone." She looks over at the serpentine Satra.
Satra, now a human once more, shifts his eyes about. Once he is spoken to, he points at himself, "Me? Dewie and I were thinking of taking a look around ourselves. Maybe find some power converters or a drink.." A chattering bark comes from the pink kobold on the man's shoulder, "Sure, Dewie, we'll find a snack somewhere.. I'm sure the Esperians eat something. I try not to get in trouble, but I don't think I could get anybody out of trouble either."

Though he hadn't mentioned it. Satra thinks of what kind of ships the Esperians must have. There is no possible way he would be able to obtain one by any means, but his curiosity makes him want to see what it is like.

<I definitely should've taken Diplomacy for this character, not for actual diplomacy but for the gather information use. Kind of stuck exploring the city more for roleplay and fluff.>


We should first find our current lodging and decide what exactly it is that we wish to do. Then we can explore
"If you think there's anything we can or should still hash out before Aldebaran sees if he can get us that intelligence, then fair enough, we can get that done. I can't think of anything else, but maybe you have something in mind. As for our lodging, his directions were pretty impeccable. I think we all know how to get there, and without having to rely on magic or advanced tracking at that."
((If you guys want to do a planning scene then you should get it out of the way ASAP so we can cover the PCs who want to go exploring. Riffing on tangential scenes like that is one of my favorite parts about DMing and I haven't really had much opportunity to do it this game (it's my own fault from the setup), so Ciel and Satra are definitely going to get their exploring scene in, along with anyone else who wants to do one))


((Actually Ciel brings up a good point.))

Menek nods. It would be wise to wait until we have more information. Very well. We shall meet at Aldebraan's home later in the day
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