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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

((I haven't got to start on MGSV yet, but some quick googling says that's not too far off. And here I thought I was inadvertently making some mix of Palpatine and Skeletor XD))

A knowing look comes over Shulmor's face as Satra speaks. "That will do. Then you must be Satra, the newcomer. Former newcomer I suppose, it would seem that label fits me now." He then looks down at the gun Satra has holstered, before staring back up at him. "An impressive looking piece you have there. May I?"
He looks down at Heaven's Door, then all about him, then back at Shulmor wearily, "This might not be the best spot to reveal a concealed weapon, much less give it a test fire.. we're under asylum, you see.."
Shulmor continues to stare at Satra, his expression unchanging. "Of course a test fire would be foolish. I know of no functioning society that allows such things out in the open. I merely wished to give your gun a looking over. You would have the privilege of getting to behold The Conqueror in the element of fairness, of course," he says, motioning to the green, pulsating revolver on his person. "You have been on the ground longer than I, if you think unholstering our weapons would incite this frail populace further than they already are, then I will consider that. If the terms of your asylum prevent this, then consider my request withdrawn. Such laws must be respected." He pauses for a moment, as if to correct himself. "So long as they are still the ones with the power to craft laws here, anyway."
Satra is starting to feel more comfortable with the way this person presents himself, and is starting to be able to find his words again, "This is a very peaceful society, and a foreign one to the planes.. even my Kobold stood out here. I've been trying not to create unwanted alarm at this point.. Not to worry, I'll be sure to show you my firearm whenever I get the chance."

"If you're all about respecting laws.. We were just talking about how the guy that might have kidnapped the other SAEDs has been dabbling in creation of illegal equipment.. we're going to find out if he's performing unethical research on top of that."
The flames in Shulmor's eyes rise before flickering back down to their standard burn. "Is that so? Those sound like crimes punishable by death, though I wonder if a society this soft even has a death penalty. A curious matter, but one that is to go on the back burner. If this person you speak of has truly kidnapped other SAED operatives, I consider that an act of war. He has expanded this beyond a simple matter of local crime to an international affront. He has marked himself as a rabid beast, rejecting the mores and protections of this society. Once we have determined that he has indeed kidnapped the other SAED members. He shall learn the terror of absolute war. All he has ever known and cared for will be stripped from him, all those close to him put to death. And when he has lost everything and come to terms with the folly of his actions, I will direct his execution personally."
Nodding, Satra steps back a moment and orbits slowly around Menek to whisper to him, "You... you mind speaking to him for a second, doc...? Our plans might have soured just a tad."


((url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4877508/]1d20+14=32[/url])) Menek isn't shaken by the sudden events but is completely flabbergasted.

Wait... you have come here from SAED? How... what? Does the Raven Queen know what's happened to the Observatory? Do the gods know what's happening to the planes? We need to get help from the outside immediately!

((Sorry for the late reply and not having much but Menek would immediately want to get god help))
Shulmor looks almost pleased as Menek resists his presence. "Good, good. That is more in line with what I expect from one I am to treat as an equal." As Menek begins to rapid fire questions, Shulmor steadies his gaze upon the investigator.

"My knowledge of the situation is imperfect, but I will attempt to answer your questions to the best of my ability."

He takes on a more regal air as he goes through Menek's questions one at a time in a manner that suggests he is used to discussing difficult matters.

"First of all, the Raven Queen has vanished. There is currently no clear leader of SAED, and the gods have proven unable to elect a new leader in her absence."

"No, the gods do not know what is happening to the planes, and many struggle immensely to interact with this continent at all. This entire event is unprecedented, new and frightening. Some gods are responding to this new event by preparing for war. Sufficient to say, this is a big deal across the entirety of the Astral Sea."

"As for how I was able to get here despite what I just said, my patron is a bit of... an exception, let's say. He has found a way to get around the interference on long distance magic. However, it is not absolute. To do so takes a great deal of effort even for a god, and consequently only brief acts observation and intervention, such as teleporting me here, is possible. I am afraid that we are still without direct orders on how to proceed, and we are still largely on our own. I can tell you that the gods certainly want to know more about this magicless world, but outside of a request for intelligence gathering, do not expect guidance on reclaiming the Observatory or acting on the ground here."

The questions answered, Shulmor's gaze lingers. "I will presume you did not introduce yourself due to the surprise of external movement. As I have been lead to believe that there are only two humans, am I correct in assuming you are Menek?"
After listening to the explanation given about outside matters, Satra asks, almost rhetorically, "So we're essentially trapped inside some kind of bubble? Your god couldn't even teleport you just outside of the continent and allow you to travel in on your own?" He takes a breath, "That would mean there's some kind of barrier or distortion around the outer perimeter of the landmass.. or we're inside some kind of outer plane that got inserted into the astral plane."

"All the more reason that we need to think of a way to get the other SAEDs back. We were planning on extracting them unnoticed and bailing out- we got left out for being ordinary humans compared to the others. Sigh.. I hope Dewie is okay, he wouldn't last seconds if they tried anything."


(( So the cell being essentially airtight means that there isn't any use in turning into either a water or air elemental, right?))
"The entirety of this plane is some kind of magical dead zone, yes. Its very existence in the Astral Sea is an anomaly."

Shulmor hrmphs distastefully at the mention of sneaking in. "Stealth and subterfuge are the domain of cravens and spymasters. It is beneath Shulmor. This kidnapper has declared war and should face war accordingly. We lack numbers, but in a world without recourse against anything magic related, we are titans among ants." He looks momentarily disgusted before continuing.

"That said, if crushing the enemy's stronghold is utterly out of your respective areas of comfort, I am proficient enough in remaining hidden. You ask much for me to sully myself as such, but if you both insist I will allow it for the sake of a cohesive plan. However, I am adamant that the perpetrator be forced to suffer for his foolishness."
"Hey, I admit to being a little craven when the time calls for it. Sure, our friend might deserve the wrath of your favorite flavor of fury, but I'm not exactly the right guy to fight on the front lines with unless it's at the helm of a war ship. I can think of two others that wouldn't even hesitate to cause a bit of noise, and you just scared off one of them- the other is trapped inside the mansion."
((Nezumi -
your plan to turn into an elemental would work for escaping the room. I will request that you react to being caged up for a while first though - maybe Viss just forgets momentarily that she can turn into an Elemental. Once she remembers though, she can leave through the air vents.
"Very well then. Let us extrapolate from a stealth entrance. Suppose we make it to the room where they are imprisoned and the perpetrator or a suitably powerful guard is watching their cells. Do you believe you and Menek are skillful enough to open the cells and remove the prisoners therein without drawing the attention of their watcher? If spotted, I presume you would accept putting down whoever spots us in such a circumstance. At the very least, I would hope you wouldn't object to hiding in the back ranks while I and the more battle capable annihilate whoever has seen us."
<What's the news on Scraw? Jackben did give me permission to use him as an NPC.>

"Not to worry. Me and doc will be hiding even in the open. I would rather just extract everyone silently just to make it easy, but we'll think of something if we get in trouble.. I'm not much of a lockpick though but we don't even know how he's keeping them or where."
((You can RP as him when the party gets reunited. No RPing as two different people in two different locations though. As it is some PCs are getting more opportunities to do stuff than others; I don't want to exacerbate that further.

You guys can continue discussing, but when I have a chance to make a real post, you're going to be approaching the mansion. I want to move this along a little bit))


Viss had gone to bed in a much better mood than she had expected. A short interview of her neighbor at the dinner table and an equally short trip to the manor's kitchen had left her with a freshly refilled bag of licorice root that would get her over the next weeks. With everything that had happened that day she was too tired to waste any thoughts on her quarters. She just fell on the too soft bed and almost passed out.

When she woke up Viss was determined that this new day was going to be better than the last. Yes, she was in a very much unfamiliar place with an even more unfamiliar society, she didn't like the situation, true, but she had to admit that there wasn't much she could do to change that. Her only option was to adapt and make the best of it. Most of it she needed to be a more helpful member of their team. She couldn't just tag along, sulking in the background any longer. She would start by thanking Alderbaran for his hospitality.

Viss openes her eyes and whatever goodwil she might have harbored seconds ago vanishes immediately. A short scan of her surroundings reveals that a thank you is the last thing their host has deserved.

The first thing she discovers is that Alderbaran must still be oblivious to the extent of their abilities for she quickly realizes that if push comes to shove that cell wouldn't be able to hold her.


Viss' attention turns to the voice and she spots Pilari and Shirox covering at the foot of the bed.

Before she can open her mouth Shirox starts talking in a high-pitched and obviously shaken voice. "We are so sorry. We didn't see orvhear anything. We should have kept better watch, but neither of us woke up when they took us."

Viss steps over to the bed and gently pats the lemur on the head. "Don't worry. It's not your fault. I didn't wake up either. Whatever they did, they tricked all of us. But we have gotten out of worse situation, we'll get out of this one, too."

To her surprise her comforting words show little effect on her two animal friends. Pilari especially looks almost sick, her feathers in disarray and her little black eyes widened.

"Mistress...," the little canary chirps again. "Lady Sybil, she... The machine man, he..." The rest of her words got lost in a rush of disharmonious shrieking.

Viss frowns and for the first time she turns around to inspect the area outside her cell.

The first thing she spots is Sybils body in the table. She quickly averts her eyes but still the image of the desecrated Valkyrie is forever burned into her mind.

Viss fights down bile and raging hot anger as she forces herself to check the rest of the surroundings, making sure not to linger over the place where the machines hadn't stopped mutilating what was left of Sybil.

She spots the rest of the prisoners that are being held in cells similar to her's. Menek, Ciel and the new guy were nowhere to be seen and she hopes that this meant they were still somewhere free and hopefully trying to free them. Then again maybe it was better to act under the assumption that they had already suffered the same fate as Sybil?

Finally Viss turns to their captor who had been talking to the bound Fleshbane. Finding out what had happened to the other members was probably the smartest thing to do at the moment... She would have chuckled at this thought if the situation hadn't been so dire. She, opting for the smart thing to do. That was a first. Curai would be so proud when she told him that.

She fixes her eyes on Alderbaran and says, "So, for someone who calls himself a scientist you just made a very stupid thing, you know that, right?"

Her voice shook more than she would have liked but under the circumstances she was happy that she had found enough restraint to not have immediately attacked the guy.

((Edit: I know we are not in battle but would it be possible to start casting buffs now, so they are ready should the action start?))
"Easier, yes, but that does not necessarily mean it's the right course of action," Shulmor says, still visibly not sold on trying to get in and out with no one the wiser. "You are correct that we do not know how they are currently being held, however. I do not care for leaving things up to improvisation, but it seems we have little choice but to find the prisoners and go from there."


((Sorry again, busy and a bit distracted))

We are in a foreign land that gave us asylum and remains a possible ally in our fight to retake the observatory Shulmor. The only possible way to maintain that relationship while still working against Aldebaraan with all due haste would be a stealthy approach at least initially and hopefully gather evidence of any wrongdoing from Aldebaraan to appeal to the Council and maintain at least our refugee status.

When I was inside I noted that the mansion is rife with secret passageways and hidden doors, I would be very surprised if there are not hidden ways leading to the outside that we can use to enter. The devices that Aldebaraan tossed our way are designed to foil Praxians not Esperians but combining them with Invisibility extracts, which I can provide to all of us, should fool Aldebraan's defenses for long enough for us to get inside and hopefully find what we need to. I suggest we procure devices that combine Network access with aural and visual recording capabilities so we can gather evidence as we infiltrate.

If we find that our fellows are being held against their will or worse than I agree, Shulmor, that we should treat it as an act of war against SAED and react accordingly.

Aldebaraan is not by any means stupid, and if he has managed to subdue Fleshbane, Viss, and Sybil in some fashion then he is certain to be formidable. He does not really understand magic however and obviously underestimates us as he just let us walk away so that, at least, is to our advantage.

I have a friend on the outside that I can send our recordings to through their Network to maybe even bring the authorities down on Aldebaraan as he certainly has no hesitation in breaking the laws of this land. And I have charmed Aldeberaan's manservant on the inside, though, he really knows nothing and is beneath Aldebaraan's notice.

((Any ideas on how to use Menek's buddy?))

((Edit: I'm thinking step 1 is buy phones, step 2 is find hidden doors leading inside the mansion, I guess Satra isn't great in Disable Device, but does he have good Kn:Engineering? Menek has pretty good Disable Device))
"Refugees?!" Shulmor practically spits. "Pathetic. How far you must have fallen to be stuck at the mercy of a pacifistic society. Dot your i's if you wish, I have crushed enough kingdoms like this to know the worth of this country. They will not help us retake the Observatory, and they will lack the resolve to bring full police power against us. This is a typical country ruled by the weak hearted. More than capable of caring for their citizens, but unable to protect them from internal and external threats. The fact that Aldebaran can act so freely and that you have already not been given proper assistance against an enemy of theirs tells me that they will not survive the first organized, full-scale attack launched against them."

His outrage drops off as he continues. "Your motivations at least appear to be born of pragmatism as opposed to cowardice. Though you give these Esperians more credit than they deserve, you are willing to acknowledge a declaration of war if proper evidence is found. Very well, there is no shame in confirming the situation. The technology here is suitably advanced so that finding what you seek should be simple. And it sounds as if you are suitably prepared for covert entry. I will mention that The Conqueror has no silencer. Should I be forced to fire, it is almost certain to raise alarm. I can subdue living targets without my weapon, but automated security will be problematic. I will leave those to the two of you when slipping by isn't possible."

"You have already taken a thrall within his manor? Excellent. As you have given Esperia too much credit, it seems I have not given you enough," Shulmor says, visibly impressed. "You can demand he do some simple looking around and give you information on security and patrols, or better yet, reveal where Aldebaran is keeping the others prisoners."

"It does say something that Aldebaran was able to subdue three of you, especially if no trickery was involved. While caution is fine in approach, I see little reason to fear him myself." The fire in Shulmor's eyes roars, almost spilling out onto his skull. "The power of Shulmor is beyond the fathoming of this plane. I have received basic briefing on all of your abilities, and from what I have been told, I am confident I could dispatch a small team of you myself. More importantly, this is a world without magic, and therefore a world without liches. It is questionable as to whether Aldebaran even has weapons that will prove effective against me. If he is attacked in a team effort, he has no hope."
Aldebaran looks at Viss and smiles. "What, pray tell, is this stupid thing I've done, friend? Shall I fear your transformation into a falcon? Perhaps some other animal? You've no way to slip out of your cage and no way to destroy it. You should feel honored that I've allowed you to awaken at all."

You won't be able to go directly through the door or anything. The room is locked down pretty well, and the only avenue of escape ,even for an elemental, will be through the vents. As for buffing yourself, you can cast buffs, but you don't know how long it will be until you actually get a chance to attack something, so keep that in mind


With the beginnings of a plan in place, Menek, Satra, and Shulmor embark on a quest to find electronic communication devices.

The result is less than optimal. Most of the people they pass on the streets run away in terror. Though the citizens of Tevash have grown accustomed to seeing people with outlandish appearances, Shulmor's skeletal, frightening nature is too much for them to handle. Even many of the Androids flee at the mere sight of him.

Fortunately, it is a short walk to a shop that can supply the party with communication devices. The phones are pocket-sized and have touch screen technology, and top-of-the-line models can be purchased for 100 gold each.... though the salesperson who was unlucky enough to get stuck servicing the party is mortified to the point that he is scarcely able to speak. The transaction is completed through a series of pointing and gesturing on his end.

The mansion approaches. It is surrounded by an eight-foot fence made up of a series of thin metal bars, each four inches apart from the next. The holes in between are filled with shrubbery to the extent that it's impossible to see through.

The front gate is closed, and two non-sentient battle droids stand guard, one on either side. The gate itself can be seen through, and the gardens inside look the same as they did last night, except that now there are far more automated guards roaming around.


Ah. Menek realizes what Shulmor is when he speaks of being a lich The 'thrall' is a low level stooge who knows nothing of import. Of course we will not put him in any danger but he could be used as a distraction of some sort. Satra would you know of any way to shut off the energy that powers this place?

((Do the automatons have their own energy source or are they fed by some central generator? I figure Menek would know this level of basic knowledge))
"Your mind appears strong, but your heart needs strengthening. You are potentially squandering a valuable resource for the safety of one you have already dominated. It is one thing if you don't want to bring attention to our inevitable return for our allies, but to avoid risk to him? A needless handicap."
Shulmor proceeds with the others, seemingly unfazed by the terror of the populace. Such responses to his divine radiance are only natural from lesser creatures. He looks upon the androids with contempt. To let machines do more than serve as tools rarely ends well. Curiously, they seem programmed to feel fear. This could prove useful in recovering the missing SAED members. He leaves the transaction to Menek and returns to the manor with him and Satra.

"Automated security. When you determine how to address them, let us pick a point of entry and proceed. It is vital that we choose a point of convergence before we move, as we won't be able to see each other once we ingest your potions."


Menek casts Detect Secret Doors on Ratbreath and asks him to make a circular sweep around the ground's of Aldeberaan's mansion and report back on what he finds.

((Assuming that Ratbreath doesn't stand out among the birds of the region. Do I need some sort of Animal check on this?))
Ratbreath returns in relatively short order, reporting that while there are no secret doors that can be seen outside the fence, there are three of them in and around the garden interior. Two of them are on the house and the third is part of the garden itself - a camouflaged square, surrounded by shrubbery and covered with grass.


I assume you have some form of levitation Shulmor? It seems to me that the garden entrance is best. We can meet back here if separated though we should be able to communicate via 'type messaging' on these 'phones' while invisible

((Menek has 21 on Disable Device with possible inspiration back up so he could take lead if Satra isn't better at it.))

Does anyone have any sort of a 'Detect Evil' spell? Aldeberaan might just show up like a beacon if what we suspect of him is true
Rockets quietly come to life in Shulmor's boots as he levitates off the ground briefly before setting back down . "You assume correctly. These devices are more technologically advanced and less magical than the equivalent from my empire, but the concept is not utterly foreign to me."

"I can not detect evil with radar-like precision, but I can find lawlessness in such a manner. If Aldebaran is as you have described, that should be just as effective."

Shulmor will go ahead and use detect chaos from where they are to see if it picks up anything.


((How big are the grounds and mansion anyway? Would Menek expect a few rooms, a small dungeon, or a large dungeon underground based on how large the place is and the placement of the hidden doors))
((The mansion is pretty huge in itself for a residence, so if you assume the underground portion is equivalent then it would be like a small dungeon. Much smaller than Gruumsh's or Baphomet's fortresses, to give a little perspective. Also much smaller than the Observatory))
<Darnit, turns out I need regular Invisibility for this. Crap crap crap.>

Satra hmphs once he finally gets to try out the new communication device that was purchased, clearly unimpressed by its inadequacy, "...Can't play the Snake game. Let me at least see if there's anything that needs to be modified in its settings."

Disable Device check to turn off ringtone because if I were working for Langley I would not want a generic melody alerting guards whenever we tried to communicate: 1D20+21 = [10]+21 = 31


<Knowledge: Engineering on automation power sources: _: 1D20+18 = [3]+18 = 21

Satra looks around after they figure out their best point of entry, "Can you get us over this fence? I can't think of any way to distract the guards that wouldn't just lure them to us."


((Any ideas on how to use guy on inside? Menek will be calling shortly with just a standard hey where's Alderaaan. You notice anything odd about the architecture of the house? Kinda thing. Also I don't think any of us has a delayed action bomb or anything that we can trigger remotely?))
((Yeah, that mostly covers it. Maybe tell him to unlock some doors or power down security where he can, but that may be more than Menek's comfortable with.))
((Satra's roll was not high enough to give him a clue how to turn the power off. Also I don't think I named the steward earlier, but I don't have much time to look and make sure, so if I did, this is his new name :p))

Menek rings up the steward, who answers almost immediately. "Joshua speaking," he says neutrally.
a phone would be the perfect distraction. Just leave the ringtone on, leave it somewhere, and call it to have the guards go to check it out. This can probably be done either outdoors or inside the mansion.


Joshua! This is Menek. How are you doing? *small talk for a short bit*

We were looking for Aldebaraan but just could *not* find him. Could you let us know where you think he might be? I don't suppose he might still be in the mansion?

It's really quite fascinating all the diverse buildings that you have in your fine city. But the mansion you work in is still so interesting. It just strikes me that there may be some quite unusual features in your place. Is that true or was I just overawed by the novelty?
Joshua seems delighted to take Menek's call, and is adept at engaging in idle banter.

When the real questions come up, he is somewhat hesitant.

"Well... The Master gave a strong impression that he doesn't want to be disturbed, but... I believe he's working in his laboratory. It's a complex beneath the mansion.

"You are quite correct that the manse is a modern marvel of engineering; the Master himself collaborated with some of the greatest minds in the nation to put it all together. There are all manner of whimsical secret passages and hidden rooms; it would be an explorer's delight! Perhaps when the Master feels more welcoming, we could arrange a tour."


Well we are quite the explorers Menek laughs. Say I have a capital idea. We want to show Aldebaraan and yourself our appreciation for all the kindness you have shown us. But we want it to be a surprise. We'll buy a small cake and those artificial taste substances Aldebaraan seems to like. When we're ready could you cut the power in the house and contact Aldebaraan to come to the front gate? We'll be there to surprise him! Could you let us know his favorite flavor and your own of course? Should be quite fun. I will text you when we're ready.
"Cut the power in the house?" He repeats doubtfully. "...No, I'm afraid that's out of the question. I... Uh..."

He pauses for a moment, and the internal conflict raging within Joshua is palpable in the silence.

"I need to go. Perhaps we'll talk later."

Without warning, he hangs up.
When the phone hangs up, Shulmor addresses Menek once more. "A valiant effort, but it seems that pushed the enthralment upon him to its limits. Still, it is commendable that you opted to use him so thoroughly after all, and he did say something useful. If Aldebaran is underground, then the secret passages that lead downward are our best bets."
"Having too many passages would thin the archetectural layout. I'm guessing he has trap doors scattered around.. it'd explain how he got Dewie at least..."



And waits about a minute for the reply. Handing out invisibility extracts to Satra and Shulmor as they wait.
"Very well then. Let the operation commence." Shulmor will drink the invisibility potion at the same time Menek and Satra drink theirs, and quickly make his way towards the garden entrance, using his boots to go over the fence. A sort of excitement fills the lich as he moves into position. Nothing like nervousness, mind you, but something along the lines of gleeful anticipation. While he has been spearheading armies and crushing groups of would-be assassins for a long, long time, it has been millenia since Shulmor has participated in a field operation of this nature.

Once in position, his militaristic nature takes hold and he uses the supplied phone to relay the others by text, making sure to hold it under his vest so as to not threaten the invisibility. [Golf Oscar Delta is in position. Confirm an absence of traps on the door and prepare to breach.]

((Stealth check with +20 invisibility bonus for moving to the garden entrance in case it's necessary))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=98417]Stealth w/ invisibility: 1D20 + 39 = [1]+39 = 40
((Really glad skill rolls don't fail on nat ones right now))
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