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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


Do not forget to use the invisibility devices as well.

Concerned that Joshua might alert Aldeberaan Menek drinks the extract and turns Aldeberaan's device on as well before activating his flying Hex and heading in. He waits for the coordinating text from Shulmor letting the war hungry lich take the tactical lead while scanning the area and the door itself for traps.

((Stealth: 1d20+29=47 ))

((Perception for Traps: 1d20+24=32, 1d8=4, 1d8=6 Using 6 roll for 38.

Uh wow Investigators have trap finding and trap sense so throw an extra +6 on there for 44

Menek's rocking +30 for trap perception and +27 for Disable Device before inspiration use :O. Maybe Menek should take lead in lockpicking. ))
As soon as they're over the fence, Menek notices a number of security protocols in place.

There are a number of motion-detecting lasers and cameras, but those are easily bypassed just by being invisible.

More problematic are the weight-sensitive pressure plates all over the interior of the garden. The plates seem to be coordinated with the scheduled patrol routines of the automated guard droids, such that any unscheduled deviation in the amount of pressure on the ground would set them off, likely triggering some kind of alarm.

Any individual pressure plate might be easy enough to disable, but the ground is covered with them, and every single one is hidden extremely well. To properly disable each one along the path toward the door would take longer than the invisibility extracts will last.

((I'm assuming you guys are going toward the big one in the ground, surrounded by bushes, by the way. Also, this is assuming the extracts follow the same duration rules as the Invisibility spell. If I'm wrong about this then we can retcon))
While Menek is speaking on the phone with his friend, Satra takes the time to down his mutagen to enhance his abilities (+4 dex, -2 wis)

The younger of the group glances over at the text being written on the tiny panel. He just looks at Menek and gives a meek smile and nod. Taking the invisibility extract into his hand, he raises it up, "Cheers, doc. I'll make sure not to forget to make my own next time."

Stealth (plus Invisibility): 1D20+21+20 = [9]+21+20 = 50
<add 2 to that result>

Once the plates are detected and their nature described, Satra asks Menek, "Can you find a path around the traps?"


((Can't we just float over the plates? Menek can with the Flight Hex and Overland Flight. Oh yeah 13 minutes of invisibility))


Menek taps.

((Menek describes the location via type if that's okay. If there is no safe spot then Menek will disable one 5x5 square next to the secret door and then tell the others where to stand))
((I'm going to step in and say that walking around the traps is not an option if you want to stay invisible the whole time. Thirteen minutes - which is the duration of Invisibility - won't be enough time because the traps are scarcely detectable at all from a distance; you need to be almost on top of them to be able to figure out exactly where their edges are))
((Double post: ...yeah somehow I didn't consider that you guys could just float over the plates. Chalk it up to poor trap design on my part :p Okay, you guys make it to the door successfully.

Menek and/or Satra, give me a trap-finding perception roll and then a Disable Device roll))
<Aid another: _: 1D20+21 = [16]+21 = 37

Satra watches the trap's mechanisms after they have been identified and their inner workings being hotwired seemingly on their own by Menek's invisible hands. He quickly hushes Menek as he notices a particular wire tugged and hushes out hoarsely, "Nonono, not that one.. That looks connected to the rest of the plates. Try the wire next over."
Despite the vastly superior technology inherent in this system, Menek's knack for gadgetry, combined with Satra's second pair of hands, persevere. There is a barely-audible 'click,' and the ground splits in a perfectly straight line, slowly and mechanically unveiling a downward corridor with metal walls. It looks to go down about thirty feet, and at the bottom is a flying vehicle, not unlike some of those that Satra saw at the dealership from earlier. It's powered down, and appears to be parked.

((I just wanted to comment on how interesting it is to have a scene with an invisible lich texting on a smartphone. I didn't see this game taking us here when I started it))
Satra pulls out his weapon once he's inside.. and in moments he looks at the vehicle in the dock, "Fuel.. is that thing fueled? There are a million things we could do with one of these."
((Haha, yeah, pretty much. Glad I wasn't the whole one noting the absurdity of a texting lich during that.))

"Well done. We should move in cautiously and close this passage as soon as we can. Leaving it open will draw attention." Shulmor slowly advances in with Menek and Satra. While they seem more than capable of detecting any traps, it would be foolish to let his guard down on their account. [url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=98489]Shulmor's undying senses take in the room around them, looking for any hidden devices or traps that would stand out and listening for any anomalous noises.

When they approach the vehicle, Shulmor nods in agreement with Satra. "We may have just found Aldebaran's personal vehicle. Yes, there is much that could be done with this. It may have pertinent information within, and whether it does or not, it could potentially aid as a distraction or in a quick escape. I am unsure of how an aircraft utterly devoid of magic is fueled, but I imagine that whatever powers the jets is quite flammable. That fuel could be used for explosives, or to burn or even melt our way through this facility. Though this fuel could prove ineffective for such a purpose if Aldebaran has reinforced this place with sufficiently rigid steel beams."
"I as much as I'd love to steal this vehicle and ride off with it with our good friends in tow and keep it forever, the constables probably have tabs knowing this vessel belongs to Aldebaran- I'd rather not test scientific conspiracies, if there isn't anything stopping me from getting close, I can figure out how to best structurally exploit it."

Knowledge: Engineering (once Satra is able to examine the ship): 1D20+18 = [18]+18 = 36

<Would knowledge: Engineering work for the structure of the building as well?>
((It depends on what you want to know and how long you want to take to examine. Remember that you guys are kind of on a timer.

Just walking by, you can't tell much other than that it flies and can hold five people max. Further information would require either an infeasibly high roll or more time))
The vehicle itself is armed with some kind of alarm, but the garage in which it's held seems fairly benign.

The garage is a medium sized room - twenty feet by twenty feet, more or less. It's pretty clean; the only thing in it worth noting is the vehicle. The only other exit is a closed door on one of the walls.

It is both locked and rigged to set off an alarm if it is so much as touched.
With Menek's cautionary text and Satra's input on the car, Shulmor texts the two [With taking car not being an option, it serves little use for now. Remember its location and keep moving, time is of the essence. Next door is set to trigger an alarm if it's touched, use caution]
((Nothing for Shulmor to really do during this but use detect chaos and see if anything on the other side of the door pings. So I'll do that while inspecting is going on))


((Yeah I'm thinking if the door is rigged to sound an alarm as soon as it's touched we just disable the alarm or cut the connection between the door and the alarm and then the door can try to trigger the alarm all it wants))
<I wonder what constitutes 'touch': is it the feeling of warmth, detection of organic life, pressure or weight?

I wonder if there are any gaps where I can polymorph into something to get through and open it from behind.>
((If the DC seems too high, Shulmor has something that should let him teleport behind the door, assuming the alarm's not on both sides and there isn't security watching the other side or something))
Shulmor's text never goes through. Something down here seems to be blocking reception.

The mechanism that would trigger the alarm can be accessed directly next to the door.

((Knowing the location of the alarm mechanism is built into the Trap Finding roll. Likewise, its touch sensitivity is built into the Disable Device roll. You don't have to worry too much about qualifying exactly how you go about it, other than by fluffing it up to make it interesting))
Shulmor puts the phone away angrily, and speaks with effort to keep his displeasure from booming beyond the garage.

"Damnable device! This plane's shoddy communications technology seems to be rendered useless when we are underground. It would appear that our primary means of communication while invisible has been compromised."

Breathing in and out- a pointless activity for a lich that serves no purpose other than to convey his anger- he continues. "Very well, we will adapt. Time is still of the essence. If you look to the only door out of here, it is rigged to trigger some kind of alarm. The panel beside it appears to be related and would seem the best place to start for disarming the door alarm."


((Is there any other way to go up the shaft other than the car? Is there a maintenance ladder or something?))
((It detects touch in a whatever way you want. It's fluff; if you make the DC then you don't set it off. If you miss the DC then it goes off.

There's no ladder. Spider Climb would work.))


Hold for one second I will check where our connection fails Menek says and quickly floats up the shaft to see where the bars cone back and comes back.
"I might have to turn into something that can get past this door to see if there's any sort of energy source powering the lock," he whispers, "If we've already lost a signal down here and he has security this tight and hidden, then we must already be getting close."


((DM explained it's just a disable device check to get by door. Will do my check in hour or so unless you want to go first KM))
<Yeah, but it was a DC 50 just to get into the garage. This is probably Dorthlenne's locked door 2.0

EDIT: If you're still online for tonight to make a Disable Device check, feel free if you want to.>


((Yeah. Could be harder or easier. I guess we can wait to see if the door is airtight or not as it would make sense to be a one way only alarm. Shulmor said he could teleport through but might not have enough perception to see if there is a trap on the other side.))
((It can't. It's a twice a day item that lets him teleport 10 feet. It's more for escaping grapples, but it would also let him warp to the other side of a door. And Shulmor's perception is only 1D8 lower than Menek's, so if we opt to send him through there's a decent chance he'd see whatever Menek would. Though I'm totally fine with just letting Menek do a disable device check, that's probably simpler, and teleporting would probably drop invis, which could be the same as just setting off the alarm if there are security bots on the other side of the door.

EDIT: Uh... whoops. I forgot that I never actually bought the anklet due to getting another foot slot item. So the options are back down to Satra phasing through the door or Menek doing a disable device check.))
He takes a breath, "I have a bad feeling about this... If this thing goes off we try to move around anybody that comes through that door, alright?"
Fleshbane, Viss, and Aldebaran are shocked by the sounding of a loud buzzing alarm coming from everywhere at once.


"WHAT?!" Aldebaran screams indignantly. He turns and looks uncertainly at a door on the far end of the room, opposite the wall of cells where Viss is located. "How did they get so far without being detected?!"

Holes in the ceiling slide open, and a number of security drones emerge, using thrusters for a controlled descent to the floor.

In the cells, Jonna, Scraw, and Dewie all stand up and move to the transparent walls to see what's happening.


The alarm and warning sirens are very clear to Menek, Satra, and Shulmor, too. Menek wasn't even able to get the door unlocked and open before pulling on a wire that he was definitely not supposed to touch.

It has been ten minutes since the Invisibility extracts were consumed.
"Very well, but if we come under fire, then we commence the destruction of the enemy forces."
As the alarm begins sounding, Shulmor looks around for signs of the enemy. It looks like slinking in and out without making Aldebaran face judgment is no longer likely to happen. "For a security condition omega, this door must lead to something very important. Get it open quickly! We only have a few minutes left before we have to force our way through nonetheless, it is inevitable that Aldebaran shall learn of our wrath now."
((Door is still locked. You will get past it regardless, but I'm gonna make you roll for it to determine whether you're still invisible by the time you finish.

Shulmor can teleport past it if he wants to. For Satra, the door is too tight to reasonably get through it by changing into something else))


Before she can answer Alderbaraan, sirens sounds through the laboratory, answering the question as to whether the rest of their group was still free.

Viss smiles and sits down on the bed.

"What your mistake was, you wonder? Well, that you didn't capture all of us of course."

((Can I casts spells at Alderbaraan? Or does the Glass deflect magic?))
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