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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Aldebaran is flummoxed by Shulmor's sudden appearance, and becomes enraged when Fleshbane's bonds are torn asunder before he can react. He and the droids look damaged by Viss's spell (though the Droids are affected far worse - Aldebaran seems much more resilient than them), but Aldebaran scarcely reacts to it.

"You," he says, focusing on Shulmor, his voice booming and full of malice, "Will regret entering my manor. I will crush you into nothing!"

Satra's and VIss's taunts fall on deaf ears as Aldebaran joins his fists; as he raises them in tandem they morph and grow into an immense hammering implement. He brings his fists down ruthlessly on the Lich, hoping to pummel him into oblivion.

Meanwhile, the battle droids do their jobs. Metallic, prehensile tentacles whip out from the bodies of three of them and threaten to entangle Menek and Fleshbane; the third guesses wildly and flails its tentacles at Satra's last known location.

The other two droids open fire with high-velocity ball bearings, one at Menek and the other at Fleshbane.

((H5 Droid attempts to grapple Air Elemental Satra from a distance. First I'm rolling a 50% miss chance since he can't see you; low means it misses-----> 17% misses.

E7 droid attempts to grapple Menek----->41 vs CMD. If that lands, you are grappled from a distance (their special ability - you're stuck in your square unless you can break the grapple, and can only attack them if you have reach or range).

L15 Droid attempts to grapple Fleshbane: 56 vs CMD. Pretty sure he is grappled.

I14 Droid goes full-attack vs Fleshbane: 46 vs AC for 16 damage; 33 vs AC for 15 damage; 25 vs AC for 14 damage. If the grapple succeeded, remember that your Dex is reduced by 4 - and therefore your AC is reduced by 2.

D9 Droid goes full-attack vs Menek: 42 vs AC for 18 damage; 47 vs AC for 18 damage; 34 vs AC for 11 damage.

Aldebaran goes full-attack vs Shulmor: 49 vs AC for 34 damage; natural 1 misses; 41 vs AC for 28 damage; 30 vs AC for 28 damage.

http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/5612e0614aa80 Map

Begin Round 2. Also sorry for the delay; anniversary with girlfriend, etc))
<Apparently I can't administer an infusion on another person not even by shoving it in their mouths or anything, they have to take it themselves. This pretty much kills what I was going to do this turn.>


** ROUND 2 ***

((I imagine that means Menek is free to cast spells? He's grappled though I don't know if the range grapple from the droids will affect that. I'll roll a concentration in case I need it))

We trusted you! We had asylum! Menek shouts and casts Chain Lightning at their former host.

Chain Lightning: 13D6 = [6, 6, 3, 4, 1, 6, 4, 4, 6, 2, 2, 6, 5] = 55

Inspired concentration: 1D20+13+8 = [12]+13+8 = 33
1D8 = [5] = 5
1D8 = [1] = 1

((Taking 5 inspiration for 38 IF NEEDED. Reflex save DC25 for half for Aldeberaan DC 23 for the other targets. Remember that he has -4 due to Hex))

The blast of electric energy hits Aldebaraan and arcs to all the other drones creating flashes of blue and white that illuminate the room, a freakish mix of torture and sterility, in a weird flickering cadence that creates bizarre writhing shadows in the insane construct's lab. Menek wills seven additional arcs of electricity to hit random panels and consoles in the lab trying to demolish as much of the evil place as possible.

((Chain Lightning can hit up to thirteen targets. If it's okay I'll use up the ones that don't hit drones to hit stationary pieces of equipment. Menek doesn't know what they do, he knows he wants them destroyed)).

He then laughs in a hysterical sob that extends the Satra and Shulmor's Fortune as well as the Evil Eye on Aldebaraan and the drone just north of Menek.

((Move Action Cackle. And Happy Anniversary!))

((Wait if Concentration applies then I would have to worry about the damage he took as well? Man I'd like to redo this turn. He took 17 damage with Stoneskin absorbing 30 and down to 120. If just damage applies for concentration then Menek would have made it.))
((When you're grappled you can't cast spells with somatic components at all (components are listed at the top of the spell description; V is verbal, S is somatic; F is somehow material, though I don't worry about that one unless it has a high cost built into it). You will want to redo your turn, or at least the standard action part of it))


<Apparently I can't administer an infusion on another person not even by shoving it in their mouths or anything, they have to take it themselves. This pretty much kills what I was going to do this turn.>

((Is that true? Because if it's not then Menek would gladly accept some freedom of movement or something shoved in to his maw and not require a change in action for this round))
Shulmor faces down Aldebaran's onslaught, slightly shifting his body to let the hammer blows harmlessly glance off his hardened skin and armor. His dodging moves him slightly backwards, and upon emerging completely unscathed, he laughs a horrible laugh in mockery. "As I said, to resist Shulmor is an exercise in futility. I hope you're not as fragile as you are unwieldy, or you will have no time to regret the decisions that brought you here."

Shulmor holds The Conqueror at eye level and points it at Aldebaran, the green fire that composes his eyes flowing into the weapon in a straight line and momentarily causing the runes on it to glow. He pulls the trigger once, and the room is filled with what sounds like the loud shriek of a banshee as Aldebaran is struck by a bullet. Before anyone can react, Shulmor pops open the revolver, letting the spent casing fall to the ground, and flicks another bullet into the chamber, closing it back up.

((Deadly Aim and Dead Shot on Aldebaran, reloading the used bullet as a free action. All attacks are versus touch AC. The Conqueror is a +5 weapon, so it should hopefully bypass whatever DR Aldebaran has.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=98836]_: 1D20 + 28 = [15]+28 = 43
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=98837]_: 1D20 + 23 = [11]+23 = 34
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=98838]_: 1D20 +18 = [18]+18 = 36
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=98839]Reroll: 1D20 + 18 = [16]+18 = 34
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=98840]Damage: 3D8 + 13 + 30 = [5, 8, 7]+13+30 = 63
((More like, it didn't update properly for me when I tried to update it. That's my mistake; the two rightmost droids moved to those spots. Also, Aldebaran advanced south one square before he attacked Shulmor. If someone can make those adjustments for me I'd appreciate it.

If the rules state that you can't shove the extract down someone's throat then that's going to be the rule))
((Is that true? Because if it's not then Menek would gladly accept some freedom of movement or something shoved in to his maw and not require a change in action for this round))

<I'm not sure

There is the text "An extract is “cast” by drinking it, as if imbibing a potion" but even then there is a lot left up to interpretation.>


((Sure, but I don't see why that wouldn't be possible by the text of the Infusion discovery:

Infusion discovery
When the alchemist creates an extract, he can infuse it with an extra bit of his own magical power. The extract created now persists even after the alchemist sets it down. As long as the extract exists, it continues to occupy one of the alchemist&#8217;s daily extract slots. An infused extract can be imbibed by a non-alchemist to gain its effects.
Fluff wise the magic stuff happens when the alchemist creates the infusion, I don't see where it matters the manner by which it's imbibed. I would think that pouring an infusion down someone's throat should work the same as pouring a standard potion down the hatch. I would think that would be some sort of Combat Maneuver attempt for an unwilling character but Menek is willing.

Let me know though and I'll change my action.))
((Just weighing in here, but if the spells only activate through the act of drinking, it wouldn't make sense for the alchemist spell list to include offensive spells. From what I've read and what you two linked, it seems more like drinking the spell is the means through which it is cast, i.e. you drink the potion and then shoot a death ray at the enemy or heal your ally. I could be wrong, but that seems to make more sense to me than having a chunk of your spells depend on tricking enemies into drinking a potion.))
<The Alchemist actually doesn't have spells that directly damage the enemy, only spells that change the Alchemist in some way that allows it to be a conduit to damage the enemy.

there is also the fact that spells always only affect the person that drinks it:
An extract is “cast” by drinking it, as if imbibing a potion—the effects of an extract exactly duplicate the spell upon which its formula is based, save that the spell always affects only the drinking alchemist.
So I can't just drink the Freedom of Movement and use a touch to transfer it to Menek like a Cleric could>


((The question is if you poured an infusion down someone else's throat would it still work and I don't see any reason why it wouldn't but apparently there is some controversy?))
((Ok now that I'm off work and have had time to look into this, I will allow potion-shoving down someone else's throat as a standard action...

BUT, Satra just polymorphed into a non humanoid form, so all of his gear should have merged into his person. Reading up on the Alchemist, it sounds like the extracts count as gear, so currently Satra doesn't have any available))


((Hah. All that for nothing. Goodbye writeup and all those 6s :(. There's no way that Menek can get out of this grapple btw. Very low CMD compared to these guys )).
**Round 2**
Menek casts another Evil Eye on Aldeberaan and on the drone holding him dropping their saves by -4. He cackles to extend all hexes by a round.

((((Reduce AC by 4 for 13 rounds . Will Save DC 24 reduces to one round. Cackle extends this as well as Fortune and the Save Evil Eye))
<Why did I think DMing a game was a good idea when I don't know how to be a spellcaster.

I did turn into a creature with 100 ft. fly. Will I at least be able to attempt to disable a computer at random to open Viss' cell or is the 50 DC on the knowledge check required just to begin that process?>


((You don't have to waste a turn getting me free. Everything Viss can do she can do just fine from inside the cell. Like I said, I'm pretty sure that neither my melee attacks nor my bow will do us much good against this guy. I mean, of course if I were free I could cast Rusting Grasp on myself and "strangle" Aldebaraan, but I'm pretty sure that this wouldn't really work, no matter how cool the image is.

Do we have an updated map? I need to know where to best cast my spell.))


((Don't know if you have a better target but if you could include the droid in E7 in your blast that would be great Nezumi.))


((OK, in that case I'll just do the same thing as before. Explosion of Rot centered on D9 hitting Aldebaraan, and the droids on E7 and B9))

Still confined in the cell, Viss continues attacking Aldebaraan and his minions with rotting energy. She wants that blasted machine gone from the face of this plane.

Explosion of Rot: 13D6 = [3, 2, 5, 4, 2, 6, 5, 2, 4, 5, 6, 4, 2] = 50

DC:20 for half damage. If save fails target is also staggered for 1D4 = [2] = 2 rounds.

Mike M

Nick N
((Rolling a concentration check to use a power means beating a DC of 10+droid's CMB bonus+Psion power level. Pretty sure the droid has something crazy for a CMB, or at least good enough that even a maxed concentration roll won't beat it with that 10+ DC bonus...))


((Rolling a concentration check to use a power means beating a DC of 10+droid's CMB bonus+Psion power level. Pretty sure the droid has something crazy for a CMB, or at least good enough that even a maxed concentration roll won't beat it with that 10+ DC bonus...))

((Yeah seems like it's got a CMB of at least mid 30s))
((Viss's spell just killed the Droid that's grappling Menek, so you guys are in luck.

I am also going to give you guys a hint: These guys' CMD is significantly lower than their CMB. It would be easier than you might think to just break free of their grip. And given that it's not very fun to be completely disabled for an entire battle, I wouldn't be surprised if these guys conveniently forgot that they were so good at grappling for a while.

((Yeah, seems like all you can do as an elemental is attack. Dismissing it is a full round action, but it seems like your only two options are staying in hiding or dropping the polymorph to do take action, which would get you spotted.))


((Before you waste your turn you can still try to get Viss and everyone else free. I mean, I could get Tessa out though I'm not sure what good she'll do.))
<Yeah. I at least want to save the hostages if I can. Jonna had a bad night, Scraw would make a great wingman, Dewie is about all the family Satra has, and Satra has watched enough Jurassic Park to know the dangers of keeping dinosaurs like Tessa in captivity.

I'm just waiting for DM's permission to see if that's a valid turn action, to try to disable any locks even if they're the wrong ones.>


((I'd say make a Perception roll and a kn:engineering roll and based on what Satra sees pick some piece of technology to attack))
((Sure, you can spend a turn looking at control panels and then make another Engineering check with a DC of 30 this time. If you pass that check, you'll know which panel to operate to lift open the cell doors))

Mike M

Nick N
If the grapple succeeded, remember that your Dex is reduced by 4 - and therefore your AC is reduced by 2.

((Is it?))

Grappling Contradictions?

There appear to be some contradictions between various rules on grappling. What is correct? To sum up the correct rules:

Grappling does not deny you your Dex bonus to AC, whether you are the grappler or the target.
A grappled creature can still make a full attack.
Being pinned does not make you flat-footed, but you are denied your Dex bonus.

((Regardless, going to try and break free))


Mike M

Nick N
((So by my reading, a successful roll on that lets me reverse the grapple, and by grappling someone you pull them into your square, right? So can I drag the droid over to me this turn? Because he'd just escape next turn, but I think armor spikes would inflict damage in the meantime.))
((Yes, that works fine. You can roll for damage and incorporate that into the narrative of your next turn because I'm going to do mine while I have a chance))

When Aldebaran's attacks are deflected with supernatural expertise, rather than becoming further enraged, the mad scientist almost looks happy.

"Fantastic," he says maliciously, "A worthy opponent! Someone for whom I shall finally have to adapt a new strategy! And then, a new subject on whom to conduct experiments..."

Shulmor's bullets deal better than marginal damage to Aldebaran, but he scarcely reacts to them at all. Instead he lunges forward and presses his hammer-fisted attack.

Shulmor finds the robot substantially less lumbering now. It's almost as though he was able to analyze the lich's movements and adapt his attacks to make them much more difficult to counter. He lands three solid hits on the lich and only barely misses with one attack.

"Do not engage to subdue!" he shouts to his mechanical minions, "I can still retrieve the Resonance Crystal from the Android's smoldering carapace!"

Just as he completes these instructions, another spell from Viss wipes out the droid that had been tying up Menek and deals significant damage to the other. Aldebaran seems even less affected by this spell than the last; his systems seem to be rapidly adapting to the attack.

The remaining droids follow Aldebaran's instructions and abandon their tentacle plan, opting instead to unload a bevy of ballistic ball bearings at the party.

All, except, for the droid whose grapple was reversed on him. He is forced to spend his turn disconnecting the tentacles from their launchers, thereby freeing himself of Fleshbane's grip.

((All of Shulmor's attacks hit, but they're not dealing as much damage as he thinks they probably should. As I mentioned, Viss's spell deals enough damage to kill the one grappling Menek; the other Droid made his save.

Aldebaran failed his save vs Menek's hex so his AC is reduced.

Aldebaran Full Attack on Shulmor:

64 vs AC for 30 damage.
52 vs AC for 22 damage.
42 vs AC for 27 damage (I think this misses though)
Natural 20 on the 4th attack for 23 damage (I know Liches can't be critted so that's just a normal hit)

Droid grappled by Fleshbane tries to escape: 43 vs CMD will probably do it.

Droid in H5 Full Attacks on Menek

48 vs AC for 11 damage.
34 vs AC for 12 damage
44 vs AC for 14 damage.

Droid in D9 Full Attacks on Menek:

50 vs AC for 14 damage
37 vs AC for 13 damage
30 vs AC for 12 damage

Droid in I14 Full Attacks vs Fleshbane:

52 vs AC for 16 damage
37 vs AC for 15 damage
Natural 1 on the last attack.

If Satra wants to spend another turn investigating the control panels then he can make another DC 30 Engineering check. If he passes the check then he may free them this turn. If he fails it then he at least knows where the correct controls are and can do it next turn))

Map http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/561ad079b9116 I tested the link this time so it should be properly updated. Next Round Begin!))
((Question on the damage, would Shulmor's DR apply to those since I assume they aren't magical? Or does Aldebaran have something that makes them effectively magic for bypassing DR?

Also, dead shot is one bullet and damage roll
with all his attack rolls put in it, so I'd think Aldebaran's DR/hardness would only subtract from that lump sum once. I could be wrong though))
((DR still applies so you can subtract that from each hit.

Noted about Dead Shot. I will include that in my calculations.

Sorry about the poor rolls KM :-/ ))
Aldebaran's adjustment proves highly successful in bypassing Shulmor's evasive form, but the huge machine quickly runs into the same problem Shulmor's bullet encountered. His blows are landing, but they hit with far less impact than they should, as the lich doesn't so much as flinch when struck. After three solid blows, Shulmor's skull is a little dented, but he appears to have been relatively unharmed.

Shulmor's left hand surges with black energy as he runs it along his body, causing about half the traces of damage Aldebaran managed to inflict to vanish immediately. He then addresses Aldebaran with a malicious congratulation of his own. "Magnificent! Your form adapts quickly when faced with adversity. It would seem you are more than a lumbering scientist after all. A shame you declared war on the gods with your actions, I could have used a scientist of your talents and flexibility when the time comes where I make this world mine. But instead, you will know the honor annihilation at the hands of Shulmor."

The dark aura around Shulmor shifts, and for a moment it is almost as if the lich is towering over the much larger machine. "While you may be resourceful, your fists lack the weight behind them to serve as a true threat. You are still little more than an ant struggling against the sun. The only experiment left for today is whether your body or mind will be the first to collapse before Shulmor. Now run, run as if it will save you from the judgment to come!" His final words are not so much a threat as a decree, probing at the traces of fear in Aldebaran's mind to form into a compulsion.

((Using touch of corruption as a swift action to heal Shulmor, and then intimidating Aldebaran in the hopes of activating his Lord of Darkness power. Aldebaran will be shaken for one turn per 5 points I beat the DC of his HD + wisdom modifier by, and if Shulmor beats the DC by more than 10, Aldebaran needs to make a DC 24 will save or flee as if under the command spell. I think the -2 from shaken would apply to that will save, but I don't know for sure.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=99374]Touch of Corruption : 4D6 = [3, 5, 5, 3] = 16
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=99375]Intimidate: 1D20 + 34 = [10]+34 = 44

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane is scarcely impeded by the metallic tendrils of Aldebaran’s mindless drones. He easily manages to grasp one of restraints and use his overwhelmingly superior mass to drag the wheeled machine near him.

“What amusing trinkets you have, Aldebaran,” he says as he envelopes the drone in his arms. As he squeezes, the adamantine spikes covering his armor pierce the metal casing of the drone.

Damage: 1d8+5=13

((Yay, max damage))

The drone disengages its tentacles and falls back, only to launch into a barrage of attacks against the xenocide unit. The thrashing appendages score through the thickness of Fleshbane’s hide, but do no significant damage to the inner workings that lie beneath the surface. Fleshbane pivots back on his heel, producing his own great sword and engaging in his combat readiness subroutines.

((Going to do a full retreat 10 feet back from the droid to avoid AoO and draw his weapon as part of the move action, if it’s allowed with full retreat. Otherwise he’ll eat the AoO and do it anyway. Going into Absolute Steel stance))


((Can I just take my Round 2 rolls for Round 3? BTW the Stone Skin Menek got from Satra is really saving his ass. Even though all the attacks hit he only took 16 damage. StoneSkin down to 60 ))

** ROUND 2 3 ***

We trusted you! We had asylum! Menek shouts and casts Chain Lightning at their former host.

Chain Lightning: 13D6 = [6, 6, 3, 4, 1, 6, 4, 4, 6, 2, 2, 6, 5] = 55

Inspired concentration: 1D20+13+8 = [12]+13+8 = 33
1D8 = [5] = 5
1D8 = [1] = 1

((Taking 5 inspiration for 38 IF NEEDED. I believe the DC of the check is 33 since he took 16 damage. Reflex save DC25 for half for Aldeberaan DC 23 for the other targets. Remember that he has -4 due to Hex))

The blast of electric energy hits Aldebaraan and arcs to all the other drones creating flashes of blue and white that illuminate the room, a freakish mix of torture and sterility, in a weird flickering cadence that creates bizarre writhing shadows in the insane construct's lab. Menek wills seven additional arcs of electricity to hit random panels and consoles in the lab trying to demolish as much of the evil place as possible.

((Chain Lightning can hit up to thirteen targets. If it's okay I'll use up the ones that don't hit drones to hit stationary pieces of equipment. Menek doesn't know what they do, he knows he wants them destroyed)).

He then laughs in a hysterical sob that extends the Satra and Shulmor's Fortune as well as the Evil Eye on Aldebaraan and the drone just north of Menek.

((Move Action Cackle. And Happy Anniversary! BTW even if Aldebaraan made his earlier save the hex would still apply but just for one round. A round that I keep on extending by cackling so active effects are Fortune on Satra and Shulmor and -4 on AC and saves to Aldebaraan))


((I really don't know what to do. Since explosion of rot doesn't seem to do any good. Doesn't seem like no one needs any healing either... ))


((Explosion of Rot seems to be doing a really great number on the drones and if we can take those out then we all can focus on the big bad. Alternatively Do you have something that could tie up the machines? Maybe summon something or somethings that can hit the drones or distract Aldebaraan?))
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