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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


Updated Map

((Okay how's this. It seems like both Tessa and Viss are in range to get to Zeilos. Since Menek is pretty familiar with Zeilos how about I use my Inspirational Expertise as a swift action to give Viss and Tessa a +4 to their attacks. Viss and Tessa drop the demon, get to Zeilos, and Tessa does an Aid Another on a Disarm attempt while Viss tries to Disarm him. Zeilos shouldn't have a great CMD and the flank plus buff should be able to get the phylactery away from Zeilos. Mike does Fleshbane have any more teleportation tricks that could get Shulmor and Fleshbane in on that fun?))
((I'm a little iffy on Tessa letting the demon go because that can add all kinds of complications like it targeting the phylactery with an attack spell on its turn or just generally making things worse for us. If Fleshbane can teleport us, that'll cover the flanking with Viss after you buff her, and Shulmor has a paralyzing touch with a fort DC of 26 he can use. That said, if there's no teleporting to be done, what you said is probably the best move.))


((I'd send Ratbreath out but Zeilos is smart enough to one shot an owl. If any potential paralyzing touch works then Viss and Tessa can continue working over the demon.))


((Reading up on the disarm action I'm wondering whether or not Viss being shape-shifted would count as her being unarmed and getting a -4 penalty on the roll? She wouldn't be able to drop one of her natural weapons after all...))


((Reading up on the disarm action I'm wondering whether or not Viss being shape-shifted would count as her being unarmed and getting a -4 penalty on the roll? She wouldn't be able to drop one of her natural weapons after all...))

((Pretty sure that 'natural weapons' are never considered unarmed.))
((Reading up on the disarm action I'm wondering whether or not Viss being shape-shifted would count as her being unarmed and getting a -4 penalty on the roll? She wouldn't be able to drop one of her natural weapons after all...))

((the rules on this are ambiguous, so my ruling is that you do have natural weapons and are armed, so you won't get -4; however you will have to knock the item out of his hands rather than stealing it, if you are still Wildshaped when you make the attempt))
((Phylacteries are usually pretty sturdy, with a hardness stat and stuff. I don't know the situation on this setup and would wait to hear from ThLunarian, but I would be surprised if a short fall to the ground broke it))


((OK, then, so if a teleport is out of the question Viss and Tessa will try to knock the thing from Zelio. Which leaves the question how we keep him from picking it up again on his turn?))


((Would grappling him make him unable to harm the phylactery? Viss is really good at grabbing and then Tessa and everyone else can just lay down damage instead. Zeilos defenses seem of the ready a counter spell type and it seems like he's left himself open with his Wish stunt))
((Now that you mention it, yeah, that would fuck up his ability to cast anything but still spells, and I doubt Zelio has the abilities needed to break it by melee))


((But Viss can't disarm AND grapple him. Though if I dismiss the +2 from Aid Another Tessa could go for the grapple instead.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I can teleport any willing creature with me with Fold Space, but they have to be adjacent and I can take no actions until my next turn. So I can get Shulmor there, but I'd be a sitting duck. I was actually planning on using this turn to heal, since I'm pretty sure no one else can do it.))
((Gotcha. If you can get Shulmor there, you'll be pretty far from Oz and the demon, and hopefully his touch will remove Zelio from the fight. Failing that, Viss and Tessa rushing him should keep him from doing much. Either way, you'd hopefully have a turn or three to heal after that. Your call though))
((The touch attack would be a standard action. If you get me warped in at melee range, Shulmor would use the move action to pick up his phylactery should Zelio fail either of his fort saves.))
((Updated map. Feel free to adjust your position Mike, I figured you'd want to be as far from the enemies as possible but able to make an AoO if Zelio is able to move after the barrage.))

Hmph, it seems the coward was the first among us to fall. Fitting, but the battle is still turning in our advantage. I shall dispose of the water elemental next before he can rush anyone else.

Shulmor's plans are interrupted in a sudden burst of magic.For a moment, Shulmor is in shock as Zelio produces his phylactery. "How did- When-"[URL="After a moment of realization, it dawns in him that a particularly powerful wish was used. Damn casters. He is left wondering what to do, with little more in the way of options than popping a shell back in the empty barrel of his shotgun and looking for an opening. Otherwise, he may have to kill the rest of the SAED members. His desperation is assuaged when Fleshbane rushes forward and warps him.

Fueled by anger and an urge for retribution, Shulmor adjusts to his position before Zelio has time to react, shooting out with his hand, now glowing a translucent black, and grabbing the haughty magic wielder by his face. Zelio can see his reflection in the flames inside Shulmor's skull as a torrent of negative energy flows into every orifice it can, threatening to shut down his body. "You know of my lawful nature, which means that you know every word I am about to say is true. For daring to summon my phylactery and using it to try and coerce me, I will make the atrocities that turned you against Menek so look like child's play. You will be torn apart and rebuilt for eons, as you are forced to watch everyone you have cared about be plucked from their afterlives and tortured into nothingness before you. When my time here is concluded, I shall reassemble my fleets and destroy your home planet. So it has been spoken, so it shall come to pass. The same word that ensures my loyalty here for a mere decade ensures that your fate is sealed. Now, I shall reclaim what you have tried to hold against Shulmor."

((Hitting him with his lich touch while touch of corruption is effect. It's kind of a clusterfuck of different numbers and effects, so here's how it breaks down. I don't think the damage for either can be halved by a will save since the text for either on the pathfinder srd doesn't mention it, but if you find otherwise, it would be DC 22 for the 4D6, and DC 26 for the 1D8 + 5. The actual status effects are fortitude based. For touch of corruption, if he fails a Fortitude Save DC 22, he is staggered for four rounds, drops the phylactery due to command, and is under the effect of charm person for three turns. For the lich touch, if he fails a Fortitude Save DC 26, he is permanently paralyzed. Attack is against touch AC. Also, reloaded his shotgun as a free action. If Zelio fails either fortitude save, Shulmor will use his move action to pick up the phylactery

EDIT: I think this is the first time Shulmor's been within 60 feet of Zelio, so that would trigger his fear aura and a will save of 26 if he's not immune to fear effects, in the off chance that shaken makes a difference on the fort saves))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=105563]Touch Attack w/ Touch of Corruption: 1D20 + 15 = [10]+15 = 25
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=105567]Damage: 4D6 + 1D8 + 5 = [1, 3, 6, 2]+[7]+5 = 24
((He easily passed the Will save vs fear.

He is immune to Paralysis.

He is immune to Staggering too, but I rolled the Fort save anyway because of the part about Commands (although I'm not sure where that comes from), and he passed it.

He takes full damage from each attack.

Because I have a few minutes: ))

Zeilos looks the Lich square in the eyes, shrugging off its necrotic attack. "You're afraid," he says with some measure of satisfaction. "Do you know how I can tell? Because you're making such ridiculous threats against me, and you have no power to enforce them."

He glances at Menek for just a second. "But perhaps I'm mistaken! Please, by all means return to my home world and lay waste to it, such that it is uninhabitable for the next ten thousand years! Grant me my vengeance against Menek Intarte's people, who by now are the only ones left there! I would like to see you try! That is... if you make it out of here with your soul intact."

His eyes have that peculiar clarity that accompanies certain kinds of madness... and he is still clutching the Phylactery.

((I am pretty sure that Viss still needs to take her turn))


((Yeah, I was waiting how all of this would play out before deciding what to do... Should I go for the disarm attempt? Getting a bit crowded up there...))
((Axel's map is out of date. Zeilos is actually off on the far right (see Azih's map link above). Fleshbane's teleport still made it over there though (even if the range shouldn't have allowed it, since we've already moved past that)))
((Doh, I must have linked the wrong map.

I'd say do it because I don't want to find out what will happen to Shulmor if his phylactery is destroyed while his body's not destroyed, but I'm a biased source, haha.))


((Before I make my turn. Can Menek still give me and Tessa that +4. Does that even matter for CMB checks? I'm still not sure whether or not I should let Tessa drop the grapple on the demon. a +2 might just make the difference here... Opinions?))


((It's a +4 to all attack rolls so it covers CMB as well. How hurt is Zeilos looking btw?))

He's never been a warrior. You should be able to attack him as you wish. You're mad Zeilos. Completely and utterly mad. Magic and magic use could easily come back to Minae. All that I did in life could easily be undone. And you throw that away for mere vengeance? You are fallen. Fallen and debased and a fool in a way that I never knew was possible

((A bit out of order but using swift action and an inspiration point to give everyone else a +4 on attack rolls against Zeilos for one round. Viss and Tessa can use it this round, Fleshbane and Shulmor can use it next)))


((OK, that would mean that with Tessa's help I'd get another +6 (from outflanking and aid another). Which means that letting the grapple go might actually be useful. Will post once I'm done Christmas baking.))


(( OK. One last question. I promise. Since Tessa is still blinded I considered leaving her behind to grapple the demon after all. Since Shulmor is in position to flank with Viss the loss wouldn't be too bad (+25 all in all). What do you guys say, should I just send Viss forward? Do I have to roll anything to retain the grapple?))


((How about Viss moves first and if Viss is able to do what she needs to then Tessa can stay and continue gnawing on the demon? Otherwise Tessa can come up and try to grapple Zeilos as a failsafe.

Tessa needs to roll CMB but with a +5 bonus to maintain the grapple and then can choose to *inflict damage or *pin the demon or *move up to half speed if the maintain succeeds))


((Good idea!))

With Brick down, the worst of her wounds healed and no immediate danger in sight, Viss takes a short breath and considers her next move, when the elf suddely summons a strange object. She isn't sure what it is but by his words and the prompt reactions from everyone else she concludes that whatever it is, it probably shouldn't remain in the elf's possession.

As one after the next attempt of her companions fail, Viss decides that maybe this isn't the time for subtle magic but brute force.
She leaps towards the elf, her eyes fixed on the hand holding the object. When she has almost reached the rather fragile looking man she leaps in the air, mouth wide open, she aims at the wrist and the lower arm, closing her jaws around them. She thrashes her head around hoping to get the elf to loosen his grip.

Disarm: 1D20+25 = [15]+25 = 40
((Zeilos looks kind of beaten up, but he still has some life in him and can probably withstand another good hit or two.

Viss's Disarm action succeeds, and Zeilos drops the Phylactery, which allows Shulmor to use his remaining Move Action to pick it up. I'm also going to assume that Tessa stays clenched around the cyber-demon.

Zeilos will cast a Quickened Dimension Door to teleport to C8 and will cast Chain Lightning, naming Viss as the primary target, and the Phylactery, Fleshbane, Shulmor, Tessa, and Menek as secondary targets.

Viss, make a Reflex save, DC 25; everyone else make a Reflex save DC 23. If you fail, take 46 Lightning damage. If you pass, take 23 Lightning damage.

The Phylactery appears undamaged by Chain Lightning.

Ozzan'gac moves to I13 and attempts to grapple Menek: 39 vs CMD.

Cyber-demon tries to escape Tessa's grapple: 31 vs Tessa's CMD. That might actually make it, but even if it does, that's all he can do this round.

Satra is still unconscious))

Zeilos is caught unawares by a giant tiger barreling across the room and smacking the phylactery out of his hands. Finding himself outnumbered, he reflexively teleports to relative safety.

"I don't need to possess your phylactery to destroy it, Lich," he taunts, ignoring Menek's lecture. "Behold!"

He points at Viss, who is electrocuted by a jolt of lightning, which arcs in multiple directions, inflicting damage all over the field.

Zeilos looks less than pleased when he realizes that the metal cube does not look to be affected at all.

The cyber-demon wrestles defiantly against Tessa, perhaps breaking free, but leaving himself wide open to counter-attacks.

Ozzan'gac, still completely silent, bounds over to Menek and threatens to envelop him in a cage of water.

((Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/566b0c531253b Begin round.... 4? 5? I forget))


((The demon got free from Tessa, does this provoke an AoO? Also I don't think there are, but I might as well ask, are there any buffs for reflex saves flying around?))
((Shulmor is flat out immune to electric damage, so the save shouldn't be necessary for him.))

The lich only gets angrier as Zelio shrugs off his paralyzing touch and treats his threats as empty. Though attempting to not show external fear, the question of what will happen should his phylactery be destroyed does cross his mind. Fortunately, Viss comes barreling into action and knocks the phylactery free, allowing him to pick it up and stow it away. Looking around for Zelio, he says "Your aid here will be remembered" to those around him.

A torrent of electricity strikes at Viss and those around him. Shulmor seems completely unaffected and doesn't even try to dodge it, the lightning chain directed his way harmlessly fizzing out as it hits bone and just doesn't conduct. "Treat your wounds if need be, and aid Menek, Tessa, or Satra. I shall see off the magic wielding fool until proper retribution can be arranged." Pointing the shotgun in Zelios's direction, he fires both barrels, the shot only a little more difficult than normal due to its range. He immediately pops a shell back into one of the two barrels after firing.

((Dead shot on Zelios, reloading one barrel as a free action. Menek's +4 negates the -4 from firing both barrels, so it's just at -2 due to the range. Attacks are against touch AC. Going to used focused aim in an attempt to kill him. Let me know how many of those hit and I'll roll damage.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=106067]Barrel 1 Attack 1: 1D20 + 23 = [11]+23 = 34
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=106068]Barrel 2 Attack 1: 1D20 +18 = [4]+18 = 22
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=106069]Barrel 1 Attack 3 : 1D20 + 13 = [4]+13 = 17
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=106070]Barrel 2 Attack 1: 1D20 + 23 = [4] (WHAT'S WITH ALL THESE FOURS?)+23 = 27
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=106071]Barrel 2 Attack 2: 1D20 + 18 = [17]+18 = 35
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=106072]Barrel 2 Attack 3: 1D20 + 13 = [15]+13 = 28


((Rolled a natural 20 on Reflex save so only 26 damage. CC 106073. Ozz easily made Menek's CMD though.))

Singed and then engulfed. Menek shrugs as much as possible while being swamped by a giant water elemental. Behold this you revenge blinded pompous idiot

((Standard Action: Evil Eye Hex on Zeilos and metal demon to drop their AC by 4 points. Move Action to Cackle to extend it one round. 14 rounds or DC Will save 23 to reduce it to 2 rounds. No concentration check needed lol. Since Zeilos is juussst outside the 30 foot range of Cackle his duration is either 13 or 1. Really hoping that one round is enough.))

I'm fine for now. Just kill Zeilos please so he can go to Zerome's tender mercies and then kill the demon before helping me here. He's the most dangerous of the three left
"Damn! He's still standing! You heard Menek, strike him down before he can get another spell off!"

((Shulmor's out of grit now, which will make hurting Ozz a lot harder for him.))


((No time to post at the moment but Viss failed the reflex save so her HP is dangerously low again (24) so I should probably at least heal her a little. Otherwise the next hit might kill her for good.))


((Maybe but a live Zeilos can do very very bad things to everyone. I think the demon is going to be busy with Tessa and I doubt Ozz is going to let go of Menek so I don't think anything is going to be attacking Viss next round. Maybe if Fleshbane puts him down Viss can heal? the AC is 18 now if I'm not mistaken))
((Maybe but a live Zeilos can do very very bad things to everyone. I think the demon is going to be busy with Tessa and I doubt Ozz is going to let go of Menek so I don't think anything is going to be attacking Viss next round. Maybe if Fleshbane puts him down Viss can heal? the AC is 18 now if I'm not mistaken))

((Shulmor's guns use touch AC, so that's why he was hitting with such low rolls. Keep that in mind; his normal AC might be higher))


((Hm... Yeah, especially since Fleshbane can't do anything this round due to the teleportation if I understood that correctly. Tessa is still blinded so sending her would also be a gamble... well I guess Viss will have to pounce at the guy after all. Let's hope Tessa can engage the demon so that it doesn't start casting anything nasty.

Edit: Fuck, I totally forgot about Cat's luck which would let me re roll a reflex save. I normally have to announce that before even trying though... which I had if I'd remembered...))
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