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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Satra Addlelove isn't exactly thrilled to enter the lair of the central core of the Zerome unit that had overtaken this base. The shackled denizens of what was once a thriving community, the warriors taken hold and dominated by its influence- he wonders when he will wake up.. he only imagines this venture will only end in sharing a similar fate in becoming part of a larger machine.

None of the less, a part of him accepts that he might die today, and he at least knows that Dewie is in a safer place with that Jonna fellow. He lifts up his revolver, and calls back to the machine with a cocky voice, "Hmph, you're the one knocking on Heaven's Door."

<How long has it been since we had started to infiltrate Aldebaran's mansion? Because I need to know for my initiative roll>
As the party approaches the center of the Observatory, Shulmor reflects on the countless so-called heroes of light he has funneled to his throne room in a similar matter. To be the one making the final march is an odd change of pace, but unlike the dissidents of yesteryears, he has no intention of being anticlimactically slaughtered on arrival.

Upon arrival, Shulmor gives the room a simple looking over. A number of people he doesn't recognize are in chains, and the cyberdemon appears to have aid this time. The sight of the Raven Queen in chains is surprising, and perhaps a priority to be addressed.

The lich stares forward, past the five people and towards the computer. "Indeed. As this is my first time here, I can only assume from the reactions of the others that you have done a significant amount of... redecorating. It's not a bad takeover you've pulled off. If we weren't forced to opposing sides, I would find it commendable. And then there's the matter of shackling a god, I'm curious as to how you managed to shackle a god. It is regrettable that the word I've given doesn't allow me to let this stand. There is much we could have discussed otherwise."

While speaking, Shulmor pings a quick detect chaos through the room to look for easier targets when the fight inevitably breaks out.

((Would the group eagle's splendor Viss cast still be in effect, since that would effect initiative too? Also, I may be getting a little ahead here but would it be possible to try some form of a utility shot on the chain binding the Raven Queen once initiatives are rolled?))


((Roll 103256. Init 26))

Menek blanches at the sight of the constrained Raven Queen. The colour drains even faster as he sees how heavily corrupted by machinery some of the other residents have been.

Ozzang'ac? are you alright? What did they do to you Zeilo?

The terrible sight of his domain having numbed him somewhat Menek's tactical mind and sharp eyes don't falter even at the sight of fresh horrors.

((Roll 103262 Know:Engineering to find best way to shut down the processing machine is 37))

((Perception to see how the shackled people, especially the Raven Queen could be quickly freed. Roll is 48))

((Also Menek's Arcane sight should still be up. What's he see?))
Also, I may be getting a little ahead here but would it be possible to try some form of a utility shot on the chain binding the Raven Queen once initiatives are rolled?))
<Considering I still have to decide what I do on my turn, I don't think that's getting too ahead. I'm curious about this as well.>


((What kind of chain could restrain the goddess of death is what I'd like to know. I'm thinking maybe taking out the computer could severely hamper the mechanically augmented members of the other party.))
<I wonder if I can determine how easy that would be and whether pipe bombs would be more ideal for taking it out.

I kind of want to kill Ozzang'ac though, I hate that character.>

Mike M

Nick N
((11 for initiative))

"I see that you have expanded your penchant for enslavement beyond that of constructs," Fleshbane says as rivulets of molten metal flow down his arm and take the form of his sword ((If allowed? It is an action, after all)). "I presume now is the part where you expect all the Astral Sea to bend knee to your tyranny?"
((I never rolled initiative, and I don't want to hold things up if everyone gets their posts in while I'm out. Rolling under the assumption that Viss's Eagle's Splendor has worn off, add 2 if it's still in effect.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=103395]Initiative: 1D20 + 10 = [19]+10 = 29
((Eagles Splendor has worn off by now.

You can try to shoot the shackles with a gun if you'd like. The likelihood of it working is up to me, but I will allow it as an action.

Menek sees at least moderate-level magic auras all over the place. Zelio's in particular is VERY strong. The weakest one among the opposition looks like Brick's. The Raven Queen's is far, far weaker than Menek would expect, but it's still there.

I have some time to respond to dialogue right now, but unfortunately I am not at a computer, so no map yet))

"You two are mistaken," Zelio says to both Fleshbane and Menek. "I CHOOSE to be here, so I can exact vengeance on you - you, who would hunt me and my people down so viciously in life, and then be so arrogant as to summon me to act as your servant in death." He points a metallic finger at him. "You, Menek Intarte, are about to be felled by the same 'foul magicks' you so viciously fought against in the Material Plane."

"Aye," Brick agrees. "My original plan was to take down that rat bastard who murdered my whole village with my family in it, but I can live with takin' down the ones who took up with him for now. Ciel will get his sooner or later."

"We are disappointed that you have been able to override our programming," Zerome says to Fleshbane through the cyber-demon. "However, at this juncture you have become superfluous. It will be more efficient to dispose of you than it will be to bend you to our will once more."

Ozzan'gac and the unnamed man in the back remain silent.

The shackled prisoners have a wide range of reactions among them; the tree somehow gives the impression that he is slowly shaking a lowered head in silent disappointment, even though he has neither a head nor a neck.
You can try to shoot the shackles with a gun if you'd like. The likelihood of it working is up to me, but I will allow it as an action.
<So Shulmor, you want to shoot it or me? I think I still have true strike (unless somebody can point out any instance where it was ever drunk), so if I give that to you it can be a one turn deal.>
((You guys win the initiative, so Shulmor can do that but it will be one of his attacks for his turn, and Satra will spend his turn feeding the True Strike potion, just FYI))
((I might just maximize our chances and dead shot the chain if it's being treated as an attack. Also, did detect chaos reveal any other chaotic targets besides the cyber demon?))
((Actually the cyber-demon didn't register as chaotic - it's being "possessed" by Zerome, who is neutral.

No one in the room is particularly chaotic, really, except maybe Satra. Smite Chaos won't do you much good in this fight))
((that was just a guess :p I based it on Han Solo being, in my opinion, chaotic. If you're neutral then you don't register as chaotic.

Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/5650c0d821582

You guys can take your turns. If you want to alter your starting position a little bit then you can start off up to 10 feet from where I placed you before actually taking your turn.

I don't know how to represent the giant computer in the background, but it's still there, and it's not mobile, so you can target it with stuff if you want to.

Oh and that's the Raven Queen off to the left. I was lazy and reused the sprite from the Balor fight))
((I was guessing chaotic good or chaotic neutral, so you know, tricky morality and stuff :p))

Shulmor finds yet another surprise as the party banters with the machine and its servants. Zerome has so thoroughly imposed its will on the cyberdemon that it no longer registers as chaotic, and is no longer susceptible to his judgment. Yet another impressive feat from the computer, its dictatorial tendencies are stronger than most mortals and extraplanar spirits.

"You seem to have a pretty good grasp on how to conquer a heavily armed facility. You have found personnel weaknesses poor judgment in selection and converted them to your cause. From there, you were able to impose your will upon those who refused to join you and imprisoned away those not susceptible to your conversion. You have done well." Shulmor stops speaking for a moment. "Oh, but what's this? It appears you've made a rookie mistake! As the one spearheading a hostile takeover, taunting your dissidents requires walking a narrow rope. If you wish to advertise that you have someone they care about hostage, you do so when they are powerless to stage a rescue, and you never, never-" The lich catches Satra's potion and tosses it back with a quick gulp. "NEVER put a prisoner powerful enough to turn the tide of your invasion in the same room where you intend to confront your opposition. That's just imperial preservation 101."

As Shulmor says the last words of his lecture, he whips out the Conqueror faster than most eyes in the room can perceive, points it in the Raven Queen's direction and fires a magically enhanced bullet at a weak point in her chains right around the point where people are realizing his gun is now out. For a moment, the banshee scream of his revolver fills the room as uncertainty of the outcome looms.

((Doing a dead shot and using deadly aim if damage is to be rolled. Not sure how you want to work this, but it is still in touch AC range if that matters. From what I gathered in reading up, true strike only applies to the first attack, and while dead shot is one bullet, it's three attack rolls put into a single bullet. It seems to be contentious though, so I won't object if you add 20 to the other rolls :p. Let me know which of those hit, if you want me to roll damage, and if the crit applies (pls let the crit apply for real Soviet damage if I need to roll out damage). ))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=103398]Dead Shot Attack 1: 1D20 + 47 = [7]+47 = 54
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=103399]Dead Shot Attack 2: 1D20 + 22 = [20]!+22 = 42
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=103400]Dead Shot Attack 3: 1D20 + 17 = [8]+17 = 25
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=103401]Crit Confirm: 1D20 + 26 = [15]+26 = 41
<Yeah, I admit Satra can be a bit chaotic at times but I don't want to actually be a chaotic neutral character though, because it's so easy to become a very flanderized idea of CN and become a real problem if I have that in my head.

Updating map, moving Satra to where he can administer True Strike to Shulmor

http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/5650c4eb74795 >
((You should just go full Flanders! Extremes are fun if you have fun with them, and then you can just run around blaring "Fuck Da Police" whenever your character does anything.

Don't actually go full Flanders XD
The chains holding the Raven Queen's shackles break; she lurches forward slightly, thanks to her pulling on the chains when they were released, but avoids taking a fall and regains her balance.

"An interesting tactic," Zerome muses through the demon, "However, it appears the error was yours. The Raven Queen was shackled as a matter of convenience, such that she would not require constant corralling. To waste your element of surprise by freeing her from her bonds, in the belief that she registers as a threat to us, may very well lead to your undoing."
<I already went down that road once back when I was even more of a scrub than I am now.

If I ever do play a CN character it'll probably be something where the character tries to do well but doesn't have much control over himself like Shinji Ikari or something.>


((Anything on Menek's attempt to see how best to attack the computing device?))

Menek closes his eyes for a second I requested you to be sent to this place so I could ask for your forgiveness Zeilos. You were never a fool in life, did you not realize that I am now your own patron Zora's champion? You permitted her holy symbol to be desecrated and you defied the Raven Queen herself to ally yourself with this avatar of technology you were so wary of in life? You debase yourself Zeilos, you are no longer what I thought you were. I will send you back to the Mistress of Magic to beg for her forgiveness. Perhaps you will be set on a quest of redemption like I have been.

Ratbreath peeks out of Menek's cloak to give Zeilos a look He's right you know. I reaalllly don't think Zora would be happy with you helping Zerome of all the damn things. and ducks back into safety as Menek draws in the magick power through Ratbreath that he had crusaded against in life and throws it at Zeilos in a stunning crash of lightning and fury.

((Chain Lightning aimed at Zeilos and targeting the four other combatants as well as hitting the computer bank at the back DC25 Reflex to halve damage on Zeilos, DC 23 Reflex on every other target to halve damage.))

Chain Lightning: 13D6 = [1, 5, 3, 2, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 4, 4, 2, 1] = 50
((The machine seems pretty sturdy and well-protected by what is essentially a metal carapace. The lightning did some minor damage to it, but overall wasn't very effective. It looks like if you really wanted to damage it, heavy bludgeoning damage would be the most effective method. On the outside there aren't any apparent weak points))

Mike M

Nick N
((I could disintegrate a 10ft cube of the computer, maybe. Not the whole thing, but perhaps enough to impair it partially.))


((Sorry no time for a proper post. I guess I can make one tomorrow but for the sake of moving things along Viss will only cast barkskin on herself since I don't think there is much useful I can do at the moment. I don't have many spells left after the last two battles...))


((I could disintegrate a 10ft cube of the computer, maybe. Not the whole thing, but perhaps enough to impair it partially.))

((If we could tell that the carapace is less than 10 feet thick then it would make sense to poke a hole into its armor and just pour bad things in there. If we can't tell that then I'm sure that any computer would be somewhat affected by 10 feet of circuits just suddenly vanishing. Though I think the 5 people trying to kill us should be first priority :p. I'm running low on spells too. Been a long day. I got endless hexes though.))
((The metal shell is nowhere near 10 ft thick. You will definitely do some damage by disintegrating it.

Mike, if you can just confirm whether you're going to do that this turn then I should be able to get things moving this evening. It wasn't clear to me whether you want to do the Disintegrate now, or focus on the enemies for the time being))
((Chain Lightning hit Brick for full damage; everyone else saved. It didn't appear to do much to the computer.

Disintegrate wipes out a sizable piece of the computer.

Zeilos casts Haste on his party and readies an action.

Ozzan'gac approaches Shulmor and attempts to grapple him: 47 vs CMD should probably succeed.

Brick charges Viss and attacks with a two-handed cyber-greataxe: 52 vs AC will hit for 41 damage.

Cyber Demon casts Disintegrate on Menek: 27 vs Touch AC. If that hits, make a DC 18 Fortitude save. If you fail, take 84 damage; if you pass, take 19 damage.

Au makes a Full Attack on Fleshbane:

1st attack: Natural 20 (but Fleshbane can't be critted); take 27 damage.
2nd attack: 40 vs AC for 24 damage.
3rd attack: 30 vs AC for 27 damage))

Menek's Chain Lightning arcs through the opposition, singeing flesh and hair alike; the bolt strikes the computer last, but the electricity seems to harmlessly diffuse through the metal shell.

"I've turned my back on Zora," Zeilos retorts dismissively, harmed by Menek's blast but nowhere near crippled by it. "My goddess betrayed me when she chose YOU as her champion and expected ME to serve you like some mindless slave. Zerome has been my salvation: His enhancements have improved my magical channeling abilities tenfold! Observe!" He raises his arms, and the laws of space-time seem to bend in his allies' favor, granting them unnatural speed.

Ozzan'gac takes full advantage of this speed and makes a hasty charge toward Shulmor. Saying nothing, he merely engulfs the lich-lord within his watery frame. Luckily for Shulmor, he doesn't have to breathe, but his movement is certainly restricted.

Brick snorts, pausing for just a moment to survey the party. "Lesse here," he wonders, "Which one of you's was most buddy-buddy with my ol' friend Ciel? I seem to recall that rat-bastard paying more than one visit to this cat-warrior lady for some archery lessons. Sorry, lass, but you'll be the first one to get cut down by the Great and Mighty Brick!"

The large man leaps forward, reaching Viss in a single bound and bringing a two-handed, mechanically-whirring axe blade down on top of her with unbridled ferocity.

Fleshbane, sensing possible weakness in the machine at the back of the room, uses his psionic powers to blow a large hole in the computer. When he does this, the unfamiliar man standing near Zeilos in the back has an bizarre reaction; he twitches involuntarily and promptly keels over.

"We know better than to call that luck," Zerome observes. "You learned much of our architectural tendencies during the time that we were connected, Xenocide Unit. Fortunately, we have developed ancillary strategies to help combat your advantage."

Fleshbane is blindsided by an unexpected slew of attacks from his former combat-training partner.

"You made a critical mistake in trusting me," Au observes as she smashes a heavy fist into Fleshbane's midsection. "Your blind trust for all non-organic lifeforms has left you vulnerable," she explains, grasping his head in both hands and slamming it against her raised knee. "You allowed me to infiltrate you on Zerome's behalf since the very beginning, and now the chickens have come home to roost." She finishes with a brutal roundhouse kick to the side of his head.

The cyberdemon, satisfied that Au has the Fleshbane situation under control, turns his attention to Menek. He points a fleshy finger at the investigator, and a thin green beam pulses through the air. Menek feels his insides heating up rapidly, and the conflagration threatens to consume him from the inside out...

The Raven Queen, free from her bonds, looks unsure of how to proceed. Menek notices that destroying the shackles did nothing to reignite her once-formidable magical aura.

((Next Round Begin. Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/5653d47fdfa75 ))
((Yeah, that hits Shulmor's CMD, so he's grappled. I don't mind saying Shulmor delays until Satra goes since he's about to end the grapple. Though since whatever you're doing will probably target touch AC, it shouldn't matter.))
"Inadequate." Shulmor declares from inside the water elemental. Although he has no trouble speaking, the word is still garbled by all of the surrounding water. The gem fastened towards his head begins glowing, and Shulmor drifts backwards, passing through Ozzang'ac as if the elemental is not there.

He drifts away to a position that leaves him with a clear shot on the majority of the enemies present, and crushes a flask of unholy water in his hand, tossing it slightly towards the Raven Queen along with a fistful of silver dust. The area surrounding the two of them darkens and takes on a palpably profane air, with lich emperor visibly becoming more powerful as the darkness sets in. He does not turn to address the Raven Queen but is clearly speaking to her. "You are a goddess of some form of death if I recall the briefing correctly. I know not if you can draw power from the energies that fuel undead, but if you can, now would be the time to do so." He then directs his attention back towards the oddly colored water elemental. "Now then, would you like to try something more effective?"

In a final step to gain advantage, he calls toward the rest of the party. "I'm in need of a swift assessment! Can you identify the durability of each target? If I don't need the force of the Conqueror to punch through anyone's defenses, I can make this new toy of mine hurt them much more."

((Using the daily charge of third eye freedom to put one turn of freedom of movement on Shulmor as an immediate action. Moving to I4 and casting desecrate on H3, so the Raven Queen is just barely in the 20 foot radius. Since I don't have many points in knowledge religion, this is IC and OOC blind speculation! Either way, Shulmor's in super durable mode now. As for the call for knowledge rolls, I'm looking for Anyone with good modifiers to determine if the +5 versus +4 will make a difference in bypassing anyone's DR. Shulmor should be able to do some heinous stuff with that +4 shotgun if DR doesn't enter into the equation.))

Map's being a little uncooperative on updating, but I'll see if I can get it to work in a bit.

EDIT: ok, there we go. Map.))
<I can't seem to connect to ditzie because of some DNS problem on my end, so I can't determine where to 5 ft. step. I also just realized that I won't be able to get any sort of sneak attack damage, which I need for the bulk fo my damage, so for this turn I'm going to pop a Greater Invisibility.>

Foregoing the marine elemental's silent enthusiasm to ingest the powerful Lich, Satra is quick to comment, "Not the most philosophical monster, I take it?" Realizing that the predicament presenting itself is necessitating the eventual firing of his gun, he injects a vial of Greater Invisibility to prepare himself.
((Psst... it looks like you've forgotten, but water elementals are immune to sneak attack damage. You might want to reconsider your turn if your plan is to go after Ozzan'gac :)

I'm in a rare mood today so I want you all to know how grateful I am to have you all playing in my game. Even if this one hasn't gone as smoothly as the first, and even though I don't have as much time to spend on it as I did before, it's still one of the more rewarding things I do on a day to day basis. You're all great.))


((I'll respond by saying thanks for running the game ThLunarian. Despite an early rough patch it's been going really amazingly well.))

((Round One went Kinda bad tho guys. What are we focusing on? I think Satra might be best suited to getting into the 10 foot hole in the computer that Fleshbane blew and doing really terrible Kn:Engineering things in there? I don't think there's any Knowledge roll that could tell what unique characters like these can do? I would be surprised if the +4 isn't good enough on the more mooky characters. Maybe focus on Brick as he got hurt a fair bit already? ))

((Phew Fort save roll 27, no need for inspire on the roll coyote code id 103765. 19 damage only))
((Yup, it's been great. Quite the ride all around, and one of the better daily things I've gotten to do as well.

I'm thinking either Brick or Au since they both seem to be putting out a lot of damage on their respective targets. Shulmor's probably going after Au since I'm not sure if he can shoot through Ozz. As for the shotgun, I was more wondering if +4 bypasses the untyped DR most elementals have. For that matter, I don't know if the +5 does either. Once that's answered, it basically comes down to the shotgun being better against targets immune to crits and the revolver being better against targets that aren't. So that's basically what he was calling for if there's a knowledge roll that will help with that. :) ))
((Untyped damage reduction can't be overcome at all by weapons. At least that's what a few minutes of research yielded me. If anyone comes up with conflicting info then let me know))
((Oh I missed the other question about crits. I'll give you a freebie and tell you that elementals are immune. Ozz is a water Elemental and Au is a gold Elemental, so both of them are immune))

Mike M

Nick N
With the understanding that Zerome’s consciousness is not housed in any of the puppets arrayed before them, Fleshbane ignores such puppets and aims a ray of destructive energy directly at the supercomputer. He has no expectation of eliminating Zerome’s foothold on the Observatory in its entirety, but is rewarded by witnessing the mysterious adversary in the back of the chamber fall to the ground. His celebration is short-lived, however, as his trusted servant turns against her former master.

Wall of Blades: 1d20+20=32

((Not sure if I can selectively apply that to the third strike that it would beat? The rules on it don’t really say one way or the other.))

“On the contrary,” Fleshbane says as he weathers the gold elemental’s first two attacks before grabbing her foot just before it makes contact with his head ((maybe)), “I have grown to find that inorganic life forms are every inch as treacherous as their biological counterparts.”

Swinging his greatsword in an arc before him, he aims to cleave Au in twain as he continues.

Attack 1 vs. Au
1d20+20=40 (Nooooo, my crit!)
Damage: 2d6+10=18

“But in all this, Zerome has revealed that it has not calculated all outcomes nearly so well as it would like us to believe. It failed to foresee that I would escape my enthrallment, it could not prevent my assault on the mainframe of the Observatory. And if you are its only ancillary plan to stopping me, it has gravely miscalculated indeed.”

Hoisting his sword above his head, he pauses momentarily at its apex. “I have grown beyond my programming. I see now the corruption that permeates every aspect of the multiverse and drives us toward the embrace of entropy, even in myself. If I cannot expunge it, I can at least eliminate the agents that act on its behalf.”

Attack 2 vs. Au
Damage: 2d6+10=18
((Normally the DM would roll one attack at a time and you'd have to decide for each hit, but since play-by-post gaming makes that weird, it's fine. Her third attack misses you.

The natural 20 hits Au (of course), but your second attack misses))


((I want to chime in and say as well how much fun I have with this. I always have a hard time committing to things for more than a few weeks so doing this regularly for almost a year now is kind of a win in itself for me. So thank you all for being so patient with me when my lack of motivation, procrastination and technical problems got the better of me ;)

I have some stuff to take care of but once I'm home again I'll take my turn. If no one has any better idea, Viss will shapeshift and take a five foot step to the right so that Tessa can five foot step into her current position and then both will make full round attacks on Brick.))
((Haha, it's all good, I get procrastinatey on a lot of stuff myself, so I know that feel. XD

Yeah, sounds like a plan. I'd add that you or Tessa probably want to grapple him and whoever gets the grapple should stop attacking to hold it. Since the cyber-greataxe is two-handed, he shouldn't be able to effectively attack without using his turn to break the grapple, and I get the impression that while he's pretty manageable saves and stuff wise, you do NOT want to eat a full round attack from him.))


((A bit torn on what to do. Menek is just so squishy that he really should be self buffing, but his really fancy hexes have saves so to make sure they stick he really needs to lower people's saves in one round and then hit them with the hex in the other so that's two rounds of activity. Thoughts?))
((Hmm, buffs for yourself and others are always good, so if you can throw fortune or something else like that on a bunch of people, that's always a nice move. Otherwise, moving to debuff an enemy further down the target list could make it easier when we get to them. Bear in mind Ozz can reroll people's saves when he's close enough to them if his abilities haven't been scrapped, so getting things to stick while he's alive will be a pain. As far as targets go I'm thinking off Brick and Au ASAP since they seem like immediate threats, then Ozz, and then Zelio and the Cyberdemon once Ozz can't make saves for them. So maybe start debugging the saves of one of those last two or Ozz if you want to go on the offense? I also don't know what spells you have left, so you know, look at those too.))


((Not really a Blaster, so Menek has already used his best AOE already. He's got a lot of Save or Sucks. Sooo many Save or Sucks. Problem is that at this level people have crazy good saves. So the most effective move is to Hex people's saves down and then hit them with the Save or Suck but that leaves Menek immobile and defenceless for a round and doesn't really help anybody else unless they have some save affecting attacks themselves))
((Yup, that's why I'm thinking either start debuffing saves against a mid list target now to throw save or sucks in a few turns or insulate yourself against some of the enemies throwing spells.

Shulmor has a save or die with a fairly high DC, but it's touch range and everyone except Brick and maybe Zelio would be outright immune to it. So yeah, I'm either thinking defense or set someone up for pain a few turns down the road.

EDIT: now that I think about it, Shulmor can maybe blind or deafen Zelio once Au's handled. He'll have to cast defensively, but as long as I don't roll terribly that's an option.))
<I was planning on attacking Zelio next turn, but I just realized he's clear across the map and Satra doesn't have Heartless drawn. Brick it is, or I can heal Menek if I need to- gotta help Doc.>


((Alright, going for a compromise move in Round 2. Thanks for the heal suggestion KM but Menek's fine for now))

Blasted straight in the chest by the demon machine's ray Menek shrugs off the worst of the effect. He surveys the field. The foes are numerous and scattered. A divine ally seems helpless to assist and Fleshbane's followers had turned on him. Irritated that he had been too distracted to even be suspicious of the gold elemental Menek tries to see what could be suppressing the Raven Queen's powers.

((Free action Spellcraft check CC roll 103885 is 34))

And then retreats behind Tessa to gain cover from attacks.

((Move Action. Updated Map ))

and then casts an Evil Eye Hex targeting Au and Ozzang'ac ability to attack

((Standard Action Split Hex -4 to all attacks for 11 rounds, or 1 round if make DC Save Will 24))
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