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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Faded oranges and browns cripple across the rounded stones lining the circular plaza surrounding the statue of the great wizard Mallory, the deadening leaves somehow shining against the aging sky and supplementing the theme of the Golden City. Numerous occupations busy themselves well past the waking hours, hustling and engaging in the harvest in preparation for the snowing season; that is just the total workers. For Alydar today, many are amassed at the city hall plaza where a young singer sings to help inspire her audience to join in celebration of the yearly harvest. Indeed, it has been a great harvest, a year after affording the ownership of Rosewood's affairs, commerce with the lumber and plantation town had stabilized greatly.

But that doesn't satisfy Valkner's, Dorthlenne to those that had met him, interests. As if failing him, he sets aside a glass of wine and opts for a plate and cup of tea to hold in front of him. From his window where he can witness the concert without rousing the attention that a VIP booth would, the elf shifts his gaze to a knowing associate, allowing the girl's song to become a background to ignore in his mind. Invoking information that he had learned from Lovegood soon after recovering her to promote her concerts, he asks, seeking a kurt update, "Is the dark elf still looking for Aurelean?" An answer is given without hesitation from the nearby associate, one of several, "We had not seen the drow knight for some time, but we also haven't had any reason to think he's stopped his quest. We ourselves haven't come any closer to tracking down the sorcerer than he has." After a nod, Valkner sets the tea down, "I see. Then there is nothing to be thankful for this season." He departs from the room.


<I figure since a lot of us will most likely be busy with family for Thanksgiving, I figure I would just drop this little intermission in the meantime.

For anyone confused this is a callback to stuff that happened in the previous game, and has nothing to do with this current game.>
((I'm going to do the bad guys' next round this evening. If Nezumi hasn't posted Viss's turn yet by then, I'll take it for her. I hope those of us in the USA had a great holiday!))


((Sorry, NaNoWriMo took over my free time and figured the rest of you were busy with your turkey holiday ;) Will sit down and post shortly!))


Viss isn't too thrilled when her partners decide to spring into attack almost immediately after they enter the former briefing room. With almost no knowledge of their enemy and even less time for preparation she is deeply concerned about their chances in this fight.

So she decides to stay back and observe the situation for a moment when suddenly the burly man approaches her. She frowns. "I have no idea what has happened between you and Ciel but..." Before she is able to finish her sentence the man is already next to her. She has just enough time to cast a quick spell hardening her skin but nonetheless the strange axe the man is swinging tears into her flesh painfully.

Viss shakes her head. "My quarrel isn't with you but if you want it to be... so be it."

From one moment to the next Viss changes her form. With a quick twist of her body she jumps to the side of the man making room for Tessa to step into her place, before both of them start attacking.

((Making a full attack on Brick... Not sure how this will go though, with no buffs whatsoever...))

Bite Attack Viss: 1D20+19 = [12]+19 = 31
Damage: 2D6+6 = [4, 6]+6 = 16
Grapple: 1D20+19 = [9]+19 = 28

Claw 1: 1D20+19 = [20]+19 = 39
Confirming Critical: 1D20+19 = [5]+19 = 24 ((That probably didn't hit... if yes Tessa gets an AoO due to outflanking.))
Damage: 2D4+6 = [4, 3]+6 = 13
Grapple: 1D20+17 = [13]+17 = 30

Claw 2: 1D20+19 = [4]+19 = 23
Damage: 2D4+6 = [2, 1]+6 = 9
Grapple: 1D20+17 = [12]+17 = 29

1st attack Tessa: 1D20+18 = [11]+18 = 29
Damage: 3D6+14 = [3, 6, 4]+14 = 27
Grapple: 1D20+16 = [10]+16 = 26

2nd attack Tessa: 1D20+13 = [20]+13 = 33
Confirming Critical: 1D20+13 = [12]+13 = 25 ((blergh...))
Damage: 3D6+14 = [2, 6, 3]+14 = 25
3D6+14 = [1, 4, 2]+14 = 21
Grapple: 1D20+16 = [6]+16 = 22

((Well I highly doubt that any of the grapples took hold, but if it did omit the other attacks...))

Updated Map Viss needs to be large though.
((Viss actually succeeded at grappling on her first attack, so I will assume you stopped attacking on that one and Tessa attacked.

She connected on her critical hit - just barely -, so you can roll the extra damage for that. The grapple check on that one did not connect though, so it's only Viss grappling him.

Brick hits like a runaway bus but he is pretty easy to retaliate against ))


((Ah OK, then Viss also gets an AoO from the critical hit. Or can't I do that because of the grapple? How exactly do I roll damamge for the critical? Never managed to do that before :D))
((Ah OK, then Viss also gets an AoO from the critical hit. Or can't I do that because of the grapple? How exactly do I roll damamge for the critical? Never managed to do that before :D))

((Not sure where you got the idea that you can get an AoO from Tessa's crit, but if there is some rule that would let you do that, you would have to release the grapple in order to do it, and it sounds like you don't want to risk that.

Crit damage is doubled - double the number of dice and double the static bonus. So just roll another 3d6, and add in the modifier again and you'll be good to go!))


((Not sure where you got the idea that you can get an AoO from Tessa's crit, but if there is some rule that would let you do that, you would have to release the grapple in order to do it, and it sounds like you don't want to risk that.

Crit damage is doubled - double the number of dice and double the static bonus. So just roll another 3d6, and add in the modifier again and you'll be good to go!))

((It's in the rules for outflanking, when one of the flanking parties gets a crit the other one gets a AoO, but yeah, I don't think I want to risk losing the grapple. Added the extra damage.))
((Zeilos uses an Immediate Action to counterspell Shulmor's Desecrate with a targeted Greater Dispel Magic: He got a 28 on his Dispel check, so Desecrate never resolves.

Au and Ozzan'gac both failed their Will Save vs Evil Eye Hex, so they're at -4 to all their attacks for a while.

Menek's Spellcraft check tells him that there is some kind of odd magical and/or technology-based energy field that is drastically suppressing the Raven Queen's powers.

Zeilos casts a Quickened Glitterdust on O-10 as a free action. Satra's location is known, and he, Tessa, and Menek must make a DC 21 Will save or become Blinded for the rest of the battle, basically. He then holds his Standard action.

Brick quick-draws a short sword and makes a full attack on Viss:

First attack - 51 vs AC. 17 damage.
Second attack: 31 vs AC. If that hits, 21 damage.
Third attack: 36 vs AC. If that hits, 17 damage.
Haste Attack: 41 vs AC for 17 damage.

Au makes a Full Attack on Fleshbane:

First attack: 43 vs AC. 27 damage.
Second attack: 28 vs AC. 26 damage.
Third attack: 16 vs AC.
Fourth attack: 13 vs AC.
Haste Attack: Natural 20. 27 damage.

Ozzan'gac 5-steps forward and attempts a Full Attack on Satra:

First attack: 42 vs AC. Percentage chance to miss (low = miss): 71%. 20 damage.
Second attack: 37 vs AC. 62%. 27 damage.
Third attack: 35 vs AC. 22%
Fourth attack: natural 1.
Fifth attack: 31 vs AC. 67%. If it hits, 23 damage.
Haste attack: 36 vs AC. 66%. 21 damage.

Cyberdemon casts a heavily errata'd Command Undead on Shulmor. DC 18 Will Save or Shulmor is under enemy control for 1 round.))

Circumstances quickly descend from bad to worse as the opposing party shows few signs of slowing down - though damage is certainly starting to accumulate on Brick. Zeilos overrides Shulmor's attempt to power up both himself and the Raven Queen, and then unloads a magical cloud of golden dust to make Satra's invisibility gambit much less effective while simultaneously compromising the vision of nearby party members. "You see that, Menek?! I will ALWAYS be the superior wizard! Your pitiful attempts to master the arts of magic are futile!"

Au neglects to reply to Fleshbane, opting instead to press her attack. She unloads a series of precision punches, kicks, elbows, and headbutts which would be fruitless against Fleshbane if she were made of anything other than metal.

Ozzan'gac, clearly being controlled some way or another, abandons his plan of restraining Shulmor for now and goes after the hard-but-not-impossible-to-see Satra, A series of highly-pressurized jets of water spring forth from his liquid head, threatening to pulverize the unfortunate captain-without-a-ship.

The cyber demon looks at Shulmor with some surprise. "You were not properly entered into my probability matrix," Zerome admits. "Fortunately, this host body is well-equipped to handle undead creatures."

It extends its arm and points a palm at Shulmor. The lich feels a strong compulsion to obey the commands of this demon, despite his better judgment. Whether he is able to resist is anyone's guess...

The Raven Queen only backs away in obvious shame, completely lost on how to act, now that her powers have been stripped from her.

((Begin Round 3. Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/565e3259eb182 ))
((The spell description mentions use of channeled energy, which would give Shulmor +4 on his will save. If not, subtract 4, but I don't think it matters here.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=104550]Will Save: 1D20 + 27 = [10]+27 = 37
Shulmor growls in frustration as his desecration field is shut down before it can take effect. He then feels a prying in his mind for an instant before fizzling it out. He looks in the cyberdemon's direction for a moment and scoffs at it. "The will of Shulmor is absolute. Your host body is built for the handling of lesser undead, not one of my stature."

Deciding that Fleshbane is still the most urgently in need of help, he drops the Conqueror into his holster and rapidly draws the shotgun, firing a brutal, focused blast from both barrels into Au's back, hoping to turn the odds in the machine's favor, or if this flurry broke him, even up the odds once more. After the shot goes off, he pops a bullet back into one of the barrels at almost the exact moment the spent shells fall out.

((Quick draw shotgun as free action, dead shot using the double shot described on the double barreled shotgun page and a point of grit for focused aim, reloading one barrel as a free action. Attack is against touch AC, let me know how many hit for rolling damage. DR should only apply once since it's all a single shot.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=104551]Attack 1: 1D20 + 25 = [9]+25 = 34
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=104552]Attack 2: 1D20 + 20 = [2]+20 = 22
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=104553]Attack 3: 1D20 + 15 = [12]+15 = 27

((Ouch, bad rolls. Hopefully good enough for touch AC.))
((I can't tell if the damage modifier would be added twice for both barrels or once, there doesn't seem to be a conclusive answer. Just doing once for now.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=104555]Damage: 12D8 + 12 + 30 = [2, 2, 3, 5, 3, 6, 5, 3, 1, 8, 7, 8]+12+30 = 95

((EDIT: The more I read, the more it sounds like I was supposed to roll two independent attacks for the barrels, which would mean a total of 6 rolls for deadshot. That would imply the damage modifier goes twice if any of the three rolls for the second barrel hit, and could also potentially mean 6 hits for focused aim, which would be crazy. I also just realized I forgot to apply the -4 penalty for double firing, so that may make the 2nd one miss. I may need to redo the turn, pending your judgment. I kind of dropped the ball there, I blame mind numbing cramming for dry law classes :p ))
((Double barrel dead shot shenanigans take 2))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=104557]Barrel 1 Attack 1: 1D20 + 21 = [9]+21 = 30
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=104558]Barrel 1 Attack 2: 1D20 + 16 = [9]+16 = 25
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=104559]Barrel 1 Attack 3: 1D20 + 11 = [15]+11 = 26
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=104560]Barrel 2 Attack 1: 1D20 + 21 = [10]+21 = 31
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=104561]Barrel 2 Attack 2: 1D20 + 16 = [1]+16 = 17
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=104562]Barrel 2 Attack 3: 1D20 + 11 = [20]+11 = 31
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=104563]Hypothetical Crit Confirm: 1D20 + 11 = [4]+11 = 15
((No idea if that 15 hits Au's touch AC. Just doing that because gunslingers regain a grit point when they confirm a crit. Which brings up the question: Does landing a crit against an enemy immune to them still restore grit? I have no idea, I don't think the rules really touch on that. But I can at least roll damage for now.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=104564]Damage: 10D8 + 24 + 50 = [1, 4, 7, 3, 7, 2, 5, 1, 2, 2]+24+50 = 108
<Wait a second.. I have a +5 cloak of resistance and never updated my Will to account for it...

I rolled a 16 total..add 5 to that to get 21..I met the DC>


((Viss has only 6 HP left. She'll use heal on herself, so she doesn't die. Does that mean I have to loosen the grapple? Tessa failed the will save...))
Chilling water binds against battered skin enveloping a crushed body of an already fragile human being, leaving him nearly crippled. On his legs he pauses- showing a brief understanding in his breath that there is no longer anything he can do to save himself, not even healing would delay the inevitable.

I just wanted to get into a legitimate trade in this new life.. Not a scoundrel like I used to be. I wasn't even good at pirating, 'she' was. I wouldn't doubt she is still alive even after all the danger she put herself through, I'm the one that payed.

Memories once fogged by the eons of the astral sea remind clearly of his last moments, when the Capulets of the international trade had tied him to an anchor. Somehow it felt like it was going to happen again, having felt the weight of the cold iron in each blast of freezing water soaking him over.

He reaches over to Heaven's Door with a trembling hand and grips it, forcing himself to hold it firmly with his fleeting strength. Pulling it towards him, he asks Ozzang'ac, "Should.. should I let you have the satisfaction?" And then places the gun under his chin.

Attack Rolls: 1D20+13+3+8+1 = [16]+13+3+8+1 = 41
1D20+8+3+8+1 = [6]+8+3+8+1 = 26
1D20+3+3+8+1 = [11]+3+3+8+1 = 26

Suddenly, both his gaze and his gun dart to the human being trapped within the maw of the wild beast, "Him first."

Damage Rolls: 1D8+3+1 = [1]+3+1 = 5
1D8+3+1 = [8]+3+1 = 12
1D8+3+1 = [6]+3+1 = 10

<Attacking Brick with a full attack. I have Clustered Shot which lets me add up the weapon damage before applying any DR.>
((Satra just killed Brick.

I also realized that I forgot to narrate Brick's turn. The gist of it is that Viss and Tessa turned Brick into a bloody mess, and with no outs, he lashed out as hard as he could before being taken down.

Also, Au looks to be in pretty bad shape after Shulmor's attack))


((Not sure what to do with Tessa at the moment. She is blinded and I have a feeling that her bite won't do much against Ozz, so I guess I'll sent her after the cyber demon?))


Sensing their foe's front lines starting to crumble Menek ignores his old fallen friend's taunts, and his spell, and moves up to Viss and lays a hand on her.

Be healed. We have more work to do
((CC roll 104624 Will save of 33 not using inspiration))
((CC roll 104623 for Cure Serious Wounds 28 HP. You might want to heal yourself more))

He looks around trying to discern the source and maybe the nature of the device that's suppressing the Raven Queen's power.

((CC roll 104625 Inspired Perception 32 for Raven Queen suppression device))

Updated Map


Viss locks her teeth into Ciel's former servant in the hopes of keeping from further attacking and giving Tessa the chance to tear into him. Too late she notices him drawing another weapon and before she has any time to react he stabs her several time. Her vision becomes blurry and she staggers backwards leaving a trail of blood.

For a moment she locks eyes with the enemy. He is at least bleeding from as many wounds as she is but she knows that if he comes at her now there is nothing she can do to prevent him from finishing her off. She takes a deep breath and braces for the incoming blow, when suddenly the man kneels over. She dimly sees the pilot holding a gun at the point where Brick had just been standing. I should thank him... if I ever get the chance....

She is about to topple over when she feels a light touch on her and from one moment to the next her focus returns and she is able to stand on her paws again. She turns her head to Menek to thank him though without the proper spell she only produces a noise somewhere between a purr and a growl. Well, hopefully he'd understand the meaning anyway.

Still heavily wounded she reaches into herself and once more asks Melora for her support in the fight.

Cure critical wounds: 4D8+13 = [2, 6, 8, 7]+13 = 36

Some of the more serious wounds begin closing up and the pain subsides. She turns to Tessa, flicking her ears and tail. After years of battling together the T-Rex is quick to understand and even though she is heavily confused by the glitter that hangs in the air she starts moving in on the demon.

((Moving Tessa to this position and attacking cyber demon.))

Bite: 1D20+14 = [15]+14 = 29
Percentage to miss: 1D100 = [87] = 87
Damage: 3D6+14 = [1, 6, 4]+14 = 25
Satra observes Doc help Viss mend her injuries, and the warrior he just shot topple over to a stiff weight. Satra himself collapses onto his arm, breathing. His finale is coming.
<Satra started with 140 HP and 5 non-lethal damage. He's down to 40-something. Ozzang'ac out-damages the healing way too hard, bringing him up to around 70 HP wouldn't put him to safety.>


((Ah OK, then. I wish I had an idea how to stop Ozz but I don't think Tessa can do much against him, besides from a purely role playing point of view Viss and her would have qualms to attack him anyway...))
((If Au can get dealt with, Shulmor and Fleshbane could blitz Ozz. I do agree that destroying the computer is probably the best choice, but from what the knowledge checks said, guns aren't going to be too effective so there's not much Shulmor can do to help there.))


((Viss could charge Au next round. Not sure what either she or Tessa can do to the computer besides rip out cables and stuff, maybe?))


((Menek is very much an off healer. He's only got one more healing trick and that's just a cure moderate wounds on two people. If we can get Au down then we can gang up on the rest. Maybe Flehsbane will have a good roll against her? I don't think he's gone this round.))
((After a little talking with ThLunarian, I wrote up a death scene for Brick. The length went a bit runaway on me, so with no further ado, here's a small novel XD))


For a fleeting moment, things looked up for Brick. The forces he had aligned himself with appeared to be winning, he had just cleaved deep into the catwoman twisted enough to befriend Ciel, and there was hope of finally getting retribution in the near future. This moment was short lived, as the catwoman turned into a large tiger and proceeded to eviscerate him with the aid of a dinosaur. Barely clinging to life, Brick hacks away with a short sword, hoping to take the assassin's ally with him. His final blows are disrupted by three bullets through his chest. As the desperate warrior's eyes glaze over, his mind returns to that fateful day...

The men were lined up in one block in the town square, with the women and children in an adjacent one. A mid-sized group of bandits watched the blocks with swords drawn, as a lithe, young looking man strolled down the line. “Today's your lucky day, friends! One of you has a very prominent mithral amulet I've been paid to retrieve and a death sentence placed upon your head, but I can't be assed with figuring out which of you it is. So we're going to play a game! I'm going to ask the audience who has the amulet, and if I don't get an answer, well, you'll see.” Ciel grins devilishly. “So, anyone? Going once! Going twice! And it looks like we've got a game! Who gets to go first? Eeny meeny miny YOU!” Ciel points to a startled man in the crowd, who by his appearance probably works the town's bakery.

“The rules are simple. It's a straightforward game of choice.” The assassin hands the man a dagger. “You can kill any one person from the group of women and children over there. If you refuse, I'll shoot five of them. Oh, and don't even think of trying to fight back. That will get ten of them tortured, then killed. So go on, pick a corpse, any corpse.” The baker freezes up, trembling with tears running down his eyes. When he collapses to his knees, Ciel silently counts to five and shoots a woman in the crowd, dropping her instantly. “No, wait!” cries out the baker. “Oh, so you're ready to play now? Good! You've only got one person needlessly killed. If I might make a suggestion, why not knife one of the kids clinging to her corpse? That would be keeping things nice and symmetrical.” Unable to bring himself to kill a child, the baker approaches one of the seemingly childless women, a young elf, and weeps and begs for forgiveness. After a tearful nod of understanding, he stabs her and collapses himself when he discovers that he misgaged her familial status. “Round one complete!” Ciel cheers. “Now, anyone want to share where the amulet is? No takers? Ok! Round two!”

“Will the relative of the woman that man just stabbed stand up?” The crowd is again noncomplaint, causing the assassin to sigh and give the bandits an order. “Fine. Men, go down both blocks killing every tenth person until the relative stands up.” This elicits a response more quickly, and Brick, an apprentice of the town's blacksmith, stands up and is dragged to Ciel, shellshocked at the death of his wife. “Now, this round will work a little differently,” Ciel says handing Brick the bloody dagger. “You can kill the man who just stabbed your wife and one child, or one woman and one child. And just to make it interesting-” Ciel snaps his fingers and the bandits grab the two children weeping over his wife's corpse. “They don't even try to conceal their identities, do they? Kids eh? So adorably naïve. As for the twist I was talking about, you can kill an additional three people from the women and children... what noun am I using now? Heap? Pile? Fuck it, each three will grant one of your kids immunity in the following rounds. So, time to decide how much you love them!” Ciel bends down and pinches one of the kid's cheeks. “Aww, who's a good boy? Who's a good boyyyy? Whose dad is about to kill a bunch of people or leave you to rot? Is it you? Is it you? Oh, it is you!”

Trembling with rage and despair, the only easy part is tackling the baker and stabbing him to death. The rest is a red haze as Brick comes to, standing in a pile of corpses and shaking. “Oh, very good!” The assassin says sarcastically, doing a slow clap. “I think you went into a blood rage there, you almost killed extra! And your kids saw every last bit, I made sure my men kept their eyes open. Let's see, they look about what, two and eight? That older one's never going to see you the same if you survive this, and the toddler? I'm sure she'll make a lovely serial killer some day, now.”

That's the breaking point for Brick, as he rushes the assassin with the dagger bared. His is rewarded with an arrow in the knee for his trouble. “Oooh, now see? That's a penalty. That's going to be five deaths, and you just lost that immunity you worked so hard to get your kids.” Before Brick can scream, they hit the ground with arrows in their backs. The bandits begin to pick another three at random when the innkeep stands up and says “Enough! I have the amulet! Sto-” He doesn't even have time to finish his sentence as an arrow catches him between the eyes as soon as the confession is out of his mouth. “Finish killing the other three penalty deaths, then make one of the men search him. If he was lying, kill another five.” Sure enough, the innkeep did not have the necklace, and another five are massacred. A forced search of the penalty corpses reveals the amulet on an elderly man. “Huh, well ain't that some shit? I guess the game's over then, you were good contestants, everyone!” Ciel turns around to walk away and simply looks towards one of the bandits saying “Kill them all, then torch the place. I'll call it even for your group's harebrained attempt to stick me up after that.”

The slaughter begins almost immediately, with buildings lit ablaze and the survivors cut down in the streets. Brick, still running on rage, forces himself to his feet and manages to kill one of the nearby bandits with a nearby stone. The bandits appear poorly trained, and he is able to pick up the fallen man's sword and slog forward, cutting down roving bandits as he hobbles after the twisted assassin. He eventually catches up, roaring “CIEL!!” with foam dripping at the mouth as he finds the energy to sprint at his back. Ciel doesn't even turn around, simply flicking an arrow over his shoulder and into Brick's chest. The puncture saps the life out of the once imposing man, ending his rage and dropping him to the ground. The arrow penetrated with sadistic precision, and for five excruciating minutes, he bleeds out as him hometown dies with him.

For an amount of time Brick can't measure, he floats aimlessly through the afterlife, unable to move on from the horrors thrust upon him. When approached by the Raven Queen for a chance to work at the Observatory, he leaps at what he sees as an opportunity to seek revenge against Ciel. Brick goes to meet his two co-attendants, but only Arlen is there when he arrives. They have a short chat, and it is quickly apparent that while Arlen did a lot of bad things in his life, he was basically an angel compared to Ciel. The two look around the one unlocked room prepared so far, and immediately regret doing so. The room, he can't even imagine what a room that looks like the sight of a gory mass murder is for. Arlen takes it in stride, just sighing and muttering something about trying too hard while Brick loses his lunch.

The third attendant eventually arrives, and Brick stifles a gasp when he sees the spitting image of his wife. It has to be a coincidence, there's no way she was brought here too, she can't be made to suffer from him more. Thankfully, she introduces herself as Dyliah, and he can rest assured that it is indeed just some quirk of fate that she resembles his late wife so. He can't let himself get close to her, Ciel would just torture her for his own amusement if he saw that. For her safety, for everyone's safety, he must avoid getting too close to anyone during this ten year period. Having to greet her some how, he puts on a gruff exterior. “Name's Brick. I was the only one of us crazy enough to volunteer to serve this sick son of a bitch." …

The moment of truth finally arrives as Ciel comes waltzing out of the dungeon. Brick eyes him intently, but throughout his introduction, the assassin gives him no acknowledgment. No double take, no surprise, not even amusement beyond what he's showing the other two. It begins to dawn on Brick that Ciel doesn't recognize him. How is that possible after all he did? I don't look particularly different, how could he not recognize my face? Was that day just a regular Tuesday for him for him or something?

Two weeks later, as Brick stands in a colliseum pit with a jagged sword and minimal armor under the orders of fighting Arlen and Dyliah to the death all because a piece of beef was served too well done, Brick has come to acknowledge that the horrific sacking of his town was in fact a normal Tuesday for Ciel. Brick is willing to fight it out with Arlen- the dwarf has some level of skill in killing people with prison-centric techniques, but he's not much of a match for Brick in a head to head fight, given the Large man's greater innate strength and intensive training he's been doing since arrival. But Dyliah? Seeing her cowering, hardly able to hold a weapon gives him flashbacks of his wife's final moments. He can't bring himself to to cut her down. The dhampir looks down at him from his chair, dressed as a Roman emperor and eating popcorn. “Well, did I say stop? Go on! Fight's not over yet!” When Brick refuses again, Ciel snaps his fingers, and the pit gate opens. A giant-sized, three headed nearly blob-like monstrosity shambles out of the gate, held up by two large arms ending in savage claws. With a blood-curdling roar, it descends on them.

Brick comes to in the servant quarters, along with Arlen and a catatonic Dyliah. I said I wouldn't get close to her, and I haven't, but it's happening again! He's torturing her anyway, and he's going to get away with it again! Is there anything I can do? Seeing that he can't confront Ciel just yet, he tries to console Dyliah. “I know it seems like a hopeless situation and all, but you've got to stay strong, lass! We'll get through this- you'll get through this- and that rat bastard will get what's coming. You just have to stay strong for a little while longer Ellwyn- err, Dyliah.” The elf at least stirs in response to Brick's words. “Ellwyn? Is that someone you knew or something?” His face a shade of red that looks awkward on his craggy features, Brick looks away and says “Uh, well, don't worry about it.”

Brick's attempts to protect Dyliah prove moot, as she is quickly removed from service. This is a relief for Brick, as not only will she be spared Ciel's cruel whims, but she'll now be a much harder target for retaliation. In what may be related, Ciel's treatment toward him and Arlen improved drastically following Dyliah's removal. The coliseum bouts have stopped, as have the other arbitrary punishments. He is distraught upon hearing that Ciel got away with practically sabotaging a mission, but sees a silver lining. The assassin may not be in any visible trouble, but he's probably on some kind of probation. This seems like the perfect time to strike, Brick thinks. I may not be strong enough to kill him with one blow yet, but if I lose, I can at least get him expelled. He trains intensely while the crew is in the Abyss, but regrettably, Brick is unable to land a hit on Ciel at all, and the assassin gives him a slap on the wrist, his expression all but saying that he had seen through Brick's ploy.

He does not utterly fall into despair, as he eventually runs into Mako during one of his library trips. After thanking her profusely for helping Dyliah, he becomes friends with her, eager to be around someone who shows Ciel the complete lack of respect the assassin deserves. The homeliness and close-knit nature of Mako's quarters reminds Brick of his home town, and he spends time there being sociable when he is able, not worried about retaliation since she has already made it clear she's repeatedly crossed the assassin.

Conversely, he is shocked to see the catwoman beginning to spend more time with Ciel. From a distance, she struck him as a good person, but if she's willing to get friendly with that monster, there must be a lot of darkness in there after all. Brick will certainly remember that. He continues training, striving for that perfect killing blow.

When some weird robot thing makes its move on the Observatory, Brick is all too quick to jump aboard. It seems far preferable to serving further years under a goddess who seems to have no intention of giving Ciel his comeuppance. Rounding up the others is somewhat uncomfortable, but he is relieved to see that he is not the only one with a grudge against his “master.” When Ozzang'ac returns alone and is converted, he is further convinced that he's joined the winning side.

Brick is caught of guard when Ciel is not with the party upon their return. At the same time, he is relieved he doesn't have to potentially try and kill Mako, though if anyone would have understood his reasons and stood aside for him, she would have. Used to acting the tough guy by now, he gives his spiel and launches at the next best target available.

Once again, Brick is fatally wounded in the chest and left bleeding out. Retribution has alluded him yet again. The dying warrior attempts to speak, but blood gushing from his mouth makes this difficult. The worst of his past having flashed before his eyes, he weakly gurgles “No... justice... in this... world...”

There is no void this time, no regeneration by archons or magical pillows. Brick sees a light, and rubs his eyes, unable to believe what he sees. His wife and children are beckoning him to the whiteness ahead. Slowly, steadily, he floats toward them. There will be no justice for Brick, but he may yet find peace the second time around in the Astral Sea.

Mike M

Nick N
((Man, remember the time when I had so much time that I would just write these big screeds and chew the scenery making multiple posts before anyone could even catch up? Those were the days.))

Fleshbane weathers Au's assault; He was built for intimidation, not nimbleness, and his erstwhile valet capitalizes on that fact to the fullest as she pummels him with blows that would shatter stone and pulverize the organs of biological beings. But before the gleaming metamorphic elemental can press her advantage any further, Shulmor unleashes a barrage of ballistic weaponry from close range, the multitude of metallic spheres tearing through her malleable substance and driving her to her knees before Fleshbane.

"And now you arrive at the same epiphany I have already achieved," Fleshbane says as he hoists his greatsword in a double-handed grip above his head. "Your patron has abandoned you, left you to be destroyed by a being it considers to beneath its attention. There is nothing you can trust in this existence, no one in which you can invest your faith save for yourself; and even that much may be played against you. Our existence has no meaning, we are but motes flitting about in the cosmic disorder.

"Give my regards to oblivion."

Mountain Haaaaaaaameeeeeeer vs. Au
Damage: 4d6+10=25
((To reiterate, Mountain Hammer grants an extra 2d6 damage and bypasses DR and hardness. It's a shame I can't crit her, but I hope I at least off her after my goodbye speech : P))
((Well. You know, having a family and a life and stuff XD

I could very well be working 60+ hour weeks half a year from now which would make keeping up with pbps quite the thing, so got to enjoy it while it lasts :). ))
((Fleshbane's Mountain Hammer finishes off Au.

Zeilos chooses not to counter the Healing spells, and ends up wasting his held action.

Ozzan'gac makes an attack versus Satra:

Natural 20 o_O Full Concealment percentage: 12% so it misses anyway.

Second attack: Another Natural 20. Conceament percentage: 95%. Confirming roll for the crit: 31 vs AC.

If that confirms (I don't think I have a character sheet with Satra's AC included), he takes 49 damage. If it doesn't confirm, he'll take 24 damage.

If Satra is still up, then Ozzan'gac will make another attack: 39 vs AC; 20% so it misses.

If Satra is still up, then Ozzan'gac will make a fourth attack: 25 vs AC and 5% so it misses.

If Satra is still up, then Ozzan'gac will make a fifth attack: 36 vs AC; 50% so it misses.

If Satra is still up, then Ozzan'gac will make his Haste Attack: Natural 1 would miss.

Zeilos casts Wish. See the flavor text for more info.

Tessa's attack grappled the demon, so the Demon tries to escape. He fails))

Au is caught by surprise, taking a series of piercing bullets to her midsection from behind; Fleshbane is able to finish the job with a savage, psionically-charged blow. She has no chance to even retort before her golden frame is pounded into a priceless lump of raw material.

Tessa manages to secure a vice-like grip on the Zerome-possessed cyber demon despite her blinded state; the demon, left with few options, opts to try and wriggle free from the beast's jaws. It fails. It tries to murmur something, but its speech processors may have been damaged by that last bite, because whatever it says is garbled and unintelligible.

Ozzan'gac presses his attack on Satra, either critically wounding him into unconsciousness, or merely grazing him before whiffing four times in a row.

Zeilos has a much more productive turn. He raises both arms, and his arcane aura flares up intensely enough that it can be seen even to those without magical senses. A large diamond emerges from a pocket in his metallic outfit, and is consumed by the resulting spell being cast.

When the dust settles, the augmented human is holding a small, metal box that looks uncomfortably familiar to Shulmor. He clutches it tightly and grins. "Well well," he says. "Look what I have here, Lich! Not so invincible now, are you?" He cackles. "You and your kind claim to be lawful, but you know when the tide is turning, and there's a new boss in town. I'll tell you what: If you eliminate these so-called 'allies' of yours right here and now, I WON'T destroy your phylactery and turn your soul into my own personal play-thing."

http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/56649f6dba704 Map

((Begin Round 4))
((I kind of need to do that too. If no one can get to Zelio this turn, I have an idea. But someone shutting him down would certainly make things easier. Also, I think it got lost in the rest of last round, but did Shulmor critting against Au replenish a grit point even though she's immune to crits? That's pretty important since he's about out of grit at this point.))
In the moment following his last gambit, Satra is grasped by the elemental and henceforth receives an involuntary intake of water, gagging and drowning him as he helplessly tries to pry away the liquid grasp, only for his hands to splash into the volume.

Then he stops, and is dropped onto the floor.

<Satra has exactly 0 HP and 5 non-lethal damage>


((How long do we have to potentially bring him back? Not that I have anything to do that... but still. Might there be a way to pry the phylacitery from Zelios? Maybe Viss could fly in his face or something... or Ratbreath.))
((I can't find any sources on the Grit question so I'm going to make my best guess. Since grit is only restored when you confirm a critical hit, and you don't make a confirming roll versus enemies that are immune, you do NOT get the grit back.

Satra isn't dead, he's only unconscious. Any healing spell would resuscitate him. You have at least fourteen rounds to do so.

Taking the phylactery away would be a Disarm action, which is a CMB check. There are rules available for it if you Google "Pathfinder disarm"))
<At 0 hp, your hit points don't actually decrease, that only happens when you are in the negatives. Technically, if he didn't have any nonlethal damage he would not be unconcious, but that's what makes him so.>
((Ah, gotcha. No fancy shots out of this one then. Unless someone can teleport Shulmor next to Zelio, it'll probably take two turns to get over there in a manner that doesn't make him destroy it.

I'm actually thinking of paralysing touch attack/touch of corruptioning him once I get over there, and hopefully he fails the will or fort saves from that. If Shulmor can get teleported, that would give him time to disarm and do that, so I'll wait and see for now


((Not really. I really wanted to get his saves down before but the dude should have low Fort saves. Fingers crossed))


Keeping pace with Viss Menek gets within 60 feet of Zeilos. Oh shut up you melodramatic fool

((Casting Ice tomb for 3d8 cold damage. Rolled 9. Fort save of DC 24 to halve damage and prevent being paralyzed and unconscious and encased in ice for 13 minutes.))
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