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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

((Shulmor's Aura puts it over the top; Zerome fails to save vs Evil Eye hex. It's not entirely clear from your post, Azih: does Zerome have -4 to AC or -4 to saves, or both? I am going to assume it's saves and the AC part was a mistake, but let me know if I'm wrong.

Zerome does not count as Metal currently - remember that this is all just an approximation of reality and you're not actually attacking a metal part -, so the first attack misses (unless I'm wrong about the Evil Eye hex above), but the second one hits. It does not seem to be especially vulnerable to electricity, but it takes the full 19 damage))


((Shulmor's Aura puts it over the top; Zerome fails to save vs Evil Eye hex. It's not entirely clear from your post, Azih: does Zerome have -4 to AC or -4 to saves, or both? I am going to assume it's saves and the AC part was a mistake, but let me know if I'm wrong.

Zerome does not count as Metal currently - remember that this is all just an approximation of reality and you're not actually attacking a metal part -, so the first attack misses (unless I'm wrong about the Evil Eye hex above), but the second one hits. It does not seem to be especially vulnerable to electricity, but it takes the full 19 damage))

((Yeah, Menek's hexes aren't that crazy. Just Saves, not AC for now.Good start but it hasn't even begun digging into its bag of tricks. We have a good idea of its AC as well as touch AC right now though so that's good.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Retroactive to Azih's extra turn, Fleshbane will move to C4 and use White Raven Tactics to grant him the extra turn.))


"Even a virus knows more about life than you ever will." Viss whispers to herself as she focuses on the... thing before her and hits it with a wave of decay and death.

Explosion of Rot: 15D6 = [6, 5, 5, 3, 6, 2, 3, 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 6, 6, 3] = 60

Staggered for: 1D4 = [4] = 4 rounds.

DC is 22

((Not sure if there is something I can do with my haste at the moment.))

As soon as the rotten energy has cleared Tessa storms forward attacking the strange being.

((Moving into range is only a five foot step for Tessa so she can make a full attack.))

Bite Attack: 1D20+17 = [16]+17 = 33
Damage: 3D6+18 = [6, 3, 5]+18 = 32

Second bite attack from Multiattack: rolled a 24 so that probably missed.

Additional Attack from Haste: 1D20+17 = [20]+17 = 37
Confirming Critical: 1D20+17 = [5]+17 = 22 ((Damn it))
Damage: 3D6+18 = [6, 5, 6]+18 = 35
Grab: 1D20+19 = [13]+19 = 32

Updated map
((Even with the debuffs, Zerome saved vs Explosion of Rot this time. He still takes half damage.

Tessa hit with the Natural 20, but it looks like that's the only way she'll ever be able to hit it with a normal attack; Zerome's AC is too high otherwise))

The unidentifiable mass in the center of the room takes a beating, but still remains mostly intact as it finally enacts its strategy.

The energies emanating from the thing finally coalesce, and its magical signature solidifies into a Chaotic Evil alignment.

Echoes of a previous engagement flicker through Menek, Fleshbane, and Viss's memories. They remember fighting something like this before.

Something from the Abyss.

An explosion of flames bellows forth from the emulated Balor, searing flesh and metal alike. It is followed up immediately by a rapid gathering of profane energy, taking the form of a foul stench that threatens the sanity of any non-evil creatures - namely Tessa, Viss, Satra, Menek, and the Lightning Elemental.

A whip made of razorwire lashes out from within Zerome, attempting to strike Shulmor and pull him in closer.

Simultaneously, Fleshbane feels an invisible force attempting to restrain him where he stands....

((Zerome/Balor casts Firestorm. It's wide enough to hit everybody, including Tessa and the Lightning Elemental. Reflex save DC 26; 73 fire damage if you fail, 36 if you save.

It also casts Blasphemy (not linked because I am heavily modifying it to be more fair if you fail). Menek, the Lightning Elemental, Satra, Viss, and Tessa must make a DC 25 Will save. If you FAIL: You are Paralyzed for 1 round, your Strength is reduced by 12 points for the next 6 rounds, and after the Paralysis wears off, you are Staggered the following round. If you PASS, you are Staggered for 1 round and your Strength is reduced by 6 points for 6 rounds. NOTE: Fleshbane and Shulmor are unaffected because this spell only affects non-evil creatures.

It also makes a Full Attack vs Shulmor with its Flaming Whip: 48 vs AC. If that hits, Shulmor takes 10 normal damage and 6 fire damage; the automatic grapple check is 39 vs CMD. If that wins, Shulmor is dragged into the nearest adjacent square to Zerome/Balor and is considered Grappled.

Finally, it uses Quickened Telekinesis to make a Grapple check on Fleshbane: 41 vs CMD.

Begin Round 2! Note: Shulmor's Smite is still active on Zerome, and actually matters now, since it's currently Chaotic. More Battle Music))

Mike M

Nick N
((27 on the save, Energy Conversion banks 30 points of fire damage and Fleshbane eats the remaining six. What's the ruling on using Slip the Bonds on a TK grapple?))
<Will Save: 1D20+10 => (16 + 10) = 26
Reflex Save: 1D20+24 => (10 + 24) = 34

I have Evasion so I should take no damage from that.

Being staggered prevents Satra from being useful, sadly. I'll need to figure out my best course of action.>
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124138]Reflex Save: 1D20 + 30 = [10]+30 = 40
((Whip misses. Shulmor just got evasion this level, so no damage from the firestorm. Using smite chaosJust saw the edit, using deadly aim then and doing a deadshot on Zerome. Lightning reloading the fired bullet as a free action.

With smite in effect, Shulmor's AC is 55.))

Shulmor twists out of the way of the fire heralding Zerome's transformation, completely avoiding its burn. The profane energy is even less effective, for such a pitiful attack would only crush those weak of heart and soul. Shulmor bursts into a short fit of villainous laughter at the choice of traits Zerome has chosen to employ. Its razor whip almost grabs him, but glances off at the last moment. His laughter concluded, he points the Conqueror towards the shapeless mass.

"You have chosen your attack poorly. For that, you shall learn the full extent of Shulmor's wrath." A single bullet roars out, wrapped in axiomatic energy and Shulmor's sheer will.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124139]Dead Shot Attack 1: 1D20 + 39 = [18]+39 = 57
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124140]Dead Shot Attack 2: 1D20 + 34 = [14]+34 = 48
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124141]Dead Shot Attack 3: 1D20 + 29 = [17]+29 = 46
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124142]Damage: 3D8 + 13 + 27 + 30 = [6, 1, 1]+13+27+30 = 78
((So close to a crit!))
((Just a flavor clarification: Zerome still kind of looks like a shapeless mass, but it has all the qualities of a Balor. The whip emerged from the shapeless mass))

Mike M

Nick N
((Damn it, I swear I posted a list of buffs I was putting up before the final battle, but now I can't find it...

EDIT: I had it at the end of another post instead of separate one. I've only got Energy Conversion and Force Screen, did we go through with the communal Barkskin? Just trying to get my AC straight since we're going to need it.))

A glowing field of energy encapsulates Fleshbane as the explosive burst of flame emanating from Zerome’s core washes over him. The force of the attack is too much for him to absorb completely, but what he is not able to reroute into his energy projection weaponry causes only negligible damage to his chassis. But this is seemingly a diversion as his extremities grow still in invisible grip of massive telekinetic force. It is almost a quaint tactic for Zerome to employ, as being able to shirk such restraints was one of the first abilities Fleshbane was equipped with ((Slip the Bonds is 10min/caster level, sooooo I got like two and half hours of it being in effect. LOL.)).

“Zerome replicates the Balor to strike against us,” he says as he regains his range of motion. “It is a being ultimately incapable of imagination, it is probable that he will draw upon past challenges we have already faced to attempt to destroy us.”

((Going into Absolute Steel stance, moving back 10 feet to get the +2 AC bonus))


The halls are filled with a torrent of plunder. Swarms of green-robed acolytes race up and down the corridors, snatching the deific aspects filling the alcoves that line the walls.

Copper tubes set with speaking trumpets at regular intervals run along the walls where they meet the vaulted ceiling. “Bring everything to the foundry! Leave nothing behind!” instructs their lord’s voice, distorted by echoes and distance. “We need every scrap of divine energy contained within these walls if we are to succeed!”

Arms filled with priceless artifacts, the dutiful servants rush headlong into their task, the stone bricks that comprise the labyrinthine domain sliding apart and reassembling themselves into new configurations to create doorways and flights of stairs before them as needed. Despite traveling off in myriad directions, they all arrive in the same inner sanctum that lies at the heart of this slice of the Astral Sea.

The mammoth iron doors stand wide open, allowing the steady stream of people to pass through and empty their loads into a massive metal contraption. A variety of inscrutable tubes, gauges, and dials sprout from the surface like worms burrowing in and out of the surface of an apple, sporadically rattling and spitting steam. Beneath the whole construction, the intense flames of a enormous furnace fills the room with oppressive heat.

A woman with features speaking of elven heritage examines the incomprehensible readings, scratching out calculations on a slate in her arms. Unlike the others, her robe is trimmed with gold to denote some higher standing. “It’s going to be close,” she informs the master of this place who stands beside her.

The god counts through the keys on their iron ring as though they were a string of prayer beads. “It’s always close,” he says. On the back side of the machine, a series of components gradually taper to a crystalline dowel trained at the top of a small pedestal. “It is my greatest artifice ever, but if it will help destroy that infernal machine, I sacrifice it without hesitation.”

Seated upon the podium is a resonance crystal, pulsing with inner light.


saves: 1D20+17 = [15]+17 = 32
1D20+19 = [14]+19 = 33

Elemental Saves: 1D20+17 = [1]+17 = 18
1D20+6 = [9]+6 = 15

Menek, like Fleshbane, recognizes Zerome's tactic and draws from his experience to avoid the worst of the Baelor mimicking attacks. The Lightning Elemental however fares far far worse and seems to shrink in size even as the fires burn away at it.

Feeling the familiar nausea Menek tries to force it down and hamper Zerome further. A Misfortune Hex settles on the machine.

((Will Save Dc 28 or must roll twice and take the worse result on ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. for 2 rounds))

((Man, completely forgot but Menek is wearing a very fancy blouse that allows one Hex to be enhanced to Caster Level +2. To not be ultra cheesy I'll put it on Menek's Retribution Hex and not one he's already used))

((Running counter: Elemental at 110-73 Paralyzed 1 round, staggered round after, str -12 for 12
Menek at 126+14-36 staggered str -6 for 6
Zerome Saves at -4 for 14 rounds

((Can Menek tell what kind of magical buffs are on Zerome based on his earlier scanning spell casting? His spellcraft is at 29.))
<I procrastinated a bit, but I am just going to use Restoration on myself because Satra's base strength is low enough that he will die if he takes another 6 points of strength damage and I can't use anything on anyone else anyway.>

Soon into the battle, Zerome grants his first retaliation, a wall of flame that threatens to envelop the human with no way to avoid it. Fortunately, he has enough points in ADP to roll through the flames, using his i-frames to nullify the- He quickly smashes a vial onto the ground, then tosses a small bag into the liquid which forms a crystalline stalagmite that walls him from the flames for just the brief moment he needs. Once the crystal returns to dust, a darkness seeps into his body and begins melting away at his muscles. It is brief, but somehow torturous and agonizing.

Fake EDIT: <Wait, is the strength reduction temporary or permanent?>
((Sorry Azih, I didn't catch the edit on your post before now.

Zerome failed his save vs the Misfortune hex, which is really bad for him actually.

Zerome currently possesses all the qualities of a Balor, which include Spell Resistance, immunity to Fire and Electricity, resistance to cold and acid, and damage reduction 15/cold iron. It is also surrounded by an Unholy Aura..

KM - the penalty to Strength lasts for 6 rounds, then goes away))


((Not sure if I find the time to make a post today but I just rolled my saves and apparently Coyote loves me because I past all of them! Even for Tessa. Muahaha!))
((Well played, Nezumi. If you'd like, you can just say what you want to do and I will make the rolls for it so we can get this thing moving. Let me know))


((I can make the post tomorrow. If that is too long, Tessa was going to just retreat since I figured that she is pretty much useless for now unless I have Viss transform and they attack together. Since I'm still staggered for this round there isn't much else that Viss can do though, since magic is out of the question due to the staggering. So I guess for now she'll just retreat as well, so she doesn't stand too close to the thing when it does it's next move. ))
((Actually you can still cast a spell as long as it's not a full-round action. Most combat spells are just Standard Actions, so you can still do them when you're staggered. The only common exceptions I can think of are Summoning spells.

If retreating is a higher priority to you, though, that's fine. Just wanted you to be aware of all your options :) ))
((Gonna roll for Nezumi's turn and assume that she's using Finger of Death.

First, Viss's roll against Zerome's spell resistance: 28 fails to beat it so the spell fizzles.

Tessa is doing her Full Retreat))

Battle Music

The party is sure that they're damaging Zerome, but there is no way to know exactly how much it's hurting on account of its ever-changing nature.

Just as they adjust to fighting a demon, the core of the machine-god changes again.

This time, its magical aura indicates the stench of undeath.

More specifically, a Lich.

To Shulmor, it's even more specific than that.

"The will of Shulmor is absolute," it says in monotone, almost a mockery of the deposed lich-king's signature expression.

An aura of malevolent, fear-inducing magic bleeds through the area, causing all but Fleshbane to tremble in its wake.

An intense pulse of negative energy floods the room, threatening to wither all matter, living and artificial alike - while simultaneously healing Zerome.

Menek feels the magical equivalent of a fist clutching around his mind, attempting to force him to do its bidding....

End your Hexes, and Neutralize Shulmor, it commands. Do not attempt to strike or physically touch him. Prevent him from harming me...

A hail of bullets erupt forth from the shapeless mass in all directions, attempting to strike Fleshbane and Shulmor.

((Zerome/Lich Shulmor is now Lawful Evil, and is currently immune to mind-affecting, so the Evil Eye hex has no effect this round (though that doesn't mean it automatically ends), and Shulmor's Smite doesn't do anything this round.

Menek and Shulmor, make Initiative rolls. It could very easily matter who goes first this round.

Zerome/Lich Shulmor has a Fear Aura. Everyone without immunity to mind-affecting make a DC 36 Will Save. If you fail, you get -4 to all attack rolls, skill checks, and saves for this round. If you pass, you get -2 to all attack rolls, skill checks, and saves for this round. NOTE: This specifically overrides immunity to fear. The only way this won't affect you is if you are immune to mind-affecting, as Fleshbane is.

Zerome/Lich Shulmor is casting Mass Harm. Everyone make a DC 27 Will Save. If you fail, you take 100 Negative Energy damage. If you pass, you take 50 negative energy damage. Constructs are NOT immune to this. HOWEVER, if this spell would reduce you to less than 1 HP, it instead only reduces you to 1 HP, as per the spell description.

Menek, make a DC 34 Will save. If you fail, you become Zerome's thrall for this next turn. You must drop your hexes and do everything in your power to hinder Shulmor without actually trying to strike or grab him. I will trust you to take actions because you know how to use your character better than I do.

Zerome/Lich Shulmor is using a Full Attack. I am rolling twice for each attack, as per the Misfortune hex, but I'm only going to display the result from the lower attack roll because I'm lazy :p This is versus Touch AC.

Versus Fleshbane:

First attack: 36 vs Touch AC. If it hits, 27 damage.

Versus Shulmor:

Second attack: 27 vs Touch AC. If it hits, 28 damage.
Third attack: 28 vs Touch AC. If it hits, 28 damage.
Fourth attack: 41 vs Touch AC. If it hits, 32 damage.

Updated Map

Begin Round 3!))


((Damn, unless I roll another 20 that will most likely kill Tessa :(
Edit Ah, should have read more carefully. Reduced to 1 HP it is then.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I don't suppose I'm fortunate enough that Energy Conversion would apply to the negative energy of Mass Harm? The text says it is as Energy Adaptation, which doesn't list it. But it does list acid, which seems silly to call an energy form, and negative energy is explicitly called energy.))
((Hoo boy. Shulmor's touch AC is 27, so he just barely got hit by all three of those. He's pretty hurt now between that and the negative energy. Time to roll initiative and saves.

EDIT: I forgot to add the one point of dodge AC from haste, so the first attack would miss but the other two still hit.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124444]Initiative: 1D20 + 10 = [6]+10 = 16
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124445]Will Save vs Fear: 1D20 + 29 = [8]+29 = 37 (add two if it counts as enchantment)
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124447]Will Save vs Mass Harm: 1D20 + 29 = [6]+29 = 35 (I forgot to subtract two from fear, but it passes regardless)
((I don't suppose I'm fortunate enough that Energy Conversion would apply to the negative energy of Mass Harm? The text says it is as Energy Adaptation, which doesn't list it. But it does list acid, which seems silly to call an energy form, and negative energy is explicitly called energy.))

((This is a case where Pathfinder/DnD rules are at odds with the English language. "Energy" means two different things within Pathfinder; it can mean the elemental types, which are dealt from arcane spells, and are the types listed in the Energy Adaptation description.

It can also mean the Positive vs Negative types, which are mostly the domain of Divine spells, and deal with the forces of life and death. These are different from the elemental types.

TLDR: Sorry, Energy Conversion doesn't help against this.

For additional reference, see the discussion here http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2p0po?Positive-and-negative-energy . Although it's not 100% clear cut, I made my decision after browsing through that thread))
((I didn't notice that Displacement was in effect. I'll roll that now. Higher rolls means it hits; lower rolls means it misses. I'm not sure whether you have the 20% or the 50%, so just take that into account yourselves.

First attack (vs Fleshbane, in case he has Displacement too): 22%

2nd attack: 70%
3rd attack: 50% (if you have the 50% version of concealment, this one misses)
4th attack: 29%))

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, I probably wouldn't have ruled in my own favor on that one, but I had to ask.))

Will save vs. Mass harm: 1d20+10=28

((Rolling hot today. Fleshbane's touch AC is pitifully low (like most of his stats), so that bullet attack hits.))

Fleshbane withstands the blast of withering energy that washes over the party. Whatever sheen may have remained to his new armor is scraped away, leaving the surface pitted and corroded, but still structurally sound. He scarcely has time to assess the damage before a shower of metal projectiles erupts from Zerome's core and pelts him with particularly strong kinetic might.

Without a word, Fleshbane circles around the perimeter of the battle area in an attempt to attain a more tactically advantageous position, channeling his power to repair as much damage as he can.

((Moving to J1. If I max out my augmentation of Vigor for 65 temporary hit points, would that work? Or do you need to be at full HP for temporary hit points?))


((Cc roll 142226 Ok. Do you want me to roll the Will Saves in any particular order ThLunarian? Cause two rolls were spectacular and one gets me 33 even with all of Menek's inspiration trickery.

Worst case Menek will free action shout a warning in case anyone else has some trick. It's the hex dropping that I really don't want to happen.))
((I actually have an idea if it comes to that. Would confusion keep Menek from having enough control to drop the hexes?

EDIT: On second thought, range penalties plus displacement make what I had in mind a bad idea. Never mind operation bounce a bullet off Menek's head to keep him from dropping hexes.))


((Menek is pretty good at finding loopholes. He'd willingly fail a save. Also I don't think Menek can dismiss a hex. Spells can only be dismissed it they have the D descriptor and hexes don't. That's what I get from googling but other googling might find something different. Hexes aren't spell like abilities also.

In consideration of his Master's wishes he will not Cackle this round though:p

((If hexes can't be dropped then you can ignore that part of my post. I have always been under the impression that all spells and hexes can be freely dropped by the caster on their turn, but if I'm wrong on that or if Pathfinder changed it then I will defer to that rule.

Use the order of the rolls listed and apply them in the order that my effects were listed in the post. I tried to look them up with the code you gave but it doesn't seem to be working.))


((If hexes can't be dropped then you can ignore that part of my post. I have always been under the impression that all spells and hexes can be freely dropped by the caster on their turn, but if I'm wrong on that or if Pathfinder changed it then I will defer to that rule.

Use the order of the rolls listed and apply them in the order that my effects were listed in the post.))

((Much like Menek I am trying to find whatever loophole cause failing a check by 1 burrrrns. But yeah dismissable spells have a D in the duration and hexes don't mention dismissability at all.))
<I just took 100 damage and the penalties on my attack rolls, so I'm going to use Cure Serious Wounds this round to try to get myself back over 100 HP.

3D8+15 => 32>
Shulmor's face contorts with rage as Zerome's aura becomes a facsimile of the very form it ripped from him. The looming fear that embodies the lich's presence looms in the air, but Shulmor's sheer outrage and indignation dulls its effects from an overwhelming curtain of horror to a cloying unease in the background. While a part of him is satisfied that the machine god has recognized his form as ideal, this mockery can not stand. The hollow mimicking of his word sends it well over the line. "You insolent little-"

Tirades will have to wait for later as a brutal wave of negative energy washes out over the party. Shulmor braces against the worst of it, but in his comparatively fragile mortal body, the damage is still substantial. He is barely able to dodge the first of the bullets whizzing towards him, but is not so fortunate with the other two. One misses thanks to the magic of displacement, but the other passes through his torso, missing vitals but bringing him closer to death.

Seeking revenge against this affront, Shulmor swaps for his shotgun before any further action can be taken against him. Being deprived of his smiting power does not stop the former lich from pooling his fury into a single double-barreled blast at Zerome in the hopes of undoing this imposter's healing efforts and wounding it further.

((Doing a full attack dead shot with deadly aim using his double barreled shotgun, attacks against touch AC. Lightning reload for one barrel of the shotgun afterwards. Forgot to subtract two from fear when rolling the first barrel, so I edited it in to the roll display here to reflect that.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124454]Dead Shot Attack 1 Barrel 1: 1D20 + 26 = [7]+24 = 31
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124455]Dead Shot Attack 2 Barrel 1: 1D20 + 21 = [12]+19 = 31
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124456]Dead Shot Attack 3 Barrel 1: 1D20 + 16 = [16]+14 = 30
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124457]Dead Shot Attack 1 Barrel 2: 1D20 + 24 = [9]+24 = 33
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124458]Dead Shot Attack 2 Barrel 2: 1D20 + 19 = [9]+19 = 28
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124459]Dead Shot Attack 3 Barrel 2: 1D20 + 14 = [16]+14 = 30
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124460]Damage: 10D8 +24 + 45 = [8, 1, 8, 1, 1, 8, 5, 3, 6, 6]+24+45 = 116
((Mike M, sorry I missed your question. Temp HP don't care about your actual HP total. You can get the full 65 temp HP from your augmentation))


((Sorry can't fluff much. Feel free to interrupt Menek anyone))

Twice Menek weathers the foul energies but, worn down cannot resist the most devastating assault on his mind.

I'm being controlled he manages to say as he feels himself losing control.

((And if nothing))

Trembling Menek raises a hand and casts an Ice Tomb Hex on Shulmor. The freezing cold enveloping his ally.

ice tomb damage: 3D8 = [6, 2, 7] = 15

((15 cold damage. Halved on Fort Save Dc 18. Save also prevents Shulmir from being encased in ice

If the target fails its save, it is paralyzed and unconscious but does not need to eat or breathe while the ice lasts. The ice has 20 hit points; destroying the ice frees the creature, which is staggered for 1d4 rounds. Roll is 3.

If Shulmor is immune to cold he's fine. Don't forget your Grand Destiny!

Woulda coulda shoulda used a grand destiny on myself or invested in Mind Blank. Bleh
((I'll type this up assuming no interruption. He was immune as a lich, but not anymore :(. Yup, I've been making good use of it, and this is the last one. Actually, is it at will or does it automatically activate? Because if it's at will, Shulmor's fort modifier is higher than the DC for the spell without it and I'd like to save the charge. Will roll without, and can just add four if it's not discretionary.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124521]Fort Save: 1D20 + 21 = [2]+21 = 23
((Whew, too close to a nat 1 for comfort there!))

After acting against Zerome, ice begins to envelop Shulmor. Focusing his unholy aura into a burst, he is able to shatter the ice just before it completely robs him of movement; the end result is only minor frost-induced wear and tear. "Then reassert control over your mind! I'll let this lapse slide, but I expect you to fend off control from a pale imitation of Shulmor." An imitation of Shulmor successfully enthralling an ally that would most likely resist his own attempt causes him no short degree of indignation: that the imitator is a god-consuming god does little to assuage his imperial sized ego. And lo, RNGeezus doth proclaim that Shulmor am become ice!
(...Fuck. Welp, good thing gunslinger has an ability that lets me spend two grit to reroll a save! Looks like I'm burning that last use after all.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=124526]Fort Save: 1D20 + 25 = [1]+25 = 26
((OH FFS))


Menek, with no compulsion to drop any hexes or whatnot also cackled.

((((Running counter: Elemental at 1 HP staggered, str -12 for 12
Menek at 54 HP, str -6 for 5
Zerome Saves at -4 for 14 rounds, Misfortune for 2 rounds

Elemental takes a half hearted swing at the non metallic machine it was summoned to fight for some reason.

Slam attack energy sapped: 1D20+16 = [5]+16 = 21
2D8+2+2D8 = [5, 2]+2+[1, 4] = 14
1D20+16 = [16]+16 = 32
2D8+2+2D8 = [3, 2]+2+[3, 1] = 11

((So someone needs to hit the ice to free shulmor (just 20 HP) and some healing for Menek would be nice. Think Shulmor needs healing too.))


((Not home at the moment but I guess I could do the healing. I don't know what the map looks like but maybe Tessa can shatter the ice? She's pretty much useless (and down to one HP) otherwise.))
((Hey Nezumi - would it work for you to cast Cure Serious Wounds Mass (an 8th level spell), which would heal everyone (except Fleshbane I think?) for 3d8 + 15? Tessa should easily be able to free Shulmor from the ice tomb; she deals enough damage, and it doesn't even look like the tomb has an AC to roll against so we can just say that it happens.

If you're okay with that, I rolled the dice and it would heal everyone for 35 HP. Let me know if you'd rather wait until you can do a writeup before I move on. Alternatively, I can do my next turn and you can just do a writeup in response to that.

Shulmor - don't forget that even though you're about to get freed from the ice, you're still staggered for 3 rounds))


((Sure, why not! I can do my write up later. I still have to finish my story for the Writing Challenge thread so a little time cushion is actually really welcome :D))
Viss responds to her teammates' cries of pain by summoning up her most potent nature magic. All living creatures feel their wounds closing and their aches and bruises soothing.

She then commands Tessa, who has thus far been ineffective against Zerome, to free Shulmor from his icy tomb. One decisive chomp shatters the crystal, freeing a somewhat lethargic Shulmor from the prison.

Clearly intending to throw the party off-balance by constantly changing, Zerome's aura changes once more.... and this time, its physical appearance changes, too, as it takes on the characteristics of a water elemental.

The entire chamber fills completely with water, nearly instantaneously.

Mood Music

((Menek is no longer a thrall. The Evil Eye hex is still in effect, and Zerome is now susceptible to it again. Same goes for Misfortune.

I'm rolling Bull Rush to determine whether everyone gets forced backward by the rush of water. If your CMD is 34 or less, you are pushed back 10 feet away from Zerome))

After enveloping the entire party, Zerome wastes no time in attempting to restrain and constrict them.

((Grapple check versus everyone. If your CMD is 35 or less, you are considered grappled, except for Fleshbane, who has Freedom of Movement. If you are grappled, you also take 25 bludgeoning damage.

Even if you are NOT grappled, you are still hampered by the water (again, unless you're Fleshbane). See here http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/environment/wilderness/terrain/aquatic-terrain for detailed rules for movement, attacks, and damage. Also keep in mind that any spell or ability with a verbal component requires a concentration check with DC 15 + the spell level in order to successfully cast it.

You CAN attack Zerome here. He is everywhere. However you still have to hit his AC in order for the attack to be effective.

http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/571a64abad738 Map

Here is a recap of where everyone is and what's happening with them, not counting the buffs that you guys gave yourselves.

Shulmor: Staggered, possibly pushed back; possibly grappled; Firm Footing for the purposes of underwater combat.

Satra: Possibly pushed back; possibly grappled; Firm Footing for the purposes of underwater combat.

Viss: Possibly pushed back; possibly grappled; Firm Footing for the purposes of underwater combat.

Tessa: Possibly pushed back; possibly grappled; Firm Footing for the purposes of underwater combat.

Menek: Possibly pushed back; possibly grappled; does NOT have firm footing since he was flying previously

Fleshbane: Not pushed back since he's already at the edge. Not grappled. Can move freely and unimpeded through the water due to Freedom of Movement.

Lightning Elemental: Possibly pushed back; possibly grappled; location uncertain because I forgot to add a sprite to represent him. I just stuck an Air Elemental sprite onto the map as a close approximation.

Begin Round 4!))
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