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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane openly scoffs at Satra’s profession of belief that he could take control of the fathomless system of Zerome. “You are more foolish than I would have even estimated, fleshling,” he says. “If it were within my power to seize control, I would have already done so. Still, the dim light in the darkness that is your intellect is still a light in the darkness...”

Fleshbane turns his focus inward. He is not here, he reminds himself. He has no physical form in this place, no matter how much his internal sensory subroutines insist to the contrary. This is only an illusion, a construct built upon a construct built upon a construct to grant some measure of comprehension to the incomprehensible. But Fleshbane’s frame of reference is not that of these fleshy creatures bound to their shells of decaying meat. His body is only a vessel, one of several that he has discarded in his relatively short life only to arise anew in a gleaming replacement. For all his brutality and intimidating construction, he is only coding that exists independent of his body. It is only a tool he uses to interact with the physical realm.

The codeform of Fleshbane reaches outward, feeling the pulsing streams of data on a scale larger than any machine could have ever dreamed possible. There is familiarity to its design and logic, both from Fleshbane’s experience as part of the Pan Skirn Consensus as well as his time spent in the Network, interfacing with constructed and biological intelligences alike. There was a time where this torrent of data would have drowned him, the basal coding language upon which his consciousness was built subsumed by the flow. But now, he is something different. Evolved. Refined beyond the system’s ability to bend to its will. Instead of drowning in the defined channels of information, he skims the surfaces, leaping from stream to stream at will.

He sees his environment for what it truly is, overlaid on the falsehood of the flat expanse with its gray and colorless grass and empty sky. Looming like some malign moon on the horizon is the thought center of Zerome, lying at the center of an infinite spider web of information feeding into it.

“This way.”
Ciel laughs at Mako and says "you know, I've really missed that fierce bitchiness of yours since you ragequit this little group." Upon being ignored, she mutters "I bet you're fun at parties" and stabs the ground one more time out of spite before regrouping with the others.
Shulmor nods approvingly at Mako's verbal assault on Ciel. In response to her, he says "this world is an image designed to allow us to process what's around us. As such, I expect it to follow a certain logic." Turning to Menek, he says "when you got a brief glimpse of how things are, where was the godhead located? Was it set up linearly with this node and the less secure one? If so, let us continue in a straight line. Is it off to the left or right? An angle? Wherever you saw it positioned, it makes most sense to move in that direction."

"Granted, if anyone has more certainty about the direction, let us follow them." After Fleshbane speaks up, he does just that.


((OK. I have reached the point where I have no idea, how to incorporate anything anymore, by my own fault, I got lost in procrastination so bad :,( I'll just jump in here now and see if I can maybe work in something later.))

How did I end up here?

Viss tries to sort her thoughts but everything is just a raging blurry of fighting. So many deaths, so many hurt. And now they were stranded in a place that was and was not.

She can hear the others talking around her, she sees Mako and Ciel and briefly wonders where they have come from. Her head is dizzy and so she just follows along in silence for a while.

It's Menek mentioning of a Godhead that finally pulls her out of her passivity.

"A godhead? So you mean like the brain?"

New hope fills her, she carefully touches the still fresh looking scar on the palm of her hand, if she could get to that brain...

To her relief there is no reason to convince anyone that they needed to go there. So she follows along, finally filled with a glimmer of hope.

((As for buffs. Viss will have Owls Wisdom, Cat's grace and Bulls's strength and Barkskin up I guess.

Also THLunarian:
I guess the arrival at the Godhead would also be the point for Viss to release that rot bacteria she carrying around inside her. I'm wondering if that should be treated like one attack or maybe a buff, or just narrative fluff? I also considered actually sacrificing Viss as a final attack kind of thing... I'm not sure.
((OK. I have reached the point where I have no idea, how to incorporate anything anymore, by my own fault, I got lost in procrastination so bad :,( I'll just jump in here now and see if I can maybe work in something later.))

How did I end up here?

Viss tries to sort her thoughts but everything is just a raging blurry of fighting. So many deaths, so many hurt. And now they were stranded in a place that was and was not.

She can hear the others talking around her, she sees Mako and Ciel and briefly wonders where they have come from. Her head is dizzy and so she just follows along in silence for a while.

It's Menek mentioning of a Godhead that finally pulls her out of her passivity.

"A godhead? So you mean like the brain?"

New hope fills her, she carefully touches the still fresh looking scar on the palm of her hand, if she could get to that brain...

To her relief there is no reason to convince anyone that they needed to go there. So she follows along, finally filled with a glimmer of hope.

((As for buffs. Viss will have Owls Wisdom, Cat's grace and Bulls's strength and Barkskin up I guess.

Also THLunarian:
I guess the arrival at the Godhead would also be the point for Viss to release that rot bacteria she carrying around inside her. I'm wondering if that should be treated like one attack or maybe a buff, or just narrative fluff? I also considered actually sacrificing Viss as a final attack kind of thing... I'm not sure.

Another player is planning a final sacrifice to end their character, so unless it's super important to Viss's arc, I would suggest avoiding that. I'm glad you're still with us, by the way :) I was a little concerned. Shouldn't be too much longer, so now is the time to start thinking about Viss's epilogue!


No problem it was one of the many random ideas I had. She can just cut herself and smear a little blood on some circuits or so. I'll leave it up to you what effect that'll have ;) And this time I will include the backstory!


((Grand Destiny is a +4 bonus on any attack roll, saving throw or skill check. The saving throw should be useful to any character. And there's four uses of the thing)).
((There are five of us, so if anyone doesn't want it or Fleshbane can't due to mind-affecting stuff on constructs or something, I'll take one. I'm always down for making Shulmor's saves even more ridiculous XD.

Also, if there's cat's grace to go around, a cast of that for Shulmor would be good for him.))
((There are five of us, so if anyone doesn't want it or Fleshbane can't due to mind-affecting stuff on constructs or something, I'll take one. I'm always down for making Shulmor's saves even more ridiculous XD.

Also, if there's cat's grace to go around, a cast of that for Shulmor would be good for him.))

((He actually means that anyone who has Grand Destiny, gets to apply a +4 bonus four separate times before the spell wears off, and it doesn't have to be in consecutive rounds.

There are three potions.

You may have already understood this, but I had to do a double take so I'm explaining for anyone who was also thrown off.

Also, just to be clear, the Minotaur, Mako and Ciel aren't going to participate as combatants in the final battle. We will see what happens to them, but even if they are in the scene of the battle, they'll be doing their own thing and the perspective isn't going to focus on them unless DeadPhoenix spontaneously decides to level Mako up to 15 and participate))
<So, so far... Let me get this right

Everyone - Communal Stoneskin
Shulmor - Haste, Iron Skin, possibly Grand Destiny

I still got Haste, Barskin, and Heroism to go around, as well as a couple of Universal Formulas which can turn into more buffs.>


(I'll put up more tomorrow but Shulmor wanted Cat's Grace. I'm surprised Shulmor doesn't have dex enchantments already. Don't think there's any downside to Displacement for people))
((Oh, Shulmor's already got a +8 dex modifier. I'll just take more. Unless there's a rule saying that spell buff don't stack with item buffs or something

Edit: seems they don't, that would remove the need for Cat's Grace then. If there's displacement to go around I'll take that, don't want to hog all the buffs if it's limited though))
<Thinking about it, I don't know if Fleshbane can take a Haste infusion being a robot and all, so Viss is probably the best one to get the second infusion.>
<Actually I can use a Universal Formula to get another haste, so I can give Haste to both Viss and Fleshbane in that case.

So far this is probably what I'll do:

Everyone - Communal Stoneskin
Shulmor - Haste, Iron Skin, possibly Grand Destiny
Fleshbane - Haste
Viss - Universal Formula (Haste)

Who wants Freedom of Movement and Heroism?>


((Building on KM's post:

Everyone - Communal Stoneskin, Displacement, Communal Endure Elements
Shulmor - Haste, Iron Skin, possibly Grand Destiny, False Life
Fleshbane - Haste, Grand Destiny, Long Arm and Enlarge Person
Viss - Universal Formula (Haste), Grand Desinty, False Life
Menek - Long Arm, Darkvision, Iron Skin, Owl's Wisdom, Displacement, False Life, Freedom of Movement, Haste

Bolded is Menek's stuff. Herois

((He actually means that anyone who has Grand Destiny, gets to apply a +4 bonus four separate times before the spell wears off, and it doesn't have to be in consecutive rounds.

There are three potions.

You may have already understood this, but I had to do a double take so I'm explaining for anyone who was also thrown off.

Also, just to be clear, the Minotaur, Mako and Ciel aren't going to participate as combatants in the final battle. We will see what happens to them, but even if they are in the scene of the battle, they'll be doing their own thing and the perspective isn't going to focus on them unless DeadPhoenix spontaneously decides to level Mako up to 15 and participate))

((If it were one more level, it'd be really tempting(despite the excellent reminder of why i 'rage quit'), but you guys look pretty set on buffs(healing might be another matter, but that is hardly a big draw for me).))
((Building on KM's post:

Everyone - Communal Stoneskin, Displacement, Communal Endure Elements
Shulmor - Haste, Iron Skin, possibly Grand Destiny, False Life
Fleshbane - Haste, Grand Destiny, Long Arm and Enlarge Person
Viss - Universal Formula (Haste), Grand Desinty, False Life
Menek - Long Arm, Darkvision, Iron Skin, Owl's Wisdom, Displacement, False Life, Freedom of Movement, Haste

Bolded is Menek's stuff. Herois

((I'll go ahead and add longshot to Shulmor and Satra for the list. That pretty much concludes all the buffing he can do.))


((Oh, if someone wants either Bull's strength, cat's grace or Owl's Wisdom just speak up so I can put it down as the communal version. O don't think Viss has any more interesting buffs to offer))
((No hard feelings, DeadPhoenix :)

It's going to take me a bit to get everything set up properly for the final battle, but I'm going to try to do it today at some point. The end is nigh!))
((The freedom of movement hasn't been grabbed yet and Shulmor's more susceptible to grappling than most other things, so if no one else claims it by the time the fight's beginning I'll take it in my continued quest to get all the buffs))
((Building on Menek's building on my post:

Everyone - Communal Stoneskin, Displacement, Communal Endure Elements
Shulmor - Haste, Iron Skin, possibly Grand Destiny, False Life, Freedom of Movement
Fleshbane - Haste, Grand Destiny, Long Arm and Enlarge Person
Viss - Universal Formula (Haste), Grand Desinty, False Life
Menek - Long Arm, Darkvision, Iron Skin, Owl's Wisdom, Displacement, False Life, Freedom of Movement, Haste
Satra - Greater Invisibility

Bolded is new


<Fleshbane, do you want an Enlarge Person since you're the only real melee character here?

@Nezumi: I'll take a communal Cat's Grace

EDIT: I also thought I had Dragon's Breath cartridges on my character sheet this whole time, but I apparently don't have any.>
((I know I said we were going to the final battle next, but I just had an idea for a scene that might be cool and I don't think I'll be able to get to map-creating tools today anyway, so...))

Creepy Forest Music

The open fields soon give way to a forest full of gray, barren trees. Though no clear path exists, Fleshbane's unique sense of direction, combined with Ciel's zeal for hacking her way through the captured souls of the machine, allow SAED members old and new to persevere and drive forward.

There are no active defenses inside of Zerome; this could be said to be one of the few flaws in its system. It relies entirely on its passive defense of complete assimilation, which is what is giving the team a fighting chance.

The transition from a forested outdoor environment to an indoor area is so seamless as to take a moment to notice. The walls are straight and smooth; the corners angular and symmetrical.

A corridor.

The walls are no longer made up of individual and distinguishable souls, and are now solid matter.

Ahead, a series of pods are set up along either side of the corridor. Within each pod is a creature.

The Greater Gods reside within these pods. Even now, after all this time, they are not entirely grayed out and assimilated; they yet retain some measure of their individuality, and so they have not become a complete part of the machine. They are restrained within the pods, and each pod is connected to a machine that runs into the walls.

Among the imprisoned gods are Melora, Asmodeus, Vecna, Aroz, Zora (each of the two halves in its own pod), Erastil, and the Raven Queen.

Mako runs to Erastil - who is in the form of a frail and fragile doe - and kneels beside its pod. She places one hand on the outer glass, and her eyes well up with tears.

The other gods are similarly enfeebled, though the rest are at least in humanoid forms.
Shulmor looks upon the pods, and more so upon the tearful reaction of Mako in relation to seeing her patron enfeebled- as well as any other party member reacting in a similar matter. Such a disgrace, to show signs of being emotionally compromised over a simple reality of Zerome's assimilation. Such is the problems with those who open their hearts too wide to sentimentality. Whether or not it shall be necessary to force them along or if they will find the internal strength remains to be seen.

Shulmor approaches Vecna's tube and speaks for a brief time. "It would appear much has happened to complicate our arrangement. I know not whether you are conscious and can hear me, but to think a simple decade would erupt into a deranged machine trying to consume the universe, I would have called such a notion ludicrous a short time ago. But it matters little. This interruption shall soon be resolved, and with that, the Astral Sea shall return to its usual quibbling."

While talking to or at Vecna, Shulmor gives the pod a cursory, seeing if there is a simple way to open it without damaging the contents within.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=122408]Perception: 1D20 + 21 = [19]+21 = 40
Ciel is disappointed to see that the surroundings no longer made of things she can kill. This disappointment quickly gives sense to a sense of unease as the party comes to the pods containing greater gods. Seeing Asmodeus in a weakened form has the assassin's mind rushing down several possible avenues. The temptation to gloat, or better yet, rupture the pod and kill him, is strong. But this is counterbalanced by a fear of retaliation. Even though she escaped her contract through relatively legitimate means, she's worried that there's something on the books of the Rules of Infernal Procedure dictating that any interaction with Asmodeus by a prior contract holder automatically renews a nonmutually terminated contract for an additional term, with ambiguities on what constitutes interaction being interpreted in a manner most in favor of the Nine Hells. Even if she could kill him now, she'd probably have a bigger target on her back and be in deep shit.

Masking her discomfort a bit, she says "Ok, the pods are lovely and all, but aren't we supposed to be continually moving before we gray out entirely and get assimilated? Come on, time is of the essence, got to be big damn heroes and save the multiverse from the evil robot, chop chop."
<I am also gonna use a Mutagen on myself, the +Dex one>

Satra approaches the Raven Queen's chamber, shaking his head. He murmurs, "I had such an easy job but I wasn't able to do even that. I promise I'm going to try and fix this mess."

He soon notices that the pod is connected to 'the system'. He wonders if it is continuing to drain them, or if it is sustaining the gods.

<Rolled 15 on Engineering with a real life dice for a result of 35>
Shulmor finds that the glass tube can easily be shattered in a thousand different ways. To confirm this, as if on cue, Mako touches the glass on Erastil's pod and it turns into sand.

She lays a single hand on Erastil, and says, in a voice that does not betray the anguish on her face, "Lord Erastil. I am so sorry this happened to you. We have to go now and destroy this machine, but I will be back for you." She pauses for a brief moment to make sure Erastil is somewhat comfortable, and then she stands up, ready to move forward.

To Shulmor's mild surprise, Vecna replies to him in a hoarse whisper.

"If you defeat Zerome," he says, "I will see to it that you become a god. You will be my right hand, if you wish it. The multiverse will tremble at your name once more."

Edit: ((crazy timing KM!))

The "pods" seem to be performing both functions. The gods are being treated like dairy cows on a factory farm.
<I need to retcon a bit of my post anyway, I mistook Erastil's for another deity>

"The gods... They're being treated like dairy cows on a factory farm." he comments, "Mako, careful. That thing is actually keeping him alive for the time being. I don't have time to disable the draining power."


Menek drops to his knees in front of the twin pods containing his gods as Ratbreath peaks out, squawks in fear and dives back under Menek's cloak. He is aware, though barely, of Mako's actions and Satra's warning.

I know that you expect your followers to find their own way, chart their own path to knowledge and enlightenment but... if there is anything you know... anything that could help us defeat your captor... anything that we might have missed Menek whispers.


Viss slowly walks to the pod detaining Melora. The goddess almost looks peaceful to her. She gently touches it.

"My Lady. You know I've never been a much into praying and all the other things that come with real worship I guess. I think I did my best in showing my devotion through my actions and in every endeavor I undertook and I'll continue to do so."

She turns away from the pod.

"We should get going."
"An unexpected offer, consider me further motivated to put a stop to this machine." Shulmor redirects his attention to the party while straightening and says "Indeed. It would be wise to keep moving while we still have the power to resist."
Aroz and Zora merely stare at Menek, more or less catatonic.

"Well," says Mako, standing up and wiping her eyes, "Good luck to you then. Ciel and I are going to stay here and look after the gods."

Ciel, who had already begun strolling forward, does a double-take back at Mako, and bursts out laughing. "Oh really now? Since when did you get to tell ME what to do, Sugar Tits?"

Mako scowls for a moment, but her expression eases up just as quickly. "You know as well as I do that we don't belong in there," she says matter-of-factly. "I can't explain why, and you probably don't either, but it has to be those five. It always had to be those five. And besides, something tells me that if they do succeed, and the gods get freed, you're gonna want to be here to take care of Asmodeus before he comes back to power and decides it's time to squash a bug."

Ciel's fiendish smile turns into a sneer, and then into a frown. "You know what, Mako? I like your sass. I don't like you and I hate everything you stand for, but your sass is a-okay in my book. And you do have a point about Devil Supremo over there. Sure, why not? Let's stay behind. Shoot the shit. Get in some good old girl bonding time."

Ciel turns to the others and performs an exaggerated bow. "Well, I guess that's that, boys and girls. Time to put up or shut up. And if you fuck it all up, I guess I'll be seeing you around the machine somewhere."

So the party continues onward, down the corridor. The next time anyone looks back, the god-pods, Mako, and Ciel are gone.

Fifteen minutes pass, and the party finds itself in a square room the size of a tavern. They do not remember entering the room, and there is no exit.

They are in a loose circle formation, around an amorphous blob. Its color cannot be rightly described; just as your brain begins to pin down exactly what color it is, it slips away. You get the sense that focusing on it for too long could cause a lesser mind to go mad.

"You are viruses," an emotionless voice speaks from all directions, and yet from nowhere. "Assimilation was not successful. We will either destroy you, or be destroyed ourselves."

The amorphous blob begins to take shape.


Battle Music

((No need to roll initiative. You guys can go first))

Mike M

Nick N
((I'll go last, I have an action that can grant someone an extra turn, so if someone's got something particularly effective they can double it up.))
((Since no one claimed it, I'm assuming grand destiny is in effect on Shulmor.))
"Yes, you have the right of it. There is no need for long speeches or theatrics at this venture, simply your destruction."

With that, he takes a defensive form and draws the Conqueror, trying to channel his smiting power against the machine on a hunch as he empties two thirds of the gun's chamber into the core. He finishes by flicking the chamber open, letting the spent bullets fall out, and tossing a bullet back into one of the empty chambers

((five foot step to K13, full attack on Zerome while fighting defensively. Using smite, and putting the smite damage in parentheses since I kind of doubt the core suddenly became chaotic or good, though I assume a deity qualifies for the double damage if it is smitable. Have to try though! Attacks are against touch AC))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=123606]Haste Attack 1: 1D20 + 26 = [14]+26 = 40[/url]
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=123607]Damage: 1D8 + 13 + 30 = [3]+13+(30) = 46[/url]
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=123608]Haste Attack 2: 1D20 + 26 = [3]+26 = 29
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=123609]Damage: 1D8 + 13 + 30 = [3]+13+(30) = 46
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=123610]Haste Attack 3: 1D20 + 21 = [9]+21 = 30
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=123611]Damage: 1D8 + 13 + 30 = [6]+13+(30) = 49
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=123612]Haste Attack 4: 1D20 + 16 = [12]+16 = 28
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=123613]Damage: 1D8 + 13 + 30 = [5]+13+(30) = 48


Viruses? You are a cancer. We are your cure Menek proclaims

Enough with the dramatics. Just kill this thing fast! Ratbreath mutters.

Using one of his scrolls Menek starts summoning a Elder Lightning elemental after five foot stepping himself.

((Updated Map http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/571093c11fe46 ))


((Not to be cheesy but Menek would have Overland Flight on as well))

(( False life roll False life: 1D10+10 = [4]+10 = 14
((So I don't forget to mention it in my next big post... the smite doesn't have any effect, though anyone who is attuned to such things notices that Zerome's alignment seems to be in a state of flux right now, as far as its magical aura is concerned. It's impossible to get a read on exactly what alignment it has at this time))
((So I don't forget to mention it in my next big post... the smite doesn't have any effect, though anyone who is attuned to such things notices that Zerome's alignment seems to be in a state of flux right now, as far as its magical aura is concerned. It's impossible to get a read on exactly what alignment it has at this time))

<Sounds chaotic to me!

I also wanna know if Shulmor's shots were able to damage it, before I make an attack of my own.>
<Sounds chaotic to me!

I also wanna know if Shulmor's shots were able to damage it, before I make an attack of my own.>

((Touché :p Still doesnt count as chaotic for game rule purposes though.

The first and third attacks hit; the other two missed. Based on the attack rolls, you can infer that this guy's touch AC is 30.

Of the attacks that hit, both did full damage))
<Using my swift action to study my target, which gives me an additional +4 attack and damage.

Satra would have prepared the first bullet in his chamber with an explosive shot sometime prior to the battle

I also apparently never used Greater Magic Weapon+5 even though I would have (or given it to someone else) during the buff phase, so out of fairness I won't have it applied

Satra is currently invisible, so if the core is denied AC ( especially since it hasn't had a chance to undo his invisibility yet), I'm going to roll backstab damage in case it counts>

<Coyote Roller seems to be broken, so using rolz.org
1D20+15+3+8+2+1+4 => 37, 1D8+3+1+ 7D6+5 => 33 (First attack that has extra Explosive Missile Damage), 4D6 => 14 (Backstab)
1D20+10+3+8+2+1+4 => 31, 4D6 => 13
1D20+5+3+8+2+1+4 => 24

This attack uses Clustered Shots, which totals my damage before applying damage reduction>

Satra immediately fires at the core of Zerome with a semi-auto burst which blasts the surface with an explosive bullet. "You detest biological beings, but you're no better than a plague yourself. You lack the programming to understand this irony!"
((If any of you think that you can make good use of the extra turn that Fleshbane can grant, go ahead and speak up now, so Mike can plan out his turn. Nezumi, that applies to you, too: Please specify whether you would like the offered extra turn when you make your post.

Azih, I am not sure of the actual rules on this, but I will go ahead and say that if you choose to take the extra turn, your summoning spell's full-round action will finish early, and you'll be able to control the lightning elemental on that extra turn, as well as take another action yourself))


((Not at my computer at the moment, will post when I get home. I think Viss will try an explosion of rot and Tessa will just attack. I guess someone else can just take the turn.))

Mike M

Nick N
((If Menek gets his Lightning Elemental and can command it on that turn, that's functionally two extra turns. Hard to beat.))


((Ohh, yes please))

Feeling a strange acceleration of momentum Menek's spellcasting finishes far faster than he was expecting and the Elder Lightning Elemental appears 15 feet to the south of the core. It is a dark storm cloud sparkling with energy that seem like eyes in the center and crackling lightning bolts at the end of what look like huge arms.

Taking advantage of the surge of activity Menek hits the core with an Evil eye hex targeting Zerome's saves and cackles.

((Mind affecting which should work because Zerome is basically a mind right? -4 to AC for all saves for either 2 rounds or 15 based on Will Save Dc 28))

The huge cloud, seemingly excited by what seems like a giant metal foe flickers and swings.its huge arms twice at the core.

Slam attack: 1D20+24 = [14]+24 = 38
2D8+8+2D8 = [2, 8]+8+[6, 2] = 26
1D20+24 = [16]+24 = 40
2D8+8+2D8 = [6, 1]+8+[5, 6] = 26

((If Zerome counts as metal than attacks have +3 added for 41 and 43. total electrical damage is 19 in case Zerome has any susceptibility to that. Please let me know if I'm reading the monster stat block wrong but I think it gets two slams at +24))
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