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NBA 2017 Playoffs |OT| WE DID IT

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Tommy DJ

Patty Mills is essentially an undersized shooting guard. In fact, that's the exact role he plays for Australia. While Parker is practically toast, Mills as the Spurs playmaker would be questionable.

Mills and Ginobili generally play well together so there's no reason to break up a good thing while its working. Better off trying to create Parker 2.0 in someone like Dejounte Murray, pray Kawhi becomes Robo Jordan/Kobe/Lebron or hope CP3 has a meltdown and signs with the Spurs for Kawhi's Wingstop coupon book.
Any chance Houston resigns Lou Williams? Do we even have the cap space?
As a laker fan, I believe he had 1 more yr on the contract just like Brewer did for you guys (now for us), man I hope that 1st rounder is gonna be worth it. I still miss Lou in the purple n gold.


Patty Mills is essentially an undersized shooting guard. In fact, that's the exact role he plays for Australia. While Parker is practically toast, Mills as the Spurs playmaker would be questionable.

Mills and Ginobili generally play well together so there's no reason to break up a good thing while its working. Better off trying to create Parker 2.0 in someone like Dejounte Murray, pray Kawhi becomes Robo Jordan/Kobe/Lebron or hope CP3 has a meltdown and signs with the Spurs for Kawhi's Wingstop coupon book.

CP3 would be interesting to see on the Spurs but I'm not sure even that's enough to give the Spurs a fighting chance against GSW.
Basketball is the only one of the three major American sports where being on one of the two or three best teams has been a prerequisite for MVP.
It's why I'm trashing american sports breh. You think some guy lighting it up on EPL, La Liga, or Bundesliga and getting bounced on the group stages in Champions League would have a chance in hell of ever even being considered for ballon d'or (aka best player in the world for footy)? The answer is rightfully no. You would get laughed off. I was telling my friend that watches only footy that the MVP for bball this year would be a guy that is leading his team to 10th in the league, and he started laughing hysterically. He couldn't even comprehend how that makes sense.
To be fair, if winning really did matter then they would give it to Kawhi ;D
I'm ok with that. I'd be ok with Kawhi. Lebron underachieved with his team and Curry/KD formed together so they can't win.. at least in year 1. I still think Harden should have won because his team had the 3rd best record. You know.. his team actually overachieved instead of being exactly where everyone thought OKC would be and pretending otherwise.. like that dumbfuck reporter Aldridge who went on a rant saying he cannot believe Westbrook took this team to this amount of wins.. when he wrote an article before the season predicting his teams' exact numbers.
Why is winning supposed to matter to get the MVP award? It's an individual award.

Of course the nigga gets tired in the 4th quarter. He's gotta do everything in the first 3 lmao. He say for like 6 minutes tonight and OKC was outscored 27-6, I think. He had 9 assists going into the final minutes, but didn't seek out that oh so special 10th one for a triple double. He's not a stat-padder. OKC needs every single thing he does for them to even have a shot at being in the game, much less winning it. You're not exactly helping your argument here.

Right. And it's always been stupid.
Dude you're out of your mind if you don't think that he's a stat padder. There's videos of the worst kind of stat padding from bigs saving rebounds for Russ during RS. I've never seen anything like it before. It's a fact that he stat pads, that's not the discussion here but your stanning literally can't even see that smh...

Russ is a fucking dumbass. That's why he got worked by Beverly on post game interview. I got 40 on you, and he said you took 34 shots. #dead
He said the same to KD while he was 20+ points behind this year. He said you can't stop me, KD laughed and said you're losing.
Again he had less than 10% of assists in the fourth quarter of assists in the 4th. Less. then. 10. percent. Especially if you're tired as you say (even though he plays absolutely zero defense other than rebounding), this would be a good time to spread the ball so he doesn't need to exert himself. But what he does he do? He goes 100 to hit even more than usual and doesn't need to pass the ball anymore when he gets his trip double.
Guess how many 3s Dumbbrook attempted in game 3 when they won since he hasn't been all that good at it? 1.
Guess how many he attempted in game 5? 18. Only attempted once in PS by Klay vs OKC when he got 11/18 instead of the garbage 5/18 that Chuckbrook attempted.
I forgot another stat, but his team actually has a great record when he shoots less than 20 or 19 shots per game.

The guy's a fucking idiot. He's probably the most athletic dude in the history of the sport, just a freak of physical nature. Exciting as hell to watch if you're neutral and don't care if his team wins. But he's not conductive to winning. That's why he was paired up with one of the GOAT scorers and you have 2 top 5 players in the league for years without winning. And don't get me wrong, KD shares a ton of the blame as well, but from what I see out of him he's definitely willing at least learn.

Getting stats in mediocre teams is easier than in great teams, and asking why winning matters makes me wonder if you've stuffed with too many participation trophies when growing up. :\ Of course winning matters. And getting stats while your team wins means you're not some stat padding front runner. This is the first time ever that we get an MVP in 10th place in the league whose getting bounced in 5 in the first fucking round of the playoffs. And no one that knows WB is surprised. This idea that a superstar shouldn't be expected to help place his team in 6th place in a conference which seems to be a narrative that's been literally created this year just for WB. So yeah Russ, enjoy your MVP and your best friend that's the basketball. You're going to continue watching games from home like all of us in the next few years once 2nd round begins.


OKC needs a major change, or the coach needs to do something.

Nobody else is a reliable scorer, everyone keeps bricking open shots.

What happened to Oladipo, he was supposed to be good. He was shooting so badly for much of this series.

And is there anyone else reliable from the free throw line?


Y'all actually want to see the Spurs win another title?

It would be truly boring and a waste of a season if the Spurs win a title.
I fucking said it.

golden state even making it to the nba finals is boring as fuck, along with cleveland

in fact if neither of those teams make it to the finals.....this year will be one amazing ass year of basketball


OKC needs a major change, or the coach needs to do something.

Nobody else is a reliable scorer, everyone keeps bricking open shots.

What happened to Oladipo, he was supposed to be good. He was shooting so badly for much of this series.

And is there anyone else reliable from the free throw line?

Stands to reason that if you never get the ball you'll shoot less and your skills might atrophy.

I didn't watch much of OKC in the regular season but watching this series against the Rockets it was a lot of Westbrook throwing up shots from 30 feet out with 20 seconds left on the shot clock, or charging so hard to the basket that he bounces the ball off the backboard because he has no touch whatsoever.


golden state even making it to the nba finals is boring as fuck, along with cleveland

in fact if neither of those teams make it to the finals.....this year will be one amazing ass year of basketball

The best thing is for the warriors to sweep Cleveland in the finals and watch lebron implode.


golden state even making it to the nba finals is boring as fuck, along with cleveland

in fact if neither of those teams make it to the finals.....this year will be one amazing ass year of basketball

No way man, we need a conclusion to this trilogy

Next year let's get some new teams in there though
Poor Westbrook....

While the team roster isn't great I did expect them to win more than 1 game. The blackhole just makes his teammates worse, and really needs to work on involving his teammates.


Stands to reason that if you never get the ball you'll shoot less and your skills might atrophy.

I didn't watch much of OKC in the regular season but watching this series against the Rockets it was a lot of Westbrook throwing up shots from 30 feet out with 20 seconds left on the shot clock, or charging so hard to the basket that he bounces the ball off the backboard because he has no touch whatsoever.

ya it was painful seeing westbrook trying to go hero-ball mode. He did pass it out more in the beginning, but there were a lot of open shot misses. Ugly game.
But how else will we quantify power?! I want numbers! What are his NBA midis at?

It could be said that the Jedi Order's need to apply such definitions to things that needed no such thing was the beginning of their fall.

Note that Yoda in the OT never applies any of those things and Obi-Wan also abandons it as well. Luke is taught the more aspirational aspects of the Force and is better for it.

At least, that is how I interpret it. :)


Meanwhile in LA, The assassination of Chris Paul by the coward Glenn Rivers. He's defrosting Bass and Wes Johnson, playing line ups like Felton/Rivers/Johnson/Crawford/Speights. Paul Pierce started the second half. Well done GM Jackass. If JJ doesn't play well in the next game it's a wrap. That first game is going to be stuck in Paul's throat for a while too. They came out for a warm up like it was Cavs/Pacers.

I like Utah, they're big and active and they've got a deep bench. But even when they're playing really well, they're up like 5-8 points. Slow pace, not much firepower. They're really fortunate Blake is not out there.


It could be said that the Jedi Order's need to apply such definitions to things that needed no such thing was the beginning of their fall.

Would be a decent semi-retcon, if utilized

Or we can do what RJ probably did and ignore it ever happened and focus on general teachings/philosophies introduced by the Order


I must say, Rockets/OKC was the ugliest series I remember seeing and by seeing I mean watching about 8 minutes a game before my eyes started to bleed and I had to turn it off.

Everyone who is crying about super teams, this is what you want?





CP3 would be interesting to see on the Spurs but I'm not sure even that's enough to give the Spurs a fighting chance against GSW.

I really want to see this. I think it would give them a shot. For one the Spurs struggle against the Warriors because they don't have enough offensive firepower. CP3 would give them a second playmaker to go with Kawhi and a guy that can spot up around Kawhi iso's and Aldridge post ups. Paul is also such a fantastic passer he would make Dedmon an offensive threat with lobs which would allow Pop to keep his best defensive center on the floor more. He's also a great defensive player and would allow them to match up their three best defenders on the Warriors 3 best scorers.

If the Warriors keep their top 4 guys for the next several years this is literally the only possible outcome that could lead to them being challenged. The Warriors bench might be gutted come next season due to paying KD and Curry the max so they might not be as indestructible as they are now.


He's still under contract and they would need to find a lot of cap space, no? He would be great for them, great for almost any team really, but you can't just wave a magic wand.


I must say, Rockets/OKC was the ugliest series I remember seeing and by seeing I mean watching about 8 minutes a game before my eyes started to bleed and I had to turn it off.

Everyone who is crying about super teams, this is what you want?

I enjoyed the Rockets/OKC more than the Warriors/Blazers series if that's what you're asking. You can say all you want about how ugly the Rockets/OKC series was, but at least it was competitive. I'd rather watch an ugly game that is close than a beautiful game that's a blowout.


Trevor Ariza and Ryan Anderson combined 6-40 the whole series from 3, pretty much almost all clean looks. Like, fuck is wrong with these two...
As someone who has defended WB often in past years and criticized him often this year, I think he's getting just a bit too much crap for the way the series played out.

I mean, a first round exit to a team with the 3rd best record isn't ideal but wouldn't that be about as good a season you could expect from the Thunder?

Like, you know the Thunder weren't gonna make an impact in the playoffs one or another. Having a season where your best player likely wins the MVP and makes the playoffs is about as good as it was gonna get for the team.

The problem with stat chasing for one guy is that it isn't going to bring you long term success. Westbrook is actually a really good passer as evidenced by his high assist total and assist rate, but it always seemed Westbrook was unwilling to pass in key situations preferring to take contested 3 pointers with 18 seconds left in the shot clock. For a team that had one guy nearly leading the league in assists, the team lacked ball movement. What this says to me is that mostly Westbrook was holding the ball until he thought he could get a bucket out of the pass.

What happens when most of your team isn't involved in the offense except for 'receive ball from Russ and try to score right after?' The rest of your players never develop passing or much off ball movement. Ball movements helps so and so players look better and makes the more engaged. It also tires out a defending team more since they have to cover more ground.

Similar bit when it comes to rebounding. WB is easily the best rebounding point guard in the league. He's tenacious and flies around like a maniac, but if he's getting 2 extra rebounds a game because other Thunder players are told to 'let Russ get the rebound if he's close to get the fast break,' what does that do to your team? You're conditioning the team not to hit the boards as hard as they can in case Westbrook can get the fast break.

Defensively, the Thunder team are pretty good. Roberson is probably a top 3 wing defender, Adams is a great defensive C, Oladipo is a plus defender but you're also asking them to cover for Westbrook complete disinterest in defending. Sure, Westbrook should be taking a light load on D if he's going to be a historically high usage player, but leaving shooters open to hunt for rebounds is just dumb. In the games against golden state, he'd leave Curry open to hunt for a rebound. This strategy wasnt even match up dependent.

As much as you can criticize WB for not maximizing his excellence to the teams benefit, you could criticize the front office and coaching more.

Dealing Ibaka for Oladipo was the right move. Ibaka's fall off for the last two years has been something. Oladipo can be a rock solid player but he wasn't developed at all this year. He really should have improved on a better team. This is either a Mark ok Oladipo or on the coaching and I'm willing to bet it was the coaching that limited Oladipo. He can do more. I imagine staggering him and WB more would be a good idea.

Who was the back up ball handler on the team? Aside from Oladipo who is your starting 2, the team had no one else. The current guy, Criston, is awful. They dealt Payne since he was so ineffective after coming back from injury but they didn't look to bring anyone else in.

Where was the shooting? Why move Ilyasova if he could provide some shooting and could help bring Sabonis along? Abrines looks like he'll be good but he's a rookie who averaged 6 points a game. No one respects Roberson's offense. Oladipo was the best shooter with significant minutes on the team.

Kanter is an excellent interior scorer and rebounder but he broke his hand by punching a chair and couldn't really get going again afterward. He's not bad for a back up offense to revolve around but he's unplayable against certain teams like Houston or Golden State. Gibson was a great get but it doesn't seem he'll stay past this season.

There's a lot OKC can do in the off-season but maybe the most important thing in regards to Westbrook is to get a coach that can make him play for the benefit of the team over the course of all quarters.
I enjoyed the Rockets/OKC more than the Warriors/Blazers series if that's what you're asking. You can say all you want about how ugly the Rockets/OKC series was, but at least it was competitive. I'd rather watch an ugly game that is close than a beautiful game that's a blowout.

I'm on the opposite side of the fence. Rather watch Golden State show us beautiful basketball while beating down the opponent rather than a tight free throw competition.
a bunch of bullshit lol

Where did I say winning doesn't matter? Lmfao. Winning to get an individual award is what doesn't matter, guy. It's an individual award. Basketball's obsession with giving it to the guy on one of the better teams doesn't really make any sense. Its not a participation award, it's a "you were the best, most valuable, most exciting player in the league" award. Not team. Player. It's right there in the name.

Trying to argue otherwise in the name of "this is how it's always been done" doesn't take away from that.

Projections don't matter. We all thought OKC would end up about where they ended up. Then the season started, and we didn't think they'd even make the playoffs. What changed? Russ. Them finishing in the same place we thought they would doesn't change the fact we all thought they'd arrive there in a luxury vehicle, not some beatdown piece of shit that Russ had to drag to the finish line. That kind of difference matters.
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