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NBA 2017 Playoffs |OT| WE DID IT

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KD going to golden state was partly because Nike was shook of under armor taking over
Had the Warriors won the title , LeBrons 1 billion dollar contract , Kyries huge Nike contract would have been trashed all summer
Nike did everything 👀

They'd pay Durant the super max before Curry

Curry is gone when that time comes, he'll go to the hornets
Jordan comes out of retirement to play the post all star season to make old LeBron vs Jordan ECF


why is that? at work and get give it a full read right now
Seems like Joe Lacob undervalues him in a big way and Durant's arrival has sort of overshadowed what he's done for the franchise. And Nike has really pounced on the opportunity to strike at Under Armour and Curry with KD on the team (article mentions how half the team is wearing KD's because Nike sends new ones to all the players on Golden State).

There's no one major thing, just a lot of little stuff that could add up in his head.


Seems like Joe Lacob undervalues him in a big way and Durant's arrival has sort of overshadowed what he's done for the franchise. And Nike has really pounced on the opportunity to strike at Under Armour and Curry with KD on the team (article mentions how half the team is wearing KD's because Nike sends new ones to all the players on Golden State).

There's no one major thing, just a lot of little stuff that could add up in his head.

damn, that's crazy about lacob
There's like 1% chance of this happening. But imagine Curry wins a title, bounces to the East, and then beats Lebron and then the Warriors with his new team. That would be like Cleveland/Bron championship on drugs kinda story.

Lacob is not a huge fan of Curry, I do agree with that. The only reason is the pettiest of them all as well, he's the only player that was there with the old organization before he took over.


damn, that's crazy about lacob
He's a really over the top, flashy guy, thinks of himself as this really aggressive maverick. And people probably don't tell him otherwise because he has had unreal success since he got the team. But he's just the total opposite of Curry's quiet demeanor and avoidance of controversy. Them being so different maybe causes him to overlook Curry, while he's dazzled by someone like Durant or gravitates towards a guy like Draymond.

It's then that Lacob enters the locker room and enthusiastically congratulates Green on a performance -- 20 points, 9 boards, 8 assists -- that saved the team from disaster. Lacob, whom the Warriors did not make available to comment for this story, fancies himself something of a Draymond figure, full of brash energy, never one to mince words. In a talk given at his old venture capital firm, Lacob gushed of Green's pitch to Durant, "Draymond Green started off hard sell, and he was great. He gave the heavy pitch, which no one else there would have done, except for me, because I'm basically the Draymond Green of the business side." It's rare that Lacob will enter the locker room after a game, but when he does, he's almost certain to pay a visit to Green.

Then Lacob ambles over to Curry. Lacob rarely praises his best player, at least in public. If their relationship were a marriage, it would be best described as cold. "Happy birthday," he begins, his tone somber. "I know it wasn't the best of nights for you." Lacob says it loudly, in front of reporters milling about, a hand extended toward Curry.


Lost in that article is how butt ass ugly the Curry 3s are.



those look pretty solid to me


Lost in that article is how butt ass ugly the Curry 3s are.

Damn man. Curry really does get the worst designs. These look like knockoff CP3's or some sort of Melo Team Jordan copy. There hasn't been an interesting player shoe in ages.
Curry being undervalued by the Warriors, after seeing how consistent KD is but how much more the team as a whole relies on Curry to drive their offense, is fucking crazy


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Curry being undervalued by the Warriors, after seeing how consistent KD is but how much more the team as a whole relies on Curry to drive their offense, is fucking crazy
No doubt. Steph is the engine who powers that team. Draymond is the steering wheel.
Everyone ready for the "no one believes in us" mentality from the Jazz, and the Warriors not taking the series seriously culminating in a game 1 shocking Jazz win?
Everyone ready for the "no one believes in us" mentality from the Jazz, and the Warriors not taking the series seriously culminating in a game 1 shocking Jazz win?

I remember a Rockets-Jazz game this year, maybe the 2nd regular season game, where the Jazz made every shot. Flat out in "we could sweep the best teams in the league shooting and playing like this"

EDIT: Yeah, the Jazz shot 15-28 from the 3. 41-74 overall. Hayward scores 31, score is spread out across team. 9 3s in the first half. Imagine a Nuggets-Warriors type game from the Jazz (Nuggets Warrior'ed the Warriors, just kept on and kept on hitting 3s)

Also, holy fucking shit at last night's game, and on 3s and open 3s.

stack24 said:
A comment in another thread got my intrigued and I dug into the stats to see how much of a difference the Rockets had in last nights game versus the regular season matchups. I know a lot of people see it as 3-1 Spurs, but it should have been 3-1 Rockets if we could have closed out games and not made mistakes. In those 4 games the Rockets were held to a really low 3 point percentage which is a killer for us. But I wanted to know how much of that was defense related from the Spurs and how much was the Rockets poor shooting.

A lot of people mentioned the wide open three last night compared to the regular season so I dug in using stats from NBA.com.

From what I can tell last night is no different in terms of getting our shots off against the Spurs compared to the regular season. We just ended up hitting them which is of course the key. It does show another thing that we kept the pace of the game to our favor shooting 50 3's versus the average of 38 in the previous 4 matchups. Thought it might be interesting to see that the Rockets apparently can get open looks against the best defense in the league.

TLDR - Some stats showing that last night was not anomaly in getting wide open looks, we just didn't hit them in the season series.



Curry being undervalued by the Warriors, after seeing how consistent KD is but how much more the team as a whole relies on Curry to drive their offense, is fucking crazy
And even if he were to retire tomorrow, what he's already done for the franchise the past 5-6 years has been unreal. Lacob probably isn't making all the money he is right now or getting the SF arena built without Curry's ascension.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
And even if he were to retire tomorrow, what he's already done for the franchise the past 5-6 years has been unreal. Lacob probably isn't making all the money he is right now or getting the SF arena built without Curry's ascension.
Probably? He absolutely is not.
I think KD is overall a better player than Steph, but interestingly If I had to pick one of them to leave the Warriors it would definitely be KD with the current roster.

I mean to be fair I thought firing Mark Jackson was a big mistake at the time, but it turned out to be one of the best moves in the NBA recently.
Curry being undervalued by the Warriors, after seeing how consistent KD is but how much more the team as a whole relies on Curry to drive their offense, is fucking crazy

Curry has easily been the second best player in the world in the past few years. The fact that we're even having this conversation about Lacob undervaluing him is shocking. I wonder if his easy going nature helps this kind of article being written, I doubt anyone would even think about writing something like this about Kobe or Lebron.
Great read but Lacob is an asshole.

ESS also said that a birdie told him that there was trouble brewing with the warriors and it wasn't on the court right when they went on their run destroying teams before the season ended.

F him...he needs juicy articles to come out in order to land another solid job before he's canned.


Curry to the spurs for the heel turn. Spurs need a pg bad hell bring Hill back while Murray develops just get Kawhi some help and youth around him. I'm extremely disappointed in LMA too he hasn't been the player the spurs have needed.
the internet roast squad probably ruined UA as a basketball shoe company. Before those Curry 3s all the talk was about how UA was climbing up the ladder and how Nike missed the boat with Curry and now the things are selling like shit.
Curry to the spurs for the heel turn. Spurs need a pg bad hell bring Hill back while Murray develops just get Kawhi some help and youth around him. I'm extremely disappointed in LMA too he hasn't been the player the spurs have needed.

I am holding out hope that Murray makes some sort of monumental leap over the off season while putting on 20 pounds of muscle
the internet roast squad probably ruined UA as a basketball shoe company. Before those Curry 3s all the talk was about how UA was climbing up the ladder and how Nike missed the boat with Curry and now the things are selling like shit.

KD going to the Warriors and the Warriors losing in the finals really did a number on them, from what I can tell. I don't understand this shit that well tbh
Curry to the spurs for the heel turn. Spurs need a pg bad hell bring Hill back while Murray develops just get Kawhi some help and youth around him. I'm extremely disappointed in LMA too he hasn't been the player the spurs have needed.


Or this

Bulls only win 2 more. Seems more than fair.
Curry being undervalued by the Warriors, after seeing how consistent KD is but how much more the team as a whole relies on Curry to drive their offense, is fucking crazy

Steph is the game breaker on this game. KD may be more consistent. However, you can survive KD getting hot but when Steph does, the game is over in 3 quarters.


I for one am shocked that ESPN would post an article trying to stir up dirt on the best team in the league right in the middle of the playoffs.
Anything they can do to distract the Warriors and hopefully cause the unexpected for more headlines.

I don't think most people want a 3peat. They want chaos and controversy, upsets and underdogs.


Curry has easily been the second best player in the world in the past few years. The fact that we're even having this conversation about Lacob undervaluing him is shocking. I wonder if his easy going nature helps this kind of article being written, I doubt anyone would even think about writing something like this about Kobe or Lebron.

The fact you are having this conversation is because you're extrapolating from that article. Lacob, and the Warriors as an organization, absolutely value Curry, and are intimately aware that his playmaking ability is what drives the Warriors. Just last year Lacob was bragging openly about his role in Curry's ascension to back to back MVP.

While the Ethan article paints a tepid relationship between Curry and Lacob - even if the brief examples we were given exemplified how they get along entirely - Lacob personally not getting along with Steph does not mean he professionally doesn't understand Curry's greatness. Dude is getting maxed by the Warriors next season.

I for one am shocked that ESPN would post an article trying to stir up dirt on the best team in the league right in the middle of the playoffs.

This too. It feels like half a story at that. Probably because ESPN fired the author of it a few days ago.
I for one am shocked that ESPN would post an article trying to stir up dirt on the best team in the league right in the middle of the playoffs.

Durant overshadowing Curry on the court is a bit of a tired take considering Durant himself said he realized he needed to take a step back and let Curry drive the team (plus the big run after Durant went down). Curry *did* get sidelined a bit earlier in the season since they were trying to keep KD engaged and focus on him, but that really hasn't been true for awhile now.

I can't speak to the corporate/behind-the-scenes stuff, though even that feels like it's a bit of fishing. Especially since the organization/Curry worked together to bring KD in and it's Curry that's the face of the franchise.


We'll see how undervalued Curry is when he gets his new contract.
That's what I'm hoping will wash all this way. For as goofy as Lacob can seem, everyone else in the organization seems like the opposite as far as temperament and seem to really value everyone that's helped the Warriors get to this point. From Kerr, Ron Adams and the rest of the coaching staff to Bob Myers and Jerry West in the front office.

They're all damn smart people so hopefully they throw that designated veteran extension in front of Curry without hesitation and it's all good.


the internet roast squad probably ruined UA as a basketball shoe company. Before those Curry 3s all the talk was about how UA was climbing up the ladder and how Nike missed the boat with Curry and now the things are selling like shit.

Also because UA ain't got shit else but Curry push the boat. Let those trash looking Hardens from a year ago before he went to nike enter the public eye during his MVP campaign this season, it would have been nothing but jokes.


The Spurs absolutely need another great guard or wing to organize their game, Patty Mills is just not going to be that guy, Parker is old as fuck, Manu is somehow even older and Danny Green just flat out sucks balls.
I dunno about wings, but this is the golden age for PGs. Mike Conley might legitimately not make All-NBA and he's amazing. Even further down the ladder there are quality PGs everywhere. You'd have to be as dysfunctional as the Knicks to not get a competent one.

He's a really over the top, flashy guy, thinks of himself as this really aggressive maverick. And people probably don't tell him otherwise because he has had unreal success since he got the team. But he's just the total opposite of Curry's quiet demeanor and avoidance of controversy. Them being so different maybe causes him to overlook Curry, while he's dazzled by someone like Durant or gravitates towards a guy like Draymond.
I kinda get that, Curry's very chill off court. But on court he's an arrogant highlight chaser of the highest order, and I don't mean anything bad by that. Dray is fire, but Curry is swag.

The ankle support on those shoes are probably godlike.
Curry plays every game with ankle braces, so I don't think the shoes themselves do that much.

the internet roast squad probably ruined UA as a basketball shoe company. Before those Curry 3s all the talk was about how UA was climbing up the ladder and how Nike missed the boat with Curry and now the things are selling like shit.
I think it's been mostly how he's been having a quiet year, relative to the bar he set last year.

Other than that, the main flaw with the Curry shoes has been that the UA logo is hideous and especially hideous on the side panel of the shoes. Replace it with the swoosh, the three stripes, Puma's stripe and it's fine. Almost no sneaker company has as bad a side logo/stripe as UA. So the Curry 3s removing the UA logo entirely has already been a big improvement already. (Makes no sense that they put it back for the playoff edition of the shoe.)

This too. It feels like half a story at that. Probably because ESPN fired the author of it a few days ago.
Maybe, but it was in the ESPN print mag, so while he probably felt the axe looming, the story was probably locked for print a week or two ago.


I wouldn't mind Hill coming back to the spurs. Pop loves the guy and hill has made comments about wanting to come back.


Quick question...

2 Chainz and Ben Wallace basically the same height and this man was a DPOY at Center. My God how? I've watched highlights and even full games, but god damn???
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