I don't know what you mean by this? I'm on PC.Anyone playing on PC? Gold cards in myteam are so OP in auction house.
I don't know what you mean by this? I'm on PC.Anyone playing on PC? Gold cards in myteam are so OP in auction house.
So, is it actually part of My Career to have Doc Rivers join the team I signed with during the off-season (after my first season)?
I thought the game was broken for me initially and thought it signed me with the Clippers.
So, is it actually part of My Career to have Doc Rivers join the team I signed with during the off-season (after my first season)?
I thought the game was broken for me initially and thought it signed me with the Clippers.
So, is it actually part of My Career to have Doc Rivers join the team I signed with during the off-season (after my first season)?
I thought the game was broken for me initially and thought it signed me with the Clippers.
Same here. I was confused for a second and then I just laughed at the absurdity for a minute straight after that.
Imagine if they spent their time on other things that weren't so fucking useless.
Really hate how they're going in a direction where they're trying to get a bunch of real life people and voices into the game. Meanwhile their in game stadium sounds still sound like it's a janky ass toy music box.
Part of the game. The best part is that he can and will morph into other NBA coaches while on the sidelines.
Just picked this up. Barely know the rules of basketball except you have to put the ball in the net.
This shit is complicated. Any good tutorials out there? I mean from the very very basics?[/QUOTE]
Honestly the best thing you can do is watch some youtube videos.
What difficulty?I dunno I'm having fun shooting 58% as a team, going 33 points 6 boards 15 assists and still losing to the Kings as the Heat.
...they shot 59% and had 9 offensive rebounds, almost half of our defensive rebound total. I don't know if I can play mycareer much longer.
Folks who are playing MyCareer - How long are your quarters set to? I'm at the default (6 or 7) and usually end up with around 30 points and 7 assists. I'm trying to get more assists but I either need more time to do so or I need my teammates to get their heads out of their asses. If a 'Pass leading to a foul' counted as an assist, I'd have double-doubles every game.
They've been doing it for years which makes it all the more amazingWho thought it was a good idea to show matchups and offense/defense schemes during the loading screens of both teams.
Think I need to take a break from sports games for awhile. NBA 2K can add all the content and game modes they want, but a lot of the same glitch gameplay is back. If I wanted arcade I would have gotten NBA Live. The numerous missed easy layups by superstars, 2 feet hook shots missing when rarely contested, blocks on almost every dunk from behind that has any form of a tomahawk, spamming the steal button underneath the basket. Between NHL and NBA series, they need a major revamp before I get back into it again.
Just picked this up. Barely know the rules of basketball except you have to put the ball in the net.
This shit is complicated. Any good tutorials out there? I mean from the very very basics?
The missed layups thing is a balancing concept FYI. That's why it's always in these games. Otherwise online games would be even worse than they are, seeing as driving is already overpowered even with layups sucking. It's pretty awful but it's really difficult to balance otherwise honestly. I really doubt it will ever go away in 2k because it's not in there by accident.
You mean, reclaim any earnings you've spent? If so; no. But if you're just wanting to start over, any VC you currently have and accumulated with your current player can be used on your new player.Can you delete your 'MyPlayer', start a new one and keep the VC your first player accumulated?
Think I need to take a break from sports games for awhile. NBA 2K can add all the content and game modes they want, but a lot of the same glitch gameplay is back. If I wanted arcade I would have gotten NBA Live. The numerous missed easy layups by superstars, 2 feet hook shots missing when rarely contested, blocks on almost every dunk from behind that has any form of a tomahawk, spamming the steal button underneath the basket. Between NHL and NBA series, they need a major revamp before I get back into it again.
Let me know if you find one that fixes the CPU's offensive rebounding because I stopped playing because of it.The gameplay is so close to being perfect, but the missed layups and overpowered CPU rebounding is especially brutal. I'm thinking of rebooting my various saves with community sliders to see how much those can help.
Is there an option that speeds up the tempo of the game? It feels really sluggish compared to older NBA2K games.
Is there an option that speeds up the tempo of the game? It feels really sluggish compared to older NBA2K games.
Game speed should be in the sliders.
I went the opposite route. I was gonna take advantage of amazons lightning deal but then I re-read this thread and felt like it would be unwise for me to pick this up. Especially since I'm not a huge bball fan. I have 2k14 and as much as that game has its flaws, I'm so used To it that I'm able to work around it and still enjoy the game. I don't think I want to deal with a whole new game full of new bullshit that I'd have to adjust tofinally decided to pick up 2k15 (for the xbox one), since amazon had it for $30 as part of their black friday deals
actually excited to have a basketball game again (even with all of the issues i've heard about it)
finally decided to pick up 2k15 (for the xbox one), since amazon had it for $30 as part of their black friday deals
actually excited to have a basketball game again (even with all of the issues i've heard about it)
I've gotten the 2K games every year since 2004 and honestly, I was just going to skip this year, but I don't mind having to learn some of the new mechanics for $30 (I'm also a huge basketball fan, so that might help as well)I went the opposite route. I was gonna take advantage of amazons lightning deal but then I re-read this thread and felt like it would be unwise for me to pick this up. Especially since I'm not a huge bball fan. I have 2k14 and as much as that game has its flaws, I'm so used To it that I'm able to work around it and still enjoy the game. I don't think I want to deal with a whole new game full of new bullshit that I'd have to adjust to
Shooting mechanic makes jumpers harder, and there are way more missed contested lay ups.
Should take you about 5 games to get adjusted.
Happened to me too when I was gatorade/tired in a close game, sucks.I just missed a free throw on an excellent release...on top of that my guy's FT rating is 91
Everytime they show the national anthem cutscenes before the game I laugh
so many feels for our country