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NBA Playoffs |OT| AKA Derrick Rose's family time

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in other news Bill Walton gave a very Bill Walton interview about the Dead's affect on his life

thought this was funny

You describe in the book a great scene in the late ’80s, where the Dead’s road crew set up a little sanctuary on stage at the Boston Garden for your Celtic teammates, so you could bring them on stage. Do you remember any of your teammates’ reaction? Did any of them come out of there and say, “OK, Bill, I get it. Give me some of your tapes.”

Well, when the show was over and the band was packed and gone, they turned to me and they said, “Oh, my gosh, can we come back tomorrow?” And they did. And they all came back. It was fantastic. Kevin (McHale) joined us on the Dylan and the Dead tour; Larry (Bird) would go all the time; Chief (Robert Parish) would go; DJ (Dennis Johnson) would show up. Rick Carlisle met his wife at a Grateful Dead show.

It sounds like you’ve infected a significant portion of the sports populous with your peculiar virus …

I’m an evangelist for life. For example, Rick Carlisle calls me up. It’s 1987 or ’88; it’s in the summertime. Rick calls me up out of the blue. And he said, “Bill, I met this girl, and we’re in Washington, D.C, and the Grateful Dead are playing tonight; can you get me some tickets?” I looked at the itinerary that the band always mailed to me, and I said, “Look, the show’s gonna start any second. Just go. Just go the back door and knock and ask for Ramrod.” And Rick said, “Oh, that’ll never work.” And I said, “Look, that’s your only chance; you gotta do it.”

So he did it. He tells the girl, Donna, “Now look, we don’t have any tickets; we have nothing. But Bill said go to the back door and just ask for a guy called ‘Ramrod.’” Donna was rolling her eyes. “Yeah, right. This is a disaster here.” But still they go. They knock on the back door, and a guy answers the door and Rick says in this quiet sheepish voice, “Uh, is a guy named ‘Ramrod’ here? The doorman asks, “Just who wants Ramrod?” And Rick says, “My name is Rick Carlisle; I’m a friend of Bill Walton’s …” He let them right in, and brings Rick and Donna right up on the stage, right next to Jerry. And Rick Carlisle winds up marrying Donna. That was their first date and it just absolutely changed their entire life. That’s the way life works at the Grateful Dead. And that’s one of the countless reasons why I am a proud, loyal and Grateful Deadhead.


So you're saying GS doesn't get away with anything at all? It's not like Dreymond and Bogut don't set illegal screens to get Curry wide open shots. Nope, that never happens.

1: I like the Warriors, but I'm not a Warriors fan.

2: I'm very well aware of how Golden State has been getting away with ref bias.

3: Lebron-led teams have a much longer track record with getting away with calls compared to the year and a half the Warriors have had.
I think the Cavs will struggle their way to the finals if they get there. This isn't one of those years where they can just sweep a bunch of trash teams who don't care.
The meltdown Cleveland fans are going to have if the lose Game 1. No way Detroit keeps up the hot shooting but damn it's great to see.
This Cavs team relies heavily on individual scoring excellence while the Pistons are playing more cohesive team ball.
And Kyrie is THAT dude, but hes too ball dominant.
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