$16,000 shitttttttttt
Tabris couldn't afford this shitopulence
Once he realizes he cant move at 120 mph forever he'll be unstoppable. But he only has a few more years for that to click.
Ain't no seats worth 16k and potential balls in the face.
Ain't no seats worth 16k and potential balls in the face.
And there is the answer on to why the NBA made sure the refs add another game, too much money left on the table if they go out here
2 year college tuition spent on courtside seats. My head hurts
$16,000 shitttttttttt
$16k for courtside seats? Smh
16k for courtside seats!??? fuuuuuck that.
He lost like all explosiveness, that's insane.
Do people really think this happens.
Yeah, those people don't deserve them seats. But they got the money, so hey.Half the people at courtside are on their phones anyway throughout the game.
lol!for some people thats their fetish
MVP ain't going to let it happen in his house
It's not going to happen. Durant won the MVP and
To an extent, yes. Too much money in pro sports for it NOT to bappen.
If this goes to game 6 then OKC got this.
Roberson is not smart