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NBC News: Former Russian counter-intelligence officer was in Don Jr. meeting


I'm starting to worry that the war has already been lost...

What's it going to take to change the minds of Trump supporters?


In their minds, nothing short of murder on live television could be enough for them to turn. The Democrats are the *literal* enemy of the United States in every sense of the word in their minds.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I wonder how Ivanka feels about her dad turning her husband and brother into layers......

Then again, given how easily the Trump family and associates can instantly believe in new realities when it suits them, I'm guessing her response will be:


I'm ever more convinced that the Trump family are literally Russian puppets.

Rachel Maddow for months has been 'following the money' by digging into some great stuff in Trump's past over nearly two decades. In one major case, A Russian oligarch literally bailed him out of bankruptcy by purchasing one of his real estate holdings with an extraordinary markup that he doesn't use or need. Money that Trump desperately needed in 2007-ish while banks were refusing loans and he couldn't sell that property without a major loss. But the Russians gave him more, far beyond fair market value. That same Russian followed Trump around on the campaign trail to various battleground states in his private jet. Why? Never explained. Oh and that Russian has deep ties to the same Deutch Bank executives that Putin uses for his financial schemes. It goes way farther as that in just one example. Trump is in so deep.


I have to wonder how it feels to be in charge of damage controlling this. Like every other day they're like "Phew, that's it. It's a dumpster fire, but we're getting it under contr- Wait, what was that? Something else? Oh fuck, now we gotta change the whole story again."


Sucks at poetry
I'm starting to worry that the war has already been lost...

What's it going to take to change the minds of Trump supporters?

LOL, wasn't there a poll at some point saying a majority of Republicans think collusion is fine or something like that?
I'm starting to worry that the war has already been lost...

What's it going to take to change the minds of Trump supporters?

You don't waste energy trying to convince them. They're only about 30% of the population.

You focus on the other 70%. Make them care enough to do something about it.

The media is doing a pretty good job at that right now with the constant barrage of news stories. That stuff sticks in people's minds with constant exposure, as the inexplicable widespread hatred of Hillary Clinton demonstrates


I'm starting to worry that the war has already been lost...

What's it going to take to change the minds of Drumpf supporters?

I actually think the only way Trump could drastically lose supporters is a recording of him saying the words "I hate Americans".


I just saw a tweet that there were supposedly 8 people in the room?

There's lots of tweets.

Don't believe anything until a reliable source says something.

I actually think the only way Trump could drastically lose supporters is a recording of him saying the words "I hate Americans".

"That was out of context. Not you Americans, just the liberal elite Americans. I love you guys bigly."
I'm starting to worry that the war has already been lost...

What's it going to take to change the minds of Trump supporters?


In their minds, nothing short of murder on live television could be enough for them to turn. The Democrats are the *literal* enemy of the United States in every sense of the word in their minds.

Perhaps, but every stage of rationalization requires a leap of logic that not every single Trump voter is guaranteed to make.

Stage 1: "This is just fake news from bitter Democrats" - This stage popped up just after the election and held until inauguration time. It was easy to get the majority of Trump voters on board with this line of thinking having just left a contentious, ugly election process, and reporting of the Russian connection was in its earliest stages.

Stage 2: "There just isn't enough evidence there. This looks like a misunderstanding at best" - This is probably the stage most Trump supporters are at the tail end of at the moment as evidence and reporting of the Russian investigation accelerates and stories within the Trump circle become self-contradictory and unreliable.

Stage 3: "This isn't that big of a deal." - Probably the stage we're entering now as Republicans try to write off what Trump Jr. did as admittedly boneheaded but ultimately benign, and try to accept his claim that they didn't get any worthwhile dirt on Clinton from the meeting anyways. This still requires a bit of a leap of logic from Stage 2, as it's clear they're attempting to hide something.

Stage 4: "People in Trump's circle may have colluded with Russia, but Trump himself is innocent. He should pardon them" - We're probably going to arrive here very soon.

Stage 5: "It's good that Trump colluded with an adversarial foreign government to take down the real crook, Crooked Hillary" - This is the final stage of rationalization and it would take somebody so personally invested in Trump to convince themselves into taking this position. Granted, that accounts for a sizable portion of Trump voters, but not literally all of them.



In their minds, nothing short of murder on live television could be enough for them to turn. The Democrats are the *literal* enemy of the United States in every sense of the word in their minds.

Depends on who gets murdered. If it's a liberal, gay, Muslim, or Latin person - no problem.


There's lots of tweets.

Don't believe anything until a reliable source says something.

This is from a CNN story. I'll point out that the story doesn't specifically say 8, but it does cite a source that says there were more people there than the six we know about. So I think that's where 8 is coming from.
This is from a CNN story. I'll point out that the story doesn't specifically say 8, but it does cite a source that says there were more people there than the six we know about. So I think that's where 8 is coming from.

Yes that's correct. I just read the article. It says there were others besides the Lawyer and the Hacker guy.
I'm starting to worry that the war has already been lost...

What's it going to take to change the minds of Trump supporters?

Nixon had a smoking gun. it was a tape of him being told the plan and him saying "I understand" and giving the go ahead. all Trump has is emails and memos of meetings there is no substance no smoking bullet it is like a chain email without the original content
Nixon had a smoking gun. it was a tape of him being told the plan and him saying "I understand" and giving the go ahead. all Trump has is emails and memos of meetings there is no substance no smoking bullet it is like a chain email without the original content

I think they have a smoking gun. It's just classified.

We are talking about intercepted communications here. Nixon taped himself.

In their minds, nothing short of murder on live television could be enough for them to turn. The Democrats are the *literal* enemy of the United States in every sense of the word in their minds.

If Donald Trump murdered a Mexican immigrant, or a Muslim on live TV they would cheer.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I'm starting to worry that the war has already been lost...

What's it going to take to change the minds of Trump supporters?

They are a non motherfucking factor lol. The law doesn't give a shit, at least it shouldn't, if Trump has a bunch of wackos who believe his shit.

If the FBI finds evidence of conspiracy, treason, perjury or whatever... Trump is fucked whether his supporters choose to believe him or not.


Who gives a shit what trump supporters think about this?

I firmly believe that most of them are so fucking brain dead that they would sacrifice their first born child if he asked.


Junior Member
I think they have a smoking gun. It's just classified.

We are talking about intercepted communications here. Nixon taped himself.
Except didn't the FBI not even know about the email chain until the news story? That was super disappointing to hear

Edit: I feel like we (sadly) give to much credit to the investigation team =/
Nixon had a smoking gun. it was a tape of him being told the plan and him saying "I understand" and giving the go ahead. all Trump has is emails and memos of meetings there is no substance no smoking bullet it is like a chain email without the original content

If a representative of the Agalarovs was in the meeting, that would be a smoking gun IMO. There's been too much lying about this, and the defense hinges on this woman being deceitful to the Agalarovs AND the Trumps to get this meeting.

If the Agalarovs' representative was there, not only is it yet another detail they didn't disclose, it's a pretty damning one.



In their minds, nothing short of murder on live television could be enough for them to turn. The Democrats are the *literal* enemy of the United States in every sense of the word in their minds.

But he was just standing his ground...
But why is he volunteering all this info as well? Like about how the lawyer had a folder of documents she handed to Trump Jr?

Why wouldn't he just say no comment? Why does he feel the need to say these things to the press himself?

Trump Jr tweeting the emails that incriminated himself, the Russian lawyer talking to the press, and now this ex-KGB lobbyist just yapping away about how they gave Trump the anti-Hilary info. It's all just too fucking bizarre and makes me think there's something very sinister going on behind the scenes with these guys... like they are making a play at something.

Makes me very nervous.

I have zero doubt that this meeting is a sideshow compared to the real dirt. They probably think they can let this out, and weather the storm (and they're probably right).

I hope, and expect, Mueller's team is looking at more substantial things than this. As in, actual movement of illegally obtained data, actual movement of money, actual directing of Russian hacking and propaganda efforts by the Trump campaign, and so on.

What we know about this kid's table meeting, so far, is still smoke. At least in today's ridiculous political environment. 30 years ago, this would've been like the 10th smoking gun.

Except didn't the FBI not even know about the email chain until the news story? That was super disappointing to hear

Edit: I feel like we (sadly) give to much credit to the investigation team =/

That made me feel quite the opposite. See above: I hope they missed it because they're looking at better concealed things.


What we know about this kid's table meeting, so far, is still smoke. At least in today's ridiculous political environment. 30 years ago, this would've been like the 10th smoking gun.
The mere fact that Trump Jr agreed to the email request is damning even if nothing incriminating was discussed at the meeting.

I suppose you consider fire or a smoking gun to be a point that convinces everyone that unacceptable shit went down. I'm honestly not sure if something like that is even possible anymore. Trump's base is really out there.
Hey if colluding with foreign governments is ok now and the US presidential race is now a tag team effort, who wants to team up with the DNC in 2020? Germany? France? Britain? Fuck it, right? Let's just make this a free for all since nothing matters anymore to Republicans.
I don't buy it yet but it is a reasonable theory because it may be better to expend the ammunition and control the operation before we get our shit together and come after Russia with Stuxnet 2 and even more crippling sanctions. Right now our eyes are off the ball and the country is paralyzed.

The reason I don't buy it though is the method they used to target and harden the Bernie Bros behaviors and beliefs is a long play. Not a bombzaldroppen.

I always thought he purpose of targeting Bernie's base was to split the Democratic party and essentially make Hillary a lame duck president
Hey if colluding with foreign governments is ok now and the US presidential race is now a tag team effort, who wants to team up with the DNC in 2020? Germany? France? Britain? Fuck it, right? Let's just make this a free for all since nothing matters anymore to Republicans.

But what would be the dirt that the DNC would seek from this? A revelation that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election?
Stage 5: "It's good that Trump colluded with an adversarial foreign government to take down the real crook, Crooked Hillary" - This is the final stage of rationalization and it would take somebody so personally invested in Trump to convince themselves into taking this position. Granted, that accounts for a sizable portion of Trump voters, but not literally all of them.
It feels like they've actually been setting the groundwork to get to Stage 5 for a few weeks now, at least based on the "just asking questions" Fox News has been doing. The problem for Team Trump is I don't think that strategy works when you're a terrible and ineffective president. I think it's much easier to rationalize away wrongdoing for the greater good when there's actually good things happening (see Reagan/Iran Contra) but with Trump it's like selling out all of your values just for the satisfaction of not having President Hillary. There's some Republicans who are crazy enough to buy into that justification but the rest are going to see this situation for what it is.


Wait, what's the current count?

Don Jr.

Russian lawyer
Russian hacker

Edit: That only makes 6 right (forgot Goldstone)? Am i missing someone?
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