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NBC News: Former Russian counter-intelligence officer was in Don Jr. meeting

So, let's say we're some of those people who hand-wave a lot of what's been going on as, "He's just a businessman, not a politician!"

Okay, now this news comes to light.

Isn't it so much more concerning, if not unnerving, that "just a businessman" is playing politics with a counter-intelligence officer of any foreign entity?
That whole line of thinking "he's a businessman... etc,etc) goes out of the window as soon as this story starts to get more sinister. It's looking less like Trump and co. were the unwitting stooges that were forced into office by circumstance and more like they were active participants in working with hostile forces to get an upper hand in the election. It doesn't get any more polical and calculating than that and tribalism/partisanship can only take you so far. There's going to be a breaking point soon where the rank and file Republican base remembers that they only formed this shaky alliance with the alt-right in the first place to take back power, not hand it over to foreign interests.


So, let's say we're some of those people who hand-wave a lot of what's been going on as, "He's just a businessman, not a politician!"

Okay, now this news comes to light.

Isn't it so much more concerning, if not unnerving, that "just a businessman" is playing politics with a counter-intelligence officer of any foreign entity?

The narrative they've been running these past few days is that what Don Jr. did is something most people would've done, if they were in the same position. They'll more than likely say Don Jr didn't know who that 5th guy was and stick to the same narrative.


Too many people are underestimating the potential D-wave that will happen in '18. Parties that own the WH typically do bad during midterms, and that's not even taking someone with favorables as shitty as Trump's into account.

I hope you're right. I still have serious concerns about Democrats turnout in 2018. Not voting for Trump should have been the easiest choice in most people's lives. The man did everything you'd expect from someone who did not want to be in office. Only an idiot would have voted for Trump, I'll repeat this the rest of my life. Yet they did. Then you have Gianforte somehow getting elected. 10 years ago this would not have happened.

As much as I don't want to say it I will. I think until a crisis occurs, Trump fucks up the response, and people are hurt in the process, I don't feel comfortable assuming Democrats will have an easy road. It could be the economy, a national disaster or response to another nation which will make idiots stop being idiots. This Russia stuff will only sour some of his supporters. It's going to take hurting their every day lives for most to turn on him and other Republicans.
Goldstone is highly likely the person the lawyer is referring to, given Jr. Said he was at the meeting on hannity.

I'm hoping they mean emins dad though.

Goldstone said he'd be there to introduce two men for 'security' but not the meeting proper. Possible that plans changed though.
I hope you're right. I still have serious concerns about Democrats turnout in 2018. Not voting for Trump should have been the easiest choice in most people's lives. The man did everything you'd expect from someone who did not want to be in office. Only an idiot would have voted for Trump, I'll repeat this the rest of my life. Yet they did. Then you have Gianforte somehow getting elected. 10 years ago this would not have happened.

As much as I don't want to say it I will. I think until a crisis occurs, Trump fucks up the response, and people are hurt in the process, I don't feel comfortable assuming Democrats will have an easy road. It could be the economy, a national disaster or response to another nation which will make idiots stop being idiots. This Russia stuff will only sour some of his supporters. It's going to take hurting their every day lives for most to turn on him and other Republicans.

The unfortunate truth when it comes to civil participation is that a lot of people just don't care until after something goes wrong. Combine that with targeted interference and anti-voter practices from the GOP and you can see how this was able to happen.


I hope you're right. I still have serious concerns about Democrats turnout in 2018. Not voting for Trump should have been the easiest choice in most people's lives. The man did everything you'd expect from someone who did not want to be in office. Only an idiot would have voted for Trump, I'll repeat this the rest of my life. Yet they did. Then you have Gianforte somehow getting elected. 10 years ago this would not have happened.

As much as I don't want to say it I will. I think until a crisis occurs, Trump fucks up the response, and people are hurt in the process, I don't feel comfortable assuming Democrats will have an easy road. It could be the economy, a national disaster or response to another nation which will make idiots stop being idiots. This Russia stuff will only sour some of his supporters. It's going to take hurting their every day lives for most to turn on him and other Republicans.

To many forget that in the 08 race, the economy was on the verge of collapse weeks before the election and McCain ran around like an insane person, calling useless meetings and canceling random TV show appearances (Letterman). Prior to that he took a slight lead especially when Palin first appeared. But then her TV interviews showed how out of element she, right around the same time the markets were about to collapse.
By the way, AP is confirming Rinat Akhmetshin as the unnamed lobbyist in the NBC News report.

And now, there's another person who attended that meeting?


You leftists are just obsessed with this non story! This is the greatest witch hunt in the history of politics!
It's obvious something really incriminated was discussed at this meeting.

Mainly because of how all the trump team and supporters (like stone) were pretty much boasting about how they had something on Clinton after this meeting.

I don't think any particular information was disseminated during the meeting because initially Trump teased of a big announcement about dirt on Hilary. However the announcement got delayed and when it did happen Trump said no new information on Hilary. I think this means the meeting likely did provide any direct dirt on Hilary, but perhaps it was part of the initial stages of coordination regarding fake news targeting and utilization of hacked materials.

In the email, Don Jr. mentioned how he was particularly interested in the damaging info later in the summer, not necessarily the next week. Then in the late summer Russians did indeed began leaking the hacked material right on schedule.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Tomorrow: Don Jr.'s meeting with Russians included a seance to try and contact the ghost of Hitler.

The Ghost of Hitler ignored their seance as he didn't want to be associated with the colossal clusterfuck that is the Trump family and administration.
You seriously cannot make this up. I mean get fucked son, you expect us to believe this was a nothing meeting about adoption?

Edit: Below, that is probably the smoothest gif I have ever seen.



I love the smell of treason in the morning.
You seriously cannot make this up. I mean get fucked son, you expect us to believe this was a nothing meeting about adoption?
I'm fairly certain that they aren't even attempting to say that it was a meeting about the adoption sanctions anymore and are pretending that they never said that. The new, new explanation is that they were meeting to discuss dirt on Hilary but there was nothing wrong with that because who wouldn't?!?!? And Hilary was dirty... or something.

At this point they're just focus testing what kind of treason will be acceptable to their base.


So yet another omission of required information that Kuschner left off his security clearance request form. You have to account for all foreign national dealings. Surely the Republicans in the House will move to no longer block his security clearance removal like they have been doing. /s


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Former Russian counter-intelligence officer

As Vladimir Putin said, "There is no such thing as a former KGB man".[12] Soon after becoming prime minister of Russia, Putin also perhaps somewhat jokingly claimed that "A group of FSB colleagues dispatched to work undercover in the government has successfully completed its first mission."[9] Moreover, the FSB has formal membership, military discipline, and an extensive network of civilian informants,[13] hardcore ideology, and support of population (60% of Russians trust FSB[14][needs update]), which according to Yevgenia Albats and Catherine A. Fitzpatrick makes it a perfect totalitarian political party.[6



Russian-American lobbyist says he was in Trump son’s meeting

A Russian-American lobbyist says he attended a June 2016 meeting with President Donald Trump’s son, marking another shift in the account of a discussion that was billed as part of a Russian government effort to help the Republican’s White House campaign.

Rinat Akhmetshin confirmed his participation to The Associated Press on Friday. Akhmetshin has been reported to have ties to Russian intelligence agencies, though he denies those links.
While Trump Jr. has confirmed that Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya was in the meeting, he did not disclose Akhmetshin’s presence. The president’s son has tried to discount the meeting, saying that he did not receive the information he was promised.

Akhmetshin said Trump Jr. asked the attorney for evidence of illicit money flowing to the Democratic National Committee, but Veselnitskaya said she didn’t have that information. She said the Trump campaign would need to research it more, and after that Trump Jr. lost interest, according to Akhmetshin.

“They couldn’t wait for the meeting to end,” Akhmetshin said.
Asked about Akhmetshin’s participation in the meeting, Manafort spokesman Jason Maloni declined comment. A spokesman for Kushner did not respond to inquiries, nor did Trump Jr.’s attorney.

Akhmetshin said the attorney brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents. He said he was unaware of the content of the documents or whether they were provided by the Russian government, and it was unclear whether she left the materials with the Trump associates.

Akhmetshin said the meeting was “not substantive” and he “actually expected more serious” discussion.

“I never thought this would be such a big deal to be honest,” he told AP.
The president’s son has tried to discount the meeting, saying that he did not receive the information he was promised.

"Hey Dad, it's bullshit. Even the spy they brought didn't have anything we can use yet. Then they tried to talk about the stupid fucking orphans."
The president’s son has tried to discount the meeting, saying that he did not receive the information he was promised.

The man tried to discount his solicitation of the prostitute, saying that he did not receive the service that he was promised.


I don't usually put much stock in reporters that are only right like 25% of the time.

This isn't complicated. She has some legit sources and some shit sources. Even if we only get info from her good sources 25% of the time it is still worth listening too since other, more verified info might come down the pipeline later on that helps us sort the good info she provides from the bad info, resulting in a helpful connection for understanding what happened. Being skeptical does not mean ignoring information. Take it with a grain of salt.
Not sure if this was discussed but apparently this meeting came to light because Manafort submitted it on his form back in April and that's how the Senate found out. Kushner didn't list any meetings at first and frantically added 100+ in May as it became apparent he's hiding meetings.

A little bit more evidence that Manafort flipped, Kushner is only adding stuff as he's caught.
This isn't complicated. She has some legit sources and some shit sources. Even if we only get info from her good sources 25% of the time it is still worth listening too since other, more verified info might come down the pipeline later on that helps us sort the good info she provides from the bad info, resulting in a helpful connection for understanding what happened. Being skeptical does not mean ignoring information. Take it with a grain of salt.

The issue is that since you can only believe her stories if they are later reported by someone else...then just wait for someone else. Nothing she says can be believed by itself, which means it is not worth listening to. People who post about her stuff just come across as conspiracy theorists with no credibility (and a clear lack of BS filter).


Yeah, it's really crazy, but I hope that the inaction from the Republicans over this sinks them for the rest of our lives.

Whoa, settle down there. Let's start with their inaction sinking them for even one election - the 2018 mid-terms. Because that is not a given.

If Republican action, or inaction, either one, had appropriate consequences, they'd have been "sunk for life" years ago.


The issue is that since you can only believe her stories if they are later reported by someone else...then just wait for someone else. Nothing she says can be believed by itself, which means it is not worth listening to. People who post about her stuff just come across as conspiracy theorists with no credibility (and a clear lack of BS filter).

If she runs a story that is reported by her as coming from a source and we later find out the source/story was legitimate thanks to other reporting elsewhere, there might very well be info in her story that is not detailed in the corroborating stories. The story she had about the FISA warrants is an example of this. Nobody is being asked to 'believe anything by itself'. You can still be skeptical without throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
What if were getting things mixed up here.

The story says the Russian lawyer brought the counter intelligence officer with her.

But would it not make more sense for the counter-intelligence officer, the guy likely to actually have the dirt, to bring a lawyer with him?

If he was at the time asked to do this by a Russian government official, that would then make the lawyer a "Russian government lawyer".
What if were getting things mixed up here.

The story says the Russian lawyer brought the counter intelligence officer with her.

But would it not make more sense for the counter-intelligence officer, the guy likely to actually have the dirt, to bring a lawyer with him?

If he was at the time asked to do this by a Russian government official, that would then make the lawyer a "Russian government lawyer".

The lawyer was a front and it's likely that the intel officer was there to observe and to establish future contact. This is how spy tradecraft works. You use a series of steps and cutouts, each one pulling your target in a little closer. You put as many layers as possible between yourself and your target.
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