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NBC News: Former Russian counter-intelligence officer was in Don Jr. meeting

So yet another omission of required information that Kuschner left off his security clearance request form. You have to account for all foreign national dealings. Surely the Republicans in the House will move to no longer block his security clearance removal like they have been doing. /s
He just has to amend the form for the 100th time. Honest mistake!
The lawyer was a front and it's likely that the intel officer was there to observe and to establish future contact. This is how spy tradecraft works. You use a series of steps and cutouts, each one pulling your target in a little closer. You put as many layers as possible between yourself and your target.

I wonder how Ivanka feels about her dad turning her husband and brother into layers......

Then again, given how easily the Trump family and associates can instantly believe in new realities when it suits them, I'm guessing her response will be:


I'm ever more convinced that the Trump family are literally Russian puppets.


The peice that doesn't fit for me is this:

Why would this guy corroborate his attendance? Why would he decide to document his involvement understanding
He's a Russian agent?

Combined with how loud the Russians have been during
This whole episode it really looks like getting caught and ensuring Trump gets caught is a part of the operation.
The peice that doesn't fit for me is this:

Why would this guy corroborate his attendance? Why would he decide to document his involvement understanding
He's a Russian agent?

Combined with how loud the Russians have been during
This whole episode it really looks like getting caught and ensuring Trump gets caught is a part of the operation.

It's time to sink the ship. Impeachment will send everything into political turmoil. At least that's the hope.
The peice that doesn't fit for me is this:

Why would this guy corroborate his attendance? Why would he decide to document his involvement understanding
He's a Russian agent?

Combined with how loud the Russians have been during
This whole episode it really looks like getting caught and ensuring Trump gets caught is a part of the operation.
He wont. It's like asking a spy if he's a spy.

This likely leaked from investigations, where they (intel community) identified the guy as a Russian spy.


It's time to sink the ship. Impeachment will send everything into political turmoil. At least that's the hope.

It seems like that's the goal. Trump isn't directly a puppet, he's just an agent of chaos meant to undermine faith in the office and the system. The Russians admitting collision now almost makes sense, given that the goal is just fucking shit up at any cost.


But then again who would have thought Jr. would just incriminate himself too.

I can't wait for the financial leaks. When we get the Trump-Russian laundering bits. All these players being linked to that recent laundering case is crazy.


It seems like that's the goal. Trump isn't directly a puppet, he's just an agent of chaos meant to undermine faith in the office and the system. The Russians admitting collision now almost makes sense, given that the goal is just fucking shit up at any cost.

I honestly think they didn't want actually plan on trump winning, and mostly wanted to just hamstring Clinton by making her extremely controversial so that she couldn't easily act against Russia.

Now that Trump has won, they are arguably going to be in a worse situation in the future, with worse sanctions and a sort of "global pariah" status amongst democratic nations across the world.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It's time to sink the ship. Impeachment will send everything into political turmoil. At least that's the hope.

I don't buy it yet but it is a reasonable theory because it may be better to expend the ammunition and control the operation before we get our shit together and come after Russia with Stuxnet 2 and even more crippling sanctions. Right now our eyes are off the ball and the country is paralyzed.

The reason I don't buy it though is the method they used to target and harden the Bernie Bros behaviors and beliefs is a long play. Not a bombzaldroppen.
I honestly think they didn't want actually plan on trump winning, and mostly wanted to just hamstring Clinton by making her extremely controversial so that she couldn't easily act against Russia.

Now that Trump has won, they are arguably going to be in a worse situation in the future, with worse sanctions and a sort of "global pariah" status amongst democratic nations across the world.

The problem with Russian subterfuge is that it is just too good


I honestly think they didn't want actually plan on trump winning, and mostly wanted to just hamstring Clinton by making her extremely controversial so that she couldn't easily act against Russia.

Now that Trump has won, they are arguably going to be in a worse situation in the future, with worse sanctions and a sort of "global pariah" status amongst democratic nations across the world.

I think it's been known for awhile the Trump campaign thought they had no chance. Nobody believed he would win. Trump has said one thing correct and that's Obama most likely didn't do much about this because he thought Clinton was going to win anyway.


I think it's been known for awhile the Trump campaign thought they had no chance. Nobody believed he would win. Trump has said one thing correct and that's Obama most likely didn't do much about this because he thought Clinton was going to win anyway.

What could Obama do tho? Repubs would have had a cow if he chimed in on the russian bit. Look how long it took for Trump to even half admit it was russia.


What could Obama do tho? Repubs would have had a cow if he chimed in on the russian bit. Look how long it took for Trump to even half admit it was russia.

Honestly he should have made the intelligence public. The President is the ultimate declassification authority and can declassify anything.

Redact what you can to protect sources and methods, but ultimately the integrity of our elections is more important than any given intel program.

IMO, the only reason Obama didn't is because e is extra double plus cautious to a fault. His normalization of Donald Trump as a candidate contributed to his win.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Probably why they are trying to ram healthcare down our throats so fast. They probably know time is almost up with this President.

Well even without the scandal, healthcare has a separate ticking clock to ram through due to budgetary reconciliation rules that McConnell is imposing to get 50 votes instead of the usual 60.

Because the GOP wealth-tax reform agenda is tied so closely into repealing a lot of the funding towards the ACA and due very soon(I believe in Sep)...well, healthcare repeal has to happen ASAP. Otherwise the GOP either stays the course Obama laid out(proving they can't do shit) just to keep the government functioning without a budget that also supports their tax breaks, or they have to look elsewhere to get funding. (Defense spending? But they don't want to raid that coffer obviously).

Also remember that the GOP dodged a bullet a few months ago on getting a budget extension because they needed ACA repeal to support. Now the final deadline is approaching before 2018. If any of this stuff gets put on hold, they are looking at screwing the American people over in the face of the midterm elections. Not a good look.


It's highly likely this guy was a known quantity by IC figures like Mueller.

He might be what brings this whole thing down for real.
The guy also said the Russian lawyer had a folder with documents that he's pretty sure she either:

Handed to Trump Jr or
left behind for them


Set aside how much of a bombshell that would be... If he's connected to Russia, why cop to the whole thing? This is getting weird.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
This is very interesting.

Edit: I think this 1 meeting might be what accelerates the takes down of this administration. Remember the FBI didnt even know about it, thank you free press.
Yes, they did. At the very latest they knew of it once Kushner and Manafort amended their disclosures. They may not have had the details of the email exchanges, however. The report by CNN about the feds' knowledge of this story was really misconstrued and overblown.


This is very interesting.

Edit: I think this 1 meeting might be what accelerates the takes down of this administration. Remember the FBI didnt even know about it, thank you free press.

Junior's emails can be submitted as evidence and used to subpoena email servers they travelled through. With how brazen their communications appear to be, those servers could be a smorgasbord of incriminating evidence.


The guy also said the Russian lawyer had a folder with documents that he's pretty sure she either:

Handed to Trump Jr or
left behind for them


Set aside how much of a bombshell that would be... If he's connected to Russia, why cop to the whole thing? This is getting weird.

If taken at face value, the lawyer and Akhmetshin (who's jobs were working against the sanctions) may just be couriers (if what he said about the documents is true). They may not be involved in the Russian Government-Trump effort, but were used in coordination with as an Agent for Russians other interests. Pure speculation on my part.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Reporting had already revealed this guy was at the meeting, but his name had been withheld.

It's similar to Junior tweeting his emails. The information was going to come out sooner or later anyway.

But why is he volunteering all this info as well? Like about how the lawyer had a folder of documents she handed to Trump Jr?

Why wouldn't he just say no comment? Why does he feel the need to say these things to the press himself?

Trump Jr tweeting the emails that incriminated himself, the Russian lawyer talking to the press, and now this ex-KGB lobbyist just yapping away about how they gave Trump the anti-Hilary info. It's all just too fucking bizarre and makes me think there's something very sinister going on behind the scenes with these guys... like they are making a play at something.

Makes me very nervous.
Not sure if this has been discussed somewhere or not, but Ken Dilanian (the author of the NBC article in the OP) read through the emails carefully and found a statement that suggests Donald Jr. had a phone call with Emin Agalarov prior to the meeting.

It was on Chris Hayes' show a couple days ago (8 min long).

It's possible that it occurred, but we'll need to see a phone record that shows it took place shortly after the initial email exchange for any proof...
Just because the president's son, son in law, campaign manager, and close personal Russian billionaire friend arranged a meeting with a Russian hacker and a lawyer interested in removing Obama-era sanctions, hours before the president announced he had new dirt on Hillary and weeks before the first email dumps... sorry I got nothing, I can't even spin this ironically.

The only plausible scenario where there was absolutely no wrongdoing is that everyone involved is fucking braindead. Even if that were the case, Kushner and DTJ should still have their clearance revoked for being incompetent and liars.

But why is he volunteering all this info as well? Like about how the lawyer had a folder of documents she handed to Trump Jr?

Why wouldn't he just say no comment? Why does he feel the need to say these things to the press himself?

Trump Jr tweeting the emails that incriminated himself, the Russian lawyer talking to the press, and now this ex-KGB lobbyist just yapping away about how they gave Trump the anti-Hilary info. It's all just too fucking bizarre and makes me think there's something very sinister going on behind the scenes with these guys... like they are making a play at something.

Makes me very nervous.

The official story by Donnie Jr is being parroted verbatim by everyone else. Except Kushner and Manafort, whose lawyers no doubt told them to keep their mouths closed. This is damage control or, as someone else said, "incremental truth telling". It's already out who was there and why, now they're just trying to make it seem innocent.
OK! SO....... what are we doing about this?

Here's how (I think)this investigation works in a nutshell:

- US intelligence knows pretty much everything. They have intercepted communications/emails. They also have even more intelligence from allies. They probably have financial transaction info
- Most of this evidence is classified and will never see the light of day(at least for a very long time). Revealing it would show off US intelligence capabilities and sources(as well as their allies). Remember how Putin asked Trump for proof? He would LOVE to know what they have.
- Mueller's job is to take all this info and turn it into something they can prosecute on. This is why you are seeing such focus on who wrote what on their security clearance forms. Omitting such info or lying to FBI agents etc are easy charges to prosecute on without using classified Intel.
- Not just press charges but they will also try and flip people as sworn testimony will go a long way without needing classified intelligence.

So people who are impatient or think this investigation is a whole lot of nothing need to step back and see the dilemma of prosecuting Trump and the ever growing list of conspirators when most of the evidence is classified.

This is a problem with any counter intelligence investigation so this is nothing new to FBI. This is obviously more massive than anything in history I bet. It's complicated and it's gonna take time.
I honestly think they didn't want actually plan on trump winning

Dems are stuck in a time loop, regurgitating the same paranoid fantasies

i suppose this was inevitable once weed started becoming legal. it is 1984 and the news is written by paranoid stoners.


Obviously worth taking with a truck load of salt, but Louise Mensch is suggesting that Trump Sr called into this meeting, and there are tapes within the IC of the conversation between them all.

Yeah, compulsive liars do tend to incorporate new details into their fabulation.


The peice that doesn't fit for me is this:

Why would this guy corroborate his attendance? Why would he decide to document his involvement understanding
He's a Russian agent?

Combined with how loud the Russians have been during
This whole episode it really looks like getting caught and ensuring Trump gets caught is a part of the operation.
It absolutely is. The whole point was the undermine our election process and cause doubt among the public and this is all working perfectly for them.

The Russians probably didn't expect for Trump to win. Like, Russia had more faith in our country to do the right thing than we deserved.


I'm starting to worry that the war has already been lost...

What's it going to take to change the minds of Trump supporters?
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