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NBC News: U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger

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Where did you get the number 60 million from? The country's only got 24-25 million people in it. Further, if America couldn't beat Northern Vietnamese farmers with some rusty rifles, how does it intend to fight the 4th largest army in the world with significantly more knowledge of their home terrain?

My bad. I misread when I Googled it. That's still I gigantic number of people who will need help though.

The NK army has a weaker total power than Canada or Australia. Yes, they have a lot of soldiers but that's all they have. They have virtually no Navy, an old, weak air force, little to no drones, old and outdated tanks, and a staving army with very minimal supplies. America could literally cripple the entire military without putting a foot on the ground.
Does anyone think anything's actually going to happen here? After so many years of posturing, it's hard to imagine this escalating any further.
Good going, you short-fingered vulgarian.

Vice Minister Han Song Ryol said Pyongyang has determined the Trump administration is "more vicious and more aggressive" than that of Barack Obama. He added that North Korea will keep building up its nuclear arsenal in "quality and quantity" and said Pyongyang is ready to go to war if that's what Trump wants.


Japan didn't quit after Hiroshima.

That's why a second bomb was dropped.

Which lead to Japan's unconditional surrender.

Well, technically, the people who didn't want to quit still weren't trying to. And the person/people who wanted to surrender leading up to the first and second bomb were the ones that eventually made it happen.


Japan surrendered to the U.S. because they didn't want to be pillaged by the Red Army the way Germany was. While the atomic bomb would have been enough incentive to surrender, it wasn't for Japan because they literally didn't know what hit them.

The U.S. had already destroyed multiple Japanese cities in pretty horrific ways (like firebombing a city made of paper). Reports of another city being destroyed by U.S. bombing would not have caused the Japanese to surrender. The damage done from radiation, and the truly massive explosion would have likely shocked the Japanese government, but they had no time to survey the damage between Hiroshima and their surrender, which was only a week later. The Imperial government simply did not have the same understanding of atomic weapons that we do today. It would take some time before the full significance of the bomb was understood. Certainly more than 6 days.

The Japanese chose to surrender to the U.S. so they wouldn't have horrible war crimes perpetrated on them by the Soviets. The best way to have induced a Japanese surrender would have been drop the precondition that the Emperor step down, which the U.S. did anyway after the surrender.
They knew what hit them, they sent a nuclear physicists, including Dr. Yoshio Nishina the day after go and confirm that it was a nuclear bomb. On August 10th the day after Nagasaki the Scientists confirmed that it was an Atom bomb. The same day the military council convened and accepted the Potsdam Declaration''s terms of surrender.

Like I said before, keeping the emperor from stepping down wasn't the only thing that they wanted. They wanted full control of disarmament, they want no occupation of Taiwan, Japan, or Korea, (In other words they wanted to hold on to these territories.) and they want to be in charge on charging war criminals.
The U.S. had already destroyed multiple Japanese cities in pretty horrific ways (like firebombing a city made of paper). Reports of another city being destroyed by U.S. bombing would not have caused the Japanese to surrender. The damage done from radiation, and the truly massive explosion would have likely shocked the Japanese government, but they had no time to survey the damage between Hiroshima and their surrender, which was only a week later. The Imperial government simply did not have the same understanding of atomic weapons that we do today. It would take some time before the full significance of the bomb was understood. Certainly more than 6 days.

This is simply untrue. The location was not only surveyed aerially, but also by scientists close-up. They determined it was indeed an atomic bomb and they speculated that at least one or two more bombs were ready.

Yes, it's fair to say they didn't understand the long-term ramifications of nuclear radiation, but it's not fair to say they had "no time" to survey the damage.


My bad. I misread when I Googled it. That's still I gigantic number of people who will need help though.

The NK army has a weaker total power than Canada or Australia. Yes, they have a lot of soldiers but that's all they have. They have virtually no Navy, an old, weak air force, little to no drones, old and outdated tanks, and a staving army with very minimal supplies. America could literally cripple the entire military without putting a foot on the ground.

True, but I don't think the regime there is doing all that much to feed their citizens. I am probably super wrong here but I feel like most of them are already on their own to feed themselves.
Re: Nagasaki, it is always interesting to watch Leftists pooh-pooh one or both bomb us based on hindsight info, rather than what US military intelligence at the time would have told them. The motherfuckers got a nuke dropped on them and barely budged, diplomatically, why on Earth would Truman or strategists have held off on demonstrating thay, yes, the bomb was NOT a one-off as some believed at the time? The entire point of the strategy was inducing fear that the U.S. could destroy large parts of the country with relatively few resources.

And, yes, Japan surrendered as much because of fear of Soviet pillage, but most modern scholarship I've seen holds it was the one-two punch of the bombings and the Soviet declaration of war that did them in, and neither, on their own, would have been sufficient. Shit, the War Council was STILL split even after Nagasaki, and an attempt at a coup was mounted after the surrender was decided upon. The potency of Imperial Japanese fanaticism is not to be underestimated.


The potency of Imperial Japanese fanaticism is not to be underestimated.

this really needs to be quoted every time the stupid argument comes up.

NK has been bubbling away unchecked for years now, and will be at war sooner rather than later with the US. i don't think it will happen yet, but wouldn't be surprised if it occurs prior to the next election. it still amazes me that the kim's have survived three generations of power. weak sanctions and UN circle jerks will do nothing to topple them, all it will do is continue an already suffering population to suffer further.
My bad. I misread when I Googled it. That's still I gigantic number of people who will need help though.

The NK army has a weaker total power than Canada or Australia. Yes, they have a lot of soldiers but that's all they have. They have virtually no Navy, an old, weak air force, little to no drones, old and outdated tanks, and a staving army with very minimal supplies. America could literally cripple the entire military without putting a foot on the ground.

It's not like an RTS, there aren't levels for a military lol. The issue isn't symmetrical, traditional warfare - it's the asymmetrical element. Guerrilla warfare, paramilitaries disguised as civilians, sleeper cells around South Korea and Japan, mini subs, IEDs.
Either America goes full 'shock-and-awe' without putting boots on the ground and public opinion moves against Trump for his reckless disregard for human life, or they'll have to mobilize a force far exceeding anything seen in Iraq and Afghanistan. That will probably doom his second term.


Pence will be in SK on saturday. So I don't think it will start on the week end...


I think that China also is not that keen on War Either, and not that much on the US side as well. They released a statement saying that "Both sides need to stop adding fuel to the fire". And Trump needs to LAY OFF THE FUCKING TWITTER! Jeez, why can't they just take it away from him, petulant child.

If it does come to an attack, it could very well be that China sees this as an encroachment to get those US nuclear missile installations closer to their border, and secretely still send troops to North Korea, just like they did in the first Korean war.

Also uncle Puttyput wants this to get out of hand, so that he can add more tension in NATO and the other countries in Asia that are US allies. If he sends some support in secret, then the US might have to call on their help. And these countries might very well not be willing to send help to the Trumpaloompa who just wanted to use the war to get more popular and give more money to the military industrial complex.

This in turn ads more tension to NATO and other allies, especially if Trumpaloompa can't stay of Twitter insulting his allies and enemies alike. I mean really if the US get's involved in another cesspool that had nothing to do with any attack on them, why should your allies help them? Especially if they have a president that just called alll of you "Weak, stupid and they just don't have class folks."

Sigh, so many people will die here again, only to give some generals a mini boner.


It's not like an RTS, there aren't levels for a military lol. The issue isn't symmetrical, traditional warfare - it's the asymmetrical element. Guerrilla warfare, paramilitaries disguised as civilians, sleeper cells around South Korea and Japan, mini subs, IEDs.
Either America goes full 'shock-and-awe' without putting boots on the ground and public opinion moves against Trump for his reckless disregard for human life, or they'll have to mobilize a force far exceeding anything seen in Iraq and Afghanistan. That will probably doom his second term.

NK terrain and the fact they have been digging in and building up defenses for a ground invasion over the last 50 years makes ground invasion not a pretty picture.


NK terrain and the fact they have been digging in and building up defenses for a ground invasion over the last 50 years makes ground invasion not a pretty picture.

Don't forget about the fanaticism, his people literally believe the Kim's are "God Emperor's of mankind". From cradle to grave they are fed with propaganda that makes NAZI symbolism look like child's play. It will be extremely bloody a war, with literally millions of deaths. If they wanted to change that? Then it must come from within via insurgencies, also bloody, but at least you'd get further than a nation of nutcases willing to give themselves for a glorious God Leader.
This all feels very much a distraction from the Russia allegations etc.

I'm having a very hard time with any of this crap spewing administration
NK terrain and the fact they have been digging in and building up defenses for a ground invasion over the last 50 years makes ground invasion not a pretty picture.

Exactly. They know their country like the back of their hands.

Don't forget about the fanaticism, his people literally believe the Kim's are "God Emperor's of mankind". From cradle to grave they are fed with propaganda that makes NAZI symbolism look like child's play. It will be extremely bloody a war, with literally millions of deaths. If they wanted to change that? Then it must come from within via insurgencies, also bloody, but at least you'd get further than a nation of nutcases willing to give themselves for a glorious God Leader.

Can we stop the demonisation, cultural bigotry and ableism shit please? Are you going to call all of China "a nation of nutcases" next because they won't criticise Mao?
A conflict over North Korea could break out "at any moment", China said Friday, warning there would be no winner in any war as tensions soar with the United States.
The sharp language came after US President Donald Trump said the North Korea problem "will be taken care of", as speculation mounts the reclusive state could be preparing another nuclear or missile test.
Trump has sent an aircraft carrier-led strike group to the Korean peninsula to press his point, one of a series of measures that indicate his willingness to shake up foreign policy strategy.
"Lately, tensions have risen... and one has the feeling that a conflict could break out at any moment," Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi said.
"If a war occurs, the result is a situation in which everybody loses and there can be no winner."

Whichever side provoked a conflict "must assume the historic responsibility and pay the corresponding price," he said in a joint press conference with his visiting French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault.
Wang's comments mirrored a warning from the North Korean foreign ministry's Institute for Disarmament and Peace which said "thermo-nuclear war may break out any moment".
"The US introduces into the Korean peninsula, the world's biggest hotspot, huge nuclear strategic assets... pushing the situation there to the brink of a war," it said according to the North's official news agency KCNA.

- Muscle-flexing -
Trump also flexed his military muscle last week by ordering cruise missile strikes on a Syrian airbase the US believed was the origin of a chemical weapons attack on civilians in a northern Syria town.
And the US military on Thursday dropped the biggest non-nuclear bomb it possesses on Afghanistan, targeting a complex used by the Islamic State group, in another move seen as a warning is not afraid to use force.

Trump has repeatedly said he will prevent Pyongyang from its goal of developing a nuclear-tipped ballistic missile capable of reaching the mainland United States.
"We are sending an armada. Very powerful," Trump said Wednesday of the strike group headed by the USS Carl Vinson supercarrier.
A White House foreign policy advisor said Friday that the US is assessing military options in response to the North's weapons programs, saying another provocative test was a question of "when" rather than "if."
- 'Best choice' -
Pyongyang has responded with defiance, saying it is ready to fight "any mode of war" chosen by the US and even threatening a nuclear strike against American targets.
There are reports of activity at a nuclear test site in North Korea ahead of Saturday's 105th anniversary of the birth of the country's founder Kim Il-Sung, which have fuelled speculation it could carry out a sixth test.

The North's sabre-rattling has encouraged a rapprochement between Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, who met face-to-face for the first time late last week at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort.
Though his election campaign was marked with acerbic denouncements of China's "rape" of the US economy, Trump dropped his anti-China bombast in Florida, afterwards hailing an "outstanding" relationship with Xi.
But he insists China must handle the Pyongyang problem or suffer the consequences -- alarming Beijing, the country's sole major ally and economic lifeline.
Beijing has long opposed dramatic action against the North, fearing the regime's collapse would send a flood of refugees across its borders and leave the US military on its doorstep.
"Dialogue is the only possible solution," Wang said.
But it has lately adopted a tougher line against its neighbour, including suspending coal imports from the country for the remainder of the year.
An editorial in the Global Times, thought to have close ties to hawkish elements of the ruling Communist Party, wrote Thursday that if the North gradually abandoned its weapons programme, "China would play an active role in safeguarding the security of the denuclearised DPRK and its regime".
"This is Pyongyang's best choice," it said.
In the midst of mounting tensions, there has been little sign of strain on the streets of Pyongyang in recent days, where the focus is on preparations for Saturday's anniversary.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un on Thursday unveiled the sprawling Ryomyong street development, a prestige housing project repeatedly promised in time to mark the occasion.
Before the international press and tens of thousands of his adoring citizens, he cut a wide red ribbon to rhythmic cheers, before waving and returning to his Mercedes limousine.



New wave of economic sanctions probably rolling in. No foreign flights to Pyongyang.

Where did you get the number 60 million from? The country's only got 24-25 million people in it. Further, if America couldn't beat Northern Vietnamese farmers with some rusty rifles, how does it intend to fight the 4th largest army in the world with significantly more knowledge of their home terrain?

That was a bit different. North Vietnam was being propped up by China and the Soviet Union. Time will tell on in China and Russia will continue to support North Korea. North Korea's military while large in conventional manpower would be taken care of pretty quickly if a country with a vastly superior air force decided to attack.

Let's hope none of this happens, but that first 24 hours would be the worst when NK launches everything they have at Seoul. Best case scenario is that China takes out Jong-un because he's too dangerous, and that someone more moderate rises up.
so could china want this to happen as an added boost to its economy? I'm sure any destruction to NK would lead to them needing resources, correct?

I think all the US would get out of this is the distraction from Russia and some muscle flexing....which is pretty much nothing


so could china want this to happen as an added boost to its economy? I'm sure any destruction to NK would lead to them needing resources, correct?

I think all the US would get out of this is the distraction from Russia and some muscle flexing....which is pretty much nothing

South Korea is one of our allies and they're pretty worried about NK attacking them with a nuke. The question is if we keep leaving them alone if Jong-Un will change and they'll stop pursuing nukes or if those facilities have to be taken out, I assume.
I think the Iraqi and Afghani people are better off than how they were before. I can't speak for the Libyan and Yemen people though.
and what gives you the right to speak for Iraqis or Afghanis? Are you from either country? Did you live as a citizen in any of them? Do you have any family or relatives who live there? Also what is there to speak about Libya and Yemen? One is a failed state run by a dysfunctional government and barely even that since it's more like run by warlords. Terrorism has become a much more normal occurence there and radical Islam has a stronger foothold there now. NATO regime change turned it from one of the most developed African countries to a Salafi shithole with warring extremist factions. At least NATO's best buddies in Middle East are happy. Yemen meanwhile is facing the world's worst famine in a US/UK/Saudi led genocide.

I won't include Syria, since Syria happened due to the lack of intervention.. do you think the Suunis gulf states would just cease all support of the rebels just because U.S decides to leave?
It's sad how uninformed and ignorant people become once a false media narrative has become embedded into conventional wisdom. Arming thousands of proxies to carry out a regime change at over $1 billion a year and yet neocons and people like you push the myth of a "lack of intervention" or a "non-intervention". It's incredible.

Considering deaths and suffering are already high for NK people, an intervention would probably cost less lives in the long run and they would have some way to climb to a better living standard. This is of course if we don't go nuclear war.
NK and its dictatorship is far from anything good and its people (and Koreans generally) deserve much better. However, having the warmongering US do anything is terrible. This is the same warloving country that firebombed North Korea with 630 000 tons of mostly napalm bombs, leveling at that time at least 9 of the 22 major cities in North. The destruction and killing was so bad that even some of its own generals were disgusted. US is a nation that loves war, death and destruction and you don't assign one of the biggest warmongerers in modern history with millions of deaths on their hands to solve problems in a dictatorship. Sadly right now there's no power in this world that can invade US, carry out a regime change in that shithole, try their politicians for war crimes and keep the country occupied until it's no longer a threat for much of the developing world or basically any country not aligning with western interest and geopolitics.

Regime change enthusiasts should be the first ones to go live in the countries they endorsed a regime change for. Of course none of them will because it's usually white people writing comfortably from their apartment while they live safely in their developed nation. They don't have to worry about their or their close ones safety nor do they have to worry about getting blown to bits by bombs being dropped above their head by a hostile foreign actor. They don't have to worry from the effects of the war, of having their neighborhood or city bombed so there they sit and talk comfortably about the best way to destroy another country full of brown people or some other third world country.


Let's not start this shit again, please. It always turns into the same stupid arguments.

As for NK, that is one of the few countries that I think would be crazy enough to use a bomb and not give a shit about the consequences. They are probably one of the last countries that should have access to them because of that. So I am perfectly ok with some severe Saber rattling if it gets them to rethink their position.

Yeesh. Not this discussion again. Anyways, it was the best option for the US. And, in a war time situation that, a true war, you don't sacrifice your resources and lives on a whim. The bloodshed on a full out invasion would have been insane to think would have been a better option.

Or perhaps you're suggesting like the one poster here before (iirc) did which was to suggest marching, lemming soldiers and civilians into Berlin handing out pamphlets to sway the German people to revolt... lol.

Anyways, sounds like China won't get involved, and they're basically telling their acquaintance "hey, we're not behind you NK, and this POTUS will not screw around."

Perhaps read the posts after.


and what gives you the right to speak for Iraqis or Afghanis? Are you from either country? Did you live as a citizen in any of them? Do you have any family or relatives who live there? Also what is there to speak about Libya and Yemen? One is a failed state run by a dysfunctional government and barely even that since it's more like run by warlords. Terrorism has become a much more normal occurence there and radical Islam has a stronger foothold there now. NATO regime change turned it from one of the most developed African countries to a Salafi shithole with warring extremist factions. At least NATO's best buddies in Middle East are happy. Yemen meanwhile is facing the world's worst famine in a US/UK/Saudi led genocide.

It's sad how uninformed and ignorant people become once a false media narrative has become embedded into conventional wisdom. Arming thousands of proxies to carry out a regime change at over $1 billion a year and yet neocons and people like you push the myth of a "lack of intervention" or a "non-intervention". It's incredible.

NK and its dictatorship is far from anything good and its people (and Koreans generally) deserve much better. However, having the warmongering US do anything is terrible. This is the same warloving country that firebombed North Korea with 630 000 tons of mostly napalm bombs, leveling at that time at least 9 of the 22 major cities in North. The destruction and killing was so bad that even some of its own generals were disgusted. US is a nation that loves war, death and destruction and you don't assign one of the biggest warmongerers in modern history with millions of deaths on their hands to solve problems in a dictatorship. Sadly right now there's no power in this world that can invade US, carry out a regime change in that shithole, try their politicians for war crimes and keep the country occupied until it's no longer a threat for much of the developing world or basically any country not aligning with western interest and geopolitics.

Regime change enthusiasts should be the first ones to go live in the countries they endorsed a regime change for. Of course none of them will because it's usually white people writing comfortably from their apartment while they live safely in their developed nation. They don't have to worry about their or their close ones safety nor do they have to worry about getting blown to bits by bombs being dropped above their head by a hostile foreign actor. They don't have to worry from the effects of the war, of having their neighborhood or city bombed so there they sit and talk comfortably about the best way to destroy another country full of brown people or some other third world country.

The problem with the USA's interventions is they don't go far enough. They are willing to destroy a regime and setup governments waiting to fail, what they don't do is occupy long term and incorporate conquered territories into their society. If Iraq was the 51st state right now there would be far less problems in the country. The US tries to have this idea of "peacekeeping" its incompatible with history. If you want to be imperialists you need to conquer and occupy, not just bomb all forms of government into non existence in a country then say "Job done" and leave.


The problem with the USA's interventions is they don't go far enough. They are willing to destroy a regime and setup governments waiting to fail, what they don't do is occupy long term and incorporate conquered territories into their society. If Iraq was the 51st state right now there would be far less problems in the country. The US tries to have this idea of "peacekeeping" its incompatible with history. If you want to be imperialists you need to conquer and occupy, not just bomb all forms of government into non existence in a country then say "Job done" and leave.

Well said. It's really a roll of the dice to go to war with a country, destabilize it, have a new leader arise, and then GTFO. Democracy or else hasn't really gone well for the US ever.
North Korea at some point in time has to be dealt with in some capacity, whether it is diplomatically being the best solution or through force it has to be done. North Korea cannot keep on playing with the world and expect no consequences to occur. They have always refused to play ball with the other nations of the world and I feel China in particular is getting real sick and tired of the Kim's and their idiotic theatrics and show of force. Now I am not saying that Trump is innocent in all this. He is escalating the situation more than it needs to be because he does not know when to shut his mouth via Twitter. I really hope in the end of the day conflict does not actually occur but at some point depending on what North Korea does it may come to it.


New wave of economic sanctions probably rolling in. No foreign flights to Pyongyang.

Where did you get the number 60 million from? The country's only got 24-25 million people in it. Further, if America couldn't beat Northern Vietnamese farmers with some rusty rifles, how does it intend to fight the 4th largest army in the world with significantly more knowledge of their home terrain?

Why do people tend to say this like it is true? Sorry, but a restricted war (I.E U.S didn't invade North Vietnam), is not the same as U.S taking hold of North Korea itself. Also North Vietnam was pretty well-armed, with communist nations pouring resources into them.

The only arms that could flood into NK after that would be from China.

Also its funny, you trying to use a war that happened more than 50 years ago though.
Why do people tend to say this like it is true? Sorry, but a restricted war (I.E U.S didn't invade North Vietnam), is not the same as U.S taking hold of North Korea itself. Also North Vietnam was pretty well-armed, with communist nations pouring resources into them.

The only arms that could flood into NK after that would be from China.

Also its funny, you trying to use a war that happened more than 50 years ago though.

Like you said, North Vietnam was supported by a Superpower. But what do you mean by "the only arms that could flood into NK after that would be from China"? I remember that the last time there was a war a wretched China was able to turn the tide of the war pretty quickly, what do you think a significantly wealthier China could do if they throw their support behind the North? Certainly the United States would not be winning any war in that peninsula if China seriously backs up the North, Infact the US would lose badly.

The Pope

North Korea at some point in time has to be dealt with in some capacity, whether it is diplomatically being the best solution or through force it has to be done. North Korea cannot keep on playing with the world and expect no consequences to occur. They have always refused to play ball with the other nations of the world and I feel China in particular is getting real sick and tired of the Kim's and their idiotic theatrics and show of force. Now I am not saying that Trump is innocent in all this. He is escalating the situation more than it needs to be because he does not know when to shut his mouth via Twitter. I really hope in the end of the day conflict does not actually occur but at some point depending on what North Korea does it may come to it.

Exactly this.


Junior Member
The problem with the USA's interventions is they don't go far enough. They are willing to destroy a regime and setup governments waiting to fail, what they don't do is occupy long term and incorporate conquered territories into their society. If Iraq was the 51st state right now there would be far less problems in the country. The US tries to have this idea of "peacekeeping" its incompatible with history. If you want to be imperialists you need to conquer and occupy, not just bomb all forms of government into non existence in a country then say "Job done" and leave.

That's why imperialism doesn't work though. The occupied country doesn't just conform.

Last I checked we've been in Iraq for 14 years.
New wave of economic sanctions probably rolling in. No foreign flights to Pyongyang.

Where did you get the number 60 million from? The country's only got 24-25 million people in it. Further, if America couldn't beat Northern Vietnamese farmers with some rusty rifles, how does it intend to fight the 4th largest army in the world with significantly more knowledge of their home terrain?

You really must have no understanding of the Vietnam war if you think military capability was the reason the US left. They could have easily marched up North and taken their cities, the issue was the same as the Korean war. They never did because of the possibility of another war with China.


Junior Member
You really must have no understanding of the Vietnam war if you think military capability was the reason the US left. They could have easily marches up North and taken their cities, the issue was the same as the Korean war. They never did because of the possibility of another war with China.

Yep, it was a delicate balance of preventing Korean War 2.0.


Like you said, North Vietnam was supported by a Superpower. But what do you mean by "the only arms that could flood into NK after that would be from China"? I remember that the last time there was a war a wretched China was able to turn the tide of the war pretty quickly, what do you think a significantly wealthier China could do if they throw their support behind the North? Certainly the United States would not be winning any war in that peninsula if China seriously backs up the North, Infact the US would lose badly.

I don't think China would support NK so brazenly. Every country in the world is opposed to what is going on there.
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