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NBC News: U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger

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or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
What about a military coup from within if they think Un is becoming too much of a liability?
The NK regime itself is rogue. It's not being driven from the top by Kim's orders. NK was like this long before he came along.

Kim is not the liability, the regime itself and its antagonistic ideology is what drives them to be renegades. So there'd be little reason to see him as the "problem" internally. He's just doing exactly what his father and grandfather did.


We're fucked. 3 months and we're already on the verge of war. This motherfucker has access to the nuclear codes and he's shown very little restrain to dick wave. I don't want on this planet anymore.


Unconfirmed Member
I still think it is concerted and heavy signalling to get the NK fucknugget to back down. East Asia is too complex a region, and they still don't have enough ordinance online, should it go South rapidly.
Of course. Paraphrasing the prez, " We ain't telling you the plan, homie."

Pakistan got nuclear weapons. *shurgs*
True. But at the same time:

1. This is Trump we are talking about.

2. The U.S. military officials are talking with SK military officials and not doing anything before a greenlight from them.

3. Posturing is important for both countries, the US and Nk, and NK knows its options and enemies. My worry is that China will become nervous with this and do something else.

4. The idea of war is just as important as war to military contractors. Selling 'self-defense' missiles and other such weapons would be in their best interest.

5. My country has been known for spreading propaganda about NK before so I would think some of the info coming out of SK about NK might be false, regarding the evacuation of said people.
The NK regime itself is rogue. It's not being driven from the top by Kim's orders. NK was like this long before he came along.

Kim is not the liability, the regime itself and its antagonistic ideology is what drives them to be renegades. So there'd be little reason to see him as the "problem" internally. He's just doing exactly what his father and grandfather did.

Of course, but that doesn't mean there isn't a faction within the regime that could have surreptitious plans to intervene. Just wondering about general possibilities, of course a coup of a supposed god has its own massive problems and is obviously very unlikely anyways.


Pakistan got nuclear weapons. *shurgs* The country housing Bin fucking Laden.

Not to mention Pakistan was actually one of the worst nuclear proliferators out there. Weren't they selling nuclear material and tech to North Korea too?


Not to mention Pakistan was actually one of the worst nuclear proliferators out there. Weren't they selling nuclear material and tech to North Korea too?

It's almost like the possession of nuclear weapons puts you on an even footing against all the western powers that have them. Yo, only one country has used nuclear weapons, and they used it a second time when it wasn't necessary.


It's almost like the possession of nuclear weapons puts you on an even footing against all the western powers that have them. Yo, only one country has used nuclear weapons, and they used it a second time when it wasn't necessary.

Japan didn't quit after Hiroshima.

That's why a second bomb was dropped.

Which lead to Japan's unconditional surrender.
We're fucked. 3 months and we're already on the verge of war. This motherfucker has access to the nuclear codes and he's shown very little restrain to dick wave. I don't want on this planet anymore.

Good news, you may not have to stay on this planet much longer, none of us will!


Not to mention Pakistan was actually one of the worst nuclear proliferators out there. Weren't they selling nuclear material and tech to North Korea too?

Who do you think helped Pakistan develop nuclear weapons covertly? China. The very same country propping up NK now. The worst ideal is thinking China and Russia are equal to the US. We are seeing Russia actively try to deny they covered up a war crime of chemical weapons use.

But you're right it was that moron AQ Khan who sold Pakistani nuclear secrets to the North Koreans.
Yes, because dropping a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki was the only solution.

There was an attempted coup to stop the emperor from surrendering. The bombs were the least bad option to end the war. Otherwise you are looking at mass starvation and an extremely bloody invasion.
Nothing is gonna happen, jeez, yall need to chill and relax.

This is just saber rattling and a attempt by Donald to stay relevant in the polls/media distraction.

To much goddamn pessimism in this thread.


Yes, because dropping a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki was the only solution.

Yes, because and invasion or starving them to submission would have worked out with less death? The other two option were doing a land invasion of the home islands or putting up a naval blockade until they were starved into submission.

After the first bombing the Japanese government ignored Truman's call to surrender. On the 7th they sent a nuclear scientist to Hiroshima to examine and confirm they were Nuke, and he confirmed they were nukes. The Chief Naval Officer said "there would be more destruction but the war would go on." This is the message the U.S intercepted. They got no word from the Japanese they were going to surrender. They had 3 days to do so, so they decided to drop another bomb.

Also it's a myth that the Japanese would have accepted surrender if only the Emperor was kept around. They also wanted the Japanese military government be in charge of disarmament, they want no occupation of Japan, Korea, or Taiwan(In other words they were keeping those territories.), and that Japanese war criminals be charged by the Japanese government.


If I were Kim I would devolve some authority for nuclear weapons use down the chain so that, if a decapitation attack were successful, I could still do some pretty heavy damage.

Also can you imagine the number of loose nukes floating around after the fall of the regime. And these things ain't got any permissive action links I bet. Probably any old schmoe could arm them.
I dont think striking first is a good option but I dont think Kim Jong Un is willing to listen to anyone on stop making Nuclear Weapons.

What to do when someone is making Nuclear weapons and talking wont stop it.
Yes, because dropping a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki was the only solution.

It was the least bad of several bad options. Japan was never going to surrender and invading Japan would of killed many many US and other Nations Troops and other civilians along the way.


We're fucked. 3 months and we're already on the verge of war. This motherfucker has access to the nuclear codes and he's shown very little restrain to dick wave. I don't want on this planet anymore.

Maybe; unfortunately it's more likely that loads of other people are fucked.


Totalitarian regimes threatening liberal democracies with nuclear weapons is absolutely a problem.

so is a democracy that has its hands dipped in every failed foreign government/banana republic in the past 100 years. only difference is we got more bombs.

Because the last thing we need is North Korea selling tactical nukes to terrorist organization.

none of the bad natinos on the planet have it have done it so far as we know. whats different now? we have a moron in charge looking for brownie points.


so is a democracy that has its hands dipped in every failed foreign government/banana republic in the past 100 years. only difference is we got more bombs.

none of the bad natinos on the planet have it have done it so far as we know. whats different now? we have a moron in charge looking for brownie points.

Are you secretly Noam Chomsky? The difference is that North Korea is run by a crazed leader who constantly threatens nuclear war against the US. Threats of nuclear war are on a whole other level than when the US meddles in foreign governments. Nuclear war can easily lead to near instantaneous destruction of the whole planet, for one.


If someone (NK) threatens to shoot you (SK) in the head, you call the cops (USA).

More like starving hobo (NK) threatens to shoot you (SK), and mental facility manager (USA) gives dude some brochures and some food for the next few decades and hobo slinks away full with food and brochures with options This goes on for decades until Nurse Ratched (USA 2017) becomes new manager.

Are you secretly Noam Chomsky? The difference is that North Korea is run by a crazed leader who constantly threatens nuclear war against the US. Threats of nuclear war are on a whole other level than when the US meddles in foreign governments. Nuclear war can easily lead to near instantaneous destruction of the whole planet, for one.

And the solution is war to stop war? No thanks. That doesn't sit well with me. This is on some terrorism color chart bullshit to me. We're escalating for reasons. Not good ones.
We're fucked. 3 months and we're already on the verge of war. This motherfucker has access to the nuclear codes and he's shown very little restrain to dick wave. I don't want on this planet anymore.

Hey look on the bright side, soon you won't have to worry about getting off this planet, soon there will be none.

NK won't back down, they will keep their tests going, that's really the only card they have going as a leverage with the rest of the world, they just won't do it. This will end badly I fear.


It's too bad the U.S. didn't fully develop & deploy SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative).

Reagan's Shield - War And Peace In The Nuclear Age (PBS 1988)

Ah well.

Time to play one, last, video game.


It's been great knowing you all!



Curious how China will respond. Or did they give their ok when Xi met with Trump.


Are Chinese Troops Massing at the North Korean Border?

The story spread in bond markets in New York and Asia on Monday. China, according to a rumor that circulated largely via social media, was "massing" 150,000 troops on its border with North Korea. The timing of the alleged troop movements, coupled with reports of possible U.S.-China discussions of what to do about Pyongyang’s nuclear arsenal, was cited by analysts as one reason interest rates on bonds were creeping up.

Was there any substance to the rumor? Not according to senior U.S. military and intelligence officials. There was no "massing." As many as 250,000 Chinese troops are always operating in northeastern China, and the U.S. did not see any sign Beijing had moved them closer to the Yalu River, which separates North Korea from China.

Was Spicer speaking on behalf of military intelligence?


we downplay our missile defense capabilities because why would you goad Russia? if they think there is a nuclear capability inequality they will only work harder at building better weapons. So its probably better than completely useless. But by how much, who knows?
More like starving hobo (NK) threatens to shoot you (SK), and mental facility manager (USA) gives dude some brochures and some food for the next few decades and hobo slinks away full with food and brochures with options This goes on for decades until Nurse Ratched (USA 2017) becomes new manager.

I agree we should cut aid to NK (and other countries with human rights abuses) but that's a discussion for another day. Sabre-rattling should still not to be tolerated.

Team America: World Police!

It's the US that enforces the non-nuclear proliferation treaty (which forbids SK from obtaining nuclear weapons), and it was the US that forced Japan to get rid of their army. It's America's obligation to defend these countries (not to mention in its national interests, but that's only convenient).


Do you believe Invading Japan and causing hundreds of thousands more to die on both sides would have been a better idea?

The Supreme Council met after the Soviets declared war to discuss a surrender. Then the second bomb was dropped killing tens of thousands of civilians.
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