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NCAA Impressions

Not mine, but post yours here! I know some of you lucky bastards will get it today. From OS...

love it. First game I played you can tell there was a major physics upgrade to the game, everything from the deep ball flight, the tackling - just like, 800 subtle differences you pick up on right away.

'I' formations have weakside runs - praise god, you finally can't stack the strong side on those. Having a capable back in Lydell Ross (89 OVR) and a FB in Brandon Joe (96 OVR), I now can run with either, to either side of the field and expect considerable games or considerable failure.

Sweeps work! I've been all over this. When you pitch out, your blockers are 10x more aware of what's going on in the play. No more running around blocking no one, and no more instant loss when you accidentally picked the sweep play trying to run the off-tackle. The FB gets out and blocks, the WR's make fairly decent blocks - there's some serious opportunity here for yardage.

RB's take different paths on handoffs. This is minor, but you don't see a RB or FB take the same path on the same play every play. Sometimes it seems you take the ball really close to the QB, sometimes the QB extends his arm out further - just different ---- like that.

Play actions are harder to pick up. Instead of always handing off with your hand on a PA, the QB actually extends the ball out pulls it back - very difficult so far to pick that up. Also of note, I haven't faked a handoff to date that's gotten me hit before I could even get passing icons up.

QB scrambling is much more realistic. No more sending the everyone downfield and taking off, as the defense reacts a lot better. I've still had moderate success in doing so, however you must elude a tackler to do it this year as the DE will often peel off and take a competitive angle on you to limit your carry.

Draws work too! Now, I haven't whipped off a big one and I'm still playing whatever default difficulty is, but even on a play that appears to fool no one I'm still picking up a yard or 3 by falling forward at the line.

The bump and run defense so far is considerably weaker than last year. Last year you had to motion to get away from bnr coverage, this year it's more of a cover-the-flats better type of thing. I just played Cincinnati in week #1 of a dynasty, and even Cincinnati's WR's were burning me off the line on bumps.

It also appears that the DE loop isn't nearly as effective. A pet pieve of mine was watching a DE run down 10 yards and come up to sack me, but this year the T seals off his corner MUCH better.

Ran a game with Air Force against Army, and the flexbone was working to full effect. Even plays like the WR insides and FB handoffs from the flex were gaining yards. In fact, it seems many of the plays that sucked [censored] last year have came back in a fashionable appearance.

Texas State had a double option play from pro form, where you hand off to the weakside of the run, that RB runs and then has an outlet to pitch out to backfield partner for more yards - deadly play so far.

HFA is awesome, I think this feature will be a big hit.

Dustin Fox (91 OVR), still can't cover a WR to save his [censored]. This tells me EA did their homework.

Way too many unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. I often hit R2 in an attempt to strip the ball, and if it was a big play the guy who stuffs whatever was run will get up and do something that sometimes gets him penalized.

Lot of shoving after plays, the Texas State/Nicholls State I had 3 unsportsmanlike penalites for getting up and shoving the ball carrier. This slider will get an adjustment, I can feel it now.
The impressions are a' flowing in!

I’ve been playing the Xbox version on stock AA.


+Overall physics of the animations are much improved.
+ Player models have subtle changes that look very good.
+ Tackle animations are much improved, and look awesome. It seems they’ve added quite a few new tackle animations, and got rid of, or at least severely toned down most of the corny ones (shotgun in the back, etc.)
+ Running animations are MUCH improved and look great.
- Grass (Xbox) and generic crowd look the same


+ Passing seems to be a bit more difficult, as QB will throw some wild ones every now and then. You WILL be punished for throwing off your back foot.
+ D is better at tracking down the QB if he scrambles out of the pocket.
+ Run blocking seems to be improved, as blockers will actually get out and block the man they’re SUPPOSE to block.
+ Human controlled secondary reacts much better than last year.
- Still have the problem with dropped passes over the middle.

Home Field Advantage:

+ I thought this would be fluff at best, however it’s pretty cool. Especially when playing friends, as they definitely have problems audibling at the line.

So far, I’d definitely say this is an improvement over last year’s game (which I loved). There are no titanic changes, but many little things that add up. And IMO this game, without a doubt, surpasses last years.

The game has been re-tooled to be oriented much more toward the defense than before. At this point, I've played four full games, and I can say with certainty, this isn't your father's zone defense. It's really hard to find a hole, you have to game plan for plays that you have a hard time breaking down, and you have to be able to put those practice studies to use once there's a blitz in your face. It's difficult to put yards on the board, I tell ya that.

Anyway, I've played four games now, total. zones are going to give me problems for awhile, I can already tell. I've seen some plant and skate type cornerback turns where they catch up magically to the receiver that had a 5-yard cushion and then jump like randy moss to bat the ball away.... I can tell people are going to be complaining about this. I know it frustrates me a bit. The game is not without its frustrations.

You have to be precise and quick w/ the passing game in order to make it work, but it's a pretty gratifying feeling when you find the open man. Make sure you manual catch, because if you don't, it seems to be dropped a higher percentage of the time.

The stadiums are more detailed than before, and look fantastic. I was particularly impressed with USC's stadium, it looks so much better than it used to. (remember when the whole end zone fan section had like three rows? hehehe) The crowds react very realistically to situations.

Overall having seen the HFA system close up for a few games I really like it. I mean, REALLY, really like it. And if you beat a team on the road online, it's worth more. If you beat that team with a lesser ranked team, it's worth even more still. Very cool.

Online has some cool new features. Voice chat works great. YOu can see scores of games in "real life" and there are many more types of data available on the opponents you might face.... I'm really happy with the additions they made, hopefully everything will hold up once everybody has the game and gets online at the same time.

EA has made significant strides at lessening the suction effect of blocking. You can tell it's still the same "system" in a way, but when a defensive lineman is being blocked (taking ratings into consideration of course) he has a lot more directional perogative now when he's being blocked. I mean a real blocker can't actually stop a guy from moving the way he wants to move unless he's driving him to the ground, and in this game it's like that. your defensive linemen will see a QB scrambling left and even though they're getting blocked, they begin to move that way and eventually disengage. MUCH better than before.

Another thing I like is when playing linebacker... or safety or something. the CPU no longer looks for YOU to block rather than just blocking as if everything was equal. I actually sidestepped a block and made a big hit in the backfield with Ahmad Brooks, which is something I could seemingly never do before, if i sidestepped one block, another guy would just let go of his block to get me... I was THE target - now I'm just another guy on the field, or so it seems.


My gamestop says 11 AM tomorrow. FUCK!


I won't have time to play this game till Friday!!! These impressions make the wait more painful! Must read them though! This game sounds soooo H00000000000000T.

Xbox Owners... have any of you noticed any dips in the framrate? I'm getting a lot of dips... it's still playable, but just wondering if anyone else notices it too.

I am getting major slowdown during the running game and during some cut scenes. This is very frustrating!!! There is no excuse for this games framerate to dip on the Xbox!

the graphics are just fine..and the gameplay is slower
lol i'm not calling them liars, i don't know to be honest with you. some people have said it has to do with the hard drive you have, others have said they dont notice the slowdown, maybe they're just being picky. i'm (supposed to be) getting the game in about 30 mins if EB calls, and that will be the first thing i post on is the slowdown (or hopefully lack thereof)
god the ea server is getting hammered hard I wasnt able to transmit my data after I signed the agreements and now it cant even connect to the ea server (and yes my xbox live works)
mmm a little on the kick returns but I saw the same slowdown in last years xbox version also

but nothing bad SO FAR and im the biggest fps whore here


siamesedreamer said:
WTF is up with not being able to connect to the EA servers from XBL? I swear they better fix that real fast.


"I can't believe you guys fell for it! Like we would REALLY go to Xbox Live!!!"


Weird. I've never had any problems with any aspect of XBL, but now that they're going through the EA servers, I hope things don't slow down....It seems that they already are :(



Cool game so far, only problem is that slight bit of slowdown when the pass leaves the QBs hands. It's just enough to muck up my timing on the route/catch.

I got the XB version. If it starts working online, anyone want to play?

LOL DM took my bit :(


Wellington said:

Cool game so far, only problem is that slight bit of slowdown when the pass leaves the QBs hands. It's just enough to muck up my timing on the route/catch.

I got the XB version. If it starts working online, anyone want to play?

I thought you weren't buying it.... Are you in the tournament?!


They took the moneyhat from MS and bounced. We were all suckers. Their future games are vaporware, the Madden 2005 demo at E3 was a fake.
From xbox.com:

Xbox Live is up and running.

Users may experience transient problems with EA's NCAA Football 2005. Engineers are working to resolve this issue.


siamesedreamer said:
From xbox.com:

Xbox Live is up and running.

Users may experience transient problems with EA's NCAA Football 2005. Engineers are working to resolve this issue.

Issue = Running down EA for stealing their money hats


"Sorry Billy! Maybe next year!"
here are some early impressions from me:

* online play is very smooth
* the game is MUCH improved from its e3 incarnation. there are still bouts of "slowdown" or fps drops, but they happen at meaningless times (for instance, as you are going down from a tackle or during a custcene). trust me if you dudes played the build at e3 you would be stoked that this is the only problem
* took me about a game and a half to adapt to the xbox controller
* DB ai is a lot better. this dude i played did complete a pass in triple coverage, but it didn't happen often
* i'm about to take DM down right now, adios ladies!


Here are my impressions:

I haven't played it, but the lack of updated Big East, Conference USA, and ACC Conferences FUCKING SUCKS.

Musashi Wins!

2 games offline so far.....game looks farkin amazing (except the grass). Haven't had a moment of slowdown, my only graphic problem was a man in the grass once looked all funky as he was getting up.

Kind of blown away by all the little features that are added. Feels really deep. Better AI on defense, that's for sure. Love the sign making feature, lol. Celebrations, etc. They've really added a lot to every area of the game. Confidence is actually cool so far as well. Home field advantage feature is great. Basically, they've taken what was already a great game and made it far, far better. Amazing game sure to eat some major time.

Couldn't sign on to EA earlier though :( Guess it must be working if FMT got on though.
Ive decided to get the ps2 version since ive read tons of threads on gfaqs and operation sports saying the xbox verion runs and plays slower.


Soul4ger said:
Here are my impressions:

I haven't played it, but the lack of updated Big East, Conference USA, and ACC Conferences FUCKING SUCKS.

Unfortunately that's their ace in the hole to make us buy next year's version, the last version until the new consoles likely.
i just had an online game with DM, and there was slowdown galore. i don't understand what the problem is.

when i play in exhibition or dynasty mode against the computer, no slowdown at all. i also played 2 other online games tonight, no slowdown. but i played DM, and there was slowdown for much of the game. some plays ran smooth. this wasn't lag, it was slowdown. dm had it in letterbox mode and it wouldn't let him take it off, i wonder if that has something to do with it...
Is this game Live Aware? I ask this because a guy on my friends list was playing it and his voice was off. And I doubt he would have been playing an online game against someone else without talking to the dude.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I only played a couple of games last night. I have the X-Box version. I played the first game against my brother, he was Tennesee and I was at home as Michigan. The Homefield advantage kicked in big time and the lack of experience with the X-Box controller kicked in big time as well. Though there were alot of wide open dropped passes that had nothing to do with either. It was a fun game, but alot of punts because alot of the time we had no idea how to do things. The game ended 6-0, with me winning. My brother was commenting that he might go out and get the PS2 version because he wasn't sure he could adapt to the X-Box controller.

But about the game. The graphics are better, more detailed. They finally got the UH stadium right. Looks really good stuff. Gameplay seems to be more defensively minded. On the offesnsive side, there seems to be more success with the running game this year. Also, seems the game is a bit slower, but that is a definite improvement as it allows me to see what is going on. I haven't seen any weather effects, so I can't comment on that. But the crowd is really into the game and is loud and rowdy at the appropriate times. You an see the effect that the noise is having on your opponent as well.

Overall I like the game, there are gameplay improvements that I like and new features I have to get used to. But the biggest hurdle is the X-Box controller for me. The PS2 controller still is the best controller for sports, IMO. But the fast load times and no memory cards is the bomb.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
So...basically the same game as last year, and the year before...

And I doubt he would have been playing an online game against someone else without talking to the dude.

That's usually how we do it. I speak rarely unless I know the person. Too busy listening to music.
Played Cmdr. Solrak last night for a bit. GREAT GAME. Mr. Solrak went with Northwestern and I picked Boston College. Grueling defensive game that ended at 7-7 in regulation. I ended up pulling thru after stopping the Solrak on a 4th and 3 (STUFFED) in overtime for a 39-33 victory. Mr. Solrak does a cheap thing where he'll take an OLB/MLB and always line him up to the left of the lines, and always puts him to blitz. We'll it was pleasing to see this is the first football game that actually made my FB worth something. That FB on more than one occasion stuffed that LB and allowed me to do some damage.

The line play is soooo much better this year. No more sticky blocks where you're unable to move because a lineman is hold..err blocking you. You actually feel like you can control the momentum. Some of the new tackling animations are sweet.

Oh, and i'm a FPS whore as much as the next guy, no slowdown at any point during gamplay. Nopers. Nope. Nothing.


keep your strippers out of my American football
DaCocoBrova said:
So...basically the same game as last year, and the year before...

I wouldn't say that. It is still college football, yes. Not much wiggle room in that. But with the new tweaks and features, it is a good addition to the series. The running game has been tweaked, the secondary is definitely playing with a new AI routine. So are the O and D-lines. If you are not a sports videogame freak, then I could see how you would think of it as the same ole.
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