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NCAA Impressions


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Wow,they really improved the lighting. Looks like Tiburon worked on this after VC did it so much better on ESPN 2k4. It's amazing how much more realistic it looks with proper lighting.

I'm impressed so far with the improved defensive AI, and I was glad to see the AI run the ball a lot on offense, which it never did last year. New tackle animations, while subtle, look good too.

And most importantly, they finally fixed Ole Miss's stadium and it looks accurate.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Guileless said:
And most importantly, they finally fixed Ole Miss's stadium and it looks accurate.

They fixed Houston's stadium too. Very impressive as it is now correct down to the number of rows and the palm trees on the concourse.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!

that's for trolling
Biff's first impressions-

Slowdown up the motherfucking ass!!!!!!!!1 Really, its disgusting they let this get past. I played a few plays against FSU with my created team, and from the opening kick off slowdown was apparent. On the next play, a run the slowdown was so bad that I rann into all my guys and it got mixed up. Keep in mind this was in the snow in a big stadium.

How they let this go out like this is mind boggling.

The good news is, the camera fix does work. So, all is not lost. I've spent the last 45 minutes in practice/create a team/roster edits. Here's what I noticed.

Slowdown doesn't come into play when your in practice.

Slowdown in the create a team logo menus..its really bad there. BTW, create a team hasn't changed at all. Not even 1 new pride sticker.

Withotu slowdown, the game is great. I've heard lots of complaints about dropped passes, but I actually like the passing game more. It feels more natural. Really nice.

Running is much better. Holes open up, guards pull...ecd. Yes, sweeps work! i have seen many blockers miss men they should have had, so its not all perfect. But, its good.

Game is slower then last year. Not talking about slowdown here, but overall game speed. Not sure if I like it.

DB AI is damn good.

Graphics are clean as a whistle. No major improvements, everything looks sharper.

They finally got hand casts in! Exactly like Lambert used to wear in the steelers. I hope there's an all time Kent state team.

Historic roster edits, rock.

Gunna play my first dynasty game now. Wish me luck. Lot more gameplay impressions from there.


All I'm saying is that last years game was very good, as was the game the year before, but there's still this insane amount of excitement every year when the updated versions come out (using a tweaked engine). It's just a bit strange for me, I guess.
Oh yeah, the game also includes a 2 month free subscription to live! That's really cool for all those who want in a tourney and don't have the $50 for the year.


Biff Hardbody said:
BTW, create a team hasn't changed at all. Not even 1 new pride sticker.

Stuff like this really annoys me. They have a year to make the game and they can't program in new uniform additions and logos/stickers. I know that you can create signs for your team, but there's got to be a way for them to improve the CAT without sacrificing anything.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Gamestop.com keeps lying to me... everytime I try to order my game they tell me "this order can't be shipped overseas..." That only happens with pre-orders.. (because the other games in my shopping cart can be shipped...) they don't really have the game!!! How can it ship in 24 hours!!! ... bastards
I as well as Solrak did not notice any slowdown whatsoever on the Xbox version when we played last night. It might be an issue w/ which drive your Xbox has. That's the only reason someone else might be getting slowdown. I'll go and check which drive i have.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
We all know kickoffs jave slowdown... and they have never fixed that....


Sal Paradise Jr said:
I as well as Solrak did not notice any slowdown whatsoever on the Xbox version when we played last night. It might be an issue w/ which drive your Xbox has. That's the only reason someone else might be getting slowdown. I'll go and check which drive i have.

It would seem that this could be reason for a free servicing/replacement from MS.


You now belong to FMT.
so whats the consensus.... I am really on the fence with this.... ESPECIALLY with ESPN coming out next week adn for only 20 bux.... damn.... tough decisions...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ughhhh what do I do!!! buy the ps2 version or xbox ..this sucks @ss :(
Alright, more impressions from a quarter of play.

First, and most interesting/importantly I'm not experiencing any more slowdown. I'm playing ina fairly big stadium (Miss state) with rain coming down. I'm using the default camera (NCAA). No slowdown the entire 8 minute quarter, no matter what plays.

So, maybe its most apparent in the snow? I have to some more checking.

In gameplay news, I'm really beginning to feel this game.

-The big hit button is a nice addition. So nice I wish I was using something other then that shitty white button to make it happen. Aside from that, its apowerful tool if you time it right. I nailed a wr coming over the middle with it, and it absolutely leveled him. Although most of the ne animations are tie ups, this was definitely a bone cruncher.

Sounds awesome. Really, everyone says it is...but wait till you hear the crowd.

DB AI much better then before. More tipped balls, players are more aware all together.

Passing is nice. Definitely better then before. I haven't noticed the drop passes so much as everyone else, although I am playing with a rather low ranked team who doesn't have one good receiver. Still, if you set your feet and stay in the pocker (which this game forces you to do) you should have success. I have at least. Also, because of the slower game speed passing seems easier...you can maneuvar around the pocket better then before.

Player ratings seem more evident. My QB sucks royal wang, and it shows. Lots of underthrown balls, even when his feet are set.

DL play seems a little better.

Matchup stick is interesting feature, and composure definitely seems to turn the tide of a game (goes both ways too).

All in all, I'm enjoying this game. Minor improvements, but they work. I was disheartened by the apparent slowdown...but, its better now. I really need to get a few games in.

Back to NCAA.


open_mouth_ said:
All I'm saying is that last years game was very good, as was the game the year before, but there's still this insane amount of excitement every year when the updated versions come out (using a tweaked engine). It's just a bit strange for me, I guess.

By the impressions it sounds like more than just a tweaked engine. Why does their excitement bother you anyway?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
open_mouth_ said:
All I'm saying is that last years game was very good, as was the game the year before, but there's still this insane amount of excitement every year when the updated versions come out (using a tweaked engine). It's just a bit strange for me, I guess.

For me it isn't all about the game's engine... it is the dynasty mode... all of the changes they made to that is what's making my all giddy
Just finished my first game using 8 minute quarters, AA setting, default sliders.

My created team VS Miss St. They fucking killed me, 65-3. It was the worst beatdown I've ever had in video game football. Here's some stats from my team-

QB 8/39 completed. 97 yards.

I'd say that 6 or so of these passes were dropped passes. The rest were a result of heavy coverage or underthrown balls. I couldn't connect for shit. So, i agree that dropped passes is in there. But, it doesn't strike me as a "problem". I'll probably adjust the sliders a bit, but its not like I was kicking the floor out of anger because someone should have caught something he didn't. Then again, I am using a really low stat team...so I expect this.

HB-29 attempts, 29 yards. Un-real. It wasn't his fault so much as it was the o-line. They were completely dominated by the bulldigs. I couldn't run much on the inside at all, a hole never developed. The outside faired a little better, as tosses this year are a step up over last years guaranteed tackles for loss. They aren't a huge step up though. While guards definitely pull better (Much faster, and they are aware), the WR's on your team might suck royal wang at being aware on blocking...I mean just running past a tackler. That being said, the running game is good. Better then last years.

On the defense side of things, I found it very nice to find that a OLB was the leader in tackles as opposed to a DB. Likewise, the D-Line play is much improved which equals more tackles. The reason for this is there isn't as much suction blocking as before. So, the days of swim/dive are over. You have to watch yourself. Some times its better then to just jump in and hold back. This has been the case for running, but never for D-Line play. Very good.

I had 4 INT's, Miss had 2. They were all the result of the QB's poor throwing, not majic INT's. One thing I found cool was taking a timeout, and coaching my rattled secondary. The play right after, I picked off the QB in the endzone. Nice.

Speaking of rattling/composure, I think I got my ass kicked so bad because my team was really rattled. Especially my O-Line. They were just totally shook, and it showed in play. No holes opened up at all.

The same was true for the opposite team. I managed to absolutely level the QB as he got the ball off. After that, he was shook for a little while. Whenever someone got close to him he'd throw it away. Not like the "get it off just as he's an inch away from a sack", but he would throw the ball away or just run. That was pretty damn cool.

1 liners-

Grass stains suck. They were much better in the older versions. At times they can look like day glow.

One of my players blew a call because the noise got to him. Pretty cool.

Overall, the games better then NCAA 2004. By how much? Well, all the improvements are basically subtle. I don't feel the jump that I felt from 2003 to 2004, but there are tweaks that probably make NCAA 2005 the best NCAA game to date. Its just when you add in the sporatic slowdown (which only reared its ugly head on 1 play in my entire game) and the step backs like bad grass stains, unimproved creation mode...that's when you go "Damn, what could have been".

Don't get me wrong, I dig it. Absolutely. I'll be playing in the tourney, and a dynasty of my own. But, I got to call it as I see it. It could have been better.


Just finished my first game, GT vs Georgia.

I have to agree with pretty much everything Biff has said thus far. I didn't notice any slowdown during the game, but the game itself is slower (and better for it, at 28 my reflexes aren't getting any better).

There seems to be a lot of tipped passes, but it goes both ways. When you throw deep down the middle to a covered receiver, that's the chance you take.

The option is f-in sweet. I haven't tried it yet, but it seems you can option pass out of every play (judging from the tutorial). I don't know if that was in last years' version, if it was I didn't know about it so I'm just throwing it out there.

The crowd noise is awesome. It's finally where it should have been all along, I can't wait to get the camera shaking.

Georgia (CPU) SHANKED an Extra Point! First time I've seen the CPU miss an extra point.

Hits are brutal as Biff stated, and you can really break down the defense. Had a 25 yard run right up the gut because of an outside blitz. The best thing was, instead of chilling cause the LB ran outside, the guard went upfield and had a nice block on the safety! Good times.


DJ_Tet said:
Georgia (CPU) SHANKED an Extra Point! First time I've seen the CPU miss an extra point.

That's good to hear. I never saw the CPU miss an extra point in a half dozen years of the 2003 Dynasty mode.


Ristamar said:
That's good to hear. I never saw the CPU miss an extra point in a half dozen years of the 2003 Dynasty mode.

As long as it doesn't happen every other game, I was thrilled to see it happen though :)

I've never seen the CPU miss an extra point since Madden 94 which had a bug where you could jump offsides several times and they would miss (before 2pt conversions).


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I think the slowdown is confined to widescreen mode. I was seeing it, but it's gone after switching.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I got the xbox version and I'm not seeing any slowdown :D :D


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Sometime after tonights all-star game :) I havent really figured out how to play well with all the new stuff and I need to pratice.
Just signed up using the 2 month card. Tag: BiffHardbody

Still looking for my mic. Should find it soon, but if anyone wants a game now I'm up for it but won't have the mic.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Matrix said:
Sometime after tonights all-star game :) I havent really figured out how to play well with all the new stuff and I need to practice.

I really need to get used to the X-Box control and the new stuff also. I am having a hard time with both as of now. Though I only have played 2 games so far.
The grass stains are fucking terrible. By the second quarter the Auburn home blue jerseys looked all green - as if they were playing a in special St. Patty's Day uni. Unacceptable.

Anyone else notice how long it takes to connect to the EA servers and to find games?


It is a very sad day in the life of Fifty. My (trusted, until now) store had insisted they would get it in today...I show up, and they say "Friday evening"


So......since if I were to buy it now...... on friday....I wouldn't have much, if any time to play it before ESPN hits. Since I'm a much, much bigger Ravens fan than I am a UCLA fan, I think I'm going to use this to my advantage :( and save my $75. I was going to buy all 3 games, but if ESPN is coming out right after I'd buy NCAA (and I had tons and tons of free time between now and friday), it's not really worth it. :( :( :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Passing on NCAA football for espn...Fifty is the new Konex...good god.


Don't you EVER compare me to him. That's just low. Feel for your Canadian brother.

Hey.....I'll buy it if someone overnights it to me via courier! :D


FMT and I played Overtime Drill last night


Here are the official results of your NCAA(R) Football 2005 game on 2004.7.13 5:57:17.

Mode: OT Drill
Qtr Length: 1078023466 minutes
Difficulty: All-American
Opponent: FrenchMov
Rank: 61

Final score: DMczaf 7 vs. FrenchMov 6

Statistics DMczaf FrenchMov
Rushing attempts for 2 0
Rushing yards for 9 0
Passing attempts for 1 4
Passing yards for 16 25
Punts 0 0
Fake punts 0 0
Field goals for 0 0
Long field goals (40+) for 0 0
Fake kicks 0 0
Times player went for two 0 0
Rushing touchdowns for 0 0
Passing touchdowns for 1 1
Returns touchdowns for 0 0
Defensive touchdowns for 0 0
Turnovers for 0 0
Interceptions for 0 0
Sacks for 0 0
Number of third downs 1 1
Third down conversions 1 0
Fourth down attempts 0 1
Fourth down rushing plays 0 0
Fourth down passing plays 0 1
Fourth down conversions 0 1
Fourth-and-long situations 0 1
Fourth-and-long attempts 0 1
No-huddle plays 0 0
Audibles called 0 0
Hot routes used 0 0
Scrambles 0 0
Option plays 0 0
Shotgun plays 0 0
Hail Mary plays 0 0
Blitzes 0 1
Time of possession 0:00 0:00

Favorite offensive play book 101 11
Favorite offensive formation 6 6
Favorite defensive playbook 0 0
Favorite defensive formation 3 3

Suck it down FMT!
Fifty said:
It is a very sad day in the life of Fifty. My (trusted, until now) store had insisted they would get it in today...I show up, and they say "Friday evening"


So......since if I were to buy it now...... on friday....I wouldn't have much, if any time to play it before ESPN hits. Since I'm a much, much bigger Ravens fan than I am a UCLA fan, I think I'm going to use this to my advantage :( and save my $75. I was going to buy all 3 games, but if ESPN is coming out right after I'd buy NCAA (and I had tons and tons of free time between now and friday), it's not really worth it. :( :( :(

You aren't missing anything huge. I'm sure it will be great fun online, but I've been playing it all day and I have to say it. It feels like the same game. I like the subtle changes, absolutely. Its a better game then 2004. But, its not the leap that 2003 was to 2004. I'm somewhat bored with it already. I'm going to be playing online and in tourneys, but I think we got short changed with this sequel.

Lil' Dice

Biff Hardbody said:
You aren't missing anything huge. I'm sure it will be great fun online, but I've been playing it all day and I have to say it. It feels like the same game. I like the subtle changes, absolutely. Its a better game then 2004. But, its not the leap that 2003 was to 2004. I'm somewhat bored with it already. I'm going to be playing online and in tourneys, but I think we got short changed with this sequel.

Would you have appreciated it more if it were $20 as opposed to a hefty $50?
Nah, its not really a price issue. Its just the improvements are subtle to me, it feels like the same game I OD'd on last year. I'm going to give it some more chances. I would have liked to see allot more done aside from some suubtle tweaks and shaking screen/good sound. It does play better, certainly...I think I'm just tired of it.


Lil' Dice said:
Would you have appreciated it more if it were $20 as opposed to a hefty $50?

No shit. I think anyone would prefer a cheaper game, if the quality was the same as it was with the higher price. Take off your fanboy badge for a second, please.

Lil' Dice

Fifty said:
No shit. I think anyone would prefer a cheaper game, if the quality was the same as it was with the higher price. Take off your fanboy badge for a second, please.

I'm not buying either ESPN or Madden, so maybe you just hit my 'quote' button by mistake....I was merely asking if the changes really warranted the $50 price tag, or were they so marginal that a $20 MSRP would've been more appropriate......BTW, I'm the most unbiased XboT you'll EVER find.


quick impressions

- played a half this afternoon. loved the atmosphere or the crowd. everything else seemed ok as far as graphics and sound. nothing that wowed me though.

- still having problems gettin online. most times I cant connect to EAs server. i did get signed in once but nobody on my friends list is on. not sure i like the Live interface in this game.

- the game overall seems fun with the college atmosphere in full effect. I need to get about 3 or 4 good games in before I know if I really like the gameplay.

- I think i noticed that my LB got a boost as I was pressing the white button to pump the crowd and the ball snapped. kinda like what people used to do in one of the NFL2k games a couple years ago. I hope its not a glitch.
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