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NCAA Men's College Basketball 2012-2013 Season |OT|


Oregon got a nice transfer in Young from Houston.

Hope he gets cleared this year. Dotson, Artis, and Young would be one of the top backcourts in the country.


Had the summer interview with Marcus Paige today. Here are some noteworthy items, and a feature story and video will follow in the coming days ...

* Said he's at 171 now after starting at 157 last year. Goal of 175 by end of summer. Feels stronger, more explosive.

* Felt he showed a lot of growth last season, but it wasn't consistent growth. Noted the VT game as a breakthrough moment. Focus this year is to be a more consistent shooter and more of a vocal leader.

* He's been impressed by Isaiah Hicks - he used the word "surprised" - and noted his motor

* Thinks Tokoto is going to have a big year because he rebounds so well, his confidence is rising and his mid-range shot is more accurate.

* Said the team has had a couple meetings to discuss the status of PJ Hairston and he's talked to him a couple times since the incident. "I think everything will be all right"

* Has worked out this summer with Shammond Williams, Kendall Marshall and Raymond Felton. Noted a session with Felton and his trainer as the toughest workout he's ever done. Sounds like Shammond Williams has been very present this summer, almost in a pseudo-coach role.

* Roy Williams approached him about being open to playing some at the off guard spot situationally this season, considering the lack of 2G depth.

encouraging stuff.
Twitter: @TheMacIrvinFire Word around KD camp is that Duke bound JP22 (@JabariParker22) held his own in a 1 on 1 battle with KD



I got grudge sucked!
lol way to twist Roy's words. He was concerned because everyone of his connections told him RB was a borderline late first round/early second round pick, including the NBA Draft Evaluation Committee. And he got picked 25, so uh, exactly correct.

He should have never publicly said it in the first place and both of you know this. But he's said shit like that before,

"We were an 8-seed [in the NCAA tournament]. We finished third in the league. We had 11 losses. The NBA usually likes to find those guys that come off teams that won 30 games and go to the Final Four. And our guys understand that."

This was QUOTED by SI in their draft preview:

"Weaknesses: It's a red flag that UNC coach Roy Williams questioned his decision to leave school early. "I'm more worried about Reggie than I have been any of those other guys [who left school early]," Williams said. Bullock lacks elite athleticism and struggles to create offense for himself."

This quote about him being happy for Reggie, I'm sure he is, but he's also trying to save his ass here for those comments he made. Its just old fashioned spin. From the sound of things, he's going to need the practice.

EDIT: And Huckleberry's comments weren't "he might only be a borderline 1st round pick" they were "he'd be lucky to be drafted at all". You think Bullock had a chance going in the 1st next year? Lol, neither did Roy, but he didn't care.
Findlay Prep head coach to join UNLV staff

Dat pipeline

EDIT:packPride at it again:

Houston, Hairston has a problem!

Due to some tips that turned out to be credible, I have worked closely with some NC State fans to figure out the identity of the man who rented the 2013 GMC Yukon for UNC basketball's PJ Hairston.

I have passed along a lot of confirming/corroborating details/proof to Jason McIntyre of The Big Lead.? Since Jason McIntyre has been willing to write about my tips in the past, I still want him to be the one to break the name and scoop nationally.? McIntyre said that he expects a slow week ahead, so he's going to be working on the Hairston rental.? Make sure you follow @JasonrMcIntyre on Twitter.

PJ Hairston is toast... and the details that go with the man who rented the SUV could end up spelling trouble for the UNC basketball AND football program.

The name and details are done.? Now we just get to sit back and watch the fireworks at some point this week.

And Rodney Hood will only miss a month due to a strained Achilles tendon


I hate to admit this, but....I believe that guy is a UK fan. Or at least, someone has a very similar topic up on Rupp's Rafters: http://kentucky.rivals.com/showmsg.asp?fid=1383&tid=189286070&mid=189286070&sid=888&style=2

Not sure why some of our fans care so much. Let UNC/NCAA sort it out, not our business. If something out of line happened it'll come out somehow. If not, then everyone can move on.

edit: what do you guys know about Josh Perkins? Any talk about where he's leaning? I really like what I've seen of him, but his situation with UK is a little odd. There seems to be interest from him and his father, and he says he won't make a decision until he's able to visit UK in Agust, but he doesn't actually have an offer from us. Weird.


Would love to have him, though with Mudiay out there I'm a little hesitant. Not that we're guaranteed Mudiay, but most things I read seem to believe we have a good chance. If ever there was a prototypical Calipari point guard it's definitely Mudiay.

Still, getting Perkins early would be nice (if we even offer him?). Especially if Mudiay ends up going elsewhere.
I hate to admit this, but....I believe that guy is a UK fan. Or at least, someone has a very similar topic up on Rupp's Rafters: http://kentucky.rivals.com/showmsg.asp?fid=1383&tid=189286070&mid=189286070&sid=888&style=2

Not sure why some of our fans care so much. Let UNC/NCAA sort it out, not our business. If something out of line happened it'll come out somehow. If not, then everyone can move on.

I'm an outsider looking in on the UK fanbase, but I think a lot of UK fans are tired of being looked at as the ugly red-headed stepchild among the NCAA bluebloods. Ever since Cal took over, every little positive thing to happen to Kentucky has been scrutinized heavily, as if Cal HAD to have done something illegal. Meanwhile, other schools like Duke, Kansas, UNC can't do wrong. Some UK fans can't wait to see some of the other schools knocked off of their moral perch.


I got grudge sucked!
I'm an outsider looking in on the UK fanbase, but I think a lot of UK fans are tired of being looked at as the ugly red-headed stepchild among the NCAA bluebloods. Ever since Cal took over, every little positive thing to happen to Kentucky has been scrutinized heavily, as if Cal HAD to have done something illegal. Meanwhile, other schools like Duke, Kansas, UNC can't do wrong. Some UK fans can't wait to see some of the other schools knocked off of their moral perch.

Ehhh, thats part of it, but UK fans don't play second fiddle to anyone, and they have a strong dislike of anyone who thinks they have claim to the number spot. UNC is one of the programs that can make that claim as well and the resentment is mutual. Besides UK fans can recognize that "The Carolina Way" is douchebaggery in the highest degree.

EDIT: I realize the irony abut a Duke fan talking about douchbaggery, but everyone hates us anyway. My goal is for everyone to hate UNC too ;P
Huh, I'm all for intrigue but I think trying to make a big deal about any of this stuff is going to be a letdown for UK and NC State fans. I've given up on UNC ever being covered negatively after the way the academic scandal has been swept under the rug.


Semi O comes in next season at 6'8 without shoes and 230+ lbs. Amile Jefferson grows an inch and weighs 220-225.

These are the delusions that TDD lives with every day because Marshall and Todd are the only players on our team over 6'8 in height.


I got grudge sucked!
Semi O comes in next season at 6'8 without shoes and 230+ lbs. Amile Jefferson grows an inch and weighs 220-225.

These are the delusions that TDD lives with every day because Marshall and Todd are the only players on our team over 6'8 in height.

If you can't lie to yourself, who can you lie to? I have zero concern about Duke in the post next year......see?


Just heard about Brad Stevens to the Celts, wow.

A little shocked. He seemed like a guy who would stay in the college game. Sucks for Butler.


Celtics is a pretty nice stepping stone to the Duke job when K retires, and plus we don't have to face the same hate if we had stole him straight from Butler.


I got grudge sucked!
I never thought Stevens would leave for a Pro job. All the "insiders" claimed he would leave if UNC, Duke or IU was open. I wonder if he realizes that coaching the NBA is as much managing egos as it is Xs and OS


I never thought Stevens would leave for a Pro job. All the "insiders" claimed he would leave if UNC, Duke or IU was open. I wonder if he realizes that coaching the NBA is as much managing egos as it is Xs and OS

My theory is he grew up a Celtics fan in Indiana (because of Larry Bird). Not to mention their focus on stats, etc probably appealed to him. Doubt he'd leave for just any pro job that came calling.


I'm still really surprised. He just seemed like a college coach through and through to me. Bit of an unfortunate loss for college bball l I think.

Great coach either way, hope he does well.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Sounds like Lavall Jordan is the favorite to replace Stevens.. That sucks doubly. Not only is LaVall a good assistant but he's also Trevon Bluiett's lead recruiterand Butler was our biggest competition.
I'm still really surprised. He just seemed like a college coach through and through to me. Bit of an unfortunate loss for college bball l I think.

Great coach either way, hope he does well.

Rondo's going to chew him out.

Rivers couldn't work with Rondo, and Coach K sent him home from the 2010 World Championships because of attitude.
Just saw the news. Wonder what sort of guarantee he got from the Celtics. Hard to imagine him going from perfect job security to basically none, but who knows.

It'll be interesting to watch, at least! As for Butler, I think they'll be ok. Todd Lickliter did really well there (on Matta's coattails, but he maintained it for 6 years) even though he was crap at Iowa afterwards.


Rondo's going to chew him out.

Rivers couldn't work with Rondo, and Coach K sent him home from the 2010 World Championships because of attitude.
Yeah, that could be a problem. Though I'm not even sure if Rondo will be around long term. Could see Ainge dealing him while he still has a lot of value to help with the total rebuilding process. Maybe not this summer, but after next season.


You're late. Thomas already spoke to reporters and said he's a friend of one of the guys with Hairston and has never met Hairston himself. So if he is to be believed he lent the car to Hariston's friend and Hairston was the least inebriated of the three so he drove.

Haydn “Fats” Thomas, the convicted felon who rented the SUV that North Carolina basketball player P.J. Hairston was driving at the time of his arrest, has business ties to an adjunct faculty member at the UNC School of Dentistry and is more familiar with UNC athletes than he claimed earlier in the week.

In a July 3 interview with USA Today, Thomas said he didn’t know Hairston or anyone at North Carolina. He clarified that statement in a phone interview Friday.

“We throw parties” Thomas said when asked how he knew UNC athletes.

“When I said I don’t know them, I meant, I don’t know you, but you’re talking to me now, right? So I guess I met you.”

Thomas declined to comment further on his familiarity with UNC athletes. A picture of former UNC and current Milwaukee Bucks basketball player John Henson was sent out in July 2012 from Thomas’ Twitter account, which has since been deleted.


I got grudge sucked!
You're late. Thomas already spoke to reporters and said he's a friend of one of the guys with Hairston and has never met Hairston himself. So if he is to be believed he lent the car to Hariston's friend and Hairston was the least inebriated of the three so he drove.

Thats the mercedes he was speeding in that was ALSO traced back to this guy, not the SUV with the weed and the gun.

Theres a lot of smoke around Chapel Hill, but the NCAA won't do shit if they absolutely have to.

If UNC was smart, they'd boot PJ (and McDonald I guess to be safe) and ride this one out. They have a solid class next year and PJ probably isn't staying anyway.
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