That's another thing. By "take down," I assume it means to wreck the target vehicle in a race? If so, do you also have to complete and then win the race after that's done?
that is the best part after you win
I had a take down that took me over an hour to get because the heat from the cops kept blocking me
the car would be gone for a while and all I had to do was park or drive slowly it would come from behind smash into me and rush off
it was a hard race to win so the car was super fast to even chase down for a take down
so a hour later I was getting tired of chasing the troll
he disappeared I got tired and spun my wheels made a U turn and BANG I had him head on
I must have drove around his broken trashed shell for 15 minutes happy to get him and post a photo of his dead bones on Miiverse
I like the little touch that the wreck stays on the road for as long as you are in the area