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Need For Speed: Rivals | OT | In Theaters March 14

Yeah, the more I think about it the online functionality seems like a base reaction to the idea of online being increasingly popular, ignoring WHY it worked out for some games. It might even be at a disadvantage versus other racers that just paired you up immediately when starting a match, which hilarious means Grand Theft Auto Online had a better idea of how to go about it.

At this point I'll go as far as to say GTA V/Online is a better online racing game than this... At least to the XB360/PS3 version.

Constantly hit them with pursuit tech.

I do it a cheesey way. There is an interceptor mission on the very top of the map just right of center. You start in a little "gully". When the interceptor starts I back up, let the cop pass to just in front of me then turn on my upgraded shock wave and hit him. Drive forward a couple hundred feet, E-Brake and turn around, Charge him and ram him. Drive forward a couple hundred feet, E-brake and turn around, turn on shockwave and ram him again.

The cop will spend most of his time K-turning in this gully to try and turn around, meanwhile I'm hitting him with shockwave and ramming the shit out of him.
Found a way to get SP very fast and easily, for those interested. Unfortunately, the PS4's voice recording seems to be very low, so it's hard to hear what I'm saying. I did provide instructions in the description though.

Was doing this as a racer a couple days ago on a medium level event that's to the east of that one, one where you start on a on ramp with a jump at the end if you keep going straight as it's narrow and the cops are too stupid to properly turn around sometimes making it ridiculously easy to take them out, I think the fastest I did it once I started using that strategy was 22 seconds next time I'll definitely be checking out doing it on a hard event.

I've had enough of this shit online. This is the 5th time I've lost all my points because of the fucking host migration shit. I love seeing busted across my screen after the game re-loads again because I got busted by a cop while the fucking game was loading.

This game has a great first impression but once you spend a few hours with it you realize how shallow and broken every single system in this game is. EA is so lucky DriveClub got delayed.
This has happened to me a few times and yeah it's total bullshit one of thoe many things making me wish I didn't buy it.

I agree with every single one. This game was clearly rushed but I don't think that is a good enough excuse.

Gripe number 11: Jump icons should be placed on the map facing the direction of the jump.

ABSOLFUCKINGLUTELY! This is one of those "WTF were they thinking" kind of things of something so painfully obvious that wasn't done.

You know what's infuriating? If you're being chased, starting events is a MAJOR pain in the ass. Those few seconds where you're stuck being immobile at the start have just cost me a bunch of points. Escaping the cops and getting to a hideout with 100k+ points feels cool, but shit like this makes my blood boil.

Again one of those "WTF were they thinking" things, it's bullshit that they put those stupid cutscenes up and make it impossible to defend yourself. The way this game was previewed it sounded like you could start events while still moving and it'd seamlessly put you into the event. But nope, you always start at a complete stop and do loading transition cutscenes which is crap because you can be nearly wrecked and blocked while doing them to just give AI an early edge/head start.


Got the game this morning as a early Christmas present and I put a couple of hours in. The online mode can lead to some pretty epic moments, but you know what isn't epic? Being in a head to head against another human and the cops join in (including human cops) on a crazy chase, and all of a sudden the game stops. You are now in a host migration menu for 1-2 minutes, just sitting there. Finally the game comes back on and you resume the action, but from a dead stop. This happened to me twice in 15 minutes and killed the online mode for me. It lead to some fantastic unexpected moments, but the game interrupts just aren't worth it. I put it in a private game and had a great time and never had to worry.

Level 7 now and as a whole I'm really enjoying the game. Lots of fun and insanity and looks nice.
So is there any way to invite a friend to my game then make it public? From what I can tell Criterion fucked up yet another online racing game somehow. It's like they see how every other game functions online properly and consistently do the opposite.


Is anyone else having trouble getting into multiplayer games? I played online with other players when I first started, but haven't been able to get in a game since. Even when I go to find a new match, it just puts me in a game by myself where I'm the host. I'm on Xbox One.
Got this game cheap (25 bucks) for PS3 and was having a lot of fun until bam 4 host migrations in a 10 minute span. Can EA not make a functioning online game any more first Sim City than BF4 now this. Hopefully the private "single player" mode is fun....
So is there any way to invite a friend to my game then make it public? From what I can tell Criterion fucked up yet another online racing game somehow. It's like they see how every other game functions online properly and consistently do the opposite.

I had zero problems with Most Wanted 2012, HP2010 or Burnout Paradise when it comes to online, granted at least with the latter I didn't buy and play it until it was already out for a year or so but I bought MW2012 and HP2010 on release. I doubt it's a coincidence at BF4 has also had a shit load of its own problems. It comes down to EA putting out games that were clearly not totally ready for release and flatout piss poor decisions.


Junior Member
ok. i need some help because this game is frustrating.

i got this game. and i want to play a race like 3 vs 3. one time i am a cop one time i am a rival. is it possible ? something like Need for Speed HP. i do not want to login to a city and search for players then click L2 or whatever the button is to challenge him.

is it possible to just play 3 vs 3 in some way like wait for players till the room is complete and then start ?


I guess playing this game offline against bots (what I'm doing, fuck Origin) is the way to go. No host transitions or any of that crap.


The option is there. While in the garage, go to the bottom and select "Switch to Cop Career." Pursuits become manual, and you can drive around without fear of being smashed to smithereens. Since pursuits don't start, the music doesn't drop.

Ok, but then you have to drive the cop vehicles. Is there a way to do it using the racer vehicles?
*Starts a head to head

I'm in first place : 1.2 miles to go.

-You've been disconnected
-Migrating host

Opponent is still at full speed , while i'm still because of the host change , take first place

"200 metters later"

-You've been disconnected
-Migrating host

Opponent has reached the finish line i'm still stuck because of host change.

Thank you p2p lobbug gameplay !!!

leng jai

I understand it due to the online nature of it. Problem is with said online nature borked it instead ends up feeling like a sacrifice made for no good reason.

Exactly. Even after completely disabling the online component you still can't pause. Seriously?

stay gold

So everytime I try to start my game it crashes on the 'loading save data' screen. Anyone else had this? Im guessing im gonna have to delete my data and start again.

God I fucking loathe EA.

Edit: I see theres some PSN maintenance going on, i'll hold off on deleting my save, hopefully it's just that. Always online man, can't beat it.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
That last mission for Racer is some kind of bullshit. Anybody got any tips?

I get through the whole slog to the very end but inevitably for the last 2 miles or so of the race the cops are just all over my ass and I can't shake them off. The worst part is if I wreck once its basically over because I will just spawn back up and another cop car will just wreck me half a second later. The other racers themselves are a complete non factor.
That last mission for Racer is some kind of bullshit. Anybody got any tips?

I get through the whole slog to the very end but inevitably for the last 2 miles or so of the race the cops are just all over my ass and I can't shake them off. The worst part is if I wreck once its basically over because I will just spawn back up and another cop car will just wreck me half a second later. The other racers themselves are a complete non factor.

Yeah, its the last 3 miles where they all come out and go at you very hard.

Just make sure you hit the last repair station right before this section.

Use Jammer (everytime you are notified that they are locking onto you hit the jammer)
Use Shockwave. When they get close to you just blow them away.

Of course, make sure both are fully upgraded.
That last mission for Racer is some kind of bullshit. Anybody got any tips?

I get through the whole slog to the very end but inevitably for the last 2 miles or so of the race the cops are just all over my ass and I can't shake them off. The worst part is if I wreck once its basically over because I will just spawn back up and another cop car will just wreck me half a second later. The other racers themselves are a complete non factor.

Find this event insanely easy. Shockwave to shake them off. Jammer or the CES thingy to make room/ disable lock on. Look out for garage in the map.

I couldn't stay long in the lobby the other day but i hope i'll get my revenge :p

I was just starting after all.i hope we'll be able to play together soon ( gonna try to raise my SP and get a better car first ! )
I understand it due to the online nature of it. Problem is with said online nature borked it instead ends up feeling like a sacrifice made for no good reason.

I play offline Single Player and, believe it or not, the pause "feature" is disabled in that as well. So ridiculous. I understand in the online aspect, but offline?! C'mon
I play offline Single Player and, believe it or not, the pause "feature" is disabled in that as well. So ridiculous. I understand in the online aspect, but offline?! C'mon

Yeah, that really irks me. What's worse is that the voice commands are sometimes misinterpreted, and the game will bring up the map when I ask it to find GPS routes instead, causing me to crash.


Anyone on Ps4 interested in doing the online friend trophies with me? I'm on vacation the next 4 days and those are some of the last I need. Add me on PSN with a "from neogaf" request.

PSN: Everdred
Any news on the ps4 framerate stutter patch?

Have zero interest in this until it is 100% smooth

It was submitted for certification about a week ago. I just tweeted a member of the dev team again today asking for an update. I'm in the same boat as you. This game is on the shelf til that patch hits.


trololol this game man.

Just fired it up only to find out that I lost 20 levels again. Man what the fuck is wrong with this game. And why do I keep coming back to it?
trololol this game man.

Just fired it up only to find out that I lost 20 levels again. Man what the fuck is wrong with this game. And why do I keep coming back to it?

I'm assuming you're playing online a lot? I hope to avoid this crap by being offline only.


Find this event insanely easy. Shockwave to shake them off. Jammer or the CES thingy to make room/ disable lock on. Look out for garage in the map.

Yup, that's what I did. Only had to do it twice, and the first time I lost it a mile from the finish.

Edit: I've only played online and have only had migrating host 3 or 4 times. Each time it restarted the event, which while bothersome didn't irritate me that much, and I sure haven't lost any racer/cop levels. Odd.


Was doing this as a racer a couple days ago on a medium level event that's to the east of that one, one where you start on a on ramp with a jump at the end if you keep going straight as it's narrow and the cops are too stupid to properly turn around sometimes making it ridiculously easy to take them out, I think the fastest I did it once I started using that strategy was 22 seconds next time I'll definitely be checking out doing it on a hard event.

This method pretty much seems fail-safe. The cop has turned around at the end of the runway every time, letting me drive away without an issue. Also, two nearby repair shops and hideout make it that much easier.


Was doing this as a racer a couple days ago on a medium level event that's to the east of that one, one where you start on a on ramp with a jump at the end if you keep going straight as it's narrow and the cops are too stupid to properly turn around sometimes making it ridiculously easy to take them out, I think the fastest I did it once I started using that strategy was 22 seconds next time I'll definitely be checking out doing it on a hard event.
This method pretty much seems fail-safe. The cop has turned around at the end of the runway every time, letting me drive away without an issue. Also, two nearby repair shops and hideout make it that much easier.
What is the name of that medium-level event?
This game is atrocious online. I have to either play with randoms or somehow invite 6 friends and nothing in between? I'll play solo for a bit then send it back to GF. Another horrible Criterion online racer. Oh well, at least I didn't pay money for this trash.
2 problem with this game

-Share doesn't work properly on pS4 , it records the first 15 minutes , not the last 15 minutes no idea why ?

- When it rain ( with thunder ) on the left side of the map , some sky effect are purple for no reason( seen it 5 times already , it's a graphical glitch that appears at this moment when it rains )


It was submitted for certification about a week ago. I just tweeted a member of the dev team again today asking for an update. I'm in the same boat as you. This game is on the shelf til that patch hits.

Same for me as well, never even started the game, but I knew of this issue before hand and decided to wait so I could enjoy the game fully. Hopefully this hits this/next week. Meanwhile I am still enjoying playing through the AC4 campaign :)
I was playing yesterday and it has some ridiculous pop in and texture problems in the scenery. The mountains would just be a smooth surface and then it'd be filling everything in as I passed it. It looked awful. I had to stop playing. Anybody else have this problem?


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I was playing yesterday and it has some ridiculous pop in and texture problems in the scenery. The mountains would just be a smooth surface and then it'd be filling everything in as I passed it. It looked awful. I had to stop playing. Anybody else have this problem?

Never had anything that bad but I hit a curb last night then flew over a guard rail into a tree and my car fell down underneath the game world and I was stuck driving around underneath the world for a good few minutes.

Couldn't even share it because the share function for this game is completely broken.


Got this yesterday. Some quick points

- Started the game up. Instantly bombarded with so much information via the forced tutorial that I felt like my head was going to explode. What the fuck. No, I don't give a shit about any of this. Let me fucking drive. Wait, whats this?! "EA DRIVING WANK SYSTEM!!!" Why should I give a fuck about that? aaaaahhghg let me fucking drive, goddamnt.

- Graphics are great for a console, but I can't help thinking about the fact that I was playing Need for Speed Most Wanted this time last year (or was it more recently?) on my PC, at 1080p with graphics that were the same if not better, at 60fps (well, higher than 30fp anyhow). Hm. But that can be said about the PS4 in general - after years of high end PC gaming, it just isn't impressive. But that's not why I bought it. I got it for the upcoming exclusives.

- Game is actually really fun. I was disappointed at there being a censor on using swear words as your numberplate, but I got around it. My car now has a numberplate that reads 1ARSE1.

All in all, it's actually the best launch game imo.


Does this game crash on regular basis for anyone? Out of all the games I own, yes even BF4, this is the only game making a habit of crashing for me.


Crashing/framerate aside, after probably 20-25 hours of playtime in the game (mostly as racer), I feel like this is one of the most deeply and fundamentally flawed game designs.. Ever. And I'm a patient person who thrives on risk in games.

What's the fun thing about an open world racing game? It's freedom. It's doing what you want. It's exploring. It's messing around. It's trying all those crazy jumps. This is what was fun about past open world Criterion games.

The punishment in this game isn't served up because you did something wrong. It's served up just by playing. You are punished for attempting to exist in the world. For this reason, I think this is one of the most tragically flawed game designs I've ever seen. I'm happy to see developers try something new, get an idea and run with it, but this time it just didn't work out. At all.

No, I don't want to play a cop. I don't want to bust people. I just want to race + mess around.
Finished up with this yesterday, got the Platinum.

It's interesting to read the negative comments in here, but mostly because I actually enjoyed Rivals quite a bit. My only real major complaint is the usual one of all recent Criterion/NFS titles and it's that goddam rubber-band bullshit - but maybe I'm just getting used to it now (or putting up with it at least), or perhaps it wasn't as brutal in this, so I didn't experience those soul crushing, want-to-throw-my-controller-at-the-screen moments that I remember from Hot Pursuit, and to a lesser extent, Most Wanted.

I had two blue screens (PS4) in about 25 hours. Also slightly annoying was that respawn glitch where your car appears in, drives the opposite direction, crashes and then forces another respawn, all without your input (and effectively wasting a shit load of time).

Was surprised at how easy the final races were for both factions, did both first time and by quite some margin. With the Racer "round the world" event, after the first ~10-15km I didn't feel like the AI were even close at all. On subsequent runs for the 100% completion it was much the same. It was the first time that the rubber-banding didn't seem to keep them glued near me.

Car list is excellent, events were enjoyable. Racer had some heart-breaking moments when I lost ~350,000 SP and another losing about ~420,000 SP on the way to that half-million Trophy, but totally my fault getting greedy or not hanging out near a Repair. I didn't mind the element of difficulty brought about by the possibility of SP loss either; Had to weight up risk vs reward more often for sure, but I liked it from a design point of view. You're on the wrong side of the law. Fuck up and you can lose everything.

Spent a good few hours just touring around the map after I completed it too. Bought all the Racer cars and painted them all up in different liveries. Was nice finding some of those outback dirt routes, shortcuts (some of which I'd never spotted before) and new jumps.

Definitely not the best racer out there and it's a flawed experience for sure with plenty of glitches and that rushed feel overall, but meh, I quite enjoyed it. Enough to go for 100% and have it not feel too much of a grind anyway.
Also slightly annoying was that respawn glitch where your car appears in, drives the opposite direction, crashes and then forces another respawn, all without your input (and effectively wasting a shit load of time).
nice review deadpool .

i agree even if i haven't finished the game yet i did encounter that glitch and it's really weird since no bug like thses were in their other open world games
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