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NEED YOUR BEER/LIQUOR REVIEWS: Jack Daniels Hard Cola, Bacardi Silver, etc

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please post your malternative reviews and what not..

i just had Jim Beam and Cola, one bottle of it last night.. really good.. apparently its not a malt beer like most of them, but actually just their own cola formula and real jim beam...


Bacardi Silver is a favorite of mine. I usually warm up with with Smirnoff TB or Skyy and then work my way up to the harder stuff.

My beer of choice is Coors, nothing else even comes close. Miller tastes like piss. Bud is decent, but the taste is kinda bland.

And btw, Jack Daniels sucks. It sucks hard. (I think I had the punch flavor one time though that was semi-decent.)

My favorite drink to order out is a White Russian on the rocks, oh hot damn is that good. :)


I think they are terrible, and are for girls and teenagers who think beer tastes "icky". I had some of the new "Mike's Hard Lime" at the Beer Festival last Friday....it tastes like a sugar'ed up Sprite.....which what almost all that crap tastes like, more or less.

Strongbow is a great cider, but that's about the sweetest thing I will drink. Jack & Diet Coke is pretty good too.


My wife loves all that crap, it tastes like flat pop if you ask me. I'd much rather have a nice stout or an ale.


I don't know how people can stand the taste of semi-straight vodka. If my drink has vodka in it, it had better be pretty damn smothered.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Tritroid said:
My beer of choice is Coors, nothing else even comes close. Miller tastes like piss. Bud is decent, but the taste is kinda bland.

Apparetly you've never had a nice pint of the true King of Beers:


Agent Dormer said:
Apparetly you've never had a nice pint of the true King of Beers:
Actually I haven't. I've heard a few guys talking about it, but I haven't had the chance to try it.


Yikes. Be warned, Guiness is a very hardy beer. If you've been drinking nothing but Coors and Miller it will probably taste like you're drinking mud at first. Stick with it though, you won't be able to go back to piss water like Coors.
once again i see the obligatory "those drinks are for girls post"... hooray for creativity there.

i like beer, i like hard liquor, i also like these weird malternative/ready-to-drink items alot... they are often sweet and almost like having a treat/dessert and getting a buzz at the same time..

my favorite beers are old style, high life, miller light, bud light, coors light, etc.. whatever i drank in college/frat basically.

for hard liquor, my shot of choice is souther comfort, or soco+amaretto for a sicilian kiss.. for a mixed drink, pepsi one and captain morgan, or pepsi one and capt. morgan private stock.

but i have been trying to give each of these RTD/Malternatives a chance and try them all:

captain morgans gold: see my other thread, its a favorite of mine.. tastes like a caramel rum and cola.. if you smell the gold and regular captain rum, you can smell the caramel in teh gold compared to the vanilla in the rum, and i think that set alot of people off.. great drink (cancelled stuff unfortunately)

bacardi silver: nothing amazing, but its got a decent citrus taste, and isnt overly sweet, you could drink multiple of these in a row I'd think.

skyy blue: overly sweet, soda style drink.. good if you just plan to have 1 or 2 I'd think, i could drink more than that in a row.. but i do enjoy it alot if i only want to have 1 or something.

bacardi silver o3/raz/limon: good variations of the bacardi silver theme, with limon seeming somewhat useless considering there are so many other lemon competitors out there.

smirnoff ice/triple black: i like them both, but prefer the triple black for its somewhat "stronger" taste.. apparently the triple black is supposed to be the more "manly" version hence its being marketed to men, but both are good.

smirnoff twisted: i havent tried any of them, but did just buy a "party pack" for my girlfriend which features 3 of each of the 4 flavors in the box, so ill probably give each of the flavors a go.

seagram's smooth red: great cranberry flavor.. cancelled drink, or soon to be at least.
seagram's smooth citrus: typical citrus malternative, nothing special...

jim beam & cola: really good tasting, and not a malternative, but actually cola and real jim beam in the bottle... not a bad thing to pick up a 6 pack of if you have peopel coming over and want to have some other options besides beer or whatever limited hard liquor you might have.

kahlua RTD mudslide: like this alot, comes in a little 4 pack of little bottles.. the kahlua flavor is pretty strong in this compared to other mudslide drinks that feature the chocolate flavor more prominently.

TGIFridays Mudslide: love this stuff, tastes amazing, more chocolaty.. like drinking an alcoholic chocolate milk or something.

Sparks: I like this stuff alot.. orangy/citrus/energy drink flavor, decent liquor content and good energy drink buzz...

I just got a 6 pack of Jack Daniels Hard Cola at the liquor store, so ill post my review of that tonight probably...

way more

border said:
I think they are terrible, and are for girls and teenagers who think beer tastes "icky". I had some of the new "Mike's Hard Lime" at the Beer Festival last Friday....it tastes like a sugar'ed up Sprite.....which what almost all that crap tastes like, more or less.

Strongbow is a great cider, but that's about the sweetest thing I will drink. Jack & Diet Coke is pretty good too.

Preach it brother.


Bacardi already has too many brands out there, but they ought to market a Bacardi+Diet Cola mix to the low carb crowd.....or have the Jack Daniels people do a Jack+Diet beverage. Those pre-mixed drinks seemed like a pretty cool idea, though the Jim Beam and Captain Morgan ones kind of sucked ass. Can't get into the alco-pop stuff, though I generally like to try a new one when it comes on the market (just in case) -- but it always tastes like sugar and nasty artificial flavoring. The heavy sugar content makes hangovers more likely as well. If I want a humiliating beverage, I'd rather order one of the girlie-girl mixed drinks (daquiris, margaritas, cosmopolitans, midori sour) since they taste better than the cheap malt stuff.


Oh. Shit.

I didn't even know they introduced a Jack's Hard Cola. This is FANTASTIC news, big Jack and Coke fan here. :D

Now there's one less step towards getting drunk, and frankly, the less steps the better.
Wellington said:
Oh. Shit.

I didn't even know they introduced a Jack's Hard Cola. This is FANTASTIC news, big Jack and Coke fan here. :D

Now there's one less step towards getting drunk, and frankly, the less steps the better.

its not the same. it taste like shit. stick with jack n cokes.
Yeah, I had the jack coke(god damnit i kepting type cock) shit, and I took like three sips and gave the rest away. I'm gonna try the jim bean one though.


Sasquatch of 1000 (hairy) colons
I had home made lynchburg lemonade this weekend, and it was really good.
1 pt JD
1 pt Sour Mix
1 pt triple sec (which I didnt have)
2 pt 7up

It was pretty good, even when i was drunk and started making them really strong.
Usually I just go with a Jack and Coke though. You can't beat a classic.


border said:
I think they are terrible, and are for girls and teenagers who think beer tastes "icky". I had some of the new "Mike's Hard Lime" at the Beer Festival last Friday....it tastes like a sugar'ed up Sprite.....which what almost all that crap tastes like, more or less.

There's nothing wrong with an sugar-loaded drink every now and then. They aren't as nice as a *good* beer, but I'll take them over mass-produced piss beer any day of the week.
I think even for MANLY MEN there is a place for these alchopops and RTD drinks...

the Jack Daniels Hard Cola and Jim Beam and Cola are both very different; but I hear that Jack Daniels actually sells more..

the Jack Daniels Hard Cola is a malt beer flavored to taste like a Jack and Coke; or similar to one.. it actually isnt supposed to be a straight Jack + Coke substitute; they tried to mix it up a little and it is supposed to taste a bit different, but still definately in the same family of drinks (also similar to Captain Morgan's Gold different take on capt+coke)...

whereas the Jim Beam and Cola bottles are actually just Jim Beam and their own cola formula...

I only had that 1 bottle of Jim Beam and Cola, but it was good, ill have another tonight along with a Jack Daniels Hard Cola...

the jack daniels was harder to find; i guess it will only be sold in accounts/stores/regions that had good sales.. so it wont have broad distribution.. it was like $7.99 for a 6-pack.. the jim beam and cola; which should be considered the "premium" of the two, was $5.50 at one liquor store and $6 at another! Quite a deal; maybe its getting cancelled? I will probably stock up on quite a bit of it at this price and just use it for partys and stuff as I generally dont have a bottle of whiskey around.
Wellington said:
I didn't even know they introduced a Jack's Hard Cola. This is FANTASTIC news, big Jack and Coke fan here. :D

It's utter shit. It's flat, doesn't really taste like Jack, doesn't really taste like Coke. It's real sign of laziness when you need to have jack and coke premixed.


And btw, Jack Daniels sucks. It sucks hard. (I think I had the punch flavor one time though that was semi-decent.)

This is the truth. Beware the Jack Daniels bottled malted drinks.

Schmirnoff Iceand Bacardi Silver are kind of sweet. Mike's Hard Lemonade was one of my first drinks and I still like it. It's like lemonade with a buzz, but not ultra sweet like the others.
Guinness is for effete and predictable college poseurs -- most of you couldn't credibly tell a good stout if it up and shoved a leathery, coffee-tinged jackboot into your powdered posteriors. Most US bars don't serve it off a nitro tap, making it distinctly subpar. Any Northwest stout off a nitro tap (like Rogue Nitro Stout) craps all over Guinness as served in American bars.

Still, I'm tempted to ban EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU *WOMEN* WHO DRINK "MALTERNATIVES". The hairy-chested masculine world of beer drinkers brew a drink just to bring you fops into the world of hard-bodied super studs: hefeweizens. Drink 'em, shut up, and feel your testicles begin their early descent.

Bish, I'm thinkin' we should hand out "Malternative Sippin' Pillow Biter" tags for everyone in this thread who's posted about "hard" ANYTHING. "Jack's Hard Cola" -- CHRIST INNA BOWL GLASS WITH A SALTED RIM. Just buy a bottle of the Captain's cheapest and mix it with Coke; it's probably cheaper and affords you a little dignity. JD, of course, is vastly preferred over the Cap'n, but hey, you gotta start somewhere.
i really hope i dont get that malternative fairy/girlie tag..

it would certainly ruin my day and i would cry and cry..

i wish i could be like you manly men, out there drinking beers that you consider to be so manly and masculine..

poor me, being so girlie and enjoying malternatives... what will i ever do with myself.. and my new tag..!!! :(

i am out to pick up some more beam and cola bottles, i hear they were clearanced at a local grocery.
Drinky Crow said:
Guinness is for effete and predictable college poseurs -- most of you couldn't credibly tell a good stout if it up and shoved a leathery, coffee-tinged jackboot into your powdered posteriors. Most US bars don't serve it off a nitro tap, making it distinctly subpar. Any local Northwest stout off a nitro tap (like Rogue Nitro Stout) craps all over Guinness as served in American bars.

I love my Guinness, and two bars I go to actually do serve it from a nitro tap, but I agree with you, microbrews rock. I live in San Francisco, and I'm real lucky to be able to run into great microbrews and order real oatmeal stouts with more alcohol content. I just can't drink as much of those as I can with Guinness.

I don't understand the infatuation with any of these "malternatives." It's just like when they introduced Zima to the market, and I was actually too young to drink it, legally, at the time. It was the biggest thing and then someone came to their senses and declared it utter yuppie shit. A lot of my pansy friends love that stuff, so I'm forced to bring a bottle of jack to any gathering.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I get sick of hearing guys complain about 'pussy drinks'. If it has alcohol content and you like the taste, the fucking drink it.

That said, I don't like most chick drinks. Somebody gave me I think it was a Fuzzy Navel a couple days ago, I guess it was peach schnapps with OJ or something, and jesus fuck was it the fruitiest drink I ever had. The taste alone made me nearly want to puke. Hate peach schnapps, even tho girls seem to love it.
Euro Guinness off a nitro tap is great, absolutely great. Most of the kids who so proudly wear their "I <3 GUINNESS" badges every time a beer discussion comes up have probably had nothing other than the canned shit that shows up a frat party, though, or only chugged the American sans-u flavor from a college town tap. Boo!


WasabiKing said:
It's utter shit. It's flat, doesn't really taste like Jack, doesn't really taste like Coke. It's real sign of laziness when you need to have jack and coke premixed.

:( Sorry sir. :(
We beer snobs are such because good beers have truly great flavors, and work so complementary in many different contexts: specific meals, specific times of day and seasons, with other beers. If all you've had is pilsner and canned Guinness, of course you won't appreciate it, but that's no reason to not be adventuresome. Seriously; next time you're at a bar, ask for a hefeweisen (hef) or a "sweet" amber -- I think you'll be amazed just how good and easily drinkable it is, especially when compared to canned shit pseudo-pilsners - that crap tasted like fizzy dishsoap to me, even as a kid. Ask for a Pyramid Hefeweizen, a Newcastle Brown, or a Fat Tire Amber; not only will you get a nod of approval from the bartender as a budding beer neophyte, you'll also find them eminently drinkable, unlike that cloying sweet malternative shit. Stay away from IPAs, ESBs, porters, or stouts until you've developed a palate for more complex beers, though; they'll just taste bitter and hoppy to you.

I started out on PBR and Schlitz, puking my brains out at high school parties. It's a long, difficult road to good taste, but it's quite worth it. You'll add a whole range of appreciation to your palate, plus you can get just totally fuckin' bomb-ass blasted on the shit. Good times!

As for the malternative crowd -- malternatives are not only embarassingly candified, it's pretty much a straight up admission that you're too sensitive to taste issues or too ignorant to get drunk efficiently. JD + Coke, on the other hand, is a great compromise -- sweet taste, the classic JD kick, and a hammer to the brain.

Jack's Hard Cola doesn't even HAVE JD in it; it's a swishy malt blend chemically engineered to cater to cowardly taste buds. May I suggest a Long Island Iced Tea instead, madame?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
^ I agree about good beers. I honestly never remember the name of the beer whenever I have a really good one but, jesus, I fuckin HATE bad beers. I had a PBR a couple weeks ago and it tasted like puke....I threw it away before I was half done with the damn thing.

Next time I'm at a bar or a restaurant where i order beer, I'll see if they have hefeweisen. How do you pronounce that btw, hef-eh-wice-en? I always feel like a retard when I order stuff and don't know how to pronounce it, especially beer.
okay I ended up with some new developments:

i got some Skyy Sport (the lower carb skyy blue) to try as well as Mikes Light Hard Lemonade.

skyy sport is a different flavor than skyy blue and has 12 carbs.. mikes hard lemonade light has 1 CARB!

i then noticed jack daniels "punches", those 4 packs of fruity drinks... well they are now in bigger 10 oz bottles that look more like the jack daniels hard cola bottles.. they had a new flavor though "Blackjack Cola".. not sure what the hell it was, i picked it up.

ill post some reviews tonight.. mostly for drinky crow who PM'ed me asking for reviews because he loves the malternatives so much.. ;)
see, i understand your points.. but my question is.. WHO CARES?

if someone wants to get drunk or get a buzz drinking something that tastes like candy, and you want to get drunk tasting a beer that tastes like a beer or hops or whatever the hell... WHO CARES?!

and why would you even care if someone didnt want to drink the same type of alcoholic beverages as you? does it matter? everytime someone drinks a sugar-fied alcoholic beverage do you break out in rash or something?

Drinky Crow said:
We beer snobs are such because good beers have truly great flavors, and work so complementary in many different contexts: specific meals, specific times of day and seasons, with other beers. If all you've had is pilsner and canned Guinness, of course you won't appreciate it, but that's no reason to not be adventuresome. Seriously; next time you're at a bar, ask for a hefeweisen (hef) or a "sweet" amber -- I think you'll be amazed just how good and easily drinkable it is, especially when compared to canned shit pseudo-pilsners - that crap tasted like fizzy dishsoap to me, even as a kid. Ask for a Pyramid Hefeweizen, a Newcastle Brown, or a Fat Tire Amber; not only will you get a nod of approval from the bartender as a budding beer neophyte, you'll also find them eminently drinkable, unlike that cloying sweet malternative shit. Stay away from IPAs, ESBs, porters, or stouts until you've developed a palate for more complex beers, though; they'll just taste bitter and hoppy to you.

I started out on PBR and Schlitz, puking my brains out at high school parties. It's a long, difficult road to good taste, but it's quite worth it. You'll add a whole range of appreciation to your palate, plus you can get just totally fuckin' bomb-ass blasted on the shit. Good times!

As for the malternative crowd -- malternatives are not only embarassingly candified, it's pretty much a straight up admission that you're too sensitive to taste issues or too ignorant to get drunk efficiently. JD + Coke, on the other hand, is a great compromise -- sweet taste, the classic JD kick, and a hammer to the brain.

Jack's Hard Cola doesn't even HAVE JD in it; it's a swishy malt blend chemically engineered to cater to cowardly taste buds. May I suggest a Long Island Iced Tea instead, madame?
Okay, reading the Jack Daniels Blackjack Cola label and it says its "the classic flavor of cola with a hint of lemon and lime".. not exactly sure what thats going to taste like..

should be interesting...

so heres the tentaive lineup for tonight..

jack daniels hard cola
jack daniels blackjack cola
skyy sport

but this can all change..

now i need to figure out what movie i am going to watch
Okay, popping in Links 2004 for some online action.. they reset our scores :(

anyways, i also popped open a jack daniels hard cola.. dont think it tastes like a jack+coke that much, but havent had a jack+coke in years.. it tastes somewhat like the jimbeam+cola bottle I had yesterday, but different..

has a less pronounced whiskeyscent/taste than the jimbeam+cola.. guess thats because this one is the malternative and the other is actual beam in there..

however, i wouldnt say its worse... both have 5% alcohol, both taste like colas with whiskey in them.. i guess i'd recomend to pick up a 6 pack of each if you are interested in them and try them both.. i think the average person would like the jack daniels better it has less of a whiskey smell/taste

overally i really like both... i will most likely regularly stock either/or as it seems like something i'd have 1 or 2 of here and there; while watching a movie, playing on xbox live; etc etc..

after this jd hard cola; i'll have something else and post my review here...

if anyone actually goes out any tries any of these please post your reviews/thoughts...

way more

demon said:
^ I agree about good beers. I honestly never remember the name of the beer whenever I have a really good one but, jesus, I fuckin HATE bad beers. I had a PBR a couple weeks ago and it tasted like puke....I threw it away before I was half done with the damn thing.

Good. Throw that shit away, it's bad for you, made from corn . . . disgusting. For my review try your damn local breweries and learn good from god awful.
dont throw it away!! PBR and *ALL* cheap beers are excellent..

i recently came across some beer that was in small 8.3oz energy drink cans called "stite light".. its really horrible.. but thast why i love it.. gets you drunk, tastes like piss water..

i guess i grew fond of the piss water in college..

am drinking a bottle of SKYY SPORT NOW... stuff is delicious.. it is mostly a cranberry flavor.. very good.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
No thank you. There are alcoholic beverages out there that don't taste like shit. I'll take those thank you very much.

And no, PBR doesn't taste like piss, it tastes like puke. Corona tastes like piss.
demon said:
No thank you. There are alcoholic beverages out there that don't taste like shit. I'll take those thank you very much.

And no, PBR doesn't taste like piss, it tastes like puke. Corona tastes like piss.

yah i never muhc got into corona.. i could drink it; but it just wasnt anything special to me.. i'd rather just save a few bucks and get some high life personally..

old style is really an amazing beer too.. i even have a light up old style sign in my room :)


LuckyBrand said:
Okay, reading the Jack Daniels Blackjack Cola label and it says its "the classic flavor of cola with a hint of lemon and lime".. not exactly sure what thats going to taste like..

You know, I said that I've got nothing against the fruity drinks (and I'll still take them over the mass-produced swill), but if I really wanted something that tasted like JD and coke, I'd buy some JD and a bottle of coke.

i wish i could be like you manly men, out there drinking beers that you consider to be so manly and masculine..

It's not about being manly, it's about having a decent sense of taste. I can see how someone who's only tasted Bud from a can would be reluctant to try more beer - piss with a hint of aluminum isn't my idea of a good drink- but you really owe it to yourself to try out something good. There are plenty of places all over the US that brew their own beers, go find one, ask for a recommendation, and try a couple of beers out.

abst Blue Ribbon owns all of you

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