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NEED YOUR BEER/LIQUOR REVIEWS: Jack Daniels Hard Cola, Bacardi Silver, etc

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Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Drinky Crow said:
Euro Guinness off a nitro tap is great, absolutely great. Most of the kids who so proudly wear their "I <3 GUINNESS" badges every time a beer discussion comes up have probably had nothing other than the canned shit that shows up a frat party, though, or only chugged the American sans-u flavor from a college town tap. Boo!

What do you think I did when I was in Ireland and England? And you're right - Guinness from the nitro tap is amazing compared to the cans/bottles. But when you're not 21 it's the best you can do!
yah the lime in corona did make it a little more interesting.. but i guess i aint big into the mexican beer thing.. i guess it would be a nice change of pace sometimes...

my dad swears by stella artois and warsteiner (i think both are spelled wrong)..

eventually i am sure ill move into more of the more "manly" beers; but am perfectly content wtih my mix of piss beers, rtd's, malternatives and the few mixed drinks i enjoy (mainly captain and cola or captain private stock and cola)...

though i did have an obsession with tom collins drinks for a while, and drank them nearly daily for the span of months.

the skyy sport was great.. its more of a citrus/cran mix... 15 grams of carbs which is about half the general malternative...

doing a mikes light righit now.. 76 calories, 1 gram of carb.. will it have any flavor whatsoever? we'll see!


And even i am moderately surprised
"Just buy a bottle of the Captain's cheapest and mix it with Coke; it's probably cheaper and affords you a little dignity. "

I endorse this statement.

for your drinking pleasure - don't mix with coke. And don't drink Jack Daniels. Get a real whiskey.

... Blackace, i feel a night of whiskey based drunkeness coming on....
well, the mikes light was good... not as good as the other drinks, but what do you expect when the jack daniels drink has 200+ calories and this has 76 calories..

tasted like a lemonade... pretty good lemonade actually and it comes with an "okay" 4% alcohol content.. better than most light beers, worse than other malt drinks i had this evening that had 5% content.

just noticed at jimbeam.com that they consider the Jim Beam and Cola beverage they produce to be part of their family... because it really is made of real beam whiskey.. apparently its in cans now too.. havent seen that, but shit, that would be awesome..

12 or 24 pack of Jim Beam & Cola cans? gosh damn that would be great...

any suggestions on what my next drink be?

options are:
captain morgans gold
zima XXX
jack daniels hard cola
jack daniels blackjack cola
jim beam and cola
miller lite
skyy sport
mikes light

i am not sure which to choose.. considering i have had a jack daniels hard cola, skyy sport and a mikes light, i might as well continue to mix it up a bit.. but wouldnt mind another of any of the 3 i have had so far..

first recomendation wins...
DCharlie said:
"Just buy a bottle of the Captain's cheapest and mix it with Coke; it's probably cheaper and affords you a little dignity. "

I endorse this statement.

for your drinking pleasure - don't mix with coke. And don't drink Jack Daniels. Get a real whiskey.

... Blackace, i feel a night of whiskey based drunkeness coming on....

i generally keep baileys and captain morgan in stock... right now i have both along with a bottle of UV Blue and smirnoff... however, i sometimes enjoy just being able to reach into my mini fridge right next to my futon and grabbing out whatever i feel like and popping off the top.. especially when watching a movie and sitting on the futon..

i never keep whiskey; i just dont ever have the craving for it and dont do shots of it or drink it on ice.. but thats whats so great about the jim beam and cola bottles.. the only drink i'd have would be the whiskey+cola probably anyways.. so i can just keep a few bottles in the fridge, if i get the urge.. bam, its right there.

i just reached in and got a skyy sport..

and its tasty..

will probably have 1 more drink tonight and watch army of darkness or something...

so if you have a reco for the last drink, POST IT.
cmon guys, i am almost done with this drink, all i ask is that you post one recommendation

give me some guidance on my last drink of the night
you bastards couldnt even recommend a drink from the list..

such an easy job..
ill give you another 2 minutes..

and then i am just choosing myself.
Once you guys finish school, make a decent wage, and go out with your friends, you will look back at this phase and just shake your head in disgust. Once you've moved up to real drinks, you'll never go back unless you are an idiot.

Pyramid Breweries, there are actually two of them within 50 miles from me. Last year, I went on a tour of the brewery and it was awesome. Go in, get lots of free beer, and a nice little glass for something's that free. Also been on the Anchor Steam tour about 5 times, and drank probably about a kegs worth for free, haha.

I'll drink Newcastle all day if I could, but I'm slowly walking away from beer. Fat Tire's a meh for me, mainly because my boy is a huge salesperson for a competitor, Full Sail. Oh man, all the gigs that I've been to involved $1 pints for Full Sail, and it's great. Now I have not have Yuengling, since that's an East Coast thing, but I've been told by many that it's awesome.

Jack and Coke is my old standby. I've been known to get my Glenlivet, my Maker's Mark, and my Basil Hayden, but Jack and Coke is my standby. Easy to drink, can drink it all night, and most importantly, it taste good.

Long Island, or Tokyo Tea if you're daring, will kick your ass while tasting good. If you have an awesome mixologist, anything will taste good, and more importantly, kick your ass.
damn you wasabi.. no recommendation in that long post..

but you mentioned jack and coke, which is simimlar to Jack Daniels Hard Cola, which means thats what I am going to drink..

thanks for the inadvertent recommendation

off to watch aqua teen hunger force..

post your reviews bitches!

i will post my review of Zima and Jack Daniels Blackjack Cola tomorrow night probably.

aoi tsuki

Saint Cornelius said:
All I can say is, if you like Red Bull & Vodka, DON'T fuck with that Sparks stuff. omg.
Don't remind me. Kroger had a four pack and i tried it. Tastes like flat, watered down beer (ie. Budweiser), mixed with orange soda, and half a tablet of zinc.

i'd drink malternatives if they were drier. As it is, they're way too sweet. i'd cut Skyy Blue (my fave maltie) with club soda, but there'd be twice as much to drink, and it's not a great drink as far as taste is concerned, just best of the malties i've tried. i'd rather drink something like Pyramid Ale's Peach Ale, which is just what it says -- a light (or flat, can't remember which) ale with the taste of peach. Draft Hornsby's are good too, as well as Jack Cider (think that's the name). Malties are like cheap sodas with some alcoholic content. There's no depth of flavor like with better beers and liquors.

i'm getting some hefweisen from a customer who buys his from the air force base's commissary. Can't wait; i've had a couple of supermarket brands, but i'm dying to try these brands.

If i had my way, i'd be sipping shots of Grey Goose fresh from the freezer.
am trying the Jack Daniels "Black Jack Cola" country cocktail now..

they basically took the cola flavor/formula they use for the Jack Daniels Hard Cola, removed the whiskey flavor from it, and then added the lemon/lime flavor to it..

its 80% identical in flavor to jack daniels hard cola.. the alcohol content is the same, however, it comes in 4 packs of 10 oz bottles .. whereas the jack daniels hard cola comes in 6 packs of 12 oz bottles..

i guess i prefer the jack daniels hard cola, personally.. but i think the blackjack cola might get better distribution as almost everywhere carries the jack daniels country cocktails... whereas it was hard for me to find their hard cola..

hard cola is generally $8 a 6 pack.. country cocktails are $4-5 a 4 pack of 10 oz bottles..

anyways, ill eventually go thorugh this 4 pack of bottles, but i wont be re-buying it.. ill stick to jack daniels hard cola, which i actually really like.....


And even i am moderately surprised
"Long Island, or Tokyo Tea if you're daring, will kick your ass while tasting good."

*bing bing bing bing*

yeah, The Hub in Shibuya does 1 litre LIIT for $5 from 5-8pm (hence that's where we're going on tuesday).

The downside is that if you do attempt to get up to 6-7 of these suckers, then you will almost certain be uttely mashed.

The amount of alcohol in these things is obscene.


Does vodka and coke have some kind of retarded name? I seem to recall seeing a name for it on a bill once, but I forget what it was.

Vodka++ - why waste liquid with the shit that comes along with the alcohol?


keep your strippers out of my American football
I finally tried Grey Goose over the weekend. The prices for it have come down big time since the introduction of Level. It is pretty good. It is smooth as ice and barely noticeable with some OJ and even tastes great straight.

But I will still be getting my Absolute every now and then just so I can taste the Vodka in a strong way. As far as beer, I rarely drink it anymore but I will drink some Heineken and Shiner when I do. I tried a few German beers over the weekend and they were good, but STRONG as hell.


Saint Cornelius said:
But you slap a lime in there and it's good piss! It's all coming out the same anyways

*takes sip*

maybe it's living in San Diego all this time
Corona, even with lime, is still pretty sad. However, have you ever put a shot of Bacardi Limon in a Corona? That's an interesting combo. Take a swill, drop the shot in the bottle, insert the lime, turn the bottle upside down blocking the opening with your thumb, and when you see the shot disperse in the beer, turn it right-side-up and vent the pressure CAREFULLY and enjoy.

That being said -- microbrews still rock. I've had Yuengling when I was in D.C. on a trip, and it definitely was some pretty good stuff. Well, I can vouch for the first two or three -- after that, my tastebuds (like the rest of me) were getting a little numb. ;)
did anyone go out and try any of these?

specifically the jack daniels hard cola and the jim beam and cola?

curious as to what others think...
i havent ventured out of the captain and coke (or other cola) realm too much when it comes to my rums and colas..

how are other rums?

i would end up getting the cheap stuff at bars when I'd order captain+coke in college alot. I think one was adminral nelsons, cant remember the other stuff but I think it was like Peter Myers or some weird name like that.. i actually grew quite fond of those rums and coke just by repetition..

if you really like captain and coke, try captain morgan private stock sometime.. its a little bit more expensive, but its really fucking good.. and a nice change of pace..
so did anyone go out and try any of these yet?

i had a captain morgan gold and then was going to have a jim beam and cola, but the whiskey flavor just didnt taste right after the rummish/caramel flavor of the c.m. gold, so i am popping open another cm gold now..

goodness goodness, what a wonderful night.. captain morgan gold, an eventual buzz, ESPN 2k5, and aqua teen vol 2... its like christmas.. but better.


LuckyBrand said:
so did anyone go out and try any of these yet?

i had a captain morgan gold and then was going to have a jim beam and cola, but the whiskey flavor just didnt taste right after the rummish/caramel flavor of the c.m. gold, so i am popping open another cm gold now..

goodness goodness, what a wonderful night.. captain morgan gold, an eventual buzz, ESPN 2k5, and aqua teen vol 2... its like christmas.. but better.



Unconfirmed Member
Drinky Crow said:
Seriously; next time you're at a bar, ask for a hefeweisen (hef) or a "sweet" amber -- I think you'll be amazed just how good and easily drinkable it is, especially when compared to canned shit pseudo-pilsners - that crap tasted like fizzy dishsoap to me, even as a kid.

Shit, I'm no beer snob (I do love me some Newcastle, though), and even I know hefeweisen is pretty easily drinkable. My friend had his 25th birthday at a German bar, and we were drinking boots of hef all night long. He and I ended up getting kicked out and puking in a dumpster. Good times.

aoi tsuki

Are there any really dry malties? i wouldn't be against them if i could find one that doesn't taste like a mildly spiked soda.
I've been drinking quite a bit of beer lately, so although I'm far from having developed much of a palate for complex beers, I'm getting there. Here are some beers I like:

Guinness: I've been drinking and loving this for a while now. I've only had it in cans though. I've heard (from one place only) that the bottled Guinness with the rocket widget tastes more like Guinness from the tap. Is this true?

Heineken: Tried it after someone said in a previous thread that all he liked was Guinness and Heineken. It's pretty good, a smooth and nicely bitter beer. I've only drank it from the 500 ml cans, I've heard skunkiness abounds in the green bottles.

Newcastle Brown Ale: I just bought some today for the first time (in canned form, the only available). It's pretty good, kind of like Guinness minus the widget, with bitter replaced by sweet and chocolate with nuts. It has a slight metallic taste to it which I attribute to it being canned (though it's the first beer from a can I've had that has this).

Fuller's London Porter: This is a really thick, bitter and chocolatey/coffee-ish beer. When I'm in the mood for it, I really enjoy it.

Duvel: This is a crazy beer, though it's one of my favourites. Has a very strange fruity taste which is close to tasting horrible, but manages to somehow taste good (I guess if you've had it you might know what I mean). The first time I had it I considered it my favourite beer, though that's changed. It also warmed my stomach up nicely like wine. This is a furious pour. I must anger it or something, as half the time I open it, the foam comes pouring out of it.

Beamish Irish Stout: Kind of like Guinness only a bit more watery and sweet, with some coffee hints. I buy this because you can get them in individual cans. It also comes with a widget. Not quite as good as Guinness, but fairly close.

Asahi Super Dry: A fresh, crisp, and clear beer (just like the label says). It leaves no aftertaste and is good with things like sushi. I like it because it tastes so pure.

I have several beers in my fridge that I have yet to try that I've heard are really good (Schneider & Sohn Aventinus, Hoegaarden Witbier, and Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Marzen). I'm looking forward to trying these.
Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale is the best beer I've had IMHO :)
Moosehead is also good
Heineken is meh
Canadian is decent
Goldstar (From Israel) was surprisingly good
Carlsberg is good
Rickards Pale Ale is good

After finding a beer I liked after a few years of drinking Smirnoff Ice I never went back to coolers, I just couldn't stand the mouth numbing sweetness after downing several coolers...

Oh and I had a Stella Artois the other day cause the restauarant was out of Keith's, Stella is a damn good beer...Apparentally my dad had it in Belgium years ago and is surprised by all the marketing its getting now...

Why do people drink light beers like Coors? Light beer = weaksauce!

Also, why does beer taste so much better in bottles when compared to cans?


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Different beers are good for different ocassions. I don't want to come in from mowing the yard in August and drink a Guiness or Newcastle. Nor do I want to drink those beers to excess while watching football all day, as I don't have a superexpanded cast iron stomach. Yes beer snobs, in those situations I prefer Michelob or even (gasp) Bud Light.

Otherwise, I like to drink Shiner or whatever sounds good on tap at the bar/restaurant, including the aforementioned brews. I also love Fat Tire but I haven't had any since I moved back east of the Mississippi, where it's not available.

I haven't had a malternative (never heard that term before, pithy) since the first time I got drunk when I was a high school sophomore. Zima had just been introduced, and that's what was at the party. Never had it since, and the thought of it still sickens me.
Damn, I tried those three beers.

Hoegaarden Witbier: It tastes like bloody cough syrup! Down the drain.

Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Marzen: It's like drinking smoked ham (I am being completely serious). I expected to have hints of smoked ham in it, not it being the dominating flavour. Down the drain.

Schneider & Sohn Aventinus: It's like a Duvel that has crossed that line I mentioned above between being good and being disgusting. Still, the most drinkable of the three. Down the drain.

This is uh... this is a black day for beer.
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