Once you guys finish school, make a decent wage, and go out with your friends, you will look back at this phase and just shake your head in disgust. Once you've moved up to real drinks, you'll never go back unless you are an idiot.
Pyramid Breweries, there are actually two of them within 50 miles from me. Last year, I went on a tour of the brewery and it was awesome. Go in, get lots of free beer, and a nice little glass for something's that free. Also been on the Anchor Steam tour about 5 times, and drank probably about a kegs worth for free, haha.
I'll drink Newcastle all day if I could, but I'm slowly walking away from beer. Fat Tire's a meh for me, mainly because my boy is a huge salesperson for a competitor, Full Sail. Oh man, all the gigs that I've been to involved $1 pints for Full Sail, and it's great. Now I have not have Yuengling, since that's an East Coast thing, but I've been told by many that it's awesome.
Jack and Coke is my old standby. I've been known to get my Glenlivet, my Maker's Mark, and my Basil Hayden, but Jack and Coke is my standby. Easy to drink, can drink it all night, and most importantly, it taste good.
Long Island, or Tokyo Tea if you're daring, will kick your ass while tasting good. If you have an awesome mixologist, anything will taste good, and more importantly, kick your ass.