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Neighbor delivered my pkg.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I have new neighbors next door. I was awaiting a delivery and noticed a pkg at their front door but I thought nothing of it, figured they had a delivery too. 30 minutes later the package is outside my front door ripped open. I guess they decided it wasn't worth stealing so they brought it over. Should I slash their tires?
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Make sure you have an army of lawyers before you do it.

I accidentally opened a neighbors package once. I sealed it back up, brought it over, explained what happened and apologized. Kind of a dick move to just put it in front of your door without apologizing.

Then again, they could just say “I don’t believe in apologies“. This is a tough situation.
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I have new neighbors next door. I was awaiting a delivery and noticed a pkg at their front door but I thought nothing of it, figured they had a delivery too. 30 minutes later the package is outside my front door opened. I guess they decided it wasn't worth stealing so they brought it over. Should I slash their tires?

I'd give them the benefit of the doubt. I order stuff from Amazon all the time, and I don't bother checking if my name is on the box because they're so frequent.
I've had my neighbor's stuff delivered to me twice, and I opened the box both times without looking.

If they hadn't given it to you, though, or if they don't get constant deliveries, that'd be a different story.
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Make sure you have an army of lawyers before you do it.

I accidentally opened a neighbors package once. I sealed it back up, brought it over, explained what happened and apologized. Kind of a dick move to just put it in front of your door without apologizing.
Clearly had my name on the pkg. It was just shoes so they decided they weren't worth stealing and were dumb enough to bring them over. Maybe they figured I didn't see the pkg outside their house and I wouldn't know who opened it.


Clearly had my name on the pkg. It was just shoes so they decided they weren't worth stealing and were dumb enough to bring them over. Maybe they figured I didn't see the pkg outside their house and I wouldn't know who opened it.
It was in front of their house. They probably assumed it was theirs without even looking at the name, because everybody is almost always expecting a package these days. Very unlikely a direct neighbor would steal a package, too obvious.
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I'd give them the benefit of the doubt. I order stuff from Amazon all the time, and I don't bother checking if my name is on the box because they're so frequent.
I've had my neighbor's stuff delivered to me twice, and I opened the box both times without looking.

If they hadn't given it to you, though, or if they don't get constant deliveries, that'd be a different story.
They dont get constant deliveries they moved in 2 days ago.


If it’s Amazon it could very easily be they were waiting for a package. Them only living there 2 days means nothing. They knew they were moving into that address and they ordered something. People don’t wait weeks for deliveries anymore. They probably opened the package thinking it was theirs. It wasn’t. They then did a cost/benefit analysis of should we apologize or should we just dump it in front of his house. Being new neighbors, they were probably too embarrassed and/or socially awkward and decided to take the easy route.

….and for that, they should suffer.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
If it’s Amazon it could very easily be they were waiting for a package. Them only living there 2 days means nothing. They knew they were moving into that address and they ordered something. People don’t wait weeks for deliveries anymore. They probably opened the package thinking it was theirs. It wasn’t. They then did a cost/benefit analysis of should we apologize or should we just dump it in front of his house. Being new neighbors, they were probably too embarrassed and/or socially awkward and decided to take the easy route.

….and for that, they should suffer.
The easy route is going to cost them dearly in the long run. They have me thinking they're thiefs. I would have accepted an apology. This is WAR!

Dr. Claus

Sometimes kids see a package and open it. Sometimes dogs rip them open. Sometimes you don't stop to think and assume it is something you ordered. I have done this numerous times even after just moving in as I always change my mailing address a week or two before I move in. When it happens, I return it and apologize for the mistake.

Maybe don't assume the worst out of people all the time.

Also, have a blessed day.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I had someone else's package mixed in with 3 packages for me from Amazon. Didn't realize until after opening it. Laptop battery. Knocked on their door, explained what was up and that was that.

Other times I've had packages misdelivered to me I just take them to the correct apartment. Knock/ring and leave it on the doorstep. One time it was the completely wrong building and I took a ~10 minute walk to get it to the right place.

The bitch across from me will just ignore a misdelivered package, at best kick it aside as if to say "not my problem shitheads". If I see a package on her doorstep and it's not gone the next day, I'll check it and deliver it.

One package showed up on my door with my address, but no apartment number. The name on it didn't match anything at the mailboxes. I put it on top of the mailboxes (not super visible to the street). It was gone within an hour. Maybe stolen, maybe not. I once found a package addressed to me in that same spot.

Other times when something shows as delivered I've walked around the building checking packages. Found my package once or twice. Other times found nothing without the item ever showing up.

One time my Xbox Elite controller showed up a couple of hours after showing delivered. I had checked for it and it wasn't on anyone else's doorstep. Maybe the delivery guy just marked it delivered way early for some reason? It's a slight mystery. Would have saved me some trouble if it were just stolen and I gave up on the idea of Xbox Elite right then. Garbage quality control. Total scam.

Overall maybe 1 in 4 misdelivered packages meant for me actually make it to me.

Conclusion, karma isn't real.
No one here apart from you likes that pedo
To stay on topic, for awhile fed ex was alway delivering stuff to my neighbors houses streets away, had to have them put a note in for the drivers.

You dont fool me, I can tell you know he's innocent. No one likes pedos. MJs not a pedo, everyone loves MJ.
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This reminds me of a situation nearly ten years ago when I ordered a Skyward Sword Link figma. I was living in a shitty neighborhood in Arkansas at the time, and one night around midnight I get a knock on my door, look through the peephole, and there’s some super shady, methed out looking white trash guy standing there holding a box. I just thought NOPE and never answered, at the time not thinking I never got my figure.…probably wouldn’t have answered anyway.

Anyway, weeks later I got credit for the figure and then it suddenly hit me It probably got delivered to The wrong address and that’s who that guy was. But one, who does that at midnight? And two, he didn’t leave it and fucking kept it!!


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Happens all the time around my place. To be fair theses days when a box shows up seldom check the label before opening. Only when I see what it is I check and see it was the wrong house. Usaslly just drop it off everyone so far has been cool about it. Been on the other side too with a retro game console.

Hell last week had a full room of office furniture dropped off in my car port for guy across the street…. Took 4 of us to move it back…

If wanna blame anyone blame the delivery people, but sure they are over worked as well.


Plot twist : Your new neighbors ordered the exact same pair of shoes that you did, as a gift to give to you! The ones you ordered have not arrived yet, but you will soon have TWO brand new pairs of shoes, and possibly a new friendship! Congratulations!


I've never understood why deliveries in the USA are conducted in this manner.
The delivery guy would always phone my number to check what time would be best to arrive, and I would have to sign to accept the product.
If I'm unavailable, I can let them know the ideal day to arrive, and they'll do so.
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