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NeoGAF Games of the Year 2011 Awards (Up: bunch of extra data, check it out!)

Deus Ex at #3!
I'm really happy with this.

Also, some month ago I would not have believed that Uncharted 3 wasn't going to make the Top 5, the hype was insane.
Serious Sam 3 didn't even get in the top 5 FPS?
No wonder the FPS genre is in the shitter :(

Can't complain about the overall top 20 since the only games I played was The Witcher 2 and Portal 2.


Do you mean slow to realize that Vanquish is the true 2010 GOTY or slow to play the game? I think it's the latter, and that most GAF members probably played RDR and ME2 already last year.

I guess I'm saying that it's a shame it took so long for so many people to finally get around to playing it and realizing how incredible it is when it was perfectly clear to me from the demo that it was going to be a classic. More sales/recognition earlier on would have been nice.

Plus, full disclosure: I don't think very highly of RDR or ME2, but that's a whole other bag o' beans.


Hunky Nostradamus
I didn't vote because I didn't play very many games last year, but I did play Portal 2, and it's a really good game. Good choice GAF.
This is probably the most agreeable list I've seen on GAF. The only thing I would change would be to put DX:HR up a spot but other than that, bravo.


1. Surprised and happy to see Deus Ex and inFAMOUS 2 so high. The former being my GotY and the latter didn't seem to have any buzz on here.
2. Sad not to see Assassin's Creed. I feel it got a lot of bandwagon hate from people that didn't even play it because of it being an annual release now. It was the best in the series for me.
3. Disappointed to see Portal 2 win. It barely made my top 20.

Overall it's a pretty agreeable list though and I loved seeing Alpha Protocol in the honorable mentions list :).


"An ocean that's three inches deep." Brilliant. And I'd say it fairly accurately describes the majority of open-world games.

I'm still looking forward to experiencing the brilliant overworld and shitty everything else when Skyrim GOTY drops, and then drops in price.


Nice to see most people responding positively to the overall list. I agree, it's good. Even though I loved Uncharted 3, I understand why people were disappointed as they probably didn't have their expectations in serious check like I did, and the game did have some obvious disappointing issues.

Dark Souls doesn't seem to be a game for me, but we all know how much people love it, and I totally accept that.

But I do hate Skyrim, or at least the fawning love it gets. My biggest issue with it being so high on the list is that it doesn't even seem to be the second-best RPG of the year. The fact that it got more love than The Witcher 2 and Dark Souls just shows me that Skyrim had way better marketing, not that it was a better game.
But I do hate Skyrim, or at least the fawning love it gets. My biggest issue with it being so high on the list is that it doesn't even seem to be the second-best RPG of the year. The fact that it got more love than The Witcher 2 and Dark Souls just shows me that Skyrim had way better marketing, not that it was a better game.
I'm not so sure marketing is the issue, I think it has more to do with the fact that Witcher 2 is only available on PC and Dark Souls is clearly not as mainstream a game as Skyrim.


But I do hate Skyrim, or at least the fawning love it gets. My biggest issue with it being so high on the list is that it doesn't even seem to be the second-best RPG of the year. The fact that it got more love than The Witcher 2 and Dark Souls just shows me that Skyrim had way better marketing, not that it was a better game.

It definitely wasn't marketing for me (although Skyrim was only 3rd on my list). In my two playthroughs, I was continually impressed by the breadth of the world and just how much stuff there was to do. It's the type of game world that makes me more excited about the video games to come than anything else I've played this year. I apparently also have far fewer issues with the combat that some people; I would call it "decent," as opposed to those who call it "shit."

Heh, interesting you say that, because I was literally JUST thinking that the love for Skyrim seems to boil down to "but yo, the world is really big!"

Sort of, but I don't see any problem with that. I also happen to think that the content within the big world is interesting. I have no problem with linear games, and I included several on my list, but it's nice to have a genuine sense of freedom in a game every once in a while.
Heh, interesting you say that, because I was literally JUST thinking that the love for Skyrim seems to boil down to "but yo, the world is really big!"

That wouldn't make sense. Lots of games have huge worlds but don't scratch the exploration itch- Skyrim appears to do that.
That wouldn't make sense. Lots of games have huge worlds but don't scratch the exploration itch- Skyrim appears to do that.

After a while it becomes apparent that the "feeding" of your exploration habit is Skyrim just tossing you another bag of Doritos or fun pack of M&Ms for the 1000th time. Every now and then it's a fast food meal which makes you think "hey maybe there's more of this stuff" before you find another 20 bags of Nacho Cheesier or Cool Ranch.


I must do better.
Great list this year, happy to see Portal at the top.

I really should dust off my ps3 and play Dark Souls though.
Nice to see most people responding positively to the overall list. I agree, it's good. Even though I loved Uncharted 3, I understand why people were disappointed as they probably didn't have their expectations in serious check like I did, and the game did have some obvious disappointing issues.

Dark Souls doesn't seem to be a game for me, but we all know how much people love it, and I totally accept that.

But I do hate Skyrim, or at least the fawning love it gets. My biggest issue with it being so high on the list is that it doesn't even seem to be the second-best RPG of the year. The fact that it got more love than The Witcher 2 and Dark Souls just shows me that Skyrim had way better marketing, not that it was a better game.

What a load of shit. You really can't accept that people genuinely loved Skyrim? I personally prefer Dark Souls and The Witcher 2 over Skyrim but I certainly wouldn't assume people who disagree were just fooled.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
That's just what Deus Ex as a series is. It's a first person RPG with shooter combat. I don't really see the "adventure" game part though.

I just got that vibe from the world (though the item highlighting certainly detracts from it). You can even unlock that old-school point and click achievement in the first room by examining everything. I know that was mostly a gag but I still played the game that way.
Looking back at last years top 2 and now this years top 2, these 'immersive' and 'high production value' games are what considered to be the epitome of gaming nowadays.


Unconfirmed Member
Looking back at last years top 2 and now this years top 2, these 'immersive' and 'high production value' games are what considered to be the epitome of gaming nowadays.

Are you implying that there was a time in the last 25 years or so where "immersive" and "high production value" games were NOT considered the epitome of gaming?


Damn good list! That top 4 (haven't played Zelda) are fantastic games everyone should experience. And further down I'm finding it difficult to fault the rest. I'd move stuff around of course, but its a great list. I'd have liked to have seen Xenoblade higher, that game is awesome.

As an aside, I wish Skyrim got the top spot, just to see the meltdowns!
Portal 2 is my GOTY as well. Good going GAF, you have good taste.

Edit: in fact, the top 3 is exactly like mine.

There were so many votes I have seen that went:

1) Skyrim
2) Portal 2
3) Deus Ex

The problem for Skyrim though is that the hype Honeymoon caught up with it, especially with the extension.


Woah. Just noticed that Kirby Mass Attack is #5 for Platformer of the Year, and Kirby Wii is nowhere to be found.

Did Return to DreamLand suck big time or something? I hope not, was looking forward to getting around to it sometime.
Are you implying that there was a time in the last 25 years or so where "immersive" and "high production value" games were NOT considered the epitome of gaming?

Personally I would have seen a more gameplay oriented top the last few years. Bayonetta, Starcraft 2, Vanquish, Gran Turismo, Forza even to an extent games like Dark Souls all have been pushed aside by gameplay wise inferior games.


Personally I would have seen a more gameplay oriented top the last few years. Bayonetta, Starcraft 2, Vanquish, Gran Turismo, Forza even to an extent games like Dark Souls all have been pushed aside by gameplay wise inferior games.

This is a pretty good point. Vanquish and Bayonetta are indeed awesome.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Woah. Just noticed that Kirby Mass Attack is #5 for Platformer of the Year, and Kirby Wii is nowhere to be found.

Did Return to DreamLand suck big time or something? I hope not, was looking forward to getting around to it sometime.
No, it's really damn fun. It's basically the Kirby game that fans have been waiting for, with powerups new and old, and fun co-op. The last areas and the final boss are great, and the music is superb. One of the best Kirby games I've played. The level design in the game is pretty neat; some of the levels sometimes inhibit some of your abilities, forcing you to try something else (ex: inhibits flight), or they have obstructions or obstacles that dictate the pacing of the levels and not allowing you to create your own pace.

I wrote this in the GotY voting thread if you're interested:
I actually loved Kirby’s Epic Yarn, but this is probably the Kirby that fans have been waiting for. I ended picking this up at the last minute as I didn’t see much media for it, but I’m very glad I did. The new powerups are fun to play around with (Water is amazing and it’s a cute little hat), and the level designs, both aesthetically and functionally (World 5, black and white worlds), work very well to enhance the powerups, co-op play and just make the game all-around enjoyable.
From what I recall in the OT, the reception was pretty positive.


2. Sad not to see Assassin's Creed. I feel it got a lot of bandwagon hate from people that didn't even play it because of it being an annual release now. It was the best in the series for me.

I hate to disagree with a fellow Alpha Protocol fan, but Revelations was not good enough as I see it. I am a huge fan of the series and I thought that Brotherhood was clearly one of the best games of 2010.

Things that made Revelations worse:
Istanbul was a boring city with too little graphical variation, no countryside and no height differences.
Den captain missions lacked the complexity of the borgia commander missions in order to better suit the retake with tower defense-mechanic.
Goals for full synchronization were arbitrarily added.
No stealth missions in external areas.
Bombs were cool, but were not really useful for missions.
No meaningful update of the calling for assassins-mechanic.

The Boat

Woah. Just noticed that Kirby Mass Attack is #5 for Platformer of the Year, and Kirby Wii is nowhere to be found.

Did Return to DreamLand suck big time or something? I hope not, was looking forward to getting around to it sometime.

Lack of time and money made sure I couldn't play it yet, I loved the demo though and I'm really looking forward to get it. Mass Attack is great too though :)


No, it's really damn fun. It's basically the Kirby game that fans have been waiting for, with powerups new and old, and fun co-op. The last areas and the final boss are great, and the music is superb. One of the best Kirby games I've played. The level design in the game is pretty neat; some of the levels sometimes inhibit some of your abilities, forcing you to try something else (ex: inhibits flight), or they have obstructions or obstacles that dictate the pacing of the levels and not allowing you to create your own pace.

I wrote this in the GotY voting thread if you're interested:

From what I recall in the OT, the reception was pretty positive.

Glad to hear, thanks. I still find its absence here odd, but will get sometime.


Personally I would have seen a more gameplay oriented top the last few years. Bayonetta, Starcraft 2, Vanquish, Gran Turismo, Forza even to an extent games like Dark Souls all have been pushed aside by gameplay wise inferior games.

Secret that isn't one: gameplay/mechanics doesn't rule over all for alot of member of Neogaf. I'm biased in this, but I'm sure it's one of the main reason why fighting game are usually scoring rather low on Gaf (I must be one of the few who pushed for KOF XIII in my top 10) . Hard to get into and moreso being good or even great at them. Most gamers are mediocre or average in skills and it should be no surprise that a portion of them don't care all that much for gameplay intensive product.

Just because it's Neogaf and an hardcore gaming forum doesn't mean that everyone is good/competitive at playing.


and the horror list is very revealing. there needs to be more real horror games released.
I find it amusing that the only horror game I saw in the voting thread (corpse party) isn't even included in the horror section in this thread when there is clearly a vacant spot for 5th.
I find it amusing that the only horror game I saw in the voting thread (corpse party) isn't even included in the horror section in this thread when there is clearly a vacant spot for 5th.

Yeah, but that was because I hate Corpse Party

(or there was a mistake and we're reviewing the results for this, Tactics Ogre, and a couple others... maybe that. All will be resolved with the final stats upload from Cheesemeister.)


Yeah, but that was because I hate Corpse Party

(or there was a mistake and we're reviewing the results for this, Tactics Ogre, and a couple others... maybe that. All will be resolved with the final stats upload from Cheesemeister.)

Good to hear.


My Member!
Valve is good people, can't complain with them winning anything. Nintendo needs to step it's game up this year, the Wii on it's deathbed didn't help Zelda's standing.

Dave Long

Skyrim = Dragons, and lemme tell you, that's a HUGE part of its universal appeal. People want to fight and kill dragons!

I don't get the hate. It's the best Elder Scrolls game yet, by far.

Also, BOTH Kirby games are fantastic and I'm ashamed of GAF for mostly ignoring them.


I didn't feel Portal 2 nearly that much. It was a quick ride, and its only memorable portion was the ending. Plus, I felt as a whole it didn't do much to challenge or spruce up the formula from the original Portal. If anything it felt like Portal 1.5 to me in many ways.

Solid game? Sure. Worth the 50-60 bucks at release for its limited hours and small replay value? Not to me.

Glad others enjoyed it though, and I did too, but it wasn't a WOW game which I guess is what I've come to expect from a GOTY winner. Witcher 2 was that game for me in 2011. :p


butthurt Heat fan
This is why exclusion is lame. It makes no sense. If a port came out in 2011, and for someone that port is somehow his or her GOTY, why shouldn't it count? If enough people feel that way and such a port becomes the GOTY, it is not unfair to the other games which lost a position because of it. Instead it says something about the rest of the new games if people don't like them as much.

I agree with you, if only because I put the XBLA/PSN port of Daytona USA high on my GOTY list (#2, IIRC).
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