01. Portal 2 = 2055 points
02. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim = 1616 points
03. Deus Ex: Human Revolution = 1167 points
04. Dark Souls = 1163 points
05. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword = 1083 points
06. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception = 1046 points
07. Batman: Arkham City = 1017 points
08. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings = 635 points
09. Super Mario 3D Land = 580 points
10. Dead Space 2 = 496 points
11. Saints Row The Third = 485 points
12. Xenoblade Chronicles = 478 points
13. Gears of War 3 = 467 points
14. Bastion = 457 points
15. Battlefield 3 = 413 points
16. Rayman Origins = 330 points
17. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective = 322 points
18. InFamous 2 = 295 points
19. Catherine = 252 points
20. Mario Kart 7 = 236 points
Wow 4 points between Deus Ex and Dark Souls! Every vote counts. I had no idea Deus Ex was still so popular. It's a proud member of my backlog
