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NeoGAF Games of the Year 2015 Awards


It's Neogaf, have you seen how most Xbox topics go on this place? Not exactly surprising many of there fans probably don't vote here or care about voting.

A ridiculous statement considering that last gen for most people on here the 360 probably was their main console.


Looks like this is my affinity crew, some high numbers :eek:

and my recommendations, and most of them I've either played or are waiting for a release on PC

1. [PS4][PC] Rocket League (Sports) = 12 points, 1 honorable mention
2. [PC][IOS] Her Story (Adventure) = 8 points
3. [XB1][PS4][PC] Fallout 4 (RPG) = 4 points, 1 honorable mention
4. [NWU] Splatoon (Shooter) = 4 points
5. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][PC][IOS][AND] Tales from the Borderlands: Episodes 2-5 (Adventure) = 3 points
6. [PS4][PC] Soma (Horror) = 3 points
7. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4] Destiny: The Taken King (FPS) = 2 points
8. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][PC] Transformers: Devastation (Action) = 2 points
9. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][PC] Call of Duty: Black Ops III (FPS) = 2 points
10. [PS4][PC] Axiom Verge (Adventure) = 2 points
11. [XB1][PS4][PC] Assassin's Creed Syndicate (Adventure) = 1 point, 1 honorable mention
12. [PC] Pillars of Eternity (RPG) = 1 point
13. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (Action) = 1 point
14. [XB1] Rise of the Tomb Raider (Adventure) = 1 point
15. [PSV][PS4][PC] Crypt of the NecroDancer (Rhythm) = 1 point
16. [PS4] N++ (Platform) = 1 point
17. [PS4] Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (Adventure) = 1 point
18. [PSV][PS4] Hatoful Boyfriend (Adventure) = 1 point
19. [360][XB1][PS3][PSV][PS4][PC] Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (Horror) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
20. [PC] Emily Is Away (Adventure) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention



Destiny still the king of FPS two years in a row... can it make 3? It is the best gameplay by a long shot too.

Come on fam

Just went through the full data and if I understand it correctly my ballot got wiped and I don't understand why ;_;


It still counts my honorable mentions in the results though

(and I don't know what Fat City is :p )


I could see Microsoft's exclusives appealing strongly to a mainstream market, which isn't going to reflect well on an enthusiast forum. GAF does have a strong Sony bias.

Can we keep the persecution complex and 'SonyGAF' posts to a minimum? Christ.

That biggest blue blob there, is Nintendo.
And you are basically saying that Sony's output caters to enthusiast gamers. Seeing as that's us, how is that's a bad thing? Would you have expected any board of enthusiast gamers to vote differently?

We're not celebrating 'mainstream-appeal-of-the-year awards' here.


What's the point of the 'Adventure genre' if you are going to be silly and lump every kind of game there?


As always a really well done thread timetokill. Amazing job!

I'm doing more and more excel based work here days which has bled over to my hobbies (like gaming). Do you or anyone else here have an excel database over all games released per year including stuff like platforms, publishers, etc?

Also, what's your way of determining genres for games? I find this a pain personally... Things just bleed over too much these days.


A ridiculous statement considering that last gen for most people on here the 360 probably was their main console.

Yeah, early last gen PS fans had the persecution complex. This gen, XB fans do.

By and large, NeoGAF has always followed major userbase trends.


don't even bother, man - he can't hear you :) ...

ACtually I can, and the fact that all I get is replies like this

the salt is real.

and yours with no substance and just attacking me really tells me everything. It's cool if you guys want to deny the bias that currently does exist, but it does exist, whether it used to be Xbox 360 here in years past doesn't matter, because right now most topics that deal with Xbox tend to be very bad and unreadable. Have you not walked into any topics dealing with most Xbox stuff outside of Official Topics? All the name calling and wishing games do terrible and sell bad and all that stuff is noticeable by tons of people, not just myself. You think many Xbox Fans are going to want to be on a board where the general discourse for the system they enjoy is hate hate hate when the other system is just praise praise praise? No because it gets tiring. Like you may not notice it, but it's super obvoius that many have left and just don't post here anymore because they would rather no deal with it.
My recommended list, if anyone is curious:

1. [PC] Undertale (RPG) = 11 points, 1 honorable mention
2. [PS4] Bloodborne (RPG) = 11 points
3. [XB1][PS4][PC] The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (RPG) = 10 points
4. [XB1][PC] Ori and the Blind Forest (Platform) = 9 points, 1 honorable mention
5. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][PC][IOS][AND] Tales from the Borderlands: Episodes 2-5 (Adventure) = 9 points
6. [NWU] Super Mario Maker (Platform) = 8 points
7. [PS4] Until Dawn (Horror) = 7 points, 1 honorable mention
8. [NWU] Xenoblade Chronicles X (RPG) = 5 points
9. [PC] Pillars of Eternity (RPG) = 4 points
10. [PC] Sunless Sea (Strategy) = 4 points
11. [PC] The Beginner's Guide (Adventure) = 3 points
12. [XB1][PS4][PC][IOS][AND] Mortal Kombat X (Fighting) = 3 points
13. [PS4][PC] Axiom Verge (Adventure) = 2 points, 2 honorable mentions
14. [XB1][PS4][PC] Assassin's Creed Syndicate (Adventure) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
15. [PSV] Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (Adventure) = 2 points
16. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][PC] Transformers: Devastation (Action) = 2 points
17. [PS4] Journey (Adventure) = 1 point
18. [XB1][PS4][PC] Batman: Arkham Knight (Adventure) = 1 point
19. [PSV][PS4][PC] OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood (Sports) = 1 point
20. [PC][IOS] Contradiction - Spot The Liar! (Adventure) = 1 point
21. [NWU] Affordable Space Adventures (Puzzle) = 1 point
22. [3DS] Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer (Simulation) = 1 point
23. [IOS][AND] Steven Universe: Attack the Light! (RPG) = 1 point
24. [XB1][PS4] NHL 16 (Sports) = 1 point
25. [PC] Sonic Dreams Collection (Platform) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
26. [PSV][NWU][AND] The Quiet Collection (Adventure) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
27. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][PC] The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 (Adventure) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
28. [PC] TIS-100 (Puzzle) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
29. [PS4][PC] Invisible, Inc. (Strategy) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
30. [PSV][PS4][PC] Crypt of the NecroDancer (Rhythm) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
31. [PS4][PC] Grow Home (Platform) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
32. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][NWU][IOS] Guitar Hero Live (Rhythm) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
33. [PS4][PC] Galak-Z: The Dimensional (Shooter) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
34. [PS3][PS4][PC] Tales of Zestiria (RPG) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention
35. [3DS] Nintendo Badge Arcade (Puzzle) = 0 points, 1 honorable mention

Already own Bloodborne, The Witcher III, Tales from the Borderlands, Mario Maker, Until Dawn, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, Journey, Batman: Arkham Knight, Grow Home, OliOli 2 and Guitar Hero Live. All the rest I don't have.

I've played a few hours of Bloodborne, but not more than two hours. Saying that, one of my gaming resolutions for the year is to beat a Souls game (Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1 or 2 or Bloodborne) so it's something that I might go back to. I think the reason I don't last too long and end up stuck is because of the character I pick and the class I have to go with it. Definitely going to start again and see what comes from it this time.

The Witcher III I've put more than a handful of hours into. I could really get into it if not for the fact I just can't seem to gel with the combat system. I really want to like it and combat stuff aside, I do. But it's the main thing that gets me in the end. I'm sure I'll go back and finish it at some point though.

Tales from the Borderlands I've finished. It's alright and is certainly Telltale's best game since the first season of The Walking Dead. But after playing Life is Strange, Telltale's formula of choices not mattering in the long run plus their technical issues in their games dramatically hindered its positioning on my GOTY list. After playing episode one a year earlier and coming back with the rest of the series now out at the time, it was at eight after ep 2, but was when ep 3 hit and started going downhill for me and fell to no 9. Ep 4 kept it at nine, but ep five dropped it to about number ten. Afterwards, I was playing a lot of DriveClub Bikes and I felt that deserved the ten spot more than Tales so Tales was chucked. It did get an honourable mention on my GOTY blog, but not enough to warrant one here.

Mario Maker I've played a tiny bit of. I can't make levels for the life of me, but I like its concept. It's just a shame that most of what I've played is automatic levels where I pretty much don't have to do anything at all. At first, after seeing one or two levels, it was impressive. Afterwards, not so much. I want to play more of it, though, and I definitely want to play actual levels this time.

Xenoblade Chronicles X was my final major game of the year and I was hoping to invest some proper time into it to consider it for my GOTY list. Unfortunately, as I got into it, I realised it's not a game that can't be rushed. It's a game you have to go slowly with. I've played about two to two-and-a-half hours with it so far and I'm sure I'll revisit it at somepoint in the summer when everything calms down after E3.

Assassin's Creed: Syndicate I picked up for cheap on Boxing Day (to non-UK/Irish St Stephens Day/non-Commonwealth/continental EU posse not aware, day after Christmas), having vowed to wait for it to go down in price after being so burnt by Unity. I've played a tiny little bit of it so far and it's good. Really good. Going to come back to it at some point, thought for now, Brotherhood is my main focus to finish in terms of the AC franchise as part of my bucket list resolution for my 2016 gaming resolutions.

Journey, already owned, already played, love it to hell and back. Didn't vote for it as my GAF GOTY 2012 as that went to TWD S1, but looking back, it should have so I retroactively gave it my 2012 GOTY on my blog earlier this year. After playing the PS4 version last year, I realised it was the final game in my top three games ever that I never really had until then that could fit with The Last of Us and Metal Gear Solid 3 (in that order). Plus - slight plug, apologies (if mods want me to remove it, I'll remove it) - in September, I interviewed its producer Robin Hunicke on her favourite game (Katamari Damacy) for my podcast and also had to talk of Journey with her. Such an incredible game. One of my favourite games ever.

Batman: Arkham Knight I've (kinda) finished, but not fully finished. For the most part, loved it, but very surprised it didn't get into my top ten. Tells you a lot about how good 2015 was for games that Rocksteady's final Batman game was not in my top ten yet Batman: Arkham City was tied for my 2011 GOTY between it, Skyrim and Uncharted 3 (this was before joining GAF, I stress, so I never voted that year).

Grow Home I've played a tiny bit of from the recommendation of a good friend of mine, Eurogamer's Chris Donlan, and it's wonderful so far. Really must go back and play it soon considering how short it actually is.

OliOli 2 I've spent two hours with as a PS Plus freebie. Great wee game, but prefer the first over 2. Still great games the both of them, but.

Guitar Hero Live I've played a handful of hours with. The live action stuff is meh and the on disc soundtrack is meh, but GHTV is what saves it for me. It has a lot more there that suits my taste in music. That is its saving grace.

Until Dawn I've not played at all yet (picked it up for £20 on Black Friday), but it is part of my gaming resolutions for the year so I'll play it at some point.

As for the rest of my list? Undertale and Invisible Inc are perhaps the two big standouts as to what I should go and play that I don't currently own. That said, I'm cutting back on the games I buy this year, so if I do buy them, it'll be later in the year. Also want to play Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, but been put off by the mixed reviews. Saying that, if anyone wants to vouch for it, go for it and if it's decent enough, I'll get it down the line for cheap.

Right, sorry for the wall of text and mini-essay. Carry on!

Life is Strange got robbed!


Nah, always knew top three would be beyond it, but happy it got top five.

Nice list. Don't own a PS4, but I'm positive Bloodborne would have been in my top 3 if I did.

Anyway, these people know what's up:

Edit: Oh shit, I just saw that tamaster92 and I both have red panda avatars. Cheesemeister and timetokill confirmed legit matchmakers.



We officially love in a world where a new fallout is #7 this year , that can only mean there where so many great games this year.

Rocket league deserves a place amongst the elite. Such a great game
Outstanding work on the OP!

Great list of top 20 games. Well done, everyone.

Woolly World in Top 20, Until Dawn Top 10, Life is Strange... ya done good.

Real interesting to see the increase in downloadable games acceptance.

Seriously, how are people doing these 'affinity' lists?

See post 6 dude.


Missed the stats file during the first check, interesting:

80% Multi, 20% Sony
Comments: 13/13
1. Bloodborne - 4 points
2. Rocket League - 3 points
3. The Witcher III: Wild Hunt - 3 points
4. Fallout 4 - 2 points
5. Batman: Arkham Knight - 2 points
6. Until Dawn - 2 points
7. Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition - 1 point
8. Dying Light - 1 point
9. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - 1 point
10. Soma - 1 point
x. Tearaway Unfolded
x. Project CARS
x. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Reasonable since I only have a PS4 this gen. Also seem to appear 42 times in user affinity lists, with some first places as well, cool!
As always a really well done thread timetokill. Amazing job!

I'm doing more and more excel based work here days which has bled over to my hobbies (like gaming). Do you or anyone else here have an excel database over all games released per year including stuff like platforms, publishers, etc?

Also, what's your way of determining genres for games? I find this a pain personally... Things just bleed over too much these days.


Here's the spreadsheet that Cheesemeister and I used for this year's voting: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12IWj-b0iN7Z8FpGTD5EvLYBA8CkTxjSu9Gs2IBoHk9k

We take time before voting every year to populate it, then add in new titles as they're nominated during voting.

Generally for genres we pull them from places we find out data for the games... so Wikipedia, Steam, Metacritic, GiantBomb, etc. We obviously can't play all the games so we have to rely on sources like these. It is especially difficult because most games these days have elements of multiple genres so we just have to make a judgment call. It's not perfect but really there's no way to be.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
and yours with no substance and just attacking me really tells me everything. It's cool if you guys want to deny the bias that currently does exist, but it does exist, whether it used to be Xbox 360 here in years past doesn't matter, because right now most topics that deal with Xbox tend to be very bad and unreadable. Have you not walked into any topics dealing with most Xbox stuff outside of Official Topics? All the name calling and wishing games do terrible and sell bad and all that stuff is noticeable by tons of people, not just myself. You think many Xbox Fans are going to want to be on a board where the general discourse for the system they enjoy is hate hate hate when the other system is just praise praise praise? No because it gets tiring. Like you may not notice it, but it's super obvoius that many have left and just don't post here anymore because they would rather no deal with it.

Pretty great list overall, 6 out of my personal top 10 made it so I'm happy. I'm pleasantly surprised that Until Dawn placed at #9. I'm also surprised at where Batman landed, figured it wouldn't fare as well as it did. Her Story didn't even break the top 20...to be expected, I guess. Always love poring over the various stats, thanks for doing this every year.

Here are my affinity rankings.


As always, great work putting this and all of the supplemental statistics together.

Not a bad list, happy to see Ori up at #12! Thanks for pulling a quote from my mini-review.

Also nice to see Life is Strage at 5, really garnered a lot of momentum at the end of the year and I think it deserves a lot of praise.
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