The quality is fine I guess, only thing I have to compare it to is the Big Daddy figurine. It's a lot more rubbery so I assume it won't break as easily. Face looks like a GI Joe though.
As for the quality of the game, I'll get back to you on that. Barely have time to start it up at the moment.
So far the textures and lighting is bloody marvelous. Movement controls feel a bit sluggish and clumsy. In third person it feels like some sort of pseudo-Resident Evil affair. First person aiming almost seems like it has a delay to it. Hasn't bothered me any yet. I'm only at the introduction level though, so things might get better or worse in all kinds of ways. Pretty linear so far for obvious reasons, and you get hints all the time. Climbing ropes was more entertaining than I thought it'd be. If this first instance is anything to go by it's gonna be platformpuzzley, with debris and shit and explosions and wallcracks and flashlights and people and yelling and electricity and fans.
In summary, so far it shows promise and I rather like it. Only 15 minutes in, so...
Animations for waving a keyboard around are ass. You attack by pulling the right stick around, meaning you lose control of the camera. Considering you only have two attacks (sideswipe and bash over the head) that aren't really analog, it seems kind of pointless to me. You can't make up your own attacks so to speak and how far or hard you pull the stick appears to be irrelevant. Would've worked better with the face buttons I reckon. Could've added a simple combo system that way too. Now you'll just stand there and bash.
Combat is the one thing that has always looked bad in the videos, and I think it actually might be... Haven't actually fought anyone yet though.