NeoGAF MARCH 2017 Pick-Up Post! Show Us Your Gaming Goods + MORE (REAL PICS ONLY)!


Late month pickups.

I got this in today. I wanted the club Nintendo Gold wheel for some dumb reason, but the Hori one at the Nintendo online store was only 12 dollars!
I guess I wanted it to complete a gold "set," but I don't think the club Nintendo one has that stuff on the front, and it says Wii on the back and doesn't have a triforce logo thingy (I took a picture, but a hair got in the way. I don't feel like retaking it lol. It's too much to digitally remove I think, too). Looks close enough I guess, but it just makes me want the club nintendo one a little more to be honest. I'll probably get one on ebay eventually.
I've never played through a Dragon Quest game. I figured I'd give it a shot from the start. I played a bit of DQ 9 (I think it was... the one on DS) but never finished it. Dunno why, I remember liking what I played. This lot only cost me 4 dollars on ebay.
I'm actually a little embarrassed I bought this. I came across this while browsing ebay, and I know PowerPaks used to come with manuals like... a long time ago I think, but now you just download a PDF (ain't that just how it is?). I feel really dorky for wanting a physical manual for a thing that's not even like... "official." It makes me wonder if some dude just printed out the PDF on correctly-sized paper and sold it. Either way, whatever lol.


Beens totally sleeping on this over the last month and a half. Here's what I got during February:



This came with tickets to one of their concerts. This was part of their VIP package.


Their Vinyl. Also part of the VIP package.

This month's pickups:

Keepsake from a friend.


My Maison Ikkoku set is nearly complete. Also getting ready to pick up a Wii U.


Got this on sale.

I don't ever remember a March being this crazy for video games even if Switch wasn't a thing. Finally got my Google Pixel XL after having ordered it a couple months backs. Great phone, sorely needed an upgrade from my dying Nexus 6.

Andrew J.

On the final day of the month my "The Amazing Chocolatier" keycaps arrived (after 8 moth wait). my 70's keyboard is now complete :)

They are a bit taller than i thought they would be, but when all in it has no real effect

Soon there

All done

Well great, now I have a chocolate craving.



Bought the Oblivion GOTY for 360 in a local shop. When I got it home I realised it was supposed to be a two-disc set and I only had the second one. The disc on the right -- that had Shivering Isle and Knight something DLC on it.

Went back to the shop and they didn't have the first disc, but did have copies of standard Oblivion. The disc on the left, which was the actual game.

The guy let me get my money back on the GOTY version and said he'd sell me the standard version at its regular price. He also let me keep the GOTY disc, since he was going to have to throw it away otherwise.

For anyone wondering, yes, the DLC can still be downloaded from the second disc - didn't have to be both GOTY.
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